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March 12, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-12

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(Continued from Page 2)
ing the new members for this semes-
ter, are invited to attend. Reserva-
tions should be made by calling Mrs.
Galye Mehney, 22982.
Coming EventsI
Electrical Engineers: There will be
a meeting of the student branch of
the A.I.E.E. Thursday evening, March
14, in Room 248, West Eng. Dr. B. F.(
Bailey will speak about unusual elec-I
tric motors.
Landscape Club meeting, Wednes-
day at 7:30, in 403 South Wing. The
Westchester County Park System
will be the subject for discussion.
English Journal Club: The meeting
of the English Journal Club, post-
poned because of conflict with Dr.
Sapir's lecture, will be held in the
League, Friday, March 15. Business
meeting at four; program open to
the public at 4:15. Subject: Modern
Trends in Biography.
Alpha Nu meets Wednesday eve-
ning, March 13, at 7:30 in the Alpha
Nu room, fourth floor Angell Hall.
A debate on the question of collec-
tive bargaining will be the feature
of the program. All men interested
in speech activities are invited to at-
tend. Those interested in trying out
for the organization should prepare.



i T THE MICHIGAN drama, and he does really fine work
'AFTER OFFICE HOURS" after an amazingly dull and trite take-
Co-starring Clark GaTb'e and Cou- off. The hashy portion of his wor
stance Bennett, and featuring Stuart rtunately consumes only
Erwin, Billie Burke. Harvey Stebens fot aabout
.ud s "'herm^ AF;Moander. Also a brevity minutes. After that period "Afte'
in color - "Good-Morning Eve ul Oce Hours" becomes a genuinely
Tompkins organ program. and a sOcreeorsaecmem-gninl
ingly funny Mickey Mouse cartoon exciting recital of the adventures of
anott Mickey's adventures with his a tough city editor (Clark Gable) and
cannibaos.g his perennial office companion (Stuart
A dull chitter-chatter ' mn Erwin) in tracking down a murderer
hat seems to presage another end- who has strangled his mistress in a
less ",ociety" picture is an outstand- boathouse. Connie ($30,000-a-week-
ing factor that will keep the Gable- when-she's-working) Bennett is cast
Bennett drama "After Office Hours" as one of the jewels of "The 400" who
from impressing filmgoers as an al gets a job on Gable's paper as drama-
together top-notch bit of entertain- tic critic through her pull with the
ment. publisher - this latter a part most
The two Mankiewicz gentlemen __ deftly played by one whose name has
Joseph and Herman - have been re- slipped our mind for the moment. He's
sponsible for some of the best scenario a perfect cross between Willie Hearst
writing Hollywood turned out in the and Bernie MacFadden!
past two years. Herman Mankiewicz From the angle of the Fourth Es-
was assigned the task of turning out tate, which jealously guards its right
the Michigan's current newspaper .to snipe away at all pictures purport-
-----_._-.,-ing to represent newspaperdom, there
is much to k e said both pro and con.
T Gable as a city editor is undeniably
overdrawn. The slapdashy attitude
and devil-may-care manner of switch-
S. .M p ing about his office is a phenomenon
strongely foreign to the real world of
*journalism. The depiction of the pub-
I .V s ti 'a tio n lisher is much more plausible. In jus-
tice to Gable and to Author Man-
Skiewicz it mustbe admitted that as
An $1,806 fellowship granted Joseph soon as the large-eared star emerges
A. Russell, teaching fellow in the from the newspaper office he becomes
geography department, by the Social himself, which is to say one of the
Science Research Council will be util- more entertaining rough-and-tough
ized in investigations to determine leading men. -G.M.W.,Jr.

to give a try-out speech from 3 to 5
minutes on a subject of their own
choosing. Lyle Eiserman, '28, na-
tional president, will be present at
the meeting.
Phi Tau Alpha, societas honorifica
Latina Graecaque, die Mercurii, Mar-
tii tertio decimo, hora usitata, in hos-
pitium Mulierum Michiganensium
"Dulcitius," opus dramaticum Hro-
svithae, nunc primum in tota historia
orbis' terrarum comitibus quibusdam
societatis agetur.
Alpha Kappa Delta meeting Thurs-
day, March 14, Room 313 Haven
Hall, at 5 o'clock sharp. It will be
short but important. All members
please plan to arrive on time.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting Thursday evening, March 14,
in Room 408 R .L. ,Mr. Hootkins will
give a short speech. Refreshments
will follow. Members are requested
to be in the room promptly at 7:30.
Michigan Technic Tryouts: Fresh-
man engineers interested in maga-
zine work should report at 5 p.m.
Wednesday in Room 3036 East Engi-'
neering Bldg.
Luncheon for Graduate Students on
Wednesday, March 13, at twelve
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Pro-
fessor Howard M. Ehrmann of the
History Department, will speak in-
formally on "The Crisis Between Italy
and Abyssinia,"
Senior Society will meet Wednes-
day, March 13, at 9 p.m. in the Rus-
sian Tea Room of the Michigan
Stalker Hall: All Methodist students

"how far we can go in drawing maps
from planimetric base maps or air-
plane mosaics," Russell said yester-
He will spend three months in the
northern peninsula of Michigan work-
ing with Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry,
head of the geography department,
who is conducting a summer field
course there this year. Working from
what might be termed the inventory
end, Mr. Russell will be studying "just
how far aerial photograpny can be
utilized in determining physical, cul-
iual and economic features of the
From the northern peninsula, Mr.
Russeil will head for Washington.
D.C. where he will work in conjunc-
ion with the U.S. Geographical Sur-
vey on projects which they have been
:arrying on recently. He will then go
Uo the Tennessee Valley Authority,
where he will survey the work being
done to see if advanced techniques
have been developed.i
and their friends of college age are
invited to come to the hall Wednes-
day afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. Have
refreshments and chat with old and
new friends.
Garden Section of the Faculty
Woman's Club will be entertained
March 13, 3:00 p.m., Michigan Un-
ion, by the Misses Alice and Jessie
Bourquin, graduates of the Landscape
Design Department, of the University
of Michigan.
They will give an illustrated lecture
on, "The Development of the Home
Grounds." Each member is urged to
bring a guest, as from past expe-
riences we anticipate a delightful and
instructive afternoon.

Local Surveys
Discussed In
Radio Forum


A round-table discussion summar-
izing the aspects of local inventories
was held Sunday on the University
hour broadcast over Station WJR
direct from the campus studios in
Morris Hall.
Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geog-
raphy department, who three weeks
ago opened the series of radio pro-
grams considering surveys of Mich-
igan communities, Prof. Roderick D.
McKenzie of the sociology depart-
ment, who on Feb. 24, discussed so-
ciological inventories, and Prof. Ar-
thur Bromage of the political science
department, who in his radio address
March 4 pointed out the possibilities
and value of an inventory of local
government, conferred in this round-
table on local inventories in general.
Harold D. Smith, director of the
Michigan Municipal League, and Mrs.
J. K. Pettingill, first vice-president
of the National Congress of Parents
and Teachers, entered into the dis-
cussion to consider further the im-
portance of local surveys.




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