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March 12, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-12

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, 1935


Pro ._Earl Moore To Direct Music Of 'A Midsummer hight's_


Work To Show
New Angle Of
Music, Drama,
Members Of SymphonyI
Orchestra And Choral
Union To Participate
Prof. Earl V. Moore, musical di-
rector of the School of Music and
faculty adviser for the combination
productions of "Iola he" and "The'
Gondoliers" will dir Uthe orchestra
and chorus'-of "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," it was announced by Valen-
tine B. Windt, direc#or of the produc-
Fifty members of the University
Symphony orchestra, the largest
group ever to play in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater, and a chorus made
up of picked voices from Choral
Union will be used in this presenta-
tion of Shakespeare's comedy.
In this work of Play Production and
the School of Music, a new angle of
the combination of dance, drama and
music will be brought out. The success
of the Gilbert and Sullivan shows pre-
sented the two previous semesters
have brought about a desire to con-
tinue this form of show and to present
it from a new angle.
The choregraphic work of the per-
formance will be done by the same,
group that appeared in the Gilbert
and Sullivan shows and again will be
under the direction of Miss Emily
White of the department of Physical

Rehearsals Take Time Of J. G.P.ALeads

echni Makes
Of Committees
Slide rule Dance Will Be
Held March 29 In Union
Committees for the annual Slide
Rule dance, to be held March 29, in
the Union Ballroom were announced
yesterday by the Michigan Technic,
student engineering magazine, which
sponsors the dance.
Joseph C. Wagner, '35E, was chosen
-eneral chairman, and Robert W.
Sloane, '35E, was selected assistant
chairman. The publicity committee
is composed of Robert Thorne, and
Lester Colwell, '35E. Salvatore Tra-
montana, '35E, and Albert E. Mar-
shall,"'35E, were named as members
of the ticket committee.
The program is being arranged by,
Allen B. Stevens. '35, and Edward F.
Jaros, '35E, is in charge of the or-
chestra. The other committees are:
decoration, William McCance, '35E,
Oliver Spark, '35E, and Robert Taylor,
'36E, floor, and Raymond B. Foley.
The tickets will be priced at $3.00
and although this price is higher than
usual, the committee will arrange for
a better orchestra.'
Elections, teas, initiation ceremon-
ies, and Alumnae meetings, were
among the activities carried on by the
various sororities and fraternities last
Delta Delta Delta
The Alumnae group of the Iota Al-
liance of Delta Delta Delta, is hold-]
ing a business meeting at the League,j
8 p.m. today, for the election of of-?
Any new members of the group1
are asked to call Mrs. L. C. Pitts,
whose telephone number is 6976.
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Gamma Delta received tetn men
into membership at their formal ini-'
tiation Saturday afteriAoon. The
Alumni Banquet held that evening
was attended by 75 members. The
new members are: John Mooney, '38,
Richard H a r m a n, '36, William
Knecht,, '38, John McFate, '38, Glen
Morse, '38, James Henderson, '38,1
Arnold Southard, '38, Jack Thom, '38,
Robert Mueller, '38, Robert Bradley,

Receives Award Avard Fairbank
::Find Express
Art, according to Prof. Avard Fair-
banks of the fine arts department,
who spoke Sunday on "Religion and
Sculpture" is intimately associated
with religious conceptions, both hav-
ing truth as their ideal pinnacle of
.vt >'attainment.
The ages past produced many great
works of art because there was an
r incentive, and on the other hand,
Professor Fairbanks stated, it was a
deep belief in a principle which made
and still makes for expression in art.
There can be no great art without
this deep belief in an ideal.
"Why do we enter the sphere of
religion? Because there are certain
qualities in the human mind which
impel it. Why will artists starve or suf-
fer to produce art?" It is for the same
reason, Professor Fairbanks declared.
Use Permanent Material
"The arts endeavor to bring spir-
ituality into material form," he stated.
They are a link between the material
and the spiritual. Bronze and stone
are dealt with most in sculpture be-
cause they have been found to be most
Associated Press Photo. permanent by humankind, and man
Grace Moore's performance in desires to express his great concepts
"One Night Of Love" has. won her in imperishable materials. It is this,
the medal of the Society of Arts and said Professor Fairbanks, that has
Sciences for "conspicuous achieve- caused the great ideas of nations to
ment in raising the standard of cine- endure. Man gives permanency to
ma entertainment." Eve Le Gallienne his ideals by putting them into sculp-
is the only other woman so honored. ture or another of the arts.
__ __ _ -- -_- A nation which believes in its ideals
' will foster the arts. "If a nation like
Piesident W ill ours does not foster the arts," ques-
tioned Prof. Fairbanks, "what is to
become of the people in the nation?"
Hold ems. TeeIdea of Immortality
T ~ Referring to the ancient civiliza-
nn W ednesda tions, Professor Fairbanks cited the
.e na sculpture of the Egyptians, who gave
man his percept of immortality. We
All students on campus are invited should think of their ideals as sym-
to attend the open tea given by bols of higher things. The Parthenon
Presidentnd thers.enteangderGyof Greece is such a noble structure,
President and Mrs. Alexander G. he explained, because it was built
Ruthven from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow to Athena, the symbol of wisdom, and
in their home on South University. finally because it was a monument to
Special invitations have been ex- the Greek mind whose highest ideal
tended to Delta Delta Delta. Alpha - --
Omicron Pi, and Alpha Epsilon Phi
sororities, Zone I and two zones from iatnleen E. Waugh
Martha Cook dormitory, and PhiW-
Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi, KappaSg anAcedrIi April
Sigma and Acacia fraternmties. ____
Eleanor Young, '36, house president Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waugh, De-
of Tri-Delt, Mary Alice Emmet, '35, troit, have announced the engage-
president of Alpha Omicron Pi, and ment of their daughter, Kathleen
Epsilon Phi, will pour. of Alpha Edna Waugh, to William Aldinger,
Philadelphia, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs.

In costuming effects, 'an attempt
will be made to carry out what is Alisoa Tennant and Claire Goi
traditional in a presentation of the the Junior Girls Play to be presente
comedy. James V. Doll, designer of will be six performances including
the costumes of "Iolanthe" and pro-
ducer of the "Emperor's New Clothes"
done by Children's Theater this year, un o om en I
will have charge of the costufnes of
this show.
Settings and lighting will be similar From Bus 1
to that done by Max Reinhardt in his
production of "A Midsummer Night's
Dream." Oren Parker, instructor in Variety may be the spice of life
Play Production, will again have but sometimes it's a bit, bewildering
charge of that part of the show. and especially is'it so to one who
Mr. Windt classes this as the "most is trying to keep track of the Junior
Mr.Wint casss tis s te "ostGirls Play, which is being prepared
ambitious production of the year.' for production March 20 to 23. At
There will be three evening perform- the League where all the activity is
ances and two matinees, Thursday going on, there are so many things
and Saturday. Prices will remain at happening at once that it makes it ex-
35c, 50c, and 75c. Prices will be re- tremely difficult for the innocent by-
duced for the matinees and for special stander.
groups. Information as to arrange- In the rehearsal room the leading.
ment for a number attending the per- characters are perched precariously
formances may be attained at the on straight wooden chairs which are
office in the Laboratory Theater. almost as uncomfortable as the bus
seats they are supposed to represent.
wT -1'0 X-% :.With them is Jean Fleckenstine who,

rman are filling the readin'g roles in
d March 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. There
a Saturday afternoon matinee.
)ance And Sing
o ps To C tedraI


dences of evangelical fervor, there is
no revival meeting in progress, but
only the singing chorus practicing
for the wedding scene of "Tune in On
Love" in which Walt and Amy are
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony with benefit of modern synco-
In oth~er rooms all over campus
musicians are pounding out the tunes
for the show, would-be artists are
painting sets which represent every-
thing from Washington Square to
Niagara Falls, and Mr. Russell Mc-
Cracken rocks frantically in an an-
cient wicker chair while directing1


In Bridge To
Held At League

Wells Bennett
Will Address
Woman's Club
Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the College
of Architecture will speak at the meet-
ing of the Women's Club of Ann Ar-
bor at its regular meeting at 2.:30 p.m.
today in the ballroom of the League.
"Italian Villas and Gardens" will
be the subject of Professor Bennett's
talk which will be illustrated with
lantern slides. The garden division, of
which Mrs. J. J. Kelly is chairman, is
in charge of the meeting.,
Special music for the program will
be given by Mrs. Richard Reekie ac-
companied by Evelyn Hawley. Host-
esses for the afternoon will be Mrs.
G. P. McCallum, Mrs. Rueben H.
Kempf, Mrs. Heber D. Curtis and Mrs.
Beatrice P. Harkness.
Tickets Go On Sale
For Sehior Supper
Tickets for senior supper to be held
March 25 will be on sale between 3:30
and 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday
of this week, and Monday and Tues-
day next week, in the Undergraduate
Office of the League. After Tuesday
no tickets will be sold.
Jean Keller, '35, author of last!
year's J. G. P., is writing the skit to
be presented just before the Junior
Girls Play premiere, given tradition-
ally before the senior women. Miss
Keller will also write the words to the
senior song.

as Horace P. Timken, an eccentric
millionaire, rides up and down on
top of a Fifth Avenue bus all day in
morning clothes, now and then diver-
sifying his activities by a ride on the
Staten Island Ferry.
Next door to the Fifth Avenue bus
is the office of the Timken Bros.
where the Timkens, 12 in all, are
holding a director's meeting during
which they do a Fred Astaire over all
the available furniture while in an-
other room the tap chorus pants
',through its one-two-three routine.
Miss Marie Hartwig, "Pete" to all
and sundry in the cast, is the guiding
spirit of the dance groups as well as
giving helpful hints to every one else
in the show. She dashes madly from
Timkens to tappers and then over tc
Barbour Gym where the group which
is presenting the modern dance is roll-
ing on thet floor in the correct rhyth-
mic manner.
While all this is in progress down-
stairs the upper region of the League
are resounding to fervent "Amens"
which issue forth in three part har-
mony. But, in spite of all such evi-
Military Bal
Committee members for the Mili- I
tary Ball, annual function given by
the members of the R. O. T. C., were
announced yesterday. This year the
1 dance will take place April 26 in the
Union Ballroom.
Delbert Hesler, '35E, and Don
Lyon, '35A, will be co-chairmen and
Francis DuLyn, '35E, will serve as
treasurer. Other chairmen are Don-1
ald Norton, '35, in charge of tickets;
Dan Cook, '35, publicity chairman,Y
and Kenneth Mosier, '36E, music
Charles Framburg, '36E, is head of
the floor committee; John Heles, '36,j
chairman of programs and favors;t
and Paul Phillips, '36, of invitations.
Other members of the committee
are Jack Sinn, '37E, Rush Bowman,
'37E, Kenneth Bovee, '38E, and John
Young, '38E. Tickets are priced at
$3 and will be on sale to members of<
the R.O.T.C. until April 1 when the
tickets sale will be open to the pub-r
Spring Style Show Will

Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Phi Epsilon has elected the
following officers for the coming year:
T E STAGE President, Robert W. Sloane, '35E;
vice-president, Frederick K. Olson,
36, and secretary, William A. Combe,
(Continued from Page 2) '36A.
often represented. Attending a re- Sigma Phi Epsilon announces the
hearsal of Mr. Cohen's play and seeing pledging of Robert Rowe, '38, Niagara
the penetration with which the mem- Falls, N. Y.
bers of the cast, working on a new Zeta Tau Alpha
play entirely without background of Zeta Tau Alpha held a tea Thurs-
previous production and criticism, day, March 7. Mrs. Leroy McAlpine
enter into the parts, adds to my doubt poured. The decorations used were
of student frivolity. Mr. Cohen's play red and white candles and flowers.
undoubtedly makes contact with stu- Rhodetta Lepisto, '35, was in charge
dent interest and understanding. of the arrangements.
The utmost appreciation is due-
Hillel Players and Comedy Club, I
think for the contribution they are erit Point Records
making to the development of drama- To Be Filed This Week
tic writing at the University of Mich-
igan. How great the creative contri- R All sorority houses, zones and
bution of production is can be real- dormitories are urged to file with
ized only by those who follow the the merit system committee com-
process of revision in rehearsals. The plete lists of the activities in which
University of Michigan needs the pro- members have participated this
vision of adequate theater facilities year, in order to compete for the
and direction to make this process activities cup, to be awarded at
available to every student of drama- the Installation Banquet March
tic writing. Work has begun at the 25. Lists may be checked between
University of Iowa on the first wing 1 and 3 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday
of a University theater to cost from and Friday in the Undergraduate
$110,000 to $130,000. The cost of the Office of the League, according to
first unit, the main theater, is esti- Georgina Karlson, chairman of the
mated at $65,000 to $75,000. To this merit system committee. Individ-
are to be added one studio theater for uals may also check their point
the classes in stage design and pro- records at the times stated.
duction, and another for the classesdm
in play-writing. The various units are
so planned as to serve as models for GARDEN SECTION TO MEET
community construction throughout The garden section of the Faculty
the state. Eventually a small Eliza- Women's Club will meet at 3 p.m.
bethan theater and a small Greek. Wednesday at the Union for an il-
theater are to be built adjacent to the lustrated lecture of the "Develop-
modern theater. ment of Home Grounds" given by
The location of the Avery Hopwood I Misses Alice and Jessie Bourquin.
awards at the University of Michigan - -
provides an especial stimulus to dra-
matic writing, the natural corollaryEC RED ITS
of which is production of student- . . bOth
written plays. The enthusiasm with academic and HUMAN
which the students are going ahead
in dramatic activity without elaborate
facilities furnishes the strongest in-
centive to the provision of such facili-
ties. _


A new series of contract bridge
lessons will begin Thursday night
in the League. Mrs. Ralph Ehlers
will instruct. The lessons are to
be given between 7:30 and 8 p.m.
Thursday nights for six weeks. The
cost of the series is $2.


Feel Chipper as a Songbird
Get into a College Shop


Spring Blouse or Sweater
HE MAY like you tailored, or he may
like you frilly and feminine . .
observe his preference and select one
of these charming, and just a little bit -
ahead of the style,blouses and sweaters.
Blouses $1.00 to 13.95
TAILORED PLAIDS - these in taf-
a feta, silk or gingham . . . they'll make
you look demure.
FRILLY TYPES-in crepes, taffetas
and prints to accentuate your deva-
stating femininity.

Where To Go


i r -.3

Motion Pictures: Whitney, "Human
Side" with Adolph Menjou and "Ken-
nel Murder Case" with William Pow-
ell; Wuerth, "Gay Divorcee" with
Fred Astaire; Majestic, "David Cop-
perfield" with W. C. Fields; Mich-
igan, "After Office Hours" with Clark
Exhibitions: Exhibition of Persian
miniature paintings open from 2 to
5 p.m. daily except Sundays, South
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Col-
lection of fabrics showing modern
trends in textile design, open from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sundays,



Painting of the research corridors
of. the University Museums began yes-
terday, buildings and grounds depart-
ment officials announced. All of the
research corridors, which are shut
off to the general public, are being
re-decorated, making a total of five

stv dy in MOSCOW - and PLAY as
well. A momentous opportunity!
Last year students and graduates of
60 universities from 20 states and
4 foreign lands enrolled in the
Anglo-American Section of Moscow
University......aveled and lived
as they learned'.

THESE SWEATERS will certainly
cause him to forget business at X
hand and observe you . .. he'll delight
in the lovely colors and British swank-
iness of the styles . . . lacy knits, U
smooth knits and ,jerseys.



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