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March 06, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-06

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the greatest voice in protest against the policies
of a city, state or Federal government actually
voted in the election which put that government
into power. If recent elections are any criterion,
very few people would have the right to object to
those in office.
Maybe peopIc will show more interest in the elec-
tion to come, but if they don't some sort of prize
,night be arranged for a competition between the
citizens of Ann Arbor and the members of the
freshman and sophomore classes of the University.


Asa 0 ~' -- ~ w ~ W ~

The wealth.. .

1 - mzlw -
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Hell Week
And Atchigan .. ..
eternally contending that they
should be treated as grown-ups. They make a good
deal of righteous pother about it. When the ad-
ministration cracks down they yowl to the holy
heavens and indulge in not very ingenious wise-
cracks. But at no time during the year do fra-
ternities more conclusively prove that the adminis-
tration's paternalistic attitude is dead right than
when the houses attempt to defend the more out-
landish activities of Hell Week.
Let's grant that the pledges should learn
their house's songs and traditions; let's grant that
they should be impressed, as much as the circum-
stances permit, with the initiation ceremonies;
let's grant that they should get to know one
another as well as possible; and then let's ask if
these objectives cannot be attained without pad-
dling, long night walks, outdoor activities, giddy
eccentricities, and many obscenities?
They can, of course, and many fraternity men
know that they can. The truth is that a large num-
ber of fraternity men are sick with many Hell
Week activities. But in the fraternity mob, just as
in any mob, the moron mind dominates, and it
drags downward rather than pushes upward. It
confronts logic with a noise and blocks intelligent
progress with a bellowing.
There are serious objections to Hell Week on
the basis of health and scholastic work. But the
gverpowering argument is that Hell Week is just

plain silly. It's outdated. It doesn't fit in. It is
something which should have been left behind in
the twelfth year of life. It has no more place
on a college campus than have skull caps, plus-
fours, and apples-on-a-stick.
and Washtenaw County deserves
some recognition if only because it brought out
one of the smallest votes in years.
It is true, of course, that it was a Orimary elec-
tion with no major issues up for decision by
the public, but it is also true, if figures don't lie,
that there are more citizens eligible to vote in two
Ann Arbor wards than the' total number of cit-
zens who exercised their right in all of Washtenaw
County Monday. And the weather was fine.
If light voting was the case only in elections
where there are no weighty issues at stake, the
matter would be of less importance, but even in
lat iaull's Congressional election the number of

I N THE FURORE created by any
reference to the horrible phrase,
"share the wealth," the public has largely lost
sight of how far efforts at bringing a redistribution
of wealth have actually gone.
The American Taxpayers League points to New
York City as an extreme example of what can
happen. The governments under which a New
Yorker resides can now levy a tax as high as 7912
per cent on the income of an individual in the
highest bracket, the Federal government taking
63 per cent, then state 7 per cent, and the city 91/%
per cent..
If the individual dies from this plucking or forI
any other reason, 88 per cent of his estate will go
to the same governments in inheritance taxes, onc
a 60-20-8 basis.]
Were this Louisiana, it would be occasion for
an outcry of no -uncertain proportions.
JAs Others See It J
Unexpected Sympathy
COMMENT on professors continues unabated in
the college press, but for once it is sympathetic
-and even favorable. The Daily Illini agrees that
it is.the students' fault when they fail to meet their
instructors personally.
When The Minnesota Daily asked for stu-
dent comments on professors, the result was
something like, "My professor can see things
only from one direction -his own -is lousy
- is dead on his feet -is a blight on the tree
of knowledge-"
We wonder just what would ha've been the
result if these same students had been asked
how often they had visited their professors
privately during conference hours. If they held
true to form, they would have answered that
they had never made much effort to see their
professors outside of the classrooms.
Some professors may be "lousy - a blight on
the tree of 'knowledge - etc." but the charac-
terization could probably be placed on the
students equally as well. Few of them make
any real effort to meet the instructors half
way, to talk to them privately, and try to get
their slant on the right and wrong ways to
Again, perhaps it is the "no tubing" tradi-
tion which is doing the harm. Of all of the
idiotic misconceptions about academic life, this
is one of the worst.
Meet your professor during conference hours.
Talk to him about the best way for you to
study. Discuss matters which are of particular
interest to you. The result will probably be
that you will suddenly find that you have
acquired extra thousands of dollars worth of
education for your $35. With some students,
it is doubtful whether they get their $35 worth.
Adced support for the idea of "roving" professors
to prevent over-specialization on the part of fac-
ulty members comes from The Daily Princetonian:
"The administration of a great UniversityI
must'endeavor to find methods of counteract-'
ing the centrifugaiforces which tend to sep-
arate our faculties into an ever-increasing
number of subdivisions."
So spoke Harvard's President Conant recent-
ly, as he pointed out one of the major de-
fects of modern education. Other institutions1
of nigher learning have been conscious of the
same need for a greater unity, but none to
date, with the exception of Bryn Mawr which
last week joined together all the sciences under
one main department, have advanced so am-
bitious and well-conceived a plan as that now
being pushed by Dr. Conant.'
As the initial step to eliminate the artificial
barriers created by the current system of nu-d
merous departments, Dr. Conant advocates a
corps of "roving" professors unrestricted byI
departmental limis and petty duties. "SuchI
professors without portfolio," he says, "would
have to be recruited from scholars who had
already proven their worth not only as pro-
ductive thinkers but as stimulating personal-
ities." Though Harvard by no means intends
to de-emphasize the research which it must be

the duty of every higher institution to promote,
she nevertheless seems to be edging away from
the professor who delves into research to the
disadvantage of the student. "Stimulating per-
sonalities" will be stressed for this. group, and
inspiring teaching, it is expected, will be the
Just how far this plan can be advanced, it is
not easy to predict. There are few people in
any college who could do justice to the re-
quirements needed for such a position, and yet
the suggestion is pointed toward a most desir-
able ideal. It is truly refreshing to see an ob-
jective attempt to engage professors with in-
spiring personalities who would not hibernate
in research and who tend to break down the
sharp lines between departments.
Harvard's new plan, when put into action,
deserves close watching by all universities who
wish to move ahead into new and more pro-
ductive fields.
-A 76-inch telescope, second largest in the world,
,_n _m ivrcit of T nn-n T

There are "chiselers" in everything. The
following letter should be a warning to us all:
Dear Bud:
A racket has sprung up, in Mosher-Jordan.
As you know, there are only a limited number
of davenports and sofas in the living room and
they are in constant demand by the girls and
their escorts. Hence, a certain group of girls
have adoptee this unfair policy. When their
boy-friends call them, they rush down and lie
down on a sofa, in the darkest corner, and pre-
tend that they are asleep or resting. This of
course prevents other people from claiming
the sofa. They stay there until their escort
meets them.
Surely Bud, something should be done about
"Always Cheated Out"
Here are some gems from a Japanese college
newspaper written in English. It is a Japanese
Highway etiquette book.
1. "When pedestrians obstacle your passage,
tootle the horn, trumpet to them melodiously and
2. "At the rise of the hand of a policeman, stop
3. "Press the brake of the foot as you roll
around the corner to save the collapse and tie
4. "Beware of the wandering horse that he shall
not take fright as you pass him."
English I Conference
(Student wearily climbs to top floor of Au-
gell Hall, five minutes late already. Spends five
more minutes searching for instructor's room.
Finally locates and raps on door.)
"Come in Oh, hello Smith, a little late,
aren't you?" (This last humorously).
"Yes, I guess so.
"Well sit down! Now let's see Smith, your
themes . . . ah, there they are! Hmmm . . mm
. . . yes. Well, have you any questions you'd
like to ask about them?"
"No, I guess not."
'iimmm. . . how do you like the essay book?
Find it interesting?
"Yes, I guess so."
"That's fine: You aren't neglecting to read
the ones not assigned."
"No, I guess not."
"Ah, good. (knock at door) ... Ummm...
that must be Miss Jones." "Well Smith, glad
to have had this chat with you. That's what
these conferences are for ... I like to sound out
my students' interests and difficulties. Don't
hesitate to look me up anytime you're troubled.
Goad day."
"Thank you sir." (Exits hastily, getting
somnewhat tangled up with Miss Jones, who is
entering on the dead run with the most IN-
TERESTING little problem that has been wor-
rying her sick for the past week.)
A Washington
WHATEVER added worries for the New Deal and
its legal lights came in the trail of the cycle
of adverse rulings by lower Federal courts, anti-
N ew Deal political groupings, both inter and intra-
party, reflected pleasure. They saw possibilities in
the seemingly inescapable period of added con-
fusion that must elapse before the Supreme Court
says the last word on the constitutional issues so
sharply raised.
Particularly there was a disposition among Re-
publican organization men to view the situation i
with anything but alarm. What stumped a lot
of them last year during the campaigning was the
dearth of campaign contributions. They ascribed
the reluctance of many expected contributors to
"put up" as usual to fear of administration repri-
sals via one or the other of the New Deal's far-
flung network of regulatory agencies.

C ERTAINLY the combination of the Senate re-
voit against Roosevelt leadership on relief
plans, however it finally turns out, and the triple
prelimrinary defeat of the government in the courts,
as to two phases of NRA and as to TVA's place in
the New Deal general scheme of things, marks a
new situation. It provides Roosevelt opposition in
Congress with probably the most encouraging out-
look it has had since inauguration day.
Among other probable results, a stiffening of
6pposition to the Roosevelt legislative program all
along the line would be a natural political phe-
nomenon. It always works that way, whether the
cpposition comes from over the center aisles or
within pjarty ranks. Even before the Weirton, the
-eal code and the TVA decisions came down, Sen-
ate regular Republicans had taken heart over ad-
ministration troubles in its own ranks.
LL OF WHICH doubled and redoubled the
eagerness with which the President's next
move in the Senate deadlock over the McCarran
amendment to the work-relief resolution was
awaited. There was no direct connection between
that subject and the unfavorable court rulings. Po-
litically considered, however, they tied up.
Presidential success in the Senate could fore-
shadow to some extent what might be attempted
to off-set what are at least temporary New
Deal reverses on the constitutional front. It hardly
wouid be worthwhile to plan for important New
Deal revamping by legislation to meet the situation
created by the court decisions, without awaiting
final court action, unless the administration was

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