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March 06, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-06

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Hoyt To Take
Twenty MenTo
Big Ten Meet"
New Scoring Record Seen
In Conference Battle At
Chicago This Week
lW~t 7 Y A ri" YWT 5


Matt Mann faces the perplexing
c itin of havn hi tr zwm r

Five Michigan
Grapplers I n
Big Ten Meet'
Capt. Jack Harrod Leads
Matmen To Chicago For
Championship Event

In Bi
Earl Meyers,
in~g position o
team until aft(
Ten season, h
honor of being
the Wolverine s
five points for

1iO.uonprnvmg is s 'arswimm The Michigan wrestling team will a total of 50 pci
Daih Is A loss-Up
ascompete in the Big Ten Champion- only one r
roll 10 days before the Big Ten meet. ship meets Friday and Saturday at played in allo
Michigan Favored To Win Tex Robertson was justanOhio tmed- Chicago with a five man team. Coach number of pla
Q..U. astiocre 220 tr and 440 man atapertoOibev State Keen will not take an entry in the more than one1
Five Firsts; Illin, O.S.U. last Saturday andappears to be hav-d
inga dffiul tie sapingoutof118,165 and heavyweight divisions, the taeae
In Second Place Fight ig a difficult time snapping out of teristic of the M
Iaehis slump. They say he's been con- Capt. Jack Harrod will lead his menson which ne
centrating on the mile and 1,500 met- into action for the last time Friday five.
By WILLIAM R. REED er to the extent that he has forgotten and Saturday. He will compete at Unlike the ot
A new scoring mark in the Confer- how to "sprint" through the quar- 145-pounds, and despit his defeat nof the Michi
ence indoor track meet is possible ter-mile. against Ohio State last Saturday, by the guards,
for the Michigan team this week, ac- A lot of fans are also wondering stands a good chance of reaching the exhibited any c
cording to the annual "dope sheet" when Ned Diefendorf and Derland top rung in the tournament, and present C
of Phil Diamond, member of the Ger- Johnson are going to get on their Wally Heavenrich, who has not be counted for
man faculty and recognized track ob- respective horses and do some of the been defeated this year in eight meets, should be far
server. diving of which they are both cap- will be the main Wolverine hope at men. None oft
Althdugh Diamond's predictions are able. Johnson was third in the Na- Chicago. Heavenrich has been vic- depended on t
submitted wholly upon the basis of tional Collegiates and Diefendorf torious against four Conference op- fensive strengt
past performances of individuals fourth in the National A.A.U.'s last ponents this season and hopes to con- Individual re
their accuracy in the past has aver- year, but neither has won his' letter i tinue his streak in the Big Ten meet.
aged fully 90 per cent, and this year's so far this season. 'Seymour Rubin, who celebrated his Meyers, g-f ....
prediction of a Michigan score of 53 * * debut in the 126-pound class with a Patanelli, g-c ..
points is accepted as an accurate esti- Through a grievous error we ap- win last Saturday, will be the Wolv- Geet, c .......
mate. peared yesterday to be trying to trick erine entry at that weight. Rubin Evans, g ..... .
The highest previous score in a Willy Ward out of a milk shake by was set to be the Varsity 135-pounder Jslin f-c .....
Conference meet was registered in betting that he couldn't win the low at the beginning of the mat season, Tamagno, f-c.
1918 when Michigan won with 42 hurdles in - the forthcoming Big Ten but suffered an injury. By the time Rudness, g
points, and Illinois in 1924 has been indoor meet. Since there is no such he returned to action, Heavenrich had Plummer, g-f ..
been the only team to double the point event in the meet that bet has been a secure hold on his post and then Jablonski, f .. .
beenthes nd-ly teamtobublethe ntdeclared null and void. The other Capt. Harrod was hurt. Rubin re- Oliver, g ...
total of thep second-high team, but three stand, however. placed him against Indiana, winning Jennings, g ... .
aurpisingt oiiliy of icin - A corporation of local and foreign by a referee's decision in the roughest Ford, f........
ord but of more than doubling the- sports correspondents has b e e n bout of the afternoon. Then, Sat- Solomon, f .. .
.bo ob t formed to cover forcing bets made urday he took the place of his broth- Hill, f......
score of the second place team is seen. with members of the track team. Our er in the 126-pound post against Teitelbaum, f.
Diamond Rates Teams only fear now is that Ohio State Ohio State and carried off "ne of Rieckg.....
The biggest contest in the meet ac- doesn't accuse us of subsidizing our the two Michigan victories.
cording to Diamond's sheet will be athletes. Frank Bissell will be the 155-pound Totals ... .
for second place, with Indiana and * * entry. Bissell, after an auspicious
Ohio State given 18 to 22 points, the Being toppled from dominance of early season record has bogged down, j Tilden, ']
Buckeyes favored slightly. Big Ten hockey circles rested none but may come through at the Confer-
The order of the other Conference too well with the Gopher student ence meet to make up for his past Be H
schools is Iowa, Illinois or Wisconsin, body. Maury Johnson, sport column- two defeats.
Minnesota, Northwestern, Purdue and ist in the Minnesota Daily, had this In the 175-pound class Bill Lowell, T
Chicago. to say: who at the start of the season was a
Michigan is credited with five first "Every hockey enthusiast in the ss of the Master,'
Miciga iscrditd wthfiv fistUniversity (and there are hundreds of substitute, and now is the regular T!den and hi
places in the ten events by the "dope Wolverine light-heavyweight will rep- ten pndei
sheet," with a possibility of wining them) is disappointed over the Goph- resent the Maize and Blue. Since Tenis profensio
or tying for first in three other ers' showing this year. Abe Levine's rib injury is still both- ing on March E
events. The Wolverines are given "Russ and Gray formed a nucleus ring him, the 165-pound star will nonment
points in every event except the shot for a brillant front line, Wagnild not be able to make the trip. Control of Athl
put, in which there will be no Mich- was undoubtedly the best defense-
igan entries, ranging from nine in the man in the Conference, and the re- ...._This year's c
serve material was talented and abun- faces: George
high hurdles to three in the two-mile dant." doubles champi
run.It stands to reason that some- Wpofessional, a
Willis Ward, in perhaps the finest hing was amiss. We don't want to German player
condition in his career except for a thkn as amis We don' wan S P O R T S ter Stoeffen, L
troublesome heel, is again picked toItk n rdtfo a fine Michigan S uT. ...
lradbteoevheriesi hafi ined tteam and we think the loss of the in Los Angeles
lead the Wolverines, with a first in championshipdid the sport some American pr
the high hurdles ahead of his sopho- chminhpdd h pr oecopletes thisi
more teammate, Bob Osgood, a win, good. But out of curiosity and for The intermediate fencing class will ent s
tie or second in the high jump against the good of both players and fans, meet today at 4 p.m. in Barbour Th
Mel Walker of Ohio State, who offers we sure would like to know exacty Gym. Dr. George May will instruct, Tilden against
the first serious competition in three why four veterans and a flock of and the class is limited to those who Tilen against
years, and first, second, or third in flashy sophomores couldnt play con- took fencing last semester. which is usually
the 60-yard dash. sistent hockey The doubles badminton tourna- the evening, T
Owens vs. Ward If ytu come over close, Mauri' ment is posted on the bulletin board face Lott and Ni
we'll tell you why your team didn at Barbour Gym.
Diamond's comment on the 60- beat Michigan. It was because Mich- The ping pong tournament has BETTERS RE
yard dash is indicative of the general igan has two of the best defensemen been redrawn due to the exceedingly Because it w
feeling throughout the Conference in the country (I saw Wagnild, too), large number of entries. Contest- 6 foot, 8 inch j
when he says -"only a fool would at- a sophomore and a senior forward ants will find their opponents posted Murphy of No
tempt a prediction" between Ward, who were better than anything the the bulletin board at Barbour rconized. T
Jesse Owens, the Buckeye flash who Gophers put on the ice, and two (get onym lo tu oid Te
was defeated by Ward last week, and that - two!) good goalies in Jewell Gym also. would have bee
Jimmie Owen, the Iowa sophomore 'and Chase.
who, was credited with a new world's In other words, Maury, we had
record of 6.1 seconds in the event two good men for every one of yours.
last week. And, believe me, that makes us feel
Other Michigan firsts are credited good after we saw your football team
to Harvey Smith, in the mile and take a grim delight in mangling ours.
half-mile, Stan Birleson in the quar-
ter-mile, the mile relay team, while High School Cagers To
Dave Hunn is favored to do no worse S o a"
than second with the possible tying Battle For Title Here -
or winning from the Buckeye vaulter
whom he defeated last week. Ann Arbor basketball fans will b
A squad ofe20tmed as naed y eiven the opportunity to watch the
A squad of 20 men was named yes- best high school clubs in the vicinity
tarda to mke the trin to Chicag _ o.,

Leads His Give Awards
In Scoring To Fourteen
g Ten Games Frosh Cagers
who didn't win a start-
)n the Michigan cage
er the start of theBig Five Secondary Letters
as won the doubtful Are Announced; Three
the leading scorer on I
squad. Meyers averaged Reserves To Graduate
ten games, running up
oints. Five secondary and 14 freshman
man, Matt Patanelli, numeral awards to Wolverine basket-
of the 12 games. The ball players were announced yester-
yers who were used in day.
position is much above Three of those receiving secondary
'iese facts are charac- numerals graduate this year: Jack
Michigan team this sea- Teitelbaum, Harry Solomon, and Bob
'er had a set starting Hill.
her Big Ten fives, most A few of the freshman numerals
an scoring was done were withheld because of ineligibility.
. Only three forwards Those receiving secondary awards
ffensive ability. If past are: Ferris Jennings, Ann Arbor;
onference records can Jack Teitelbaum, Chicago; Harry
anything, the forwards, Soloman, John Rieck and Bob Hill,
ahead of the defensive Detroit.
the strong teams have Those receiving freshman numerals
he guards for their of- are: William Barclay, Flint; Donald
:h. Brewer, Herman Fishman, William
cords: E Lane and Norman Nickerson, Detroit;
FG FT PF G TP Kenyon Bevan, Atlanta, Ill.; Robert
...19 12 10 "10 50 Johnson, Youngstown, 0.; Joe Ren-
...14. 8 22 12 36 aldi, Elkhart, Ind.; Stark Ritchie,
14 3 10 10 31 Battle Creek; Manuel Slavin, Cleve-
.11 7 10 11 29 land,: 0.; Earl and John Townsend,
...10 7 8 11 27 Indianapolis, Ind.; William White-
9 7 10 10 25 head, Anderson, Ind.: and Fred Ziem,
8 6 16 8 22 Pontiac.
. .9 4 9 7 422 _ _ _ _ _ _
. . 7 4 5 3 181
4 2 1 5 10 F
...2 0 1 3 4roshSquad
1 0 5 2 2
0 2 0 5 2;Is Stroh In
. 0 0 0 2 01
. . .0 0 23 0
..0 0 2 o Fid Events

Assurance that the overcrowded
conditions which prevailed at the On-
tario All-Stars-Michigan swimming
meet three weeks ago would not be
repeated Friday night was given yes-
terday by Coach Matt Mann with
the announcement that arrangements
are being made to seat the largest
crowd ever to see a dual tank battle'
in the Intramural Natatorium.
When the ticket office closed fifteen
minutes before the start of the meet
with the British Empire champions,
prospective spectators were standing
in line two deep for a distance of one
Friday night's meet against North-
western, National Collegiate champ-
ions in 1929, 1930, and 1933,hwill be
>the last chance students will have to
observe Michigan's natators. Co-cap-
tains Taylor Drysdale and Bob Ren-
ner, Tex Robertson, Ogden Dalrymple,
and Ed Drew will be making their
final home appearance.



.. 1

08 62 109 110


['roupe To
ere March 13
xhibition. "The Return
" featuring William T.
s troupe of itinerant
nals will play a return
the Intramural Build-
13, according to an an-
sued by the Board in
ast will have two new
Lott, former world
on who recently turned
"nd Hans Nusslein, ace
who is replacing Les-
ott's partner who is ill
. Ellsworth Vines, the
ofessional champion,

Coach Ken Doherty expressed sat-
isfaction yesterday with the perform-
ance of the freshman track squad
against Ohio State freshmen in the
telegraphic meetaheld last Saturday,
despite the fact that his team was de-
feated, 61-43.
The frosh coach is pleased with his
shot putters in particular. Three
Michigan men scored a slam in this
event. John Townsend, freshman
I basketball star, won with a heave that
surpassed the best of the Varsity men
in this event.
Bob Cooper, former Cooley High,
Detroit, grid star, and Bob Schroeder,
of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, took the sec-
ond and third places respectively. The
possibility of a trio of good men in
this event is welcomed by Varsity
Coach Charlie Hoyt, for the shot has'
long been a weak spot in Michigan

imposing array of tal-4track.
e pairings will place Strength was also shown in the
Lott and Vines against 440-yard run. Mason won the quarter
singles. In the doubles mile in'the Ohio meet with a :54, but
sy the feature match o has an effort of :52 to his credit made
Tilden and Vines will in practice. This last time is only a
lusslein. half-second above Stan Birleson's
freshman record set late last season.
CORD IN PRACTICE Mason also runs in the sprints.
as made in practice a The jumps appear to have some
ump made by Captain promising material. Bratt is the top
tre Dame will not be man in the high jump, although he
he jump, if counted lost to Albritton, Jesse Owens' under-
n a new world record. study.


Ler ay Lo Ime 1,1 p,11 g 1C 1,
for the meet Saturday, including
Willis Ward, Harvey Smith, Clayton
Brelsford, Harry O'Connell, Sam
Stoller, Bob Osgood, Moreau Hunt,
Stan Birleson, Harvey Patton, Fred
Stiles, Frank Aikens, Howard David-
son, Paul Pinkerton, Paul Gorman,
Winston Moore, Neree Alix, Walter
Stone, Rod Howell, Konrad Moisio,
and Dave Hunn.

play in the annual regional tourney
to be staged at the Intramural gym
here this Friday and Saturday night.
On Friday night Monroe High meets
Flint Northern at 7:30 p.m., and at
8:30 Ann Arbor clashes with the
strong Wyandotte team. The winners
get together to determine who will go
to the state play-offs at Flint on the
15th and 16th of the month Saturday
night at 8:30 p.m.



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