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October 06, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-06

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Zones Choose
Delegates T o
ew Assemhly
Non-Affiliated Women In
League Houses, Dorms,
Meet To Elect Officers
Sponsoring the formation of a new
assembly which will give the women
unaffiliated with campus sororities
equal Vowei and representation with
Panhellenic on the League Board of
Representatives, Senior Society mem-
bers headed meetings for the purpose
of organization of the zones during
the past week.
Election of officers for the new
zones was the primary consideration
at the meetings. A president and a
ice-president, both of whom will sit
on the Assembly, and an athletic
chairman who will be a member of
the Intramural Athletic Board were
Outside the dormitories the campus
has been divided into nine zones.
Zones are composed of about 40
women each, and include those living
out in private homes as well as League
First Successful Attempt
This is the first time that success
has crowned the hopes of the unaffil-
iated women who have long wished
for adequate organization on the
campus. The possibilities opened up
as a result of a highly integrated in-
dependent group may only be
glimpsed at present, but include both
social and political, as well as aca-
demic, interests.
The League activities board and thc
W. A, A. committee will have an
accurate list of the interests among
the independent women, from a sys-
tem of cards which will be filed at
the League. These cards have been
checked according to the activities in
which the women are interested, and
each one will be informed when try-
outs'or organization is to be held.
Zone Officers
Mgrjorie Napes will be the first
president and representative on the
Assembly from Zone 'I. Kathrine
Becker was elected vice-president,
and Louise Nack athletic chairman
The houses of the zone are: Augs-
burger, Cozad, Stapleton, Duff and
* Coon.
Eleanor Peterson was elected tc
head Zone II, with Dorothy Triplet,
and Betty Hutchison filling the other
posts. This zone includes the wome
living in the League, and the houses
on Miller St.
Wilma Rattenbury, Betty Robert-
son,, and Clarice Lybart will head
Zone III, which includes Austin, Fei-
rer, and Rock houses.
Holcombe, Reeves, Shuman and
Foster houses will be headed by Mar-
jorie Steffin, Fern Nelles, and Ger-
aldine Ruf.
President of the zone in which
Adelia Cheever and Alumnae House
are combined will be Martha White.
Victoria Toteff is vice-president, and
Aureole Spreckert athletic manager.
Adele Friedman and Florence Co-
hen have been elected to represent
Zone VI, composed of Wilson, Swaney,
Radford, and Dunlap houses.
Josephine Salzman and Ann Shind-
man will have charge in Zone VII,
Clark, *arkness, McEachern, ;and
Bannasch houses.
Margaret Kasely and Lillian Scott
were elected in Zone VIII, Carney and
Vogt houses. Zone IX will be headed
by Henrietta Cherrington and Bar-
bara Beech.
Helen Newberry has elected Kath-
arine Choate and Betty Hill to the
posts of representative, with Mar-
garet Cutler as athletic manager.
Martha Cook will be headed b
Lucille Am and Marion Bertsch, with
Lois Jotter as activity chairman.

Knit Your Own' Is
Byword 9t Smart
And Thrifty Co-ed
Knitted wear seems to be steadily
gaining in popularity. For those who
awaken seemingly in the middle of
the night, to trudge to those bleak
eight o'clocks, nothing is more con-
soling than to slip into a wooly swea-
And everyone is "knitting her own."
Knitting doesn't take time. It saves
time. Since one can attend meetings,
rest, "bull," and knit at the same time,
it is truly a balm to the conscien-
tious. And there is such a great sat-
isfaction in actually wearing what one
makes herself. The more ambitious
and practiced co-eds have taken it up
on a larger scale. They are not only
knitting sweaters, but entire suits
or charming two-piece or one-piece
Because this is football season, and
the bleachers are never steam-heated,
ma ny enthusiasts have adopted that
original idea of knitting their own
scarfs, mitts, and berets. Knitted ap-
parel is extremely durable and very
good-looking. Don't waste time, keep
warm, and pick up all your stitches
since "a stitch in time saves nine."
BALTIMORE, Oct. 5- 0P) -A Bal-
timorean went to Oriole Park here to

Fur Trims For Fall

Potential J.G.P. Authors Urged
To Place Stress On Treatment

Elizabeth Cauthen Weds
Frank Gilbreth Sept. 29
Mrs. Henry Jennings Cauthen an-
nounces the marriage of her daugh-
ter, Elizabeth, to Frank B. Gilbreth
on Sept. 29, at Charleston, S. C.

(By Associated Press)
This suit in the popular three-quar-
ter length makes good use of a soft
beaver trim. Many of the suits for
late fall wear favor an abundance of
Smart Sportswear
To Be Popular At
First Game Today
Today is the day we have been an-
ticipating for more than two weeks,
the day we've been hoping the weath-
er would be perfect for that we might
wear our choicest spectator sport
clothes. The next game here is two
weeks hence and beyond a doubt it
will be time for far heavier garb - so
now is our chance.
The best choice for the game will
be a heavy twin-sweater outfit with
a plaid skirt, a brimmed hat, espe-
cially if our tickets demand that we
sit on the east side of the stadium, pig
skin gloves, and heavy low-heeled
Another equally suitable choice of
garb might be the swagger suit. Prob-
ably we shall have to carry the coat or
slip it off during the game because
the late afternoon sun has a tendency
to be very warm.
Be sensibly dressed for this game
because the walk to the field demands
a comfortable shoe. Be smartly
dressed since it is still warm enough
that we needn't bundle up. And if
the storm clouds gather be certain
to carry a rubber cape or a slicker.
Nothing can be more discouraging
than to ruin the fur on a new coat
or to spot a felt hat.
Alumnae Club Hold
First FallMeeting
The first fall meeting of the Sigma
Kappa Alumnae Club was held at
6 p.m. last Thursday at the home of
Miss Wilma Crawford, 1321 N. Uni-
versity Ave.
A potluck supper was followed by a
business meeting which the following
officers were elected for the coming
year: Miss Dorothy Chapman, pres-
ident; Miss Agnes Robinson, secre-
tary; Miss Odeyne Gillette, corre-
sponding secretary, and Miss Dorothy
Walker, treasurer.
New alumnae in Ann Arbor are
asked to call Miss Robinson at 2-2897
if they are interested.
Freshmen Girls Prove
Lecture Series Popular
A total attendance of 380 was re-
ported at the second freshman lec-
ture in the Orientation series Wed-
nesday. The number of freshmen at-
tending was 321, as compared to 260
the previous week.
Next Wednesday Prof. Howard Mc-
Cluskey of the Educationdepartment,
will deliver the third lecture in the
series on "Effective Habits of Study."
Where To Go
Theatres Majestic, "Chained" with
Joan Crawford and Clark Gable;
Michigan, "Dragon Murder Case"
and a stage show; Whitney, "Madam
Spy" with Fay Wray and Nils Asthe;
Wuerth, "Harold Teen" with Hal
LeRoy and "Laughing Boy" with Ra-
mon Navarro.
Dancing: Union Ballroom, Chubbs,
Hut Cellar, Preketes.
Exhibitions: Architectural and art
exhibition of student work, open from
9 a.m. Io 5 p.m. daily, Architectural

Building. Memorial Exhibition of
paintings of Gari Melchers, open

NOTE: This is the second article by
the director of "Love On The Run" and
Gang's All There" in aid of possible
authors of this year's junior show.
Ii you have followed the hints about
getting a background (c.f. article in
Tuesday's issue of The Daily), you are
undoubtedly now in a position to sit
down and whip off the great Amer-
ican drama, or at least the greatest)
J.G.P. in the thirty-odd years of its
existence. There are, however, a few
things you should keep in mind when
sitting down to write this play of
1. As to Subject Matter. Don't
have any preconcieved ideas as to
what kind of a show the central com-
mittee is out to get. Last year the
committee felt that the college theme
in J.G.P.'s had been worked to death,
and got a show about "nobody who
ever went to school." But that is no
reason that this year's committee feels
that away. If you have a good idea
for a college show, don't throw it away
for some second class idea. Remember,
one of the funniest shows in New York
last year did things with the college
plot we didn't know could be done. On
the other hand, if you have a good
idea for a show not about college,
don't squelch it. Remember the stu-
dent today is no longer collegian, he
is vitally interested in affairs outside
his campus world, and you might be a
wise playwright indeed to reflect this
interest in your play. Whatever your
subject matter, write it with an eye
to the popular campus audience of to-
day, and the Committee is (all for
Beware Of Satire
II. Beware of this sort of play. Ex-
ample: You are looking around for
an unusual idea for a play. Mars is an
unusual idea. You could be modern
about Mars, because nobody knows
anything about it. Odd costumes. Ex-
travadgantscenery. Girl from earth
gets stranded up there. Thing to be a
grand burlesque and satire on all
things of this our capitalistic world
- The thing to beware of in a play
of this sort is, it has no plot. And
people who go to the theatre, for the
sort of play you are writing, like sat-
ire, burlesquing, extravagance, but
they like it, all subservient to good
plot. Extravagance alone is the rea-
ichigan Co-ed
Becomes Bride
Miss Mary Paul, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Paul, will become the
bride of Mr. Lawrence Frederick Rat-
terman, '34, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Ratterman, at a very simple fall wed-
ding at 9:30 this morning in St.
Thomas church. The ceremony will
take place at low mass and Father
Babcock will officiate.
Miss Paul has chosen Miss Clar-
ibel Ratterman, sister of the groom,
for her only attendant. Mr. Patrick
Ratterman will assist his brother as
best man.
For her wedding, Miss Paul has se-
lected a charming blue crepe model,
and will carry an arm bouquet of Jo-
hanna Hill roses, tied with tulle in
fall colors. Miss Ratterman will wear
a Spanish tile dress trimmed with
mink. Her tailored gown will be set
off by an arm bouquet of French
marigold and baby breath. Both the
bride's and groom's mothers have
chosen morning dresses of black and
Following the ceremony, there will
be a wedding breakfast for the family
at the Paul residence on Shadford
Rd. After a motor trip through Ten-
nessee and Kentucky, the couple will
be at home in Cincinnati. Miss Paul
was affiliated with Collegiate Sorosis

sorority and Mr. Ratterman was a1
member of Beta Theta Pi.
Law School Graduate
Leads Drill In Dexter
Miss Grace Carleton, a graduate
of the law school; attended the open-
ing meeting of the Dexter Women's
Study club yesterday. Miss Carleton
conducted a drill in parliamentary
Miss Carleton is parliamentarian
of the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution .and of the Washtenaw
County Federation of Women's clubs.

son why the last part of the movie
musical "Dames" was so bad, it was

extravagant to no point. Remember,.j Frank Gilbreth is a graduate of the
it is difficult for satire, burlesque, class of 1933. He is a member of Al-
andunuuanes t stnd n hei ipha Delta Phi fraternity and was
and unusualness to stand on their managing editor of the Michigan
own legs. Like the well-known "gag", Daily his senior year. He is also
they often go flat, and there is noth- a member of the Michigamua.

ing worse. Razzing and splendor are
most successful when they are inci-
dental rather than fundamental to
a show.
Be Simple, Direct
III. Don't be too afraid of being
Trite. It is better to be trite, simple,
direct, to use stock characters thrh
try the extremes of originality. A
simple plot, simply handled, with con-
ventional characters, makes a pretty
good musical show. Because the first
thing about a musicl =how is -it
should move. The complication should
be in music, dancing, and satire not
in story and character. One should be
on the lookout for clever and surprise
twists for one's story, but one
shouldn't make a play out of these
two things alone.
IV. Make your dialogue actable.'
Think of how it will sound when
spoken aloud.
Shun "Gag Humor"
V. Try to let your humor spring
from your plot and characters, and
let it be situation humor and charac-
ter humor. Shun gag humor as you
would the devil. Even at it's best it
isn't any good. It is the lowest con-
ceivable trick of playwriting, even if
Shakespeare did indulge in it.
VI. Don't worry too much about
how music and dancing will fit into
your play. Spend this time worrying
about, and improving your haracters,
plot, and dialogue.
VII. Write your play in as many
acts and scenes as you want to, but
remember the best span of attention
for the audience is from twenty to
thirty minutes.
Elections Are Held
At Alumnae House
Roselyn Chapel, '35, was elected
president of Alumnae House when
election of officers was held recently.
Other officers chosen at this time
were Louise Juckett, '37, vice presi-
dent; Beulah Kanter, '37, secretary;
Betty Roberts, '38, treasurer.
Representatives to the Board of
Governors are: Virginia Witters,
freshman representative; Mary Wal-
ker, sophomore representative; Dor-
othy Quaife, senior representative.
Victoria Toteff, '37SM was chosen as
social chairman for both Alumnae
House and Adelia Cheever.
Turquoise and silver decorations
formed the color scheme at the Zeta
Tau Alpha sorority rushing formal
Thursday night. Silver tapers and
blue carnations made up the table
Helen Kager Prophet, national in-
spector of the sorority, was a guest of
the local chapter. The alumnae from
Detroit who attended the formal din-
ner Thursday were Edith Jackson,
Eleanor Blakely, Emily Grims, Grace
Hamilton, and Nelly Garret.

The couple will make their home
at Charleston.
League Urges Women
To File Activities Cards
All women on campus are re-
quested to fill out the Activities
cards available at the League, eith-
er in the office of Miss Ethel Me-
Cormick, social director, or in the
Undergraduate office. These cards
list the various campus activities,
and women may check all in which
they are interested. Later these
cards will be consulted for commit-
tee positions. and women who have
indicated an interest will be called
Sororities are asked to obtain
sufficient cards, and return them
in the near future.
Read The Classifieds

Of course you're going to the Feeling very much post-rushing
game this afternoon so why not this morning we dropped into the
cheose your sport togs for the occa- DiMattia Beauty Shop for renova-
sion? Nothing is more swanky for tion and came out in a surprisingly
this in-between weather than a short time feeling up to almost
wool suit we saw at the Elizabeth anything. First the new barber did
Dillon Shop. It's a shirt-waist frock wonders to the no-longer-curly
in oxford and old-gold with an un- locks then a soothing shampoo and
lined plaid jacket. The dress itself wave. And while we're waving
has those ultra new clasps in place you'd better check your summer
of buttons. (Such a help to the permanent and decide to be tested
non-domestic co-ed!) We also saw for a new one by the DiMattia
some very good looking wools and method. . . it's perfectly fool-proof.
they're well within the reach of the k k e
most rigid budget.
Perfumes are certainly coming
into their own this season; they're
And speaking of football, you bought according to the occasion,
really should dash down to the of course, and did you know that
Carmel Crisp Shop on your way to there are scents for all ages? There
the game for some of their new is a wide field to choose from at
potato chips. They're very lush Calkins-Fletcher's with such excit-
and, we've heard that the "chip- ing names as Bellodgia (by the
ping" process removes all starch. makers of Nuit de Noel), Toujours
For you dieting fiends without Moi, by Corday, Rue de la Paix,
changing their flavor for the rest and the very chic Chanel No. 5 for,
of us. Naturally they still deliver we were told, the sweet young co-
that velvety fudge and crunchy ed. The ever-popular Evening in
pop-corn that is simply smothered Paris is being put up this year in
in butter. You might also go down a tricky little pocket-book flacon
to brush up your joke supply, which, in both sizes and price, will
* * * * fit the tiniest purse.



56th Annual Series

Renowned prima
the Metropolitan

donna of
and other

Distinguished in opera, con-
cert, the radio, and the
The "Singing Horsemen of
the Steppes." Thirty-six ex-
patriated former officers of
the Imperial Russian Army.
Hungarian violin virtuoso. A
favorite throughout Europe
and America.
110 players in the fourth con-
secutive annual Ann Arbor
World renowned prima don-
na in her first Ann Arbor
Eminent Spanish pianist and
conductor in re'cital.

illl ,






Allowance fo
Your Old Sto
$59.50 Plus Tax

First Violinist
Second Violinist
Recognized world exponent
of Beethoven music in an "all
Beethoven" program.
A forefront orchestra under a
dynamic leader in an Ann
Arbor debut.
(with $3.00 May Festival cou-

Every modern minded woman who sees it, wants it for
the kitchen she is bringing up-to-date. And what better
way to start than with a new gas range, most used of
kitchen appliances. This Series 1200 Magic Chef is
trim, graceful-with new conveniences which make
cooking easy. New two-piece Broiler, drains fats away
from fire - prevents burning and smoking. Automatic
Lighter for cooking top burners. Red Wheel Oven
Regulator. Sanitary High Burner Tray. New Type Round
Head Burners which give a thousand variations of con-
trolled heat. Time control clock for oven [extra) if
desired. Conveniences of which you've never dreamed.

We have added
a complete lower-
priced dress sec-



ie- 1

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