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October 04, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-04

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rnuir, rives

Women Spend Summer A t Freshmen Hear
Bennington/School Of D nce Second Talk


Foreign Students Will Reeeive
Aid In Practical Use Of Enodish



(I d~ ,tom G~ i -l


udent Advisors To
Attend League Meeting
All student advisers working on
e0ientation Project are to meet
12 no:n today in the Russian
n ERoom of the League. A round
ble discussion, with Maxine May-
:d. '35, presiding, will follow the

Significant of the increasing inter-
eL in the modern dance, was the
eothusiastic reception of the Ben-
flin ion School of Dance, Bennington,
Vt. One hundred and three students
xgister d for the six weeks' course
while 50 aspirants were turned away.
Such artists as Doris Humphreys
and Charles Weidman, performers in
last year's Dramatic Festival, and
Martha Graham, America's outstand-
ing dancer, instructed and gave recit-
al. Hanya Holm' represented the
Wigwam School. John Martin, Dance
Ciiic of the New York Times, spent
the summer at Bennington so as to
keep the public informed on the pro-
gress of the venture.
Among the stu tlnts were Miss
Emily White, instructor of rhythms
classes and director of Dance Club,
and Collin Wilsey, '35. One of Miss
Wilsey's compositions was of such
merit that it received recognition
from Martha Graham.
Bennington College sponsored this
course of modern dance as part of
their progressive program. The offi-
cers of the Administration believe
that the arts should be granted equal
standing with all the other College
The Bennington School of Dance
brought together from 27 states pe?-
pl with varying interests and talenfts.
Two-thirds of the dancers were
teachers and one-third college stu-
dents. Ages ranged from 15 to 60,
the average age being 28.
Such a wide representation made
possible the carrying out of the de-
clared purpose of the school: "The
modern dance in common with the
other arts of this period is a diversi-


fled rather than a singyle style. At
the same time it possesses certain
identifying characteristics which are
common to all significant forms. The
most advantageous plan of study is
one which reflects the diversification
and by affording comparisons, aims
to reveal the essentials of modernism
in the dance."
This project was so successful that
plans are being made several years
ahead in the hope of developing it

in the manner of the
Festivals abroad.

Salzburg Music

omy 3 dClub
Toeting iitia
IThe Initial meeting of the Comedy
Club this fall will be held at 4 p. m.
Friday in the league. Arrangements
at that time will be made for tryouts
for membership in the club to be
held next Tuesday and Wednesday.
Hubert Skidmore. '35, president of
the Club, Will be in charge of this or-
ganization meeting. At that time
plans for the fall play will be discuss-
cd before tle members.
Althougn no definite arrangements
lhve been made as yet, it is probable
that Raymond VanSickle's "Miss
Minnie Boggs" will be the first offer-
ing of the group. The play will open
in New York in the middle of this
winter season.
All upperclassmen and second se-
mester freshmen are eligible to try-
out for membership in the student
dramatic society. Those wishing to
apply for membership will b- reqpir-
ed to present a reading before the
' lub members on either Tuesday or
Wednesday of next week. More c9m-
1lete plans will be announced after
'the meeting Friday.
Arthur Marsh became commander
1 of the Erwin Prieskorn Post of the
'American Legion when he and six
other officers were inducted yesterday
at the Legion home on 'South Main
Street. District Commissioner L.
Munell of Jackson was in charge of
the ceremonies.

" I U . V 3 G k}.1. 1G s By JANE SCHNEIDER
There is a serious problem con-
fronting foreign students in this
Dean1 Alice Lloyd Speaks country who are almost entirely cut
in 'College'Conduct'; off from their own language. No
matter how well grounded their Eng-
Social Dignity Essential lish may be grammatically, the actual
--~- use of English in conversation is a
"You justify your existence in col- new difficulty for them. This year
lege by a very definite attitude toward an experiment is being undertaken to
your work, and by a certain social dig- provide new foreign students with
nity which we ask of you because you the immediate assistance that theys
are college students," Miss Alice evidently need.
Lloyd, dean of women, told fresh- The general plan of the experiment
men yesterday at the second of the is built around a series of study tours
series of freshman lectures. to be conducted each Monday from
Miss Lloyd in speaKing on the sub- 4 to 6 p. m. through the various units'
ject of "College Conduct" emphasized of the University. The day following
the fact that students here have a each tour, the students will meet in
certain "'unearned increment" in their small groups for a discussion of their.
education, having been born in a cer- observations. After this hour of prac-
tain environment and endowed with dice in English conversation, the stu-
certain mental powers, they have been dents will be asked to write a letter'
given a University education. This ed- to someone in their home country
ucation can be best earned, in respect summarizing all that they have seen.
to their work, by intellectual hon- These letters will be corrected and
esty. ieturned to the students.
Certain refinements in social be- An outline of the tours planned,
havior were stressed by Dean Lloyd. As
In living together in large numbers vocabulary of new words, and a list of
for example, consideration in respect questions will be given to each stu-
to quiet hours and other necessary-
rules, is essential to good taste and
happy living. Dress, she said, should C P
likewise reflect good taste, forj CHAPTER HOUSE
"clothes that make us conspicuous
and other people uncomfortable are ACT IV ITY NOT ES
in very poor taste."
In touching upon the subject of

J. Rleigh Nelsonj
}- -
- -e
dent in advance, so that the tours
may give the students immediate ac-
cess to the facilities ineeded for their

Dial 6
A Smart Shop
Smart Set, Sp
in Al Linesi

ppe for the
of Beauty
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* Noon or Night

LUNCH. .25c
1116 So. University
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Charming feminine styles, trig tailored A
n numbers. for lounging and sleeping.
Easy to wash-no ironing necessary!
00 &$250

drinking, Miss Lloyd said that the Sororities are busily planning for
young people of this generation have the formal dinner, the gala finale to
to contend with the fact that prohi- the two-week rushing period. The
bition has made the whole nation decorations being used are colorful
very self-conscious on the subject. In and attractive. Many alumnae are re-
this connection she explained, "The turning for the event.
nation by repeal has again put the Alpha Chi Omega
responsibility into our hands. Educat- For the two formal dinners the
ed people have got to set the stand- Alpha Chi Omega sorority is carrying.
ard. Help us as a nation to get a out the colors of the sorority in red
saner attitude about the whole mat- carnation and green smilax with ivory
ter." candles. Among the alumnae return-
Criticisms against co-education, ing are: Gertrude Babcock, Mrs. Carl
Miss Lloyd said have their other side. Krause, Carol Hanan, Roberta Dill-
"You are going to live in a society man, Dorothy Smith, and Constance
of men and women, not just of Beery of Detroit; Betty Lyons, Jack-
women. Whether co-education is a son; Mrs. W. A. Galbraith, Pontiac,
good thing or not depends on your and Mrs. Leslie Kindred, Mrs. John
ability to keep your head." Mathes, BettyrBingham, and Ruth
Miss Lloyd's 'speech was concluded j'Tice of Ann Arbor.
with a compliment for the freshmen Alpha Gamma Delta
and a request that they keep the! Alpha Gamma Delta sorority enter-
standards of college conduct on a high tained their rushees last night with
plane. a Cinderella Ball. Place-cards were
in the form of silver slippers. Silver
tapers were used.
Leaoue GrillTo Delta Gamma
Rosanna Manchester, '36, was in
Entertain With charge of the rushing formal given
at the Delta Gamma House last night.
She was assisted by Louise Stevens,
Stunt Profrani '36,and Nancy Olds, '37. The tables
were decorated with ivory candles
and mixed fall flowers. -
Stunt Night, beginning at 8:30 p.
i., Wednesday, Oct. 10, will inaugur-
ate the season's program of dances j ore G e i
in the League Grill. Al Cowan's rive its
oand will play, and a number of en- .
tertaining features are to be includ- btiu N1'CCeSsores
d in the program. Nan Diebel, '35,
is in charge of the weekly event. For Lvenig Wear
"Stunt Night has always been very,
successful," Miss Ethel McCormick, For the formal rushing dinners
social director of the League said this week it may be interesting to
yesterday, in commenting on this know just what the stores are show-
year's plans. "Being an informal af- ing this fall in the way of evening
fair, the students always have fun, wear accessories.
and it was extremely well attended Formal gloves may be any length
last year." this year. the shoulder length white


Prof. J. Raleith Nelson will also
give a special class in English every
Wednesday and Friday at 4 p. m. in
room 1209 Angell Hall. This class
which is entirely non-cedit work,
wil linclude reading aloud, dictation,
and phonetics to help the students
improve their pronunciation. Provis-
ion will also be made for individual
work if necessary. Prof. Nelson will
have a list of approved tutors avail-
able foi those needing special help.
This may be secured in his offica.
These special classes, which began
yesterday afternoon and were attend-
ed by a large number of students, are
an extension of a plan employed for
many years in the Engineering Col-
lege by Professor Nelson, chairman
of the committee on foreign relations.
Further notice of all meetings will be
published in the D. O. B.

Dinner Meeting
Hed By Zonta.
Club Members
The Ann Arbor Zonta Club held its
first dinner meeting of the year Tues-
day night at the Michigan Union.
After dinner there was a business
meeting at which the program for the
coming year was outlined.
There will be meetings twice a
month on the first and third Tues-
days, the first of which will be de-
voted to a short business meeting and
program under the direction of the
Committee on Public Affairs with
Edith Bader as chairman. These pro-
grams will consist of short speeches
by members of the club who have
previously contacted some community
The second meeting of the month
will be devoted to study and discus-
sion of state, national, and interna-
tonal affairs. For these meetings a
study course will be outlined by Pro-
fessor Charles F. Remer of the eco-
nomics department.
Tuesday night's program featured a
talk by Miss Mary Scott of the Youth
Forum and Youth Council on the
needs and plans of the youth of Ann
Arbor. A member of the club was ap-
pointed to keep in touch with the
yvuth movement and re orntif n .

Styles in Town
and Campus ...
East Liberty at Maynard


It's a Qick Trick"
a- I

Any students interested in per-
forming are asked to hand in their
names to Miss Diebel, at the League
or at the Delta Gamma house.
Where T1o Go
Theatres: Majestic, "Cat's Paw"
with Harold Lloyd; Michigan, "Dra-
gon Murder Case" and a stage show;
Whitney, "Black Moon" with John
Holt and "15 Wives" with Conway
Tearle; Wuerth, "Wild Gold" with
John Boles and "Laughing Boy" with
Ramon Novarro.
Dancing: Den Cellar, Iut Cellar.
Exhibitions: Architectural and art
exhibition of student work, open daily
from 9 a.m.4to 5 p.m., Architectural
Building. Memorial exhibition of
paintings of Gari Melchers, open
daily from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall.

accepted choice for formal wear. I time to time.
These may be silver or gold or tint- Plans were also made for the Tnter-
ed to exactly match a dress of its City meeting which will take place
trimming. With these sandals are here on November 17. Representatives
being shown the sandal stocking of the Zonta Clubs of Michigan, Ohio,
which has only a narrower strip of I and Windsor, Canada will be present,
heavier silk at the bottom of the foot There will be an international speaker
which does not shpw, the rest is of and a proram of international stu-
the sheerest silk that gives the foot den ts.
an entirely baregooted appearance. dt __
The wearing qualities of this sort of
hosiery are doubtful, but the effect TWO TREMORS FELT
makes up for this deficiency. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. -- (IP)--
Evening purses are largely of the Two distinct earth shocks were felt in
pouch variety and are somewhat San Francisco, Oakland and other
larger than last season. Particularly Bay Region cities at 12:21 and 12:31
stunning ones are made of gold or p.m. today. The tremors caused a
silver sequins that have velvet trim- temporary flurry of excitement in the
ming to match the color of the for- American Federation of Labor Con-
mal. White or pastel purses are al- venton here. No damage was reported.


kid glove is even being shown, as ist
the twelve and six inch glove. Fab-1
ric gloves of all shades to match par-r
ticular gowns are proving exceedingly
popular also.
Shoes of the sandal variety are the






ways popular.
The jewelry that is being worn this
FURS USED CLEVERLY fall is confined entirely to earrings
Fur coats are radically different and bracelets, no necklaces being
'his year. The more formal furs such shown at all. The conventional
'is squirrel, summer ermine, and mink rhinestone is a good choice, since itI
tre being used in an unprecedented matches every formal. Marquisits
manner. They are being cut for day- earrings are also attractive withj
Aime in swagger and box coat types. matching rings.
The butcher boy motif, belted in front;_andswinginglooseinaflaeinthe
and swinging loose in a flare in the ---- = == -- = =_

Jo -Chamberlain, a former manag-
ing editor of The Daily, is now on
the staff of The Review of Reviews.
One of his recent contributions to
the magazine is "Short Rations for
Qhr (lur5


)"C' - Mn,

6nip uwne 's. .

pack is another example of this nNw
use of dressy furs.




Zip it up the front...that's
all ... no buckles . . . no
laces ... it's the tieless ox-
ford that girls are "going
for it in a big way"... made
of rough arain leather


Joist Arrived!


6 FERNLEY-Fabric, you know, is the sophisticated shoe
material this fall. Black Repspun with patent.
* CABANA*-Gleaming patent on luxuriously soft suede.
Adds that festive look to suits and dresses. Black or
brown. Also a Cabana Tie. *Name and Design Registered U.s.Pat. OI.

has passed the most rigorous
ests of The Better Fabrics Test-
g Bureau - for excelence of
ik and perfection of knitting-
>r sheer beauty and satisfactory
ervice. You may depend upon
OLEPROOF to be truly fine.




_ I I





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