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October 04, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-04

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CITY EDITOR .........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas HI Kleene, David G. MacDonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper,
Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean.
Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff,
Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley,
Allan Dewey, John A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney
Finger; William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sher-
win Gaines, Ralph W. Hurd, Walter R. Kreuger John
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C. Oathout, John P. Otte, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall
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ford Carpenter, Jacob C. Siedel, Bernard Levick, George
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Dorothy Briscoe, Maryana Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Saxon Finch,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Beulah Kanter, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Mary Annabel Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Char-
lotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Carolyn Sherman,
Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Betty Vinton, Laura
Winograd, Jewel Weurfel.
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
The Use Of
+Chiseing' ..
/' +HISELING is not an agreeable word.
4The Daily's use of the word "chis-
elers" in connection with students occupying FERA
positions without being entitled to them, has
brought forth several comments.
One correspondent, a professor in the University,
suggests that his contact with Michigan students
over a period of many years has convinced himn
that few students are so energetic that they
would care to work unless their circumstances
really required'it. Therefore, he adds, since these
students are more or less in a condition of need, it
is hardly fair to call them "chiseers."
It may be true that Michigan students who are
receiving Federal aid are not wealthy undergrad-
uates who are working for the enjoyment, or for
the supposedly heroic halo ,that is. attached to
those who assist in supporting themselves. Never-
theless, it has come to the attention of FERA
officials that a number of applicants who are at
present holding jobs, were awarded t.hem on the
basis of applications that. were palpably false, in
that they tended to exaggerate the financial con-
dition of the student.
While under ordinary circumstances, The Daily
would agree that students who find it necessary
to work, and are willing to work, should be per-
mitted to gain employment if the occasion pre-
sents itself. Under present conditions, however,
when a discouraging number of students are being
forced to leave school because they are not able

to get Federal aid that is being taken by someone
who does not absolutely require it, we can find
no other word for these falsifiers than "chiselers."
It is required of applicants that they state over
their signature that without such aid, they would
be forced to leave school. Anyone who consciously
exaggerates his position for the sake of gaining an
easy way to earn pocket moneys as some have
been learned to have done, and who by his action
forces a really needy student to leave the Uni-
versity, can be nothing but a "chiseler."
It was noted at the time of the institution of
the FERA last year, that some students holding

Not Without
Honor ...
r HAT OLD SAW about looking in
your own back yard for the Holy
Grail.r whatever it was, may be fully appreciated
some day.
The University has for years followed a policy
of drawing on men in its own service when there
were openings for promotions or appointments to
new positions. Leaving new blood to find its way
in at the bottom of the system, the administration
recognized and rewarded ability and endeavor by
the bestowing of further honors and responsibil-
Last year it was realized that various depart-
ments were going to considerable expense to bring
in outside speakers who were nomore authorita-
tive in their fields than any nuniber of men on
their own staffs. This year, for the secon time,
the University lecture series will be given by
Michigan men.
Official Washington has called a good many
faculty members from the University to sit in on
consultations of all sorts. A half dozen men have
already been drafted to full-time positions in
the government since the semester opened. The
Alumnus Quarterly now abounds with scholarly
articles by faculty authorities.
To the overworked student who suffers through
too many two o'clock sessions, the lecturer is no
hero. He may be a good, indifferent, or unbearable
lecturer. He may be a good sport or just an absent-
minded college professor outside the class. He's
never a hero.
Few of us stop to think how many men we have
listened to (or slept through) who are not without
honor as prophets outside their own small commu-
Campus Opinhon
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors aregasked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Art, Not Jingoism
To the Editor:
Now that fall is here, and school has started . .
readers may expect periodical outbursts of indig-
nation . . . such as was witnessed in last Sun-
day's issue of The Daily in reference to the show
that was on last week at the Mendelssohn, "No
Greater Glory."
There are, of course, the usual charges, like "The
film is one of a series of propaganda pictures
created for the express purpose of selling the
American people on war," "Backed by munition
makers and other large financial interests-," with
nothing at all to substntiate them. But freshmen
and other new students will get used to this sort
of stuff ...
Among the absolutely false claims made by the
League Against War and Militarism is the one
which states that "Even some commercial distribu-
tors refuse to lend themselves to the plan of the
wealthy war-makers who would slaughter millions
to make a few (?) dollars." One of the local papers
stated that the reason that the other local dealers
did not take the picture was because there were
so few well-known actors and they doubted if they
could interest the public in that type of a film ...
I am not going to take space to expose any
more obviously false accusations. But I would like
to say that I am against any small, lunatic minor-
ity trying to become censors of films and shows
that the whole campus might be interested in. This
nefarious organization closes by saying, "We, who
are among the hundreds of liberal-minded students
who helped establish the Art Cinema League, unite
with liberals, pacifists, and anti-fascists on the
campus and in Ann Arbor to demand of the Art
Cinema League assurance that films of this char-
acter will not appear on its program."
Of course, the League Against War is a pacifist
organization, so it might be that they are qualified
to speak for this group. However, I consider myself
as belonging to the other two groups -liberals and
anti-fascists-and I not only would not ask the

league to censor films for me, but I would feel
it an insult to my intelligence to have an organi-
zation representing different, though vaguely sim-
ilar interests, prevent certain shows from coming
here. Even pacifists should be broaid-minded
enough to lookat the other side. However, I think
many persons wll agree with me when I say that
I could see very little "propaganda" for an "uncivi-
lized orgy of mass butchery" or that it was "a very
clever bit of jingoistic, militaristic propaganda,
all the more dangerous because of the insidious
cloak of fake fascism that has been spread over
it," Only a few crack-pot radicals could figure
out such stuff from a show, which despite this no-
torious league, was, and by more of a stretch of
the imagination, is artistic ...
Preshman Round Table
Tosthe Editor:
What has happened to the Freshman Round
Last year it afforded an adequate opportunity
for students of all sects, religious and non-relig-
ious, to meet and discuss questions in which they
were interested. So far this year, however, nothing
has been mentioned of it.
Why cannot this group be reorganized? Should
not the religious center on the campus promote
this activity?
-An Interested Sophomore.
II A i.

of at least $1,000 to ensure completion of the first
year without-undue hardship."
"While more students than ever before are work-
" ing their way through college. those going for the
first time should be prepared to meet the major
part of their expenses," he urges. "A thousand dol-
lars gives the student time to become acclimated
to the college atmosphere and protects him from
the, disappointment which would result from fail-
ure to pay his way."
We wonder how many freshmen at California
have $1,000 "to ensure completion of the first
year without undue hardship." We suspect not
many are that fortunate.
Tue Daily Californian.
A student at the University of Indiana was in
a chemistry lab and the professor was explaining
certain reactions to him:
"This liquid turns blue if the unkown is basic,
and it turns red if the unknown is acid,"
"Sorry, but I'm color blind," apologized the brain
trust. Have you got anything with a bell on it."
We believe this to be the best scene of the
week. An eminent senior at the University of
Wisconsin was seen dr unk recently hanging on
a lamp post lustily singing, "Hold Me."
. Here are some mythical interviews staged by the
Boston University News:
Question: What are your observations upon the
opening of school?
Hugh Johnson (late of NRA): "Once schools are
open we'll crack down with a code for professors,
then the intellectual Neanderthals among 'em will
find themselves sitting on a keg of TNT and only
Ph,'s will be allowed to sport goatees."
Robert L. Ripley: "Believe it or not, but Einstein
flunked math, every Deke wears exactly the same
size necktie--for that matter the same necktie,
and the Boston University's enrollment will include
some 12,000 souls and a few heels."
This is the inscription on a bulletin board
outside a church on the Northwestern Uni-
versity campus:
Underneath was printed in smaller char-
acters "Come and hear our organist."
Ad in the University of Missouri paper:
Reward: We will gladly swap one guaranteed
telephone number for information leading to the
name and address of the blonde who was seated
in the Auburn Lounge Room Wednesday morning
at 10:18.
A Kappa sends in this contrib:
In many a verbal
One answer will bring
Sure victory.
Snappy comebacks
There are a lot.
But you can't get around
The phrase, "SO WHAT."
A course in horseshoe pitching has been offered
at Los Angeles Junior College. Credit is given for
the course by the physical education department
and the students are promised a strenuous season
of tournaments with other schools and clubs. We
wonder how many ringers will be needed for a
varsity letter?"
h * . , . *{
"Many freshmen," says a dean at Mon-
mouth college, "are like rivers - always
wanting to change their courses."
A Washington

---- -- - - .


.. .. ..


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Fur Trims:

A PERSIAN poet-philosopher of world-wide fame
once remarked on the advisability of taking
the cash and letting the credit go. It was a very
practical suggestion.
Yet if the pricked-up ears of Washington on-
lookers at the game of debt settlement between
Washington and Moscow catch it aright, Ambas-
sador Troyanovsky is homeward bound to report
that Omar Khayyam was wrong: the thing to do
is take the credit and let the cash go.
Exactly why the Russians should have conceived
it possible, in the fretted state of political if not
popular opinion in the United States over the
war debt issue, to wrangle a nice big cash loan
out of Uncle Sam as an incident of debt settlement,
does not appear at first glance. What does appear
is that the original proposal was for a $200,000,000
loan and later, as a "great concession," was re-
vamped to half cash, half credit.
As an American student of home political mat-
ters could have advised Moscow off-hand, that
looked no better to the State Department than in
the original form. Credits, opening up a flow of
business with Russia, are all right; cash loans are
politically all wrong. Any such suggestion would
stir Congress to the boiling point next winter, re-
gardless of the elections outcome.
CONGRESSIONAL candidates of both parties arc
waving the flag vigorously over the war debt
matter. It is a perfectly safe thing to get excited
No flarebacks are likely to result, as might from
tactless handling of various asnects of the "New




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