'Tie Weather
Fair and moderately cool to-
day; tomorrow unsettled and
warmer; possibly showers.
Chiseling In FERA Must Be
The Doleful Prophets ..
T ±-
1 I
Call On Students
To Help Remove
Rushing Rule
Breaches Are
F~a Of Baine Br P dd
Members Of
Faculty Will
Give Lectures
Whita Ra. d.
Nye Says Countries Must
Make War Impossible By
Taking Profits OutOf It
Replacement Of Many Now
Working With Needy Is
Aim Of Administrator
Waiting Lst Now
Has More Than 700
Reports Thus Far Have
Been Too Indefinite And
Without Names
An appeal for all student and fac-
ulty members of the University to re-
port any known cases of FERA chis-
elers, and for any students holding
such positions without needing them
to remain in school to report them-
selves, has been issued by Prof. Lewis
M. Gram of the Engineering college,
FERA administrator.
It is possible that a large number
of students have falsified their per-
sonal financial statements in order
to secure the FERA jobs and are at
present employed in the relief admin-
istration, in the opinion of Professor
Gram. Following the policy of the ad-
ministraton, which has been to give
the work to the most needy, an at-
tempt is being made to weed out the
chiselers and to replace them with
students in genuine need.
Check-Up Impossible
The administrator pointed out that
a check-up on those who have falsi-
fied the accounts of their financial
standings is practically impossible in
view of the limited facilities of the
FERA administration office. He
pointed out that the only thing that
will help is the active participation
of the student; body in reporting cases
of chiselers of which they have knowl-
So far a few scattered reports of
persons having jobs and not needing
them have come into the administra-
tion office, but no names have been
divulged. Consequently;. no action
could be taken. Professor Gram point-
ed out that it is more of a moral
laxity for a student not to report a
chiseler than it is for a student to "tell
on" one, because so many others are.
in real need.
More Than 700 Waiting
More than 700 students are on the
waiting list, but of these only 50 per
cent -have qualified for positions by
filling out personnel cards, the office
revealed. These students are urged to
complete these in the near future in
order to be eligible for any vacancies.
Last spring more than 300 students
were assigned to 78 different projects
under the FERA grant-of-aid to
needy college students. Most of the
78 were concentrated in the literary
college, where 33 different projects
were approved and given their quota
of student workers. The nature of
these covered a wide range, such as
various types of research, general cler-
ical work, and assistantships. The
total number of applicants was more
than 450.
In March of last year, nearly one
month after the projects had been
started, a rumor of chiseling was
heard on the campus, but was em-
phatically denied by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven.
The policy of the administration,
operating through the office of Joseph
A. Bursley, dean of students, was to
admit all students who could certify
that they would have to leave school
if the aid was not forthcoming, leav-
ing the investigation of the candidates
until later.
Discharges Honorable
It was announced that from time
to time students who were found not
to be qualified ,would be discharged,
but that the discharge would be an
honorable one, since in many cases
the basis upon which qualifications
were established were indefinite.
A week after the charge of chisel-
ing was denied, however, Professor
Gram undertook to weed out all of
the less needy students and replace
them with those in greater distress.
In explanation of the fact that the;
pledges were evidently false, Professor
Gram said that the policy had been to
get as many needy students to work
astsoon as possible and then to check
up as much as possible the circum-
stances of each case.
Alumni Football Dinner
To Be Given In Chicago,
A football dinner for University
Case No. I
NOTE; The Daily, in order to show
the necessity of weeding chiselers
out of the FERA and replacing them
with students who are actually in
need of the jobs, is running a series
of case histories of needy students.
Names are not mentioned in the
series but definite proof of each
case is available. - The Editors.
He has $6 in his pocket and no
prospect of a penny from home for
the remainder of the year. He
works at a campus restaurant for
two meals a day. He does without
He is a special student in the
engineering college and has spent
two semesters on campus in the
last two years. While he was out
of school the first semester last
year he worked on a structural
steel job in Erie, Pa., where he
saved enough money to carry him
through school the second half of
the year.1
He had enough money to support
himself without an FERA job l;.st
year, and did not apply for such
a job, knowing he could get along
-for that period at least - with-
out it.
He registered this year with $76
in his pocket, expecting to get an
FERA job. He has $6 left and no
job. He will probably leave school
unless he gets one.
S.C.A. Forms
New Plans For
Varied Activity
r ui i ~ung i~ranue iwne, nemer, r monsl'.on,
A 'Squealer' Prevents Stason To Speak During
Many Accusations First Semester
Evidence Too Thin Outside Lecturers
To Indict Suspects May Also Appear
Singleton Claims Adequate Will Present First Talk
System But Cooperation October 29 In Natural
Of Students Lacking Science Auditorium
Fear of being branded a "squealer" Names of speakers for the series
has caused all individuals making of eight University lectures were an-
charges against fraternity houses nounced yesterday by Dr. Frank E.
for alleged dirty rushing to withdraw Robbins, Assistant to the President,
these charges, Phillip E. Singleton, who is in charge of the program.
'35, president of the Interfraternity This semester students will hear
Council, said last night. Prof. Alfred H. White, head of the
Throughout the rushing period chemical engineering department,
Singleton has been approached with Prof. Charles F. Remer of the econ-
various charges against fraternities. omics department, Dean J. B. Ed-
One was against a Washtenaw house monson of the School of Education,
for seeing a freshman in his rooms and Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law
after hours, another against a State School.
Street House for drinking beer with The four speakers for the second
a rushee after hours. semester will be Prof. Dwight L. Du-
Evidence Fragmentary mond of the history department, Prof.
Whenvertheperons akig teseFrederick A. Coller, director of the
Whenever the persons making these ' '
charges were urged to petition for surgery department, Prof. Campbell
an indictment against these fraterni- Bonner, head of the Greek depart-
ties, however, it was found that their ment, and Prof. Malcolm H. Soule of
evidence was too fragmentary and the bacteriology department.
circumstantial to hold any water in The speakers will lecture in the
an indictment. order named on Oct. 29, Nov. 20, Dec.
Alvin Schleifer, '35, secretary of the 5, Jan. 18, Feb. 14, March 7, March 25,
council, said that one individual made and April 23. All lectures will take
a charge because "a fellow told him place at 4:15 p. m. in the Natural
that he saw another fellow that he Science Auditorium.
thought belonged to such and such While all of the eight scheduled
a house drinking beer after hours with speakers are members of the Univer-
a fellow that looked like a rushee." sity faculty, Dr. Robbins has tenta-
Singleton admitted that he had tive arrangements with several out-
heard numerous rumors about "dirty" side lecturers, and more may be an-
rushing on the campus and stated nounced later.
that he sincerely hoped that if there "At first," Dr. Robbins stated, "all
was any credence to the rumors that of the so-called 'University lectures'
washay chrdnesodthe iumdsthat were delivered by outside speakers,
the charges would be filed so that but finally we realized that we have
defniteaionscoulde n.men on our faculty who are just as
Claims System Is Sound good as any one else 'in their field.
When asked whether he thought it In addition, the University lectures
the fault of the system that violations provide a means of aking known
were committed and yet left unre- the real scholars of te University
ported, Schleifer replied in the nega- faculty."
tive. "We have the machinery to Complete announcement of the lec-
j adequately punish violators but when tures has not yet been made because,
we urge students to put down on the topics of all the speakers are not
paper their charges, even though they yet known.
may be presented anonymously, their
answer is always 'We don't want to
be squealers.'" Campus Clock On
In order to bring an indictment *
against a fraternity for unfair rush- Chinting Spree As
ing an individual must file a petition .
with the Executive Committee of the .escapement Slips
Council. The committee, which is
composed of student, faculty, and
alumnmsembfstden, cnsiyrsnde The University clock on top of the
alumn members, then considers the Engineering Annex started to chime
harges and decides on adequate pun- at 7:30 p. m. yesterday. Not an unus-
imt ual thing in itself, but it kept right
on chiming. In fact it chimed for
Ade HProf two or three minutes before it seemed
AdelphiH a to become convinced that it was time
New Elections
Claim Interest,
Leaders Set
On Lecture Series
Campus Politics
As Bitter Battle
For Two
With the setting of dates tonight
for the election of class officers in all
schools and colleges of the University,
campus political leaders will begin
their rush of activities.
After the dates are definitely fixed
by the Undergraduate Council, party
caucuses will be held by the two
parties which have dominated literary
college politics for a number of years,
the State Street and Washtenaw
parties. The caucuses will select their
candidates for the offices of presi-l
dent, vice-president, secretary, and
treasurer in all the classes and J-Hop
representative in the junior class.
Following this the actual campaigns
will begin. Fraternities, sororities,
dormitories and league houses will be
canvassed for votes by the caucus
chairmen whose job it is to get his
candidates elected.
Past Campaigns Bitter
Campaigns in the past have been
enthusiastically and bitterly fought.
Party treasuries have been drawn;
upon to provide handbills, posters
and public address systems from auto-
mobiles. In one campaign a few years
ago, small cards naming the complete
slate of one of the parties were
diropped from an airplane Ivhich
circled over the campus. Campaign-
ing by individuals oftentimes proved,
the equal of campaigns by candi-
dates for municipal, state and federal
Present indications point toward a
campaign that will be even more bit- yI
terly fought than the campaigns of 1
other years. Upsets in many classes
and colleges in the University fea-
Prof. Alfred H. White, head of the
chemical engineering department, is
one of the faculty members who is
included on the list of speakers for
this year's University lecture series.
Council Meets
To Elect New
Is Called
By Head
Anderson Lead
In Ambitious
For New Year
The cabinet of the Student Christ-
ian Association, under the direction
of Russell F. Anderson, president ofJ
the organization, met last night at
Lane Hall to discuss plans and activi-
ties for the coming year.
Prof. H. C. Anderson, director of
extra-curricular activities was present
at the meeting, which was also attend-
ed by the student pastor and stu-
dent guild presidents of the various
The sending of delegates to the De-
troit Y.M.C.A. training conference,
and to the Big Ten parley for student
leaders were considerations of prom-
inate importance. Discussion concern-
ing the new extension and deputation
department resulted in the decision
to send speakers to the smaller col-
leges and the high schools of the
List Program
The rehabilitated program of the
Student Christian Association includ-
es the organization of a club for boys,
and a Boy Scout troop under the di-
rection of sociology students of the
association. In addition to this they
are sponsoring a monthly lecture
series, a religious census, a revival of
the round-table discussion group, a'
sociological expedition to Chicago,
and inter-guild parties.
In spite of a limited budget, the
cabinet aims to re-equip and dec-
orate Lane Hall, and will direct the
raising of the Fresh Air Camp fund.
It also has announced a program sup-
porting the Michigan Wolverine So-,
ciety in maintaining a low priced co-
operative eating place.
New Cabinet Named
The members of the new cabinet of
the association are Russel F. Ander-
son, '36, president, Patricia L. Wood-
ward, '35, vice-prseident, Lawrence F.
Quinn, '36, secretary, Irving F. Levitt,'
'36, publicity, Walter H. Pleiss, '37,
John Jeffries, '37, William G. Barndt,
'37, Verne Johnson, '36, William O.
Warner, '35, Eleanor E. Peterson, '35,
Geil H. Duffendack, '37, and Eliza-
beth W. Evans, '36.
Dawson At Smoker
Adelphi House of Representatives,
campus forensic society, held its first
smoker of the year Tuesday evening.
Robert H. Howard, '36L, Speaker
of the House, opened the meeting.
Samuel L. Travis, '37L, former speak-
er, welcomed the members and guests.
A large crowd attended the smoker,{
another of which will be held next
Tuesday, when a debate on the con-
trol of munitions manufacturing and
membership tryouts will be held.
Prof. John Dawson of the Law
School was the speaker last night,
addressing the group on the "Euro-
pean Situation," particularly stress-
ing the tangled alliance system of the
to stop.
Startled students walking
campus stopped, looked u
and thought classes weren't g
meet Wednesday, or a war hf
declared, or something. But
of the kind. Everybody was:
It was believed by EdwardI
foreman of the janitors and in
of the University's "Big Ben
an escapment slipped, caus
"stammering." The only har
was that it made the clock
fast for two or three hours.
Things go wrong with th
every once-in-awhile becaus
age, said Mr. Warren. The cl
to be wound only once or twi
ing winter and summer, but
the transition periods of spri
fall, attendants wind it once
Complete Explanation Of Aut
Ban RegulationsMade By]
Students whose applications for tion of the dean of students t
automobile driving privileges have I may be relaxed. The aut
been accepted and on file in the regulation will become effect:
Dean's office for a week are request- a. m., Monday, Sept. 24, and a
ed by Assistant to the Dean Walter B. larly enrolled students, oth
Rea to call for their permit tags with- those indicated in paragrapl
out delay. are requested to avoid any
Also students who have not applied or use of their cars until perm
for a driving permit are urged to do been obtained at the office
so at once as a closer check will be Dean of Students, Room 2, Ur
made on all cars since permit tags Hall.
have been issued. (2) The automobile re
Interpreting the Automobile Regu- governs the use of a car as
on the
going to
ad been
z," that
ing the
m done
e clock
e of its
ock has
ice dur-
ing and
a week.
his rule
ive at 8
ll regu-
er than
h seven
its have
of the
well as
ned car,
her pur-
en by a
imber of
tured the elections of last year and
after the last votes tabulated prom-
ises were heard from those whose
chosen party had at last met defeat
that they would get their revenge
this year.
From Literary College
The honor of the office of J-Hop
chairman is given to the students of
the literary college one year and those
of the engineering college the next.
This year the chairman will come
from the literary college. The other
schools and colleges will elect repre-
sentatives to serve on the J-Hop com-
The elections this year will be con-
trolled by the Undergraduate Council,
working in conjunction with the
Union. The Union will have charge
of the ballot boxes and the actual
counting of the votes, while the coun-
cil will have men at each polling place
to supervise the polling of the votes.
Reports Given
War League On
Annual Meeting
Reports on the adult and youth
sections of the annual Congress
Against War and Fascism held last
week-end in Chicago were made by
Everett Johnson, '36, and Arthur Clif-
ford, '35, respectively, before a meet-
ing of the Michigan League Against
War and Fascism last night in Lane
Johnson described the outdoor mass
meeting of more than 14,000 people,
listed the various tenets of the or-
ganization, and discussed singly sev-
eral of the speakers.
Clifford emphasized that the key-
note of the youth convention was a
united front of all groups opposed to
war and fascism. He declared that the
convention, from this viewpoint, was
more enthusiastic than any he had
ever seen, and predicted that the So-
cialist Party, the only workers' party
not officially represented, would cer-
tainly enter the fold next year.
Criticism by Johnson of some of
the more radical ideas advanced at
the Congress formed the basis for a
discussion by the organization after
the two talks.
Alpha Nu Holds Smoker
There will be a meeting of the
Undergraduate Council at 5 p.m. to-
day in the Union for the purpose of
electing members to the four vacant
positions on the judicial committee,
according to Carl Hilty, '35, president.
A fifth position on the committee is
held "ex officio" by Hilty.
One of the features of the reorgan-
ized Undergraduate Council of a year
ago, the judicial committee has been
termed "very successful" by its presi-
dent. Among the offenses which it
handled last year were ticket scalp-
ing, disorderly conduct, and a pre-
liminary review of the famous May
Day excursion.
All new cases go first to this judi-
ciary body, and if found serious
enough are referred to, the faculty
judicial committee. On such cases the
president and two other members of
the judicial committee sit with the
faculty committee and have an ad-
visory power in regard to the sen-
tence, Hilty stated.
Membership in the Undergraduate
Council from which the committee-
men are chosen is held by leaders in
campus organizations. These are as
follows: presidents of Michigamua,
Druids, Vulcans, Sphinx, Triangles,
Tau Beta Pi, Mortarboard, Wyvern,
the Union, the League, the Interfra-
ternity Council, the Panhellenic Asso-
ciation, Senior Society, and the Engi-
neering Council; the managing editor
of The Daily; and the presidents of
Sphinx, Triangles, and Wyvern for
the first semester of the preceding
Junior Research Club
Holds First Fall Meeting
The Junior Research Club of the
University held its first meeting of
the year last night. Dr. Robert Petrie
spoke on "The Work of the McMath-
Hurlburt Observatory." Motion pic-
tures of the solar work done at the
observatory were shown.
A meeting of the organization is
held once a month during the school
year at which .time a paper on some
form of scientific research is read
by one of the members and discussion
follows on the subject.
Freshmen Should Hold
Receipts Until Friday
Freshmen are requested not to
turn in their receipts in exchange
for preference slips to the Office
of the Dean of Students before
8 a.m., Friday, Oct. 5.
Preference slips may be secured
at the Dean's office between 8
a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Rushees may
alsno Ljet nrc'ferc'nep slips in the
Munitions Head Thinks
National Defense Is 'A
Vicious Racket'
Favors Special War-
Time Income Tax
World Is Spending More
Now Than Ever Before
In Peace, Is Claim
Declaring that the nations of the
world must eliminate any prospect of
profit from war and make it impos-
sible for anyone to benefit financial-
ly, Sen. Gerald P. Nye (Rep.-N. D.),
chairman of the Senate munitions in-
vestigation committee, branded the
business of national defense as "the
most vicious racket that this world
has ever known."
Senator Nye, in speaking at the
first Union open forum yesterday,
pointed out that the elimination of
the element of profit for munitions
manufacturers could not completely
wipe out wars, but that it would be
"a long step towards the elimination
of the greatest danger that confronts
the world today."
The speaker quoted statistics to
show that the average yearly income
of certain munitions and steel com-
panies was, during the four years
of the World War, greatly increased
over the average yearly income for
the four years immediately preceding
the war.
'22,000 New Millionaires'
To establish further the fact that
individuals and institutions do profit
from war, Senator Nye declared that
"22,000 new millionaires were made
by the World War."
"Profit flows most freely to muni-
tions makers when blood flows most
freely on the battlefield," Senator Nye
Topermanently eliminate "indi-
viduals or institutions reaping profits
from war," Senator Nye recommend-
ed the enaction of legislation provid-
ing special income tax rates during
periods when the United States is in-
volved in war.
The proposed measure would "vir-
tually double the tax on all incomes
up to $10,000 and increase it approxi-
mately 98% on all incomes over that
sum during times of war only."
'Spending More Than Ever'
He deried the fact that "a bank-
rupt world is spending more annual-
ly getting ready for war than ever
before in peace times," thereby lead-
ing itself back into "another terrible
conflict in arms."
"Military budgets are increasing by
leaps and bounds and the nations of
the world are now spending $700,000,-
000 annually preparing for war as
compared to $243,000,000 annually
during the period of the World War;"
he stated.
"Since 1913 all the powers on the
earth have increased their arms budg-
et anywhere from 30% to 44%," Sen-
ator Nye pointed out.
"This," according to the speaker,
'is leading us into an insane compe-
titive program which finds the na-
tions of the world breaking their
backs in an effort to carry the bur-
Blasts Popular Belief
He declared that the United States
has set itself up as a leader in the
cause of peace, but is now annually
spending 197% more for armament
than in 1913.
Completely blasting the foundation
for the popular claim that to insure
peace the nation should be prepared
for war, Senator Nye asserted that
"preparedness for war leads to war."
He pointed out that "for every mile
of international border on which war
has been prevented by- preparation,
there are 1,000 miles of border which
have never known prepardeness of
any kind."
Senator Nye recognized the need
for a national defense, but declared
that America should "cease its in-
cessant and insane program" and
maintain only such a defense as is
necessary for engaging in war at
home and only at home."
Congress appropriated $700,000,000
for the maintenance of an Army and
Navy this year, and when Japan
countered with a $281,000,000 allow-
ance for arms, the Vincent bill call-
Students May Register
For Union In Evening
Night registration for Union
memberships will begin tonight in
order to allow those students who
have classes during the afternoon
registration hours to take out their
memberships, Allen D. McCombs,
'35, president, announced last
lation Mr. Rea announced:M
Partciular attention is called to
paragraph five relative to stored
cars. These cars must be registered
at the Dean's office without further
delay and failure to comply with this
the operation of one; conse
it is not permissable for a
to use his car, or a family ow:
for social, personal, or any oth
poses, when the car is driv(
non-student who is not a me