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January 27, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-27

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U.S. Grand Jury
To Meet Feb. 6
In PWA Charge
Will Investigate Alleged
Graft In Public Works
Ist Since Oil Scandal
J. W. Fihelly, Assistant
U.S. Attorney, Will In-
quire Into Texas Project
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. - (UP) - A
special grand jury - the first called
here since the Fall-Doheny oil cases'
-has been summoned to meet Feb. 6
to inquire into charges of graft in the
public works administration.
United States Attorney Leslie C.'
Garnett assigned his assistant, John
W. Fihelly, to inquire into a $4,000,000
canal project in Texas. Later the dis-
bursement of funds in other projects
will be gone into.
The first inkling of the impending
inquiry came today.
Disbursements of PWA funds are
to concern the investigators especially.
As to the Texas project, it was re-
ported the contract for this project
was withdrawn after investigators as..
signed to the case by Secretary Har-
old L. Ickes had uncovered evidence
of an alleged conspiracy to defraud
the United States.
It was said 8 to 10 persons, including
Federal officials, are involved in the
Texas case.
Garnett expects presentation of
the Texas case to require several
weeks. The inquiry later will be ex-
tended to other projects.
War Department Next
After completing the PWA investi-
gation, the special grand jury will
then inquire into charges of fraud in
the War Department.
In connection with the grand jury!
investigation, Secretary Ickes said:
"The public works administration
investigation division has made a long
and careful study of the Texas project
upon the direction of the administra-
tor (Ickes) and presented to the pro-
per prosecuting officials of the gov-
ernment a full report for such action
as they deem proper to take."
Garnett told reporters the step was
taken solely at the request of Ickes.
Justice department officials were not
aware of the proceeding.
For some time an investigation of
complaints that have been received
concerning the project have been
under investigation by PWA detectives
in charge of Louis P. Glavis.
Garnett declined to give further

Judge Who Holds Script In Hauptmann Trial-

-Associated Press Photo,
This man holds the script in the most sensational eurt dramaI
of modern history, the trial of Brune Richard Hauptmann at Flemington,
N. J., prompting the principal characters in their lines. He is Supreme
Court Justice Thomas Trenchard, presiding judge during the trial.
Health Service Annual Report
Indicates Increased Services

Kaiser Is Doubtful Of
Anti-Monarchial Plans
DOORN, Holland, Jan. 26 -(P)-
Wilhelm, the second, the former Ger-
man Kaiser who will be 76 Sunday,
looks with apprehension uponthe
Nazi government's effort to crush
the remaining spark of monarchism
in the Reich..
He follows with intense interest
all occurrences in his native land.
He read with misgivings a recent
statement by Dr. Joseph Paul Goeb-
bels, minister of propaganda, in which
Goebbels insisted "Germany needs no
Presbyterian Pastor Will
Talk At Student Meeting
Rev. William P. Lemon. minister
of the Presbyterian Church, will speak
on the subject "Human Emotions In
Great Literature" at the regular Sun-
day night student meeting to be held
at 6:30 p.m. in the church.
Reverend Lemon will accompany
his talk with selected readings from
various works of literature. There will
be a supper at 5:30 p.m.j



Health of students for the year July
1, 1933, to July 1, 1934, was good, Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service, said yesterday in re-
leasing the institution's annual re-
"No epidemics and no very unusual
situations occurred," the physician
stated, "however, there was an in-
crease in the number of cases of pneu-
monia throughout the winter months.
The amount of work remained essen-
tially the same with some decrease
in enrollment.
"Importance of this work and the
number of services rendered, contin-
ue to indicate that the department
needs more building space," he re-
marked. "Expansion of personal serv-
ice to students developed the need of
a trained dietitian, which was met}
in part during the year."
Dr. Forsythe stated that coopera-
tion from other departments was gen-
erous, and previously established
standards were maintained, but little
work which may be regarded as new
was parried on. He added that ex-
penditures were not only within the
budget, but under fee receipts, even
with decreased enrollment.
Statistical data showed that Dr.
William M. Brace had the highest
number of dispensary calls, 11,420hfor
the year. He also had more new pa-
tients, 1,407. Total dispensary calls'
for all physicians and departments
numbered 92,057; new patients 8,112;
reported room calls 1,101; infirmary
patients, 1,477; hospital bed patients
Annual comparisons for the paste
six years show a gradual rise in dis-
pensary calls from 56,957 in 1928-29 1
to 92,057 for the past year. On the
other hand, average expenses per dis-
pensary call fell. It was $1.16 in
1928-29 and 86 cents in 1933-34.
Other general increases in service
rendered occurred in respect to in-
firmary patients, prescriptions filled,
- ---- --

eye refractions, X-ray examinations,
physiotherapy. Mental hygiene con-
sultations showed a very sharp rise.
In 1928-29 there were 513, the highest
number was in 1932-33, 12,852. Last
year they numbered 12,345.
Statistics of diseases showed 7,737'
acute respiratory infections; 20 cases'
of active tuberculosis; 64 pneumonia
patients; 11 measle cases, and 11 cases
of mumps. Diseases due to animal
parasites numbered 105, 675 due to
physical agents; injured included 12
brain concussions, 102 contusions, 16
dislocations, and 277 sprains.'
Figures for the freshman class of
the year show that out of the entering
students, men were more accustomed
to sleeping eight hours or more a
night than women.
Strikin gCover
Features New
Technie Issue
Engineering Magazine To
Go On Sale Tomorrow'
In Engineering Arch
"The Robot of the Stratosphere,"
a picture depicting the weird outfit
worn by Wiley Post in his recent
ascent into the stratosphere, em-
blazons the cover of the new Mich-
igan Technic magazine which will be
on sale tomorrow and Tuesday at its
usual location in the Engineering
In harmony with this progressive
spirit, the January Technic presents
its feature article entitled 'Conquest
of the Sea," written by George A.
Dankers, Jr., '35E. Dankers has giv-
en an account of the evolution which
has taken place in the methods of
ship propulsion, starting from the
time when poles and crude oars were
first used and continuing down to
the latest type of screw propellors
now being employed by modern steam

Candidates For
City Offices Are
Reported F e w
Muyskens, Campbell, And
Others File Petitions For
Political Offices
A rather unique situation in Ann
Arbor politics was disclosed yester-
day, when Republican and Demo-
cratic party officials announced that
they were having a difficulty in ob-
taining candidates to complete their
tickets for the spring elections.
Petitions filed yesterday were those
of Prof. John Muyskens of the speech
department, Democratic candidate
for mayor, and Mayor Robert A.
Campbell, the Republican incumbent.
City Clerk Fred Perry filed his
petitions for reelection on the Re-
publican ticket, as did City Assessor
Herbert Crippen.
William H. Faust, former pi'esi-
dent of the council, yesterday an-
nounced that petitions were being
circulated in his behalf for that of-
fice. He is a Republican and a re-
tired commander in the U. S. Navy.
A total of 14 Republicans and 6
Democrats have filed for various ward
offices, it was announced, although
a shortage of candidates still remains.
The latest petitions recorded were
filed for Max Krutsch, incumbent
Democratic alderman from the
Fourth Ward who is up for reelec-
tion. and for Alderman Carl Essling-
er, Democratic candidate for reelec-
tion in the Third Ward. Esslinger
originally announced that he would
not seek reelection "under any cir-
cumstances," but the filing of his pe-
titions indicates that he has changed
his mind.
Legislators, Measles
Hit Here In Cycles,
DailyFiles Show
Panics, plagues, and famines all
run in cycles. Investigation of The
Daily's files discloses similar evi-
dence for other phenomena.
Whereas yesterday's Daily carried
headlines: "Inspection of Campus
Made By Legislators," followed by
the story of a visit to the campus by
the senate and house committees,
The Daily of Feb. 9, 1915, has a story
captioned "Legislators Form Inspec-
tion Party," and tells of the senate
committee's tour of inspection.
While the 1935 committee met with
President Alexander G. Ruthven, the
1915 group was entertained by Presi-
dent Harry B. Hutchins. The recent
investigators attended a dinner at
the Union, and their earlier counter-
parts had a luncheon there.
Correspondingly on a cycle, the
Feb. 9, 1915 paper told of 12 junior
dental students who missed the J-Hp
because of an epidemic of mumps.
Recent Hops brought on a measles
epidemic in 1933, mumps last year,
and Wednesday Dr. Warren Forsythe
of the Health Service predicted an-
other epidemic of measles on the
periodical basis.
Wineries Head Is Held
On Hit And Run Charge
DETROIT, Jan. 26 --P)- Tullio
Corsetti, 45 years old, president of the
Michigan Wineries, Inc., was held to-
day on charges of involuntary man-
slaughter in connection with the
death of William R. Campbell, 58,
treasurer of the Campbell & Mead
Co., broom manufacturers.

Corsetti is charged with leaving
the scene of an accident after atruck
he is alleged to have been driving
struck and killed Campbell Jan. 12.
Amelio Cafini, 17, who was arrested
and held as a material witness, was
taken to Receiving hospital today
when he collapsed while being ques-
tioned by police.
GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 26. -(T) -
A skidding car on an icy road brought
death today to Edward Ostrowski, 28,
of Grand Rapids. He died in a hos-
pital this morning of a fractured skull
suffered when his motorcar went out
of control and overturned near Allen-
dale, Friday, while he was returning
fr om a fishing trip.

. .

A Darryl F. Zanuck production, star-I
jring Wallace Beery, featuring Adolph
jMenjou, Rochelle Hudson. Virginia
Bruce, and Janet Beecher.
Twentieth Century Pictures' ver-
sion of Phineas T. Barnum s spectac-
ular career is highly entertaining'
although it is more fictitious than
authentic, more Beeryish than Bar-
numesque, and more journalistic than
dramatically unified. The scenario
writers seem to have looked up the
many anecdotes about Barnum,
chosen the most interesting and gla-
morous, and whipped them into a
picture at all costs, including' the1
fittingBarnum's personality into that
of Beery's.
In "The Mighty Barnum" are also
a host of freaks including versions
of the bearded lady, who is not only
a bearded lady but who proves her-
self an able comedian in several parts
of the plot, "General Tom Thumb,"
the world's smallest man, his sur-
prisingly good looking wife, a fat
lady, a tall man, a snake charmer,
and all sorts of animals. They all help
the picture along, each doing his little!
bit to make the atmosphere what it'
should be for this sort of a show.
There is not a great deal that can
be said about "The Mighty Barnum,"
4.hn o c 1^.. ,...nl'., na Cllor taeinn fd' A


University Men
To Start Today
For Guatemala,

For those SUMPS
4 ounces 25c 16 ounces 85c
Made Only
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(Cont~-iinued romv Pace.1)~

because therei s only a sugges ion o a al.-. --.-A-aau ,. . X XM" a
Professor Hubbs explained, but -as
the north shore rises high above it,
he believes that it is probably very
deep. The lake, about 20 miles long
and 5 miles wide, is one of the largest
at the bottom and the chemical com-
pounds in the water will be analyzed
by the explorers.
Professor Hubbs and Dr. Vander TO MANY P01 NTS
Schalie will theorize as to how these
lakes of the Petin country were once Tickets Good in Coaches Only
connected with rivers, they explained ON SALE JAN.3l FEB.1,2,456
and emphasized the importance of1
probable discoveries of heretofore un- Return Limit February 11
known species of fish. They will set
nets at a depth of approximately For Further Information-
500 feet. Phone, Dial 2-3131 or 23132
The lake is at an elevation of 400
feet, surrounded by dense tropical
lowland forests. The two UniversityC H I A N CENTRAL
scientists hope to work the Rio Pasion CHsremGANte CENTRALhe.'Ro
stream to the south and the. Rio
San Pedro stream to the north, both -__--_____ -- ___
of which flow into the Rio Usuma-__-
cinta. They will then go down the
Belige River into British Honduras,
making a thorough survey of marineyFIRST NATIONAL BANK
life in that river and surroundinFR N TOL A
waters. This trail, which they will AND TRUST COMPANY
take back to civilization, is the longrEstablshed 183
route taken by explorers of years ago. Ea3hd.
From Ann Arbor, Professor Hubbs , Oldest National Bank
and Dr. Vander Schalie will go di-
rectly to New Orleans. From there, _ In Michigan
they will go across the Gulf of Mexico
to Puerto Barrios. They expect to
begin actual work a week from today,
they declared. They will leave in May, Every Banking Service Available
before the long rainy season sets in. . Domestic - - - Foreign
While they do not expect to exper-' I "ri SUETACUT NIE
ence any hotter temperatures than 90 sTUDENT ACCOUNTS INVITED
degrees, the weather will be very
sultry, never changing in day or
night. Uner U. S. Government Supervision
The University has charge of all _- Member Federal Reserve System
the Carnegie Institution's biological
research in the country of the ancient ~ ______ _______
Mayas. Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, cur--- -
ator of the bird division, and Prof.
Harley H. Bartlett, chairman of the
botany department, made an explor-
ation of Uaxactun in 1931, during
which Dr. Van Tyne became critically
ill with jungle fever. They were fol-
luorwfteersacadivso, C..ONTINEN~TAL
lowed in 1932 by Edwin P. Creaser,
in 1 3 y E w n P r aee ,,curator of the crustacean division,
and Dr. William C. Steere of the bot- DINING ROOMS
any~ department, who were accomp-,
anied by Dr. A. S. Pearse and Dr.°
F. H. Hall, both of Duke University.
The most recent University expedition 1220 South University, between Church and Forest
to Central America was made in 1933
by C. L. Lundell of the botany de-
partment and Dr. Laurence C. Stuart
of the zoology department. SUNDAY NOON
'Rain, Won't You Ever , A Fresh Turkey Dinner
Come Again, Shower
With All the Trimmings.
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 26 -(AP)-
Because it rained so hard here yes- REMEMBER !
terday. President L. P. Sieg excused
students of the University of Wash- We are open from 11 a.m. to 12 midnight on
ington from their classes. Iwe n 1am o2am ey
n"I do not like to have them sittingIweek days and1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Fridaysserv-
through their classes in wet cloth- ing GROUP LUNCHES and DINNERS at any
ing," he said. The continual torrents time required.
of rain turned the 12 inches of snowon t u i e s y s c p s n o 5
on the university's campus into 528
acres of slush. One hundred and We are accepting a few reservations for the
twenty-three students with colds J-Hop; either Evening through Breakfast or
filled the infirmary to capacity, and
Dr. David C. Hall, health service di- for Breakfast Only.
rector, announced that he would
promptly supply more beds.


To Head Expedition




plot, the whole film being devoted
primarily to a character sketch which,
by necessity, brings in many other
enaracters. Wallace Beery is very
much himself and will disappoint no
one who likes his robust acting.
Adolph Menjou makes a superlatively
am using drunk, and Virginia Bruce
a beautiful and charming Jenny Lind.
If you expect a four star picture in
this you will not get it, but there
are few pictures that offer all the
jovial entertainment that is in "The
Mighty Barnum."

A Beautiful Enlargerent


Made from your own negative.

The gift

most appreciated by your man friends.


5x7 in. frame 79c - 8x10 in. frame 98c
723 North University

Dankers has also described the pos-
sibilities of jet propulsion, which up
to the present time has not been
used except in an experimental way.
In this type, he says, water is taken
into a ship where it passes through
some form of a pump or impelling
apparatus, and then is delivered as-
tern through suitable tubes.
An article by F. William Donovan,
'37E, entitled "Ice - As You Like It,"
describes the manner in which the
ice down at the Coliseum is main-
tained. "Slightly less than ten miles
of one and one-quarter inch pipe,
laid on a sand foundation, are used
to keep the ice in its frozen condi-
r tion," Donovan writes.

Clearance Sale!,

Presented in this issue of the Tech-
nic, in the "May We Present" depart-
ment, are Allen D. Knuusi, president
of the Engineering Council, and the
presidents of the four engineering
classes: Sam M. Tramontana, '35E,
Nelson Droulard, '36E, Donald C. Hil-
lier, '37E, and Hubert C. Fones, '38E.
Prof. Charles T. Olmstead of the
mechanical engineering department,
secretary of the State Board of EX-
aminers, has written a paper for the
January issue entitled "State Regis-I

Is You1r
in Good Health?
Will it stand the strain of
Exams? If not, see Doc
Rider for a Free Diagnosis
"Sane - Day" Service on


New Linings, Alterations, Re-
pa i ring, and Reweaving Service.
All minor repairs, Buttons, Rips,









i 1


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