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January 26, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-26

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Fisher Drilling
Batterymen For
Southern Tour
Several Working Out In
Yost Field House; More
To Report After Exams
Expect Good Team
Patchin And Wilson Best
Prospects For Hurlers
With Material Plentiful
Precaring for a nine-game spring
training jaunt through the South and
East -the best pre-season trip they
have taken for a long time in the
opinion of Coach Fisher - several
hopeful members of the Varsity base-
ball squad have been working out two
or three times a week in the net-en-
closed area at the lower end of Yost
Field House.
"The boys have been coming out for
workouts only when they feel like it,"
said Coach Fisher yesterday, "but
right after exams, I'll have all the
battery men working out daily."
Prospects Are Bright
Prospects for a good Michigan ball
team seem rather bright this year,
and with the spring training trip to
get the boys in shape, Michigan may
recoup some of the Conference glory
which she has lost in football and
basketball so far this year.
Among the best of the pitching
prospects which Coach Fisher men-
tioned were Art Patchin, one of the
regular moundsmen last year, Ed Wil-
son, a relief hurler who has seen
considerableservice, and Lefty Settle,
a boy whpse arm shows a good deal
of promise, and a past member of the
Varsity squad.
Other hurlers whom Coach Fisher
mentioned as possibilities for this
year's team include Johnny Gee, bas-
ketball giant, Milt Meltzer, a Brooklyn
boy, George Rudness and Russ Oliver,
both of whom will probably hold other
Varsity berths in addition to their
pitching, which is merely an experi-
mental venture, and Butler, Larson,
Powell, Anderson, and Love.
Catchers To Report Late
As catchers for this staff to work
with Fisher will have as probable first
and second choices Jabby Jablonsky
of basketball fame and Dick Berry-
man, regular right wing on the hockey
team. However, both these boys will
be unable to start practice until the
conclusion of the court and ice sea-
sons sometime in March. Consequent-
ly the hurling corps will have to throw
to Walt Parker, Jim Scherr, Herb
Reader, Rosen, and Schwartz - all
aspiring catchers who may really show
somethig - till Jablonsky and Ber-
ryman are ready for action.
Sixteen players will make the train-
ing trip. The boys will travel in three
cars and have a good opportunity of
seeing the country before their return
here to face Western State in the
opening game of the regular season
the first Wednesday after school
Coach Fisher, while declining toan-
nounce the entire season's schedule
until one or two open dates have been
filled, emphasized the fact that while
a number of games will be played
away, the team will miss only two or
three days of school during the entire

* On Starting Five?
NOW THAT THE basketball eason has reached its peak the old argument
over which college and which section puts out the best teams has reared
its head again. The different types of basketball played in the various sec-M
tions of the country have long been the subject of much discussion among.
those interested in the game.
If you talk to a native of Indiana he will point out the fact that the
Hoosier state is considered the cradle of the cage sport, and refer you to the -
records of Purdue and Notre Dame which have consistently defeated all teams
with which they have come in contact. But at this juncture of the exposition,
a New Yorker can step uip and describe in glowing terms Nat Holman's
splendid fives at C.CN.Y. and Howard Cann's superb N.Y.U. teams.
The South holds up Kentucky as the sauad to emulate, while Western
Pennsylvania presents Geneva, Duquesne, Westminster and Pitt. Well, you1:.
say, the answer is simple enough. Let's have games between the various teams
and settle it that way.
Here's where the rub comes in, for each section of the country has its
own ideas of interrireting the rules. What would go as a finely executed play I
in Michigan would be a foul in New York. A block that a Geneva player was
taught would bring an Indiana crowd to its feet telling the referee to give
its receiver a free shot.'
When N.Y.U. played Kentucky in New York recently, the Southern}
coach protested after the game that his team which lost by one point - a foul
shot in the last minute of the game - would have won if the player on whom
the foul was called had been playing in the Southern Conference. I It is still not known whether or
C.C.N.Y. met Geneva on Geneva's own court. Before the game was over not Capt. Al Plummer will lead the'
three of the New York regulars were sitting on the bench, ejected from the Michigan basketball team into ac-
game onlpersonaldfouls. tien Feb. 9 at East Lansing when'

Leading Offensive
Teams Not On Top;
Iowa Is Exception

Here's How Swimmers Make
Those Last 20 Yards In 0:00

If the Conference basketball stand-
ing was compiled according to the
numbers of points scored by eacht
team there would be quite a bit of
difference in the position of most!
of the quintets. Iowa is an excep-
tion. The Hawkeye's scoring record
is reason enough for their holding,
first place. However, it is also in-'
teresting to notice that they have
met but one first placetteam, Indiana,
and were defeated by the Hoosier de-'
Some of the differences in the
standings are caused by the fact thatt
all of the teams have not played the
same number of games. Of those'
who have met Big Ten fives only four;
times Purdue has the best record:
despite the fact that the Boilermak-,
ers have scored only 127 points, for
they have piled up a twenty point
margin over their opponents.
Illinois' record is one of the most;
peculiar of the ten. The Illini have
averaged 34 points a game, which isE
usually good enough to put a team,
in first place. However, that is onlyI
half the story for theaverage againsth
them is almost as large. If Coach
Ruby could combine this scoring abil-'
ity with a strong defense he might beI
able to guide the Indians to the top.
Editors note: P-Points scored; Op-
Opponents' points; S-Standing; GP-
Games played.
Iowa............ 183 158 1 5
Illinois ..........172 165 5 5
Wisconsin.......167 138 4 6
Indiana .........137 122 2 41
Minnesota....... 137 134 6 4
Purdue.........127 107 2
Northwestern ... 122 137 8 5
Michigan ........115 143 8 5
Ohio State....... 114 127 7 4
Chicago .........104 157 10 41

The new "flying fish" motion,
which is well on the way to revolu-
tionizing that ancient and heretofore
sedate style of swimming commonly
known as the breast stroke, is provid-
ing followers of Coach Matt Mann's
Varsity tankmen with a great deal of
enjoyment these days.
Fans who attended the Michigan
State and Indiana meets and saw Bill
Crittenden and Ed Vander Velde swim
neck and neck through the water for
six lengths of the pool in the 150-.
yard breast stroke were astonished
to see Coach Mann's two up-and-
coming sophomores suddenly start
bringing their arms out of the water,
backwards, outward, and upward as
they approached the end of each lap;
and literally leap for the end of the
Up to the present time exponents
of the breast stroke have not at-
tempted to traverse the whole 150-
yards by means of this recently legal-
ized method, but find it very useful'
when a sprint of fifteen or twenty
yards is needed.
They are still sticking to the oldl
method of swimming the first lengthl
under water with the orthodox breastj
stroke, but after the initial 25 yards'
most of the human frogs alternate
using the new stroke with the under-

water and surface variance of the old
Coach Mann in recent seasons has
been blessed with one or two good
breast stroke swimmers or has de-
veloped them if none were present,
and if no unexpected setbacks occur,
this year should be no exception.
Louie Lemak in 1933 and Bob Law-
rence last year both placed in the na-
tional meet and Coach Mann is de-
termined to collect some points in
this event again this season. Law-
rence is still on the squad but has
been shifted to the free style and will
probably remain there unless some-
thing drastic occurs to take Critten-
den, Vander Velde, and Jack Kasely
out of the picture.
Crittenden and Vander Velde have
both swum the 150 yaras in well un-
der 2:40 and are constantly improv-
At present ineligible but expecting
to be back in the fdId next semester
is Kasely, another sophomore. Kasely,
competing unattached as a freshman,
pushed Leonard Spence, world's rec-
ord holder, every foot of the way in
the National A.A.U. meet last March,
and his duals with Don Horn, North-
western's collegiate champion, should
be worth watching this season, pro-
viding Kasely becomes eligible.


There is no good reason for all this misunderstanding. It is the writer's
contention that with basketball leagues organized as they are, and with the
popularity of the game, illustrated by the attendance of 16,000 fans twice in
the last month at Madison Square Garden in New York, a suitable inter-
pretation of the code of rules can be devised. The officials in the various
Conferences--Western, Southern, Tri-State -should be able to accomplish
this task without undue difficulty.

Delta Upsilon Ties
Chi Phi Sextet, 1-1
The Delta Upsilon and Chi Phi
hockey teams battled to a 1-1 tie
Thursday, as the Alley Cats were
overwhelming Phi Gamma Delta, 8-0,
Wednesday. Each team was playing
its first game.
Stone scored Delta Upsilon's lone
goal. Joe Smith was the Chi Phi scor-
er. Cline led the Alley Cats to their
easy victory with four goals.
* * *
Twenty-seven men have entered the
faculty handball singles- tournament
which begins with the opening of the
second semester. Dr. John Dorsey has
been seeded No. 1 and E. M. Epselie
No. 2.
In the faculty doubles tournament,
now in progress, the Epsilie-Smith
and Thomson-Bradburyteams will
meet in a semi-final match. Christ-
man and White have also reached
the semi-finals and their opponent
is yet to be determined.
All-campus bowling entries in both
singles and doubles will be taken un-
til the beginning of the second semes-
ter, according to intramural officials,
when qualifying rounds will be rolled.
Purple, O.S.U. Meet
In Only Big Ten Tilt
CHICAGO, Jan. 25.- (R)-The
Big Ten closes a light week of bas-
ketball tonight with two games, one
of them a non-conference affair.
Northwestern and Ohio State,
neither involved in the championship
scramble, meet at Evanston in the
only conference game. Chicago tackles
Notre Dame's strong five at South
Ran~- r-1

Huge Stadium, '
Is Big Athletic
EDITOR'S NOTE: This summary of
the problem at Pittsburgh appies, in
large measure, equally well to the other
colieges of the country which support
large football stadia.
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. - (A') - Over
a period of hectic athletic years it;
has been the habit in collegiate circles
to classify the huge Pitt Stadium
either as a financial "white elephant"
or simply a monumental reminder
of the "golden era" of American foot-i
On the word of the man who should
know most about it, W. Don Harrison,
director of athletics at the University
of Pittsburgh, it is neither. But he
reveals that $108,600 is needed an-'
nually to pay the interest on the sta-
dium bonds and that the scope of the
university athletic programs is conse-
quently limited.
"In the first place," Harrison ex-
plains, "the Pitt Stadium is an in-
tegral part of the educational facilities
of the University of Pittsburgh. Not
only that but it is the support of all
the under-graduate athletic training,
a program involving the physical well-
being of hundreds aside from the var-
sity football squad.
"The stadium is not controlled by
banks - an illusion which grew out
of the supposition that it was too'
much for us to handle. The fact is
that the bonds are held by 1,647 indi-
viduals, estates, corporations and
banks. Thirty-two banks in the Pitts-t
burgh District hold only $290,000 of
the total of $1,810,000. The largest'
single bank holding is $50,000.
"The bonds are one of the best
investments in the Pittsburgh Dis-
trict. They have survived the panic
without default of the 6 per cent in-
terest. The stadium has never been re-
financed to obtain a lower interest
charge, the University trustees con-
sidering that the obligation to main-
tain the rate is a moral one."
It is because of this obligation, Har-
rison points out, that he and the ath-
letic council have declined to permit
the broadcasting of football games.
"We cannot give our football games
Hines Shoots
Below Par To
Top Open Play
SAN .FRANCISCO, Jan. 25- (A) -
Jimmy Hines, youthful professional
golfer from Timber Point, L. I., swept
into the lead today for medal honors
of the SanFrancisco Match Play
Open tounament by posting a 142
total for the 36-hole qualifying round.
Hines duplicated his feat of yester-
day by shooting a 71, one under par
for the Presidio Club course on his
second 18.
Henry Picard, young pro from Her-
shey, Pa., was only a stroke behind
Hines with 143. He added a par 72
today to his opening 71. Right back
of Picard was John Perelli, a "dark
horse" from Lake Tahoe, Calif. Per-
elli shot today's best round with a 69,
three under par, to go with a 75 for
Johnny Revolta, runnerup in the
recent Los Angeles Open, was among
the leaders with 70-75-145. The
Milwaukean, however, was unable toG
duplicate his par-cracking effort of"
The round today marked the prob-
able passing from the tournament of
Walter Hagen, of Detroit, five times
professional champion and colorful
links figure. Hagen had a 77, the

Vith Its Bonds,
Problem At Pitt
away over the air," he says. "We na-
turally need and want the biggest
crowds possible. Broadcasting would
cut attendance, particularly in bad
weather. Anything we do to reduce our
revenue would be a penalty on the
Admission Lower
"There is absolutely nothing to hide
about our stadium. We are proud of
it and what it has done for Pitt and
Pittsburgh, especially during the de-
pression. Five of the stadium's 10
years have been depression years.
Through them all we have endeavored'
to bring to Pittsburgh the outstand-
ing football attractions of the country.
At the same time we have offered
the children of the city admission at
25 cents and have reduced the gen-,
eral scale of admissions.
"Although the stadium income has
thus been cut we have maintained the
level of undergraduate athletics in ,
all departments. Not that the level is
high or as high as we would like to
have it.
"We have, for instance, only one
basketball floor for a university whose
enrollment is upwards of 12,000. We'
have a 60-foot swimming pool. There
is only one boxing ring and one wres-
tling ring. There is one practice field
for football. Our track house has been
compared to a barn.
"In short, it is impossible to develop
the intramural athletic program need-
ed at Pitt until the athletic revenues
are sufigcient to add to and improve
our present inadequate equipment."
Twenty Grand And Mate
Are Beaten By High Glee
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan. 25 -(')
- High Glee set a new Santa Anita'
track record for seven furlongs today
to defeat the veteran Mate and
Twenty Grand in 1:22 2-5. Mate
ran second and Twenty Grand third
in the four-horse race. Teralice
completed the field.
High Glee, four-year-old brown fil-
ly of the C. V. Whitney stable, went

the Wolverines seek their second win
of the year from State. Due to the
great work of Cappon's make-shift
quintet against Northwestern thisI
week Plummer and 'the others who
were suspended may watch another
game, or at least part of it, from the
A Catcher Is
All Cleveland
NEW YORK, Jan. 25 --P)- All the
American League clubs except the
Cleveland Indians have written their
catching departments off the list of
1935 problems. Manager Walter
Johnson figures a 100-game receiver
would just about make his ball club
and might possibly mean Cleveland'sI
first pennant since 1920.
None of these is to be had from I
the other clubs so Johnson has as-
signed the veteran Steve O'Neill the'
task of developing one from among
the four catchers to whom the In-
dians hold title.
O'Neill was obtained from Toledo,
ostensibly to work on the Indians'
young pitchers. However, it looks
as if his first job will be to groom
Frankie Pytlak, Glenn Myatt, Bill
Brenzel and Charles George and try
to make one of them as procifient
as he himself was 15 years ago.
Only four American League catch-
ers passed the century mark in games
worked last year. They were Mickey
Cochrane, manager of the Detroit
Tigers; Rick Ferell, of the Red Sox;
Rolly Hemsley, of the Browns, and
Bill Dickey, of the Yankees. Ferrell
caught 128 games.
The other clubs are more or less
set behind the bat. Cochrane in-
tends to do the major part of the
backstopping for the Tigers. Dickey,
Ferrell and Hemsley will be the No.
1 men for the Yanks, Red Sox and
Connie Mack's move in shifting
Jimmy Foxx behind the plate for the
Athletics is being applauded by base-
ball men, who predict the slugging
Jimmy will be real tops as a catcher.
The Chicago White Sox believe they
solved their problem by acquiring
the veteran Luke Sewell in a three-
cornered deal with the Browns and
Washington. Manager Bucky Har-
ris says young Cliff Bolton will more
than meet the Senators' needs, both
defensively and with his big bat.

Going Home After Exams?
Tickets Good in Coaches Only
ON SALE JAN.31, FEB. 1,2,4,5,6
Return Limit February 11
For Further Information-
Phone, Dial 2-3131 or 2-3132

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 25 --(R)-
James H. (Uncle Jim) Moody, veter-
an trainer of thoroughbreds, died at
his home here early today of a heart
attack. He was 59 years old and had
suffered a stroke last summer at Dade




Park, Ky.


.. Ep S1
when Y0u


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out in front from the gate and never - - ---
was headed. Her time over the fast: was within 2-5 of a second of the 29-
track was 3-5 of a second better than year-old world mark posted by Rose
the record here held by The Darb and Ben.
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filI s alithe requirements nec-
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The widespread light rays,
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SAVE YOUR EYES-- Drop in and see our display
-All Lamps Reasonably Priced --


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Electrolux saves you money, too, on food
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Tiodern refrigerator that's years ahead.

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