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January 25, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-25

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Pubilsred every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
ociated ftgl;ixt r¢
-1934 ( g1935
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. -400 N. MichiganAve.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR ............................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thom~as H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper. Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
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REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B: Brown. Clinton B.
Conger. Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
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Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith. Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte
Rueger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDIT MANAGER ...................ROBERT S. WARD
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland Betty Simonds. Grace Snyder, Margaretta
Kollig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Tresper, Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.

ture the British people as participating in this
Thus far you will be able to discern a perfect
parallel between the English and American pictures
- almost too perfect to be true. But at this point
something happens that defies understanding in
light of the American situation. Despite the shrill-
ings of the yellow press, the British people are 97
per cent for the League, Professor Murray says, ac-
coi ing to a ballot now being taken.
Since the Rothermere and Beaverbrook press
has a circulation - and a considerable one - the
English must buy it for its features and laugh at its
policies. And that is why the English are remark-
able - they are the only nation we can think of
that is to be trusted implicitly with a propaganda
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
MWore Truth Than Not
To the Editor:
The present turmoil over student government
seems to us more asinine than intelligent. What
need is there for a government which has nothing
to govern? A student government is about as
much needed on the Michigan campus as Louisiana
needs a Senate or Switzerland a navy.
To support our contention one need only exam-
ine the clauses of the proposed plans which deal
with jurisdiction. They are full of high-sounding
phrases which the observant student will realize
"don't mean a thing." The really important point
in all the plans is the clause which delegates "gen-
eral jurisdiction over all men's student activities
and stufdent conduct." This is a "laugh." We are
governed by the University authorities and we
know it.
For example, last year the women of the campus
were agitating for later hours. In the various as-
semblages through which the proposal passed the
sentiment was practically unanimous for it. How-_
ever, when Dean Lloyd set her face against it near.
ly every member of the legislative bodies about-
faced in their decisions. Now we are not arguing
about the right or wrong of the dean's decision
but if a government is to govern in the true sense
of the word it should not have a higher power
which dictates to it. We know there will be protests
against that phrase but it fits the facts. A more
recent example is the ultimatum which President
Ruthven put down to the fraternities on the cam-
pus. If the Undergraduate Council shall "make
rules and regulations affecting . . . the general
behavior of the student body" why should the Pres-
ident interfere in a matter coming under the above
We cite these examples only to show that the
University authorities feel they are responsible to
the State of Michigan and to our parents for our
conduct and will not delegate any consequential
powers to an assemblage which is controlled by
students. Most of the students are aware of this
fact and are, therefore, apathetic toward any plan
of self-government which is merely a sop to their
Finally let us admit that all the hue and cry
over student government has been aroused by or-
ganizations which are looking for an issue to prove
their existence to the student body.
Yours for the removal of 'superflous government.
-Roger Laurenson, '37E.
-F. Roger Bacon, '37.

Laugh and the gang laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone;
For who gives a damn ifyou flunk your exam,
We have troubles enough of our own.
Is your lady-love true? A number of male stu-
dents at Cornell University were assailed a short
time ago with doubts as to the faithfulness on their
respective heart interests. They therefore banded
to do a little detective work. Each fellow phoned
the particular feminine interest of a cohort in
search of a date, as the supreme test of true
A final consensus revealed that three of the
girls in question were shamefully untrue, three
did not go out with strangers, two evaded the ques-
tion with alibis of studying, and one was already
out on another date.
Here's an odd story with a different setting.
Someone dwn at the University of Texas can
Lose a car and still retain a sense of humor.
The following advertisement recently appeared
in the column of the Daily Texan:
'Will the gentleman who stole my car on
Saturday please change the oil today?"
An interesting survey is given by the columnist
of the University of Detroit Varsity News. Co-eds
at that institution take anywhere from half an
hour to 20 minutes in applying their make-up.
Some do the job while coming to school, others
wait until they arrive, some renew after every sec-
ond class, others once, twice or three times a day.
The question is asked why do they make-up at
at all? The columnist said it must be their modesty,
which leads them to use so much powder in order to
avoid shining in public.
"There are only eight institutions in the country
who can rightfully call themselves 'universities.'"
-Nicholas Murray Butler.
"Co-education is a ridiculous fad."
-Dr. Ales Hadlicka, anthropologist.
"Punctuation is unnecessary."
-Gertrude Stein.
"Students as well as others need an opportunity
to let off steam."
-R. J. Kerner, U. of Calif., History Prof.
"I'll fire any student that dares to say a word
against Huey Long. I'll fire a thousand. That's my
-Guess Who?
As Others See It
How To Handle Huey
detred. Soon they laughed, and the laugh be-
came a guffaw. But while the many guffawed, a
few began again to marvel and to wonder. And
now the country is not quite certain what to think
about the Louisiana senator, Huey P. Long - as
witness these two very different current attacks in
the daily press.
The Detroit Free Press for one still believes
that it is to laugh:
A widely read, although erratic and gen-
erally jittery, weekly publication is running a
series of articles on "The Menace of Huey
There is no such thing.
A nation that can survive Gen. Coxey, Coin
Harvey and William Jennings Bryan can't be
pushed off its balance by a mountebank from
the muskrat swamps of Louisiana,
Senator Long's imperial sway will probably
melt in the sun of returning prosperity.
And if it doesn't, a revolt against both Huey
Long and a political machine in New Orleans
that has financed itself in the past with the

proceeds from commercialized vice and crime
will sooner or later topple the Kingfish from
his bad eminence.
The only way Huey Long can be made dan-
gerous outside his own baliwick is to feed his
egomania with the idea that he is a big bad
fellow and that the country is afraid of him.
Very different is the viewpoint of the St. Louis
Huey Long as a presidential possibility is
discussed by Raymond Gram Swing in theNa-
tion. At first glance, the idea that such a per-
son could seriously aspire to the White House
seems too absurd for consideration. Mr. Swing,
however, shows that Long possesses a remark-
able political ability.
Long cannot be dismissed either as a clown
or as a purely local phenomenon. He has a
good mind, he is master of an effective kind
of oratory, he is ruthlessly ambitious. All three
branches of Louisiana's government are pat-
ently subservient to him, and he thus has at-
tained a degree of power in his own state which
we believe is unique in American history.
If we consider some-of the political phenom-
ena of the last year, the Long threat assumes
importance. Few persons thought it possible
that a lifelong Socialist, Upton Sinclair, could
win the Democratic nomination for governor of
California. Yet he did so and went on to poll
more than 800,000 votes in the election. An
obscure doctor concocted a wild plan to pay
everyone in the country over 60 pears of -age
$200 a month. Millions of persons have signed
their names to petitions urging Congress to
enact the Townsend Plan.
Long would "guarantee" every family at least
$5,000. He would pay old age pensions, cure
"over-production," solve the ills of agriculture;
in general, make this the best of all possible



_ _ __


Enter The
N. S. L...

League) propose to conduct a cam-
paign in which so much student sentiment is
aroused in favor of a real democratic government
that the insignificant views of the present Council
will be crushed under the support we hope to gain."
-N.S.L. Manifesto 3,458$11.,
Brave words, lads, brave words!
All that we hope is that the N.S.L. can do it. The
present Undergraduate Council has spent a good
deal of time endeavoring to arouse some interest in
student government. The Council has contacted
every organization on campus. It has held open
meetings at which anyone interested in the new
plans might attend. It hasoasked and received the
co-operation of The Daily in running a campus
ballot upon which anyone who has not been
reached by these other methods might express his
or her opinion. In all, it has received five plans for
a new government from organizations and some
fifty odd plans from various individuals. And each
is convinced his is a much better plan than any
other. It is now the Council's job to sift through
these plans, and, acting upon the recommendations
of the campus societies, to place what appears to
be the most popular plan before the University
Committee on Student Affairs. That committee has
said it will accept the plan presented; provided
only that it is shown that the students are in back
of it.
At this point the N.S.L. proposes to conduct a
campaign to arouse student opinion behind one
plan. Splendid! There is nothing the Undergrad-
uate Council wants more than an united student
opinion. If the N.S.L. can provide it, there will be
no more thankful group on this campus than the
Undergraduate Council. The Council must wait
with breathless anticipation and hopeful prayers
the revelation of the N.S.L.'s contribution to the
The Perspicacity
Of The Englsh.*..
HE ENGLISH - and we mean Eng-
lish, not Americans - are a remark-
able people. This is a ruinous admission for us to
make, but it can't be helped in the face of facts.
The matter of popular attitude toward Britain's
membership in the League of Nations was brought
up the other day by an interview with Prof. Gilbert
Murray, chairman of the League of Nations Union
in England. What sort of opposition to the League
is there in England? Professor Murray was asked.

More On Government

To the Editor:
In my very modest wanderings I have had occa-
sion to attend sessions of two state Legislatures.
Needless to say I saw adequate proof of why only
politicians cared to run for office.
But the Michigan Undergraduate Council takes
the cake. The most important meeting of its ca-
reer (the one in which they were to discuss how
they should pass out of existence) gave an en-
lightening example. of the senility into which in-
effective government may fall.
The general public had been invited, but only 10
members of the Council were there. Perhaps this
was because of exams but it doesn't explain why
they had nothing to discuss. The meeting might
soon have degenerated into a sleeping session if it
weren't for the presence of a delegation from the I
N.S.L. committee on student government.j
The N.S.L.ers had three proposals to offer: post-
ponement of the final decision, a referendum
among women concerning a joint council, and a
general referendum on the final form of govern-
ment adopted.
Rising to the occasion (something about the
asmosphere reminded me of Don Quixote) they
equivocated in the most masterly style it has as
yet been my experience to witness.
A member of the Women's League Council was
present. She continually talked of how satisfied
thgwomen were with "her" government (paging
Hooey Long!). I may be an idealist but I do think
she ought to read last Wednesday's Daily.
Then the big guns got to work. Only 25 Michiganj
Daily ballots had been handed in. Were they to
base their opinions on what the ballots told?
Nobody was really interested in a student govern-
ment but no one suggested it be dispensed with.
Things dragged on. The meeting turned into a
debate between the Council and the N.S.L.ers until
it was suggested to them that it was up to themI
to do the deciding.
None of the members of the Council had any-
thing to say except in answer to the N.S.L. pro-
posals. Only one motion was made. Phillip Single-
ton moved that an impartial committee be set up
to arrive at a constitution. A buzz of talk permeated
the room. "This is our job," (a final bid for im-
mortality) they complained. There were no seconds.i
Motion dropped. Quiet reigned. The N.S.L.ers had
been argued into silence. Motion to adjourn. "Just
a minute, Mr. President. How many complimentary
tickets to the J-Hop are the members of the

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