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January 25, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-25

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25, 1935


No Knockouts s Nine Advance In Golden
Accident Keeps * Quintet Holds An Old Famine Is Broken
Detroit Entries L a s t Practice Hoyt Has Plenty Of Vaulters g
Out Of Fights Before Exam s By WILLIAM REED ter, DrouSllard is expected to clear
The appearance last year of Dave better than 13 feet. w
Hunn as a Varsity pole vaulter gave The three freshmen who have ap- C
Spens Wis In Welter Only Nine Men Report To Michigan its first outstanding repre- peared this year have all had con-w
weight Class; Downing -Workout;- 5 Ss ended entative in that event in history. This sistent records of over 12 feet in highD
--9 ART CARSTENS-- ¢year the appearance of another Var- school.
sy Players Return ityvaulter and three freshmen, all James Stein, of Monroe, established
INCE OBSERVER I put in his ap- exceptional prospects according to a new record in the Michigan State
By FRED DELANO * pearance in this column last week A long scrimmage for the nine Coaches Chuck Hoyt and Ken Do- Interscholastic meet last spring with a
Four Ann Arbor amateur fighters our daily mail has been swelled ap- members of the Varsity basketball herty, indicates the possibility that! vault of 12 feet, 212 inches. Sanford
last night advanced another round preciably by those who yearn to en- squad who attended practice yester- Michigan may be deluged with repre- Fairell, another Michigan product
toward the 1935 Golden Gloves title lighten us on some salient feature day, terminated activity in the cage sentatives in the event in which it from Grand Rapids, has also done
by winning decisions on a card con- of local sports. Here are some of s:ort until after exams. has lacked an outstanding star for better than 12 feet in high school.
spicuously different from Tuesday's in the best recent contributions. (Inci- Of the nine men, five were Mich- a decade. Has Best Prep Recosrd
that there were no knockouts and that ! dentlly, like the editorial page, we igan's recently reinstated "night In 1924 Jim Brooker set the Var- The third member of the freshman
the evening's entertainment was filled do not necessarily agree with the owls." Since returning to uniform sity record of 13 feet, - inches plac-1trio. James Kingsley, of New Triore
with long range slugging bouts which views expressed in any letters we Tuesday. Capt. Plummer, Tomagno ing second in the Olympic games of High School, Chicago, has recorded
at times reached a humorous stage. may publish.) Jablonski, Rudness and Teitelbaum, that year with a vault of about the the best high school vault, at 12 feet,
suspended for breaking training, have same height. 6 inches.
A carload of entrants from DetroitTO THE EDITOR: exerted themselves to the limit in an Brke Record As Frosh Two other freshmen, both of un-
was in an accident on the way here Did you ever consider that Mich- attempt to prove to Cappon that they Hunn, who as a freshman set a new known qualities, may further add to
and the occupants were badly shaken igan has some hockey players besides are in good condition, and anxious to record of 13 feet, % inches, last year Michigan's bumper crop of pole vault-
up and unable to make their sched- her three forwards and goalie? If atone for their misbehavior, with the consistently vaulted over 13 feet, er, according to Coach Ken Doherty,
uled appearances; the number of so your paper certainly hasn't ac- underlying motive of regaining their eaching a to height indoors of 13 but neither have had opportu ty to
fihsa a result- were cut to nine. koldgdi.uneertdcul o tring gpotivon, giin tereahn ko egtidoso 3bu ete aehdopruiyt
fights knowledged it. I refer to a couple of starting positions. feet. 4 inches in the Butler Relays. demonstrate their abilities to date.
Four winners were from the Clinton defensemen named Larry David and Cappon ordered his cagers through Hampered by a bad leg this year, Russell Hyde, of Tyrone, Pa., who
CCC camp while the other was a Pon- Don MacCollum, who might be a a more intensive routine during the Coach Hoyt looks for Hunn to top was injured in freshman football, is
tiac boy. couple of orange-and-black striped past three days than he has all sea- 13 feet, 6 inches by the opening of reported to have done 11 feet, 6 inches,
Spens Fills Out Bill barber poles for all the attention The son, mainly for the benefit of the re- the outdoor season. and Kenyon Bevan, now out for
Jim Spens, University fighter, was Daily has paid to them. turning five, but the boys weathered1 Hunn this year will have consider- freshman basketball, who comes from
paired with Harry Poe of Clinton in Even the girls on the sidelines chat- the stormy practice sessions without able competition, however, Coach Atlanta, Ill., is reported to have vault-
the welterweight division and by ter madly about Sherf, Heyliger, and the wilting one would expect from Hoyt predicts, from Nelson Drouil- ed over 12 feet.
pounding Poe about the' ring in the Jewell, but nary a one has a kind poorly-conditioned athletes. lard, a junior who already has reg-s
second and third rounds he was an word for bruised and battered de- Cappon has already announced that ularly done better than 12 feetrHoyt Varsity M atmen To
easy winner. Spens is normally a fensemen who needs must shine un- the recently suspended players would looks upon Drouilard as a natural
lightweight and won by a knockout appreciated. have to win their jobs back from the prospect, and with sufficient oppor- Fid E1- b
as such Tuesday. He -moved up last I don't know a great deal about ----tM--d--~ete rheen! tunity to work during the next seme---~
night simply to provide another bout hockey (as you've probably guessed) ltond As ye a ther e h-en~~~-~~~Coach Otto Kelly, freshman wres-
on a sparce program. All of last but the way David and MacCollum they have won their posts back, but l ting mentor, thinks that he has a
night's fights were in the novice divis- ae posnEfradsdap he-!thyhaewo herpstfacbun e grappling squad this year, in fact
nigt' fiht wee n he ovce ivs-make apposing forwards drape them- three or four practices will be held W 1o M E N "dennAtogiaa s'a
ion, selves harmlessly over their respec- before the Michigan State game, Feb.s yood enough to give the Varsity, which
Art. Downing, ,. i ~s as yet undefeated in Conference
Art Downing, Michigan's other box- tive backs appears to be quite effec- 9. which will provide ample time for
er to appear last night, was defeated tive and entirely legal. Then, too, changes. R Tcmetinosemhsher
by Nelson Terry of Ann Arbor al- I never saw any defensemen crush It is a fairly safe bet that at least -- -The outstanding member of the
though from all appearances and ac- their opponents quite so relentlessly two will be in the starting lineup Zone VIII won the class A basket- squad is Earl Thomas, National A.A.U.
cording to ringside critics Downing against the boards as these two do. against the Spartans, probably Plum- ball championship yesterday by de- champion, who is a sure winner in the
was far ahead of Terry by the end I swear one of those poor Wisconsin mer and Tamagno, with the proba- fand
of the final round. The decision was forwards was blue in the face after bility that all five will be used during feating Betsy Barbour,e 17 to 16. With 135-pound class. Thomas got his high
not entirely popular and was loudly David let him go. the game. less than a minute to go Harriet Cher- school training at Cresco, Iowa and
boed. The judges were split as toy Ses to hm the bsm. rington, '3Ed., sunk a long shot to had little trouble winning his first
boe.Tejde eeslta o Seems to me the boys weren't so( clinch the victory. The game was a matches here, in the all-campus wres-
the winner while Referee Rosen gave hot against Sarnia the other night, close one throughout, the gae s a meer. inte llm s wres-
thenodto ercloseuh. onegre-throughout, the e~ Ponthalf score ling meet. Dave oaney ofFlint
the nod to Terry. though. That grey-haired shepherd IM at men Polnt being 8 to 6 in favor of Zone VIII. and Rowland Bolton of Birmingham
The first round of this go was even who played defense for Point Edward At no time during the game was have also shown up well in this weight
with neither fighter landing a telling had both of them buffaloed. How- Foe M eet W ith the difference in score more than two this season.
blow. In the second both were swing- ever, I suppose they had a tough )VU points. The high scorer for the win- Bob Brumby, all-campus 145-pound
ing wildly to the head. Terry was week-end in Minneapolis, and I don't e ners was Betty Griffith, Grad., who champion, has been shifted to the
backing up throughout the third mean that they broke training. Hold- M i chi an M ate scored 11 points but was put out of 155-pound section, because of the
round and took a pair of hard rights ing that wild Gopher pack to five the game on fouls. Lucille Wyman, freshman team's strength in that di-
in the face before landing anything. goals for two games is no mean feat. '35Ed., starred on the defense. The vision, and Kelly expects him to de-
He closed with a rush that apparently VINDICATOR II Although there will be no organized' most outstanding player on the floor feat any man that the Varsity has. In
convinced Rosen that he deserved a practice until the end of the exam- was Lavina Creighton, '35Ed. She the 145-pound class Bob Pierce is now
win. It was Downing's second ring ap- TO THE EDITOR: ination period, the wrestlers are still scored 13 points for the losers and a the best man on the squad. He has
pearance in his life. I have seen quite a little in the reporting every day in order to pre- number of these were on one-hand improved greatly since the all-campus
Wild Swinging papers recently about the subsidiza- pare themselves for the return meet over-head tosses from the center of and he will go far is he can continue
Most of the fighters came out fast tion of athletes at various universi- with Michigan State Feb. 9 here. the floor. at the same pace
as their bouts opened but were com- ties and colleges. Coach Keen, himself, is practicing This game officially terminates the Fred Olds, heavyweight, Roger Price
.pletely worn out at the conclusions. I am wondering Just how clean with the grapplers in order to have Intramural sports season for the se- and Dick Fisher, 165 pounds, Bob Boe-
Wild haymakers were the order for Michigan is on this score. them in the best possible shape. He mester. Interclass basketball will John Spiker and Al Wilson are all
the evening, and thre was little body For several years (at least the three fels that one of the main reasons for start with the opening of the second JominW
punching done. Knockdowns were ex- that I have been here) it has been t defeat they suffered at Lansing semester. All facilities will be avail-
tremely scarce but will probably in-common campus talk that Michgn t r hT able for recreational purposes dur-
athletenwerepusidizedt wchi a po orconthsdietionandhe visctoryingIllCook Says eHa
crease in the next two nights of fight- iss da ns o oethset. The vico ing examinations. e
ing. All semi-finals will be held Tues- Aatlet.against Northwestern and Chicagor
___1 ___-_r .x Everv da, neP heairc tin h t! were heartening signs that the men About One Year To O

tartea work Monday, less tnan a
week after he arrived here from
Columbia, S. C., and has trained so
well that Bob Smith, trainer of Mrs.
Dodge Sloane's Kentucky Derby win-

day and finals on Thursday of next
One of the most popular results on
the card was Earnest "Red" Hollo-
way's victory in the lightweight divi-
sion over Casper Grammatico of Ann
Arbor. The former is from Clinton.
Grammatico won by a knockout Tues-
day but took more in the face and
body last night than he had a chance
to give. He kept away from Holloway
as much as he could but when cor-
nered took terrific punishment from
Holloway's flailing arms.
Paul DeMarco, featherweight, was
an easy winner over Darr of Clinton.
Ann Arbor's other winner was Archie
Moore who nearly rocked Jim Logana,
Detroit lightweight to sleep in each
of the last two rounds with stinging
Chicago's Indoor Track
Team Loses Berwanger
CHICAGO, Jan. 24 -(P)- Jay Ber-
wanger, who was expected to be Uni-
versity of Chicago's big point scorer
in indoor track meets this season,
probably will not' compete for the
Maroons until the outdoor campaign.
A knee injury will keep him out.

iuy Uy l lns sOrles aoo vul 1Ct tt asaU1L wcicl
easy jobs handed out to athletes. It are being whipped into shape. Ross-Klick Title Bout Is
is charged that they get concessions Keen pinned Louis Parker, formerT
at athletic events to sell programs, Michigan 165 pounder and at present ;Istponed-Cold Weather
and that the administration gives the trainer of the wrestling team in M
them such easy jobs as going down a practice bout the other day. Al- MTAMI, Fla., Jan. 24.- P)-Cold
to the gymnasium once a day and though slightly winded the Michigan weather today engulfed the Miami
move the mats about a bit, for which coach showed that he still retains a stadium-where the Ross-Klick and
they are payed a goodly sum, good part of the form which once associated bouts have been scheduled
y a ymade him National Champion while a tonight - and forced setting back of
These various ways of giving ath- student at Oklahoma A. & M. the "card of champions" until next
letes money may not be subsidization, The Wolverines next Conference Monday night.
legally speaking, but in fact are no meet will be with Indiana, holder of The decision to postpone the pro-
more "clean play" than if we bought the Big Ten Championship. After this gram was reached by the promoters,
football and basketball stars by the meet Michigan will meet Ohio State as fhe mercury tobogganed to the low
dozen . . . or however one- buys them. here March 2 and then will go to 40's early this morning and chill blasts
OBSERVER V the Big Ten meet at Chicago. The swept this semi-tropical resort:
* * *last event of the season will be the It was an old story to Barney Ross,
You're the top, you're a Kipke place- National Collegiate meet to be held of Chicago, champion of the light-
kick at Lehigh University in Bethlehem weights and defender of his synthetic
You're the top, you're the Victor's Pennsylvania. junior welterweight title on the Miami
magic card.
You're Homecoming Day, a perfect Ross and Jimmy McLarnin waited
play, a score, AFTER 50-FOOT HEAVE through three such postponements in
A Newman pass, a, chalk-talk class, Bill Freimuth, big shot putter on New York last year before they could
a Weber roar the Minnesota track team, is expected fling leather over the welterweight
I You're the top, you're an All-Amer-, to achieve a 50-foot heave before the championship. McLarnin won.
ican end of this season. But if the light-hearted Barney ac-
You're the top, you're a Big Ten cepted delay of the 10-rounder philo-
champion HAVE THREE INELIGIBLES sophically, the California challenger,
I'm the day's upset, a line-buck met, Three outstanding performers on Frankie Klick did, not. Trained to a
a flop, Minnesota's track team, Bob Brown, fIearedthe layoff might endanger his
But Baby, if I'm the bottom, you're Durland Rotzel, and Charlie Singer, Thances at titular honors of a sort.
the top. have been declared ineligible. _hanes____titularhonrs__f___srt.
1220 South University, between Church and Forest
Offers Friday Evening J-HOP, February 8th
of Accessories
MEAL TICKETS now available $4.75 includes
Lunch and Dinner six days a week, Sunday Get yours TODAY
Dinner and Special Sunday Sandwich Supper.

NEW YORK, Jan. 24 -(A')- Wil-
liam Osser Cook, at 39 the "grand old
man" of big time professional hock-
ey, hasn't any creaking joints or lame
muscles, but he forecast today that
his playing career - which has
spanned 13 years as a paid perform-
er - has about one more season to
To make things simpler, Bill Cook,
of the New York Rangers, for nine
years one of the National League's
outstanding right wingmen, has al-
most reached the same point as
baseball's Babe Ruth - that of losing
his status as a regular.



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