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January 22, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-22

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Benefit Bridge
Will Be Given
By Assembi

W ill Appear As Member Of Dance Team


Is First General Project
Planned By Association
Of Independent Women
A benefit bridge will be given by
the Assembly from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Sat-
urday, Feb. 16, in the League. This
is the first general project planned
by the Assembly, which isthe repre-
sentative body of non-affiliated wom-
en. Emiline Anderson, '35, has been
named chairman of the affair.
Assisting on sub-committees are
Janet Lambert, '35, properties; Kay
Becker, '36, hostess chairman; Ruth
Clark, ' 5, posters; Geraldine Ruff, I
'36, and Wilma Rattenbury, '37, priz-
es; Bessie Curtis, '36, telephoning;
Katherine Choate, '36, tickets.
The tickets are priced at 15 cents.
The proceeds from the affair will go
toward the general Assembly fund.
A prize is to be awarded for every
five tables. Ann Arbor merchants
are donating these prizes, all valued
at $1.00. Both men and women are
invited to attend the bridge, and sor-
ority women as well as independents.;
Either auction or contract may be

omens Club
ill Hear Talk
I'y Deaii Danan
At 2:30 today the Women's Club
of Ann Arbor at a regular meeting
will hear Dean Samuel T. Dana of
the school of forestry and conserva-
ticn, and director of the bureaus of
forest res arch and forest extension.
' Lie subject of'his address will be
"Forests and Forestry in the Unitedi
States" giving special reference to'
Michigan. liean Dana will discuss$
the part forests play in the social
and &cionmic world and its place in
the Nev Deal, stressing both the regu-
lar ind emergency activities of theI
Vcderal and state governments in the
\;o0k in this state.
Mi-s. Elena VXisides will give a group
of Mexican songs accompanied by
Mrs. A. E. Shanklin. Hostesses for
the afternoon are Mrs. Anna Edsill,
Mrs. William D. Dick, Mrs. DeWitt
Millin, and Miss Lodema Miller.
Sih~er -- -l rwe

Leaders Of The j.Hop Orchestras Limitation Of

one woman my hold" was passed
yesterday by the Boarid of Women's
Organizations according to an an-
nouncement nici by -lelen de Wer-
thern, president of the board.
- In the future, there will be an at-
r tempt mxde to met ot ofDi es so that
more women vil b prticipating in
activities, and .o that the responsi-
s__bilities of the imno mt offices will
not fall on a Lt' '. Th re is a Uni-
x :versity rule at tihe ne.t time, which
limits a woman to one major office,
\Rtt KA8L ANSON WEEIS but there has been no limitation of
t he inmber of minor offices or board
Pop ik r JMOp Band Leaders The board stressed the point thai
the advanta 2e of pmrticipating in ac-
1 d im Ex rien e tivities is not to ,lhovi

Doris Humphrey will appear in Ann Arbor Saturday, Jan. 26, as a
member of the Humphrey-Weidman Dance Concert Group. Modern
dances and an analysis of their work will be a part of the demonstration
presented in the Lydia Mcndelssohn Theatre. Music will be used only as a
background to stylize their movement.
.f. .,. .,

The end of the semester may be
near, but sororities and fraternities
still continue to carry on their social
and official activities as may be seen
in recent musicals and dinners, pledg-
ings and installations of officers.
Martha Cook
An informal musical was given at
Martha Cook after dinner on Sunday.
Lois Greig, '37, sang several num-
bers and Madeline Hadcock, '35SM,
accompanied her on the piano. Suz-
anne Malve, '35SM, was in charge of
Theta Xi
The following took office in Theta
Xi fraternity yesterday: Grahm Bat-
ting, '35E, president, Tor Nordenson,
'36E, vice-president, Warren Under-
wood, '36E, treasurer, Kenneth Nor-
man, '36, house manager, John Mer-
chant, '37, steward, and Marriot
Walker, '36E, corresponding secretary.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Mrs. H. D. Hogt of Detroit, province
president of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority,
inspected the chapter on this campus
on Thursday. An informal dinner
was held in her honor. .
Myrtle Cooper, '34, Detroit, was a
week-end guest at the house.
Zeta Tau Alpha announces the
pledging of Dorothy Wallace, '36,
Forest Hills, N. Y.
Business Women's Club
Will Hold Party Tuesday
The Business and Professional
Women's Club will hold a party to-
night at the Y.W.C.A. for the benefit
of buying more books for rural school
libraries. Miss Nina K. Preston is in
charge and will be assisted by Miss
Cora Haas, county school commis-
The first party of this type was
called a "Penny Party" at whichl
2,000 pennies were received to pur-
chase new books which were sent out
as a traveling library. Anyone in-
terested in contributing to this cause
may attend the party even if she is
not a member of the Business and.
Professional Women's Club.


Htim phrey-Weidman Danee all
To Demonstrate Art Saturday
By JOSEPHINE McLEAN from that of the ballet, which,
The modern generation is aware though traditional and classical in
that the music of Stravinski differs form is completely romantic in con-
from that of Chopin, that the paint- ception. The ballet is an expression
ng of Picasso differs from that of of the court life of Louis the four-
Whistler, but for the most part they teenth at which time it developed and
are baffled by a comparable change not of today.
n the dance. Isadora Duncan revitalized thej
The Humphrey-Weidman Dance dance by reacting against the ar-
Concert Group will present modern
lances as well as analysis of their tificiality of the ballet and insisting
work in their demonstration at 4:15 on a genuine response to music and
p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26, in the Lydia a natural unaffected technique.
Vendelssohn Theater. Miss Humphrey and Mr. Weidman
These contemporary artists have as well as the rest of the modern
contributed to raising the standard
>f dance in Broadway revues. Mr. group have in turn reacted againstI
Weidman staged this group of men Miss Duncan's slavish dependenceG
and women in the dances in "As on music. These artists use music
rhousands Cheer," "Life Begins at only as a skeleton or frame and stylize
:40," "Americana" while both Mr. their movement.
Weidman and Miss Humprhey took "The demonstration by the Hum-
part in "School for Husbands." phrey-Weidcan C o n c e r t D a n c e
Like the other arts, Modern Dance Group," declared Miss Emily White,
s anti-romantic in-content, with em- instructor in physical education,
>hasis on rhythm, line, design and "should be of particular interest to
:omposition. It is not narrative, is students and faculty of art and music,
iot concerned with the literary idea as well as of the dance. The princi-
>f telling a story, nor is its purpose ples of all modern art are the same
he interpretation of music or mere both philosophically in approach andI
ntertainment. therefore aesthetically in form."

It was Walter Winchell who asked
On Saturday Night the nation to "go dancin' with Anson,"
and it seems to have obeyed his re-
A large crowd of students attended Anson, surnamed Weeks, has main-
the Silver Grill at the League Satur- tained his nation-wide polpularity
day night. Al Cowan's orchestra since he first appearea on the na-
played in the ballroom which was re- tional hook-up of a popuilar cigaitette
cent ly redecorated in cabaret style, program some years ago.
Among students seen there -were Anson organized his first orchestra
Lois Altman, who wore an informal when-he was still a student in college
black crepe with a triangular white on the West coast, and soon began
collar, and Rosanna Manchester, playing in the Sacramento Hotel.
who also was in black, accented by About this time the war began and
turquoise blue cording on the sleeves Anson enlisted in the Navy. Even
and belt. Mary Morrison, a mem- the Navy could not down his orchestra
ber of the League trio, which is being leading complex, for he soon organ-
featured every week-end at the Grill, ized two bands in the service.
chose a long black crepe dress, with After the war he abandoned his
red flowers at the neck-line, and slits music career for a time and became a
in the sleeves, which were full at the buyer for a California packing con-
shoulder and tightly fitted below the cern. By 1924 he had tired of business
elbow. Maxine Maynard, another and once more organized an orchestra
member of the trio, wore red, that opened in the Senator Hotel.
Barbara Miller was seen in tur- Then on to Tahoo Tavern on Lake
goi,:e blue crepe, and Alice Moran in Tahoo. Next he opened the Mark Hop-
yellow crepe, with, a conrasting kins Hotel, where he stayed for six
brown fur scarf. Betty Stimson and years.
Winifred Trebilcock also attended,
Miss Stimson in wine color crepe Appoint Committees
with a silver bow at the neckline and
a silver bow, while Miss Trebilcock For Music School
selected hunter's green crepe._____
Helen Zabel wore brown crepe with T
a fur bow, and Mary Potter was The president of the School of
seen in a tunic dress which combined Music announces the appointment
a turgoise blue blouse with a black of the following committees: Advis-
Sskirt. ory . committee, Mark Bills, chair-
man, Abe Osser, Dorothy Park; Fi-
New Officers Are Elected nance, Leona Haefner, chairman, El-
To Ilead Genesee Club mer Bruck, Mona Hutchings, Phyllis

ing a national reputation as an or-
chestra. leader have been similar to
Week's. He began by playing a clar-
inet 'in the school band. During the
war he was placed wtith an army
When peace came he became a
roaming musician, playing the clar-
inet with first one orchestra and then
another, in theatres, cafes and hotels.
In 1923 he got the chance to play in
a chop-house with his own five-
piece band.
Kassel and the radio became pop-
ular simultaneously and soon the fans
of Art Kassel and his "Kassels in the
Air" became legion.
In addition to maestroing, both An-
son and Art are composers. Some of
Week's popular hits of the past are,
"Sorry," "Senorita," "New Moon,"
and "Dream Music." Kassel was the
composer of "In 1933," theme song
of A Century of Progress.

Subsequently he scored triumphs in
New York, Galveston, New Orleans
and Chicago. And' at present he is in
Art Kassel's experiences in attain-
in n -n i .t® i i i ' o : r , .,._._ _ . _ _ .._ ,...'


Chiffons that are silk to the
NEVV top. with run stop ; also semi-
service Stockings, with lisle
SPR sole and hem. In smart new
iATS shades, including Bison, Ply- pr
mouth and Topsy. pr.
$2.95r ShO
rv~ T1

The movement used is opposite I

Religion Is Theme
Of Evening Service
"Religion Through the Ages" was
the theme of the program of the
Unitarians Sunday evening Devotional
Service which was held Sunday eve-
ning at the Unitarian Church. Various
phases of religion beginning with the
primitive, continuing through the tra-
ditional, and concluding with the
modern were interpreted through
poetry and dance, and illustrated by
the Dance Club of the University.
The attitude of fear was. used to
typify the primitive phase, and the 1
idea of praise, supplication, and de-
votion ,indicated the personification
of God in traditional religion. The(
modern attitude toward religion with
God regarded as synonymous with 1
the higher powers of many was shown
in a triumphant, poetic mood. Mr.
Marley spoke on the various phases.

The Genesee Club, an organiza-
tion of students from in and about
W here oRochester, New York, met Sunday
to hold election of officers. The new
officers are Paul Forth, '37, presi-
dent; Robert Hamman, '36, vice-
Motion Pictures: Majestic, "Kid president; Michael Cronmiller, '36,
Millions" with Eddie Cantor; Mich- secretary; Robert Hackenberger, '36,
igan, "Biography of a Bachelor treasurer; and Hugh Weld, '37, social
Girl" with Ann Harding; Whitney. chairman.
"The Marines Are Coming" with"
William Haines and "Dames" with MAJOR ROYCE ENTERTAINED
Dick Powell; Wuerth, "Servant's En- Major Ralph Royce, officers of the
trance" with Janet Jaynor. R.O.T.C., and officers of the Aero-
Dancing: Hut Cellar. I nautical Engineer's Division of the
Exhibitions: Paintings from exhi- A.S.M.E., were entertained by Lieut.-
bition of Michigan Artists and Fifty Col. Frederick Rogers of the R.O.T.C.
Prints, open from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at a dinner in the Union last night.
daily, Alumni Memorial Hall. After the dinner, the group adjourned

Warnick; Social, Mary Morrison,
chairman, James Salisbury, Marian
Dickson, Ruby Peinert, Margaret
Hertrich; Invitation, Madeline Had-
cock, chairman, Helen Harrod, Gladys
Schultz, Victoria Toteff; Gowns,
Frank Suda, chairman, Emelie Paris,
Harry Siegel, Kenneth Sage; Canes,
Achilles Taliaferro, chairman, David
Burchuk, Raymond Kondratowicz;
Guests, Elizabeth Walz, chairman,
Suzanne Malve, Frances Dell, How-
ard Park; Pictures, Alvin Benner,
chairman, Ardell Hardy, Carl Fred-
to the Natural Science Auditorium
to hear Major Royce speak on the
Army Air Corps' flight to Alaska.



- ormals
Anson Weeks and Art KasselI will make you

,right Gown ..
/11 / I
d/ '71 A
Z, r-
/t t
7/ / .i ;
I ;'i' ,t '

All you'll need is the

A Special


to N. Y.

brings you the newest and
loveliest gowns and wraps.
Glorious Spring Shades

a ,





The air will soon be balmy, and make winter clothes
feel completely insipid, unless you have a few bright
accents to pep them up.
Gay new Blouses are a sure cure for mid-season blues.
You can choose one of crepe.. . a shirtwaist type with
a wide sailor collar and a broad bow, or a more
dressed-up one w.,ith fin3 tucking across the bosom
and over the shoulders.
Blouses of linen hav lihtt;C multi - colored buttons
down the front and short- tailored- sleeves. Others are
of fine imported English gingham in bright plaid
designs with bow tie front or a snappy zip closing.


1 7s

to19 5





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