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January 22, 1935 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-22

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- y 1 ..we -- -
amTuT auM~ m..UD---
Pubiis-ied every morning except Monday during the
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WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor ,Johnsorl, Josephine McLean,
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Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine, Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
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Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
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Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Tresper. Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.

animal at bay. He muttered a barely audible
The other six lashes descended in monoton-
ous fashion while the deputy warden counted.
At the count of ten Donovan was quickly
unshackled and ran into the tunnel where a
covering was put over his body. He then was
taken to the hospital where his back was
Bedwell was second to be whipped. He also
shivered from the intense cold and his facial
expression showed that the lashes hurt.
The last to feel the lash was Lightcap, whose
father, John Lightcap, was sentenced to a
year's imprisonment for receiving part of the
money stolen by his son. All three youths were
in the prison hospital today.
The three whippings took only about four
minutes. The crowd then dispersed.
Next Saturday Bernardo Fiorenti, convicted
of breaking and entering, will be whipped.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Attention Of Mr. Hilty
To the Editor:
In connection with the poll on student govern-
ment, now occurring, we should like to ask a few
questions - all in the sincere desire for fair play.
(1) Why is it that although both the N.S.L.
plan and the S.C.A. plan were submitted on the
same day, the latter plan was printed in the
questionnaire, while the former plan was omitted?
(2) Why is it that the inquiries in the ques-
tionnaire deal only with the Michigan Union Plan
and the Alternate Plan, omitting both the N.S.L.
and S.C.A. plans?
(3) Are we to understand that student opinion
as to the plans submitted will be judged from the
results of a poll which obviously does not give just
consideration to the N.S.L. and S.C.A. plans?
We are not charging that certain plans have
been discriminated against; we are simply wonder-
-Russell Anderson, for the S.C.A.
-Joseph Feldman, for the N.S.L.
Referendum And Postponement
To the Editor:
The National Student League is one with Mr.
Carl Hilty's wish to have the students themselves
decide which form of council they prefer. We there-
fore have proposed to the Senate Committee and
to the Undergraduate Council that the best way
to do this is to have the Undergraduate Council call
an all-campus referendum in which the five pro-
posals will be put before the students and they will
be allowed to indicate their preference. Further-
more, since the students cannot be sufficiently in-
terested so close to examinations, we suggest that
this referendum take place the second week of the
new semester.
This is the only way that students as a whole
will become really interested in one of their vital
problems, student government. But they will not
become interested if they are not permitted in this
way to indicate their preference for a government,
and if final action on the council is taken While
the students' interests are concerned with exam-
We therefore ask that the heads of all campus or-
ganizations and all students press on the Under-
graduate Council and the Senate Committee to al-
low this referendum.
-The National Student League Con-
mittee on Student Government.
How To Overcome Apathy
To the Editor:
Russell F. Anderson, president of the Student
Christian Association, in his criticism of the Na-
tional Student League plan of student government
fails to appreciate one of the fundamental aims
in the reorganization of the student governing
body: the re-awakening of interest on the campus
in self-government.

Admittedly the student body is passive in its atti-
tude at present, and is entirely justified, consid-
ering the abysmal "self-government" it has had
in the past. But this passivity furnishes no valid
basis of objection to the N.S.L. plan. Instead it is
a very strong argument for the adoption of this
plan, which because it establishes a governing body
that is highly representative, and because it places
emphasis on program rather than personnel, is
best designed to overcome apathy and to stimulate
interest and participation in student government.
Open Letter To The Professor
Ann Arbor, Jan. 19, 1935
Prof. Shorley Peterson,
Department of Economics,
University of Michigan ,
Dear Sir:
I note with interest your comments on the
Townsend Plan in this morning's Michigan Daily.
For long time the organization known as Michigan
Townsend Federal Old Age Revolving Pension Plan
has been looking for an opponent to debate this
question. You will doubtless be glad to supply this
need. For this reason as state organizer of Town-
send Clubs, I offer you an opportunity to present
your side of the question in open debate at the Ma-
sonic Temple in Ann Arbor, on the night of Thurs-
day, Jan. 31, 1935.
You may select any speaker you may choose; the
speaker of the affirmative to be chosen by the
state organization of Townsend Clubs.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) A. M. Wade.

We've been waiting for this, and here's
the letter we received today:
Dear Bud:
We remember seeing in your column last
year a letter sent in by two students asking
for J-Hop dates. We are in the same predica-
ment. We are tired and boried with the girls
(and incidentally mostly B.W.O.C.) that we
have been dating and we desire girls who are
not pseudo-sophisticates. We wish to seek aid
through your column.
We are well known persons on campus. Our
reputations are spotless. We are, if we may
throw away our modesty, gentlemen in every
sense of the word. To show our good faith. we
are sending you our names, which we hope
you will not publish.
Here is our plan. Let each applicant who
wishes a J-Hop date send you her picture and
qualifications. You- will send us the pictures
with the letters for us to make our choice
Hoping to see this in print we are
"Two Anti-Pseudo Sophisticates."
Well girls, what do you say? Address all ap-
plications to BUD BERNARD, Michigan Daily.
Attention you punsters! A Harvard University
psychology professor in a thesis states that stu-
dents who obtain high marks in college usually
are not amused by puns, while students with lower
ratings find them funny. He bases his theory on
tests given to 100 Harvard students.
Only a Harvard psychology professor could think
up such an experiment, and we're surprised that
anyone at Deah Old Haavahd would condescend
to laugh at a pun - or even be able to understand
one for that matter.

* * *

.o.r~ rrr


With finals approaching, this thought is in
the minds of many
Woe is me if I should "C"
The shock would be too much for me.
And that is why like Hamlet sore
Distressed I mutter o'er and o'er
Tube "B" or not Tube "B."
Yes, "tube" means crib.
Another item concerning finals. A freshmen at
Purdue has invented something which he calls an
electric brain. He maintains that it is foolproof.
A student can turn it on the night before a final
and then go out to a party.
All we can say is "We're from Missouri."
In a debate at the University of Manitoba
on the question, "is an old maid more useful
on a fari than a wheelbarrow?" the old maid
lost by three votes.
A game between two intramural elevens at Syra-
cuse University was stopped before it was started
because a keg of beer had been promised to the
winning team. University authorities ruled that
such a prize "was outside the pale" and prohibited
the use of the athletic fields.
A Washington


Are they all rented for
next semester. .?
Or, if you are looking
for rooms5 have you
found any.o.?
Renter or occupant, you
will obtain the best
results through use
of Daily Classifieds.
Cash Rates, lic per line
(10c for three or more insertions)




_ _iiiim m hI

In Delawae...
T HE DAILY publishes today a special
news dispatch appearing in last
Sunday's New York Herald Tribune. It is printed
without comment, as a recording of the state of
civilization in the exalted commonwealth of Dela-
ware in the year of our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-five.
(Special to the Herald Tribune)
WILMINGTON, Del., Jan, 19. - Stripped to
the waist in below freezing temperature, three
white youths each were whipped with 10 lashes
at the whipping post in the small yard behind
the boiler house of the New Castle County
Workhouse this morning.
While 75 men looked on, the lashes were ap-
plied by Elmer J. Leach, who retires as warden
of the workhouse on April 30. Women were
barred as spectators.
Red welts and blood blisters were raised on
the backs of the three youths and after the
whippings they were taken to the workhouse
hospital for treatment of their backs and to
guard against pneumonia.
The youths are Walter L. Bedwell, 18 years
old, and Hazel Donozan, 21, both of Smyrna,
and John Lightcap, Jr., 23, of Townsend.
Christmas Eve the three broke into the farm-
house of Andrew E. Skaggs near Townsend, se-
verely beat the farmer and robbed him of $105.
Skaggs has not yet recovered from his injuries.
In General Sessions Court a week ago they
pleaded guilty to charges of breaking and en-
tering. In addition to the whipping, the three
each were sentenced to three years' imprison-
The temperature outside the window of the
warden's office registered 20 degrees while the
three were whipped.
Warden Leach stood near the large whipping
post with the cat-o'-nine tails in his hand.
Harry Foreman, deputy warden, stood a few
feet to one side of the post.
The first prisoner walked hurriedly from
the tunnel leading from the yard underground
to the main prison Opilding. He was nude to
the waist and shivering. In five seconds his
wrists were shackled above his head to the
"Hazel Donovan," read the warden from the
court commitment, "you have been sentenced
in the General Sessions Court of this county on
Jan. 14 to be whipped with ten lashes on this
day, Jan. 19, and to be imprisoned for three


AT SOME POINT IN congressional handling of
presidential recommendations as to the next
steps of recovery, the White House estimate of
only 5,000,000 unemployed on Federal relief rolls is
going to come under highly critical examination.
It strikes too sharply at the very foundations on
which rest such drastic non-administration recov-
ery proposals as the 30-hour week bill and the
bonus payment, political headliner of the session,
to escape challenge for long.
The business congress at White Sulphur Springs
was basing its volunteered recovery policy advice
to the government on an estimate of 10,000,000 un-
employed. It even definitely located six per cent
of that unemployment, "more than 2,000,000," in
the construction "segment" of the durable goods
industries alone.
Even that 10,000,000 estimate was a compromise
between labor federation and national chamber of
commerce high and low figures respectively. The
low was 7,000,000. At no previous time in any au-
thoritative public discussion of the relief and re-
covery problem has an aggregate as low as the
President's unexplained 5,000,000, including 1,500,-
000 unemployables, been advanced.
Conceivably, the whole trend of action at this
session of Congress can turn upon that point. Find-
ing useful work at public cost for 3,500,000 unem-
ployables in addition to those already on such pay-
rolls is a big enough job uncomplicated by any
uncertainty that the number to be provided for
may be double that.
Naturally, Mr. Roosevelt could not have risked
such flat definition of the size of the employment
operation he was proposing without having satis-
fied himself first of all as to accuracy of the esti-
mates of unemployment on which it was based. Yet
it is going to be hard to satisfy those political or
organizational interests demanding even more
drastic governmental action, that the White House
has not gravely under-estimated the job.
In the circumstances, an escape for many ad-

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