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September 28, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-28

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avoid the usual last minute rush to
F reshmen Gym 1secure them.
C EF' y"Locker room sandals will be issued
Ru EFLEC1TIO(NS Gropswith the first towel, and the towel re-j
rou s A re T o0 fund will be cut in half unless the
sandals are returned when the last
AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN Frankie Darro. Jimmy Butler is Ornyanize s an towel is handed in.
THEATRE somewhat stilted, and subsequentlyth
disappointing. "Exophthalmia" is a noun which
"NO GREATER "No Greater Glory" has faults, de- F r e s h m a n physical education means "with prominent eyes" accord-
GLORY" finitely, but to emphasize these would classes. including wrestling, boxing, ing to Webster's Dictionary.
be detrimental to an attempt which is and fencing groups as well as the
The Art Cinema League presents "No noble enough to warrant an infinite regular gymnastic classes, will be for-
Greater Glory," a Frank Borzage pro- mlyognzdtewe olwn
duction with George Breakston, Jimmy amount of praise and encouragement. mally organized the week following
Butler, Frankie Darro, Lois Wilson, and Usually the American audience must 1theconclusion of the course of healthi
Frank Morgan. ' lectures in Waterman Gymnasium Dr.IL (t12i1
view this sort of picture as an im- George A. May, director of physical
This picture, the first presenta- portation from Europe, but to have education announced yesterday.ical
tion of the Art Cinema League this it come right from our own Hollywood "Physical education for freshmen
year, is a most unusal and stirring is not only a novelty but a beginning is unfortunately a compulsory course," A]
Dr. May said, "but we of the depart- {
one. It is taken from Ferenc Molnar's'that should be encouraged. ment are trying to make it as at-
novel of the same name, and as a ;_ _ _tractive as we can. We want the fresh- -
motion picture is a valuable piece of men to take advantage of the appara-1
work. The director, Frank Borzage, AT THE MICHIGAN tus any time they desire outside of
ha hw eakbeaiiyi class peiods, and to come here for Above the St
has shown a remarkable ability in BENNY MEROFF & classes with the intention of getting AELIIOthFOO
dealing with child psychology, and Company on the Stage. beneficial exercise and enjoying them- DELICIOUS FOOD
his collaborators have created set- "HIDEOUT" selves while in class." FRIDAY, 9 TO 1
tings, photographic effects, and Dr. May predicted an unusually Cover Cha
tingsi shtogapnshich effect d h The Michigan Theatre presents Benny large enrollment for work in Water-
dramatic situations which mould the Meroff and his company on the :tage, "THE MOsT H I
picture into the worthy presentation. plus "Hideout," with Robert Mont- man Gym this year, and warned fresh-
The story deals with a very young omery, Maureen o'sulivan. and Ed- men to secure their locker and towel PREKETES 10
ward Arnold. tickets at the cashier's office in South
who are all larger and older than he. With the best stage show seen here;Unversity hall as soon as possible to
After school hours they meet in a since Fred Waring made his stand
large lumber yard to play and go here two years ago, Benny Meroff and
through their routines, which are his smooth music, aided by an ex-
primarily militaristic. Another gang cellently portrayed picture, "Hideout"
in their vicinity is made up of older give Ann Arbor movie-goers one of
boys who bully and frighten them at
verv on rtunit NemeCSk thei the finest {presentations of the pasta U_0 ' , 1

Seyfried Jewelers
Dealers in Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry
304 South Main Pt.
Read The Classifieds

the Season's


ugar Bowl
urge 50c
~ ~ ~



C ly p Uiil nty. i t~ C , lir
youngest boy, bears the brunt of all few years.
the bullying that takes place. He is Following a highly successful sea-
the only member of the club who does son at a Cincinnati resort, Benny
not possess an officer's rank, and is Meroff is beginning a fall vaudeville
forced into unpleasant and humiliat-
ing situations. Feri Ats, the leader of orchestra presents a group of keen
the older gang steals the flag of the arrnemesents a new tunes,
younger, and this starts a battle be- arrangemeclimaxeldby a saxopne
tween the two factions. Nemecsek solo of "All I Do Is Dream of You"
and two others spy on their enemy, by the versatile band leader.
during which time he is forced into Two members of the orchestra, a
a pond to hide from them. He catch- rather rotund gentleman by the name
es abad cold, but sneaks out of his of Red Pepper, who does everything
house the following day to continue from mean things on a trumpet to
spying. His extreme loyalty makes a side splitting imitation of Sally
him critically ill during the climatic Rand (fans and all), and Jack Mar-
battle between the two gangs on the shall, a clowning trombone artist, fur-

Sonienung 1o
Ilet ember While You
Are at M .chiigi. ..
That the UNION offers the finest
acilities for dancing in an atmos-
plere that is both coiigeiiial and
plealsing ... Bob Steinle and his



following day.
"No Greater Glory" will undoubt-
edly be criticised by some because _it
is so thoroughly militaristic, by others
because sentimentalism may seem
present, and by still others who will
find fault with the sprinkling of melo-
drama which may manifest itself.
But whatever is said will probably be
followed by some expression of praise
and wonderment. The militarism
present is not what would be called
propaganda, and it is more discussion
provoking than anything else. But
beyond this surface isla more impor-.
tant element, one which is at times
expressed superbly, giving the picture
moments of decided superiority.
These are the scenes in which Nemec-
sek's character comes out into the
open, so to speak, and lays itself bare,
obliterating all the superfluities.
The acting, with exceptions, is re-
markable. George Breakston, a new-
comer to the American screen, is un-

nish the hilarity. The two boys alone
are worth the price of admission.
Three charming young things, with
the aid of the entire orchestra, do two
glee club numbers, a la Fred Waring,
that are equally good.
"Hideout" is the best thing of the
light, frivolous comedy that we've
seen since "It Happened One Night."
A Broadway playboy goes to the coun-
try, and the results have you almost
in the aisles. Robert Montgomery is
the playboy gangster, and, of course,
the farmer's daughter is Maureen
O'Sullivan. It's good, clean fun and
alone an excellent show.
All in all, it's the best thing offered
here for a good many months. If you
don't believe us, just try and get in
along about half past eight some
night. -C.A.E.
New Cars for Taxi Service ,

popular UNION band

are again

providing the best in rhythmic
m1usic . .. Get into the habit of
oin to the UNION!.
Friday 9 till 1 ... Saturday 9 till 12



doubtedly the most
member of the cast.
honors are shared by
Frank Morgan, and less1

However, hisI
Lois Wilson,
brilliantly, by








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PHONE 9055
S erial for This WeekT-E nd-

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