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September 28, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-28

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J.G.P. Chairman
Asks Juniors
To Write Plays

Two Honor Groups
Plan Sale Of Candy
Mortarboard and Senior Society,
jointly operating the campus candy-
booths, have announced the complete
list of women who will be in charge
of the stand. Beatrice Devine, '35,
Mortarboard, and Isabelle Currie, '35'.

Zones Planned
To Organize

Manuscripts Must Be I
By Nov. 1; Committee
Not Completely Filled
Manuscripts for the Junior Girls
Play are due November 1, Julie Kane
'35, general chairman, announced yes-
terday. All junior women are eligible
to submit original manuscripts for
the musical comedy and those whc
are new on campus are especially
urged to try writing a play. Last
year's- play, "Gang's All There" was
written by Jean Keller, who trans-
ferred to Michigan her junior year
and the year before the two leads
in the production were off-campus
students, so there is definitely a place
for new talent.
Russell McCracken, dramatic di-
rector of the League, who will again
direct the J.G.P., is ready to give ad-
vice to aspiring authors and suggests
that those who are just beginning
their, manuscripts bring rough drafts
of. the,plot to him for .criticism. Mr.
McCracken's office is in the Under-
graduate office of the League.
Any junior woman interested in a
committee job in connection with the
play is also asked to leave her name
for Julie Kane at the Undergraduate
The Junior Girls' Play is a musical
comedy traditionally presented by the
junior women of the University dur-
ig the third week in Marsh. It is the
most important single campus activity
for women and gives an opportunity
for everyone in the class to partici-
Last year's play was exceptionally
successful and members of the cen-
tral committee urge co-operation in
order to make the production of the
class of '36 equally outstanding.
Additions Made
To Collection At
Art Exchange
Several interesting pieces of work
have been added recently to the col-
lection on display at the Students'
Art Exchange in the League.
Three water-colors by Miss Doro-
thy White, co-manager of the Ex-
change with Miss Edith Higbie, are
on exhibit for the first time. Repre-
sentinz scenes in northern Michigan,
they were executed during Miss
White's sojourn at the summer
sketch Camp. Miss Higbie's newest
contributions include a group of wall-
hangings, painted on cloth, represent-
ing marine subjects.
Another novelty in the Exchange
are the examples of hand-loom weav-
ing, done by Miss Sophia Flurshutz,
Newark, Ohio. Miss Jane Breakey,
Ann Arbor, has contributed several
pieces in silver, including a chain and
pendant of antique design, with green
onyx setting, and a jewelry box, work-
ed in silver filigree.
The first special exhibit of the year
will occur Sunday, Oct. 7, when: work
done by Art Exchange contributors,
during the summer, is to be shown.
Seventeen members .of the Ex-
change attended ,the Sketch Camp,
held this summer at Harbor Springs
on Lake Michigan. Earl Pellerin. of
the Lawrence Institute, and.Alexand-
er Gow, Detroit architect, both grad-
uates of the University School of
Architecture, were instructors at the
Edward H. Lauer, '06, formerly ath-
letic director at Iowa University, is
now dean of faculties at the Univer-
sity of Washington. He was given a
testimonial dinner by the University
of Michigan Alumni recently.


In order to organize more effici
1Al l ft.A~ln'a^ tx~~ " A +

Srau non-aiiated women, andt to
Senior Society, are co-chairmen of troduce them into the activitie
the project and the latter will appoint the League and campus, a newp

o in-
es of

Lne t~wometo AJwork at theiC boothls.All

those working will receive activity
Lucille Betz, '35, will have charge
of the booths in University Hall and
will do most of the ordering. Ruth
Taylor, '36, has been appointed to
head the group working in the Helen
Newberry booth, Jane MacDonald,
'36, is chairman of the Betsy Barbour
booth, and Clarabelle Neubecker, '36,
of the one in Mosher Jordan.
Wo men Direct
Orientation For
Upp erclassmen
For the first time upperclass wo-
mnen new to the University will or-
ganize in groups, in order to facilitate
their orientation into campus activ-
ity, according to an announcement
made yesterdaytat anspecial meeting
of Orientation Project leaders. Miss
Gertrude Muxen, Occupational Ad-
viser to Women, who addressed the
group at the luncheon meeting, said,
"We must make a definite effort to
take care of upper class transfers."
Jean Seeley, '36, will act as gener-
al adviser of the upperclass group,
which/is to be organized in sections
by the different dormitories. Isabelle
Currie, '35, president of Helen New-
berry, Olive Webb, '35, president of
Betsy Barbour, and Lucille Alm, '35,
president of Martha Cook, will direct
the organization within their own
Mosherand Jordan Halls have
chosen women to serve as organizers
and take an active part in Orienta-
tion work. At Mosher, the women
include Melinda Crosby, '35Ed., house
president, Helen eck, '35, Kitty Jane
Miller, '37, Catherine England, '35,
Elizabeth Talcott, '35,.Jeannette Put-
nam, '35, and Elizabeth. Morgan, '37.
The Jordan organizers are Ella Mill-
er, '36, Rebecca Gregory, '35, Helen
Sprague, '35, Marion Brooke, '35,
Georgina Karlson, '35, and Lois Ked-
dy, '35.
Churches Of Ann Arbor
Entertain New Students
Churches and religious associations
of Ann Arbor are sponsoring enter-
tainments and dances for freshmen
and students new in Ann Arbor, par-
A reception for new Catholic stu-
dents was held at St. Mary's student
chapel last night. The meeting was
held in the chapel and was 'free of
charge. Refreshments were served.
Lawrence Quinn, '36, is in charge
of the closed dance to be given to-
night, Friday, September 28, at Lane
Hall by the Rendezvous Club. The
;dance ~is only open to those fresh-
men who. attended the Rendezvous
Camp, which is sponsored by the Stu-
dent Christian Association. Al Cow-
an's orchestra will supply the music.
There will be a get-together for all
Lutheran students tonight, September
28 at 8:30 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall, located at 309 E. Wash-
ington. Alton Hewett, '37, is the en-
tertainment chairman.
There will be a reception of all
Pharmacy students from 8 to 10, Sept.
28, in the Hussey Room of the League.
The, students will be guests of the

1 ect has been planned by Senior So-
* ciety, Eleanor Peterson, president, an-
nounced yesterday.
The campus territory outside the
dormitories will be organized into
eight zones, with 40 unaffiliated
women in each zone. These groups
will meet individually next week to
elect a president, .activity chairman
and athletic chairman. The zone rep-
resentatives will make up the Assem-
bly, which will take its place with
Panhellenic on the League Board of
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, and Miss Marie
Hartwig, of the Physical Education
department, are acting in an advisory
capacity to the new project.
Many H ouses
Give Rushing
Alphi Chi Omega
Dorothy Hood, '35, was in charge ofI
the rushing dinner given Wednesday
at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority.
Among the Alumnae attending were:
Gertrude Babcock, Constance Beery,
and Dorothy Smith of Detroit, and
Mrs. Thomas Adams and Mrs. Paul
Krause of Birmingham.
Kappa Alpha Theta
At the Kappa Alpha Theta house{
last night, a scheme of an Italian l
dinner was effectively carried out.
The centerpiece consisted of bologna,
squash, and red peppers; and vivid
red and white napkins were set
around in glasses.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Among their series of rushing din-
ners, a "rah-rah" luncheon was given
Saturday noon by the Alpha, Epsilon
Phi sorority. The decorations were
burlesqued to carry out the movie-
goers idea of college. The walls were
bedecked with everything from riding
breeches to fancy pillows, while books,
of course, were conspicuously lacking.
Chi Omega
The decorations for the rushing
dinner given last night by Chi Omega
sorority were unusual and charming,
consisting of balloons and frogs.
Katherine Yaw was in charge of the
dinner, and several alumni were pres-
ent including Geraldine Lawson of
Royal Oak, Elsie Hagfrneyer of De-
troit, Mrs. Paul Leidy of Ann Arbor,
and Miss Nancy Reed, also of Ann

the dynamic Austrian pianist, has
sation wherever he has been heard.

____ _ __

made a sen-
.His regular


instruction was limited to five years under
Leschetizky, which he began at the age of ten.
At one of his studio classes an elderly, bearded
gentleman' asked in amazement, "How can you
play all this so correctly?" The old gentleman
was Johannes Brahms, of whose works, by a
strange coincidence, Schnabel has since become
one of the greatest exponents. Recently he
crossed the ocean especially to participate in a
Brahms Festival conducted by Koussevitsky.
He is also called the greatest living interpreter
of Beethoven and draws capacity audiences at
his all-Beethoven programs.
In addition to distinction as a virtuoso he is a
teacher of first magnitude, and many of the
finest performers of the day owe their success
to his guidance and inspiration.




Where To Go6

Art Cinema League: Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, "No Greater Glory."
Theatres: Majestic, ."Dames" with
Ruby Keeler; Michigan, "Hide-Out"
with Robert Montgomery and Ben-
nie Meroff's.Orchestra, on the stage;
Whitney, "When Strangers Meet"
and "In Love With Life"; Weurth,,
'The Last Round Up" with Randolph
Dancing: Union Ballroom and
Exhibilions: Architectural art ex-
hibition of student work. Open daily
from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Architectural


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Exiles, men without a country -have the words "En voyage" written
in the passports issued to them. No wonder these men cherish a passionate
longing for their "beloved Mother Russia.'' Before the Russian Revolution
they served as officers in the cavalry of the Imperial army of the Czar.
In 1923 they were organized as a chorus by their dynamic young leader,
SERGE JAROFF. From that time on they have wandered throughout west-
ern Europe, England, and Australia, triumphing not by sword but by
song. In 1930, they made their first visit to America. They have mastered
every variety of choral singing. Everything about them is dramatic.
Although they sing in Russian - native folk-songs, as well as religious
and secular numbers - each song carries its well-detailCd English version.
Their singing is thrilling in its intensity and fire. Ralph Holmes, the
distinguished critic, has aptly said, "You will never blieve me nor anyone
else who tells you how wonderful the Don Cossacks ae, unless you happen
to hear them yourself; for no words and no enthu nn can do them
justice. Here is something superlative."

soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Associa-
tion, has won distinction as an opera and con-
cert star of first magnitude.
At the Staatsoper in Vienna she has thrilled
her hearers in many leading roles. At Covent
Gardens, London, she has been acclaimed season
after season. In Paris she was awarded the
rosette of the Legion of Honor af ter her thrill-
ing performances. Sweden awarded her the
Medal of Art, and the Ring of Honor was
bestowed upon her in Vienna.
In America great triumphs at the Metropoli-
tan and triumphant receptions in concerts
before audiences in the principal cities have
made her an equal favorite.
Poise, personality, and good looks supple-
ment her fine artistic gifts.


ki - _ _ _ _. __._ ._._

f l '





Rosa Ponselle, Soprano Wed., Oct. 24
Lawrence Tibbitt, Baritone Thurs, Nov. 1
Don Cossack Russian Chorus
Serge Jaroff, Conductor Mon., Nov. 19
Josef Szigeti, Violinist Mon., Dec..3
Boston Symphony Orchestra-
Serge K'oussevitzky, Conductor
Tues., Dec. 11

Lotte Lehmann, Soprano
Jose Iturbi, Pianist
Gordon String Quartet
Artur Schnabel, Pianist

Fri., Jan. 25
Tues., Feb. 12
Wed., Feb. 20
Mon., March 4

Cleveland Symphony Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski, Conductor
Thurs., March 28




Thurs., March 28
El . II

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