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January 15, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-15

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T, JANUARY 15, 1935


Panhellenic A ssociaion'iv Wil _ __ __Fruated R shin


Proposition To
Dlefer Rushing
Is Suggested
New ,Amendment- Will Be
Discussed In Sororities
'Prior To .Meeting

Black Suit Is Popular'

Dream V ers ion Of 'Cinderella'
Pi derella,"the dramnatization of no fine laces, nor glass slippers:
r a gooq little girl who-dream4 her, way The reason we have glass slippers
tohappiness, will be presented by' the ohefetapndpulyba
EChildren's; Theater at three matinees translator's error. The original French
perfrac next Friday aind Sat- had "vair" as an adjective, meaning
urcday. ermine. In translating, the word was
This adaptation from the oldI confused with "'verre" which means
French myth was made by Charlotte glass. We have then, Cinderella los-

Three Faculty
MUsicians Will,
Si've Concert'
Rthe 'd, Besekirsky, And,
Hackett To Be Heard At'
8:15 P.M1. Tomorrow

An important modification of the
existing rushing system will be
brought to a vote of general sororities
Thursday in Panhellenic meeting,
with a presentation of the newly-for-
mulated plan for deferred rushing.
According to the suggested change,
the period of intensive formal rushing
will bek postponed until two weeks~
aftpr' the beginning of classes in the
fall, instead of occurring simultane-
ously with the opening weeks of the'
semester. It is possible that a mod-
erate change will be effected, in de-
ferring rushing only one week.
It is expected that the new amend-
ment will be fully discussed in the sor-
orities prior to the general meeting.
Thursday the plan will be reviewed,
and an open discussion of it given.
Sororities may present any modifica-
tions for consideration they wish. If
the vote is favorable, deferred rush-
ing will be effective in the fall.
The suggested change comes as a
result of the recommendation sub-
mitted by the central committee on
Orientation in favor of deferment.
Questionnaires were submitted to
freshman women during the course
of Orientation last fall,, and the ma-
jority indicated that they considered
the deferred plan an improvement.
Members of the central committee
who made the recommendation to
Panhellenic include Hilda Kirby, '35,t
general "chairman of Orientation,
Maxine Maynard, '35, president of the
League, -Barbara Sutheland, '35,
League secretary, and eight faculty
members, President Alexander G.
Ruthvven, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Miss
Ethel McCormick, Prof. Henry C. An-
derson, Miss Gertrude Muxen, Prof.
Philip Bursley, Mrs. Emma Dawson,1
and- Miss Elizabeth Lawrie, Prof.
Charles Remer and Dean Clarencet
Betty Aigler, '35, president of Pan-
hellenic Association, in discussing the
new plan said, "I consider it an ex-
ce]llent idea. Rushing deferment of two
weeks will allow freshman women
time to become acquainted with the
University, and to adjust themselves
better to college life.",r

fiatrrows Cnarpenning, who is director
cf all the children's plays given in the
Goodwin 'Theater in''Chicago. Rus-
sell Mc6Cracken will again be in charge
~of the AAnn Arbor 'production.
The genre .of the tae, that of the,
' person, who ; gets out of difficulties by
jdreamning, ,is centuries old. Tales from
the beginning have either had thiat

manner, of, confronting troubles as
,their~ themne, or like Jack in the Bean-
stak, aveused thle hero' who braves
'anything in order' to achieVe success.
' The Ciide ella s 6r teat we knbiw
pis 'a Vetsion wr 4trt eii i i4' the dtc h;
'theme. As was typicat of- ail Mlklib,
the .sttry wa ltbld"F o~i ' +orally. I=t WfasI
inr the '18thv centur-: jhat :the.Cinder-
1 ell~, ~Beauty.- and- Beast'.,and.-otherI
Freuch stories rwe first put° down
~foz la ' er g~a n~ t-Q read.. ".z
Because of jthiswe; feel th~a thej
atmosphere for ". Cinderella"'.should
be 1,8th .Cerlury, -wvhch I~ii lbe car-
rjed out in, the productin to be& pre-
sented thiis week-end;. Lackeys, gild-
'ed coache, ball' gowns,. and ll the
spiendar o thei -4ii XiV fwill beAI ! .
And eW- Unk, tfam .oi919th, G' n-
t ry arrsl o ='bf h e aiyt ~ Aorvint
of, the t.sp rd~oi s' of the cauit, h-ad'a
great influence, on. all the .zpyths :0f
thetile t erel ' pime =worry.

ing a glass slipper instead of the er- Mabel Ross Rheact, pianist, Arthur
nine one intended for her. Hackett, tenor, and, Wassily Bese-
'The play next week will be realistic, kirsky, t iolinist, of the faculty of the
but the 18th Century manner is to Unlivel sity 1School of Idusic, will- unite
be preserved,. Time for the perform- in providing al;iinteresting and varied,
ance will be at 3:30 p.m. Friday, 1:30 rnusica-l programn at. the faculty con-
and 3:30 p.m. Saturday. next, to be giv-en at 8:15 p.m. tomnor9
- row nig~ht- in Hill A.uditoriurn:
Mrs.,' Rhead 'has won distinctions
0 'Q "1through recitals, orchestr al appear-
in mangy parts of the country. In addi-
Are Function s_ aon to a Group of solo numbersa
soaa or piano~ and violin, he
Past eel~~will also play the pian~ o acompjam..
- ments for Arthur Hackett's ogs
C "-~ ;; Mr. Hackett made his operatic de
# eswr h motn ucin but at the grand opera Paris, Tade
Tcaswer theimprtat fuctinsextensive tours with M4elba and 'a-
bf the week-end for two women's sor- nr
0,ritie&,., _ap pa.athi"ws oe sn in itiw h lebding iieswidey ihal
Saturday by anno l c'er 'andi onor 6 npcnsn wmth dnrtiers ih the
and faculty ;members and ltheir wives 1BToston Symphony andin Festiv-al en-
were entertained at the--GalrnmaP'I gagements. -

Plaits Are Made ForI
First Assembly Ball
Any non-affiliated women de-
siring committee positions or
chairmanships for the Assembly
Banquet are asked to interview
C-, oz-ina Carlson, '35. general
chairman. Consultation hours this.
week are- 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday, 4
to S6 p.m. Friday, and 11 a.m. till
noon Saturday. The interviews will
bce held in the Undergraduate of-
fice of the League. Anyone inter- I
ce ted who is unable to come at the
timne namedl may arrange another!
appointment by calling Miss Carl-
The committees open include
mrusic and floor, decoration, fi-
iiaice, tickets, publicity, program,1
rand chaperones.
P rvf. Slosson
Will Speak on
4a c e Conflict
,'t'heWomen's Club of Ann Arbor
will hear Prof. Preston W. Slosson,,
-c& -th-history department, at the

-Associated. 'rs' I Op.:
Doris Purchase, socially jwroiinehit
Bostonian, is shown on ih ,ba $
walk at Miami Beach, Fla. She is
wearing a smart black bathinsiW
which is popular for bathing th4 wi-
ter in the south.)

Humor is Not .Sub6rdin"at 'd T

m ox

Mysticism In (Q tvacr4$Brnind
Play Production presents its fourth i {Pic -16d t an' msigsitua-
y of the semester this week-end, icis
Litard Bound" is perhaps one ofI Th bdstthiig biihn~s--manlalWays
open; to satire-. the ia'vu and undep-
most unique plays ever written, stan~d n Tler, and the young so-
its main theme deals with the cial aiimber , ar f~Und .mto~a the
ernatural. members- the hv 'i
In spite of this background, and as The play ,is ftilJ_.e~f_,sspr ,a~d
heatrical contrast to the harrowing mnystery, witl4, . nex eted z sils
nations which the members of the However, the comic is Heuer coznife-
.ty are forced to meet, there is a ly subordinated to te'rigs ica .he
ong element of humor in the play play is so unusual ffah the autthdi',
[ch greatly relieves otherwise tense Sutton Vane, has never' written an-
ments. other successful work.
)ne of the principle causes for hu The box office at the tfi6e it
r in "Outward Bound"' is found in, open after 10 a.m. every day. -

Beta wassi~vv jY Bee WLWy was t H1c znU regular meeting at 2:30 pm. today inI
E~ahou~se on unday. at the Moscow Conservatory, mafte his,
,Mi,-. -C. W. Gill ei-terjained tie :of- debut with the Philhiarmonic Ohzt ch. roesorSlssn' sb
icers and patrornesses of Kappa Phi, f ain Berlin, appeared as soloist in Sect- will be "The Conflict of Races,"
[Vetbodist wvomen's sorority,_ at* tea Leipsig, under Nikisch;, and- ln ote"i which is connected with the depart-
aturda~y in, her home on Camfibridge European cities with 'most 'of the dls-meat' of international relations in
oad NfssKatleez ~avsspons&m tinguished conductors. -He served 'a sc~ig ftemeig
Ofth oMiza~Ctioenpe. r Professor of Violin at the Odessa a' eoftem tig
0fosrvtr the orani9a3ccname tod. - Mrs. Henry S. Curtis, chairman of
Sa .u'daW' night the ors anization ,Cohe depatmentndrraning the pTo
lel a,,,party at Stalker Hall, Mary America where he has since made- h eearmnsarngn hepo
~1een ow an~'~ 8,~gec1a~genr~ home. Before noming to An4 A;° >gram, will introduce the. speaker.
Paijrman of the af a~r,anr±is. Prain had concertiz~e xtensively as soloistvuicfrteaenonwlbes-
Smih ad iu~si~ahje~ Dvisas iththe New YorW-Philharmonwc Or- plied by Orma Weber, soprano, ac-
cpcoes a leien avis,'8,t ast.YRtiixSf jI~ companied by Mrs. P. Carl H. Smith,
{ ehstr, Pilaelpia rehstrandchairman of the music division.
It - hcareo ~',ad eent Brn., in other capacities. - Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs.
lm o e , '38 'n - - _______Byrn,_ E. W. Blakeman, Mrs. George E. Car-
- .o efeh e ts. _ -ot1 rs
-am~ h ~w o wr eto tes Mrs. Jason Hammond, and
Gm ,Pilt4enterta.ined naezxrn wo prS-1 1 f Nan Johnson.
cr ~ t e:2ulty and therLwives aatlt W il M et od
large ea, Faculty Will Mee Toda Y Y Preceding the general meeting, the
larg ta frm . to p~ .. undy , etter American Speech Class will
irbe~~~~~~~ Th~b~ ya n.re hae Nevwconiers' Section of the Fac- meet at 1:40 p.m., the Cerele Franc-
m od za sea of daffodils. Yellow ais at 1:30 p.m., and the chorus at
ca~arle ieahing lhos t, hecell-ulty Wom~en's Club will meet at 3
~ ~ehing~.fl~st ry, he: -w-,m today; at. the home of Mrs. Max 1:15 p.m.
idg th~zeU utte oorsheas ; ' inkler, 1520 Cambridge Ave. Host-- - -_____
~~~~~" . i& ~un eses for thle afternoon are Mrs. Hugh Ase by ie br
KerA s mlchimnwtMr.JhL.Ang lteaPmiW o pored, l-trumm, and Mrs. Winkler. Enter- W l '--~
duWing the afternoon- were.Mrs, Ed taininent is~ planned and tea will be Wil Sp nso KPat'L
wdrd- Adam,._- rs. dames. Breakey, sErved.,
Mrs Hary ougasMi'~ -The Bookshelf and Stage Sectioni The Assembly, association of nn
O'elMiss Rose Anderson, Mrs. wrInieet at 2:45 p.m.. today with Mrs.! affiliated women, is sponsoring a
. ;, Wallace, and Mri Thomas -P. is. Brown, 1801 Hermitage Rd. As- bridge party to be held from 2:30'
Iandly.th Cha~peronie. ' k~ing 'Mra. Brown is Mrs. Ralph to 5 :30 Feb. 16 in the ballroom of the
-' IU :son. Mrs. W. W. Sleator is in charge'Leg. Tickets, which are 15 cents a
H wo4 Entant oftheproram ; er'son of 60 cents a table, will go on
Te meeting of the Bibliophiles will' sale two weeks before the event. Prizes
MV Vay flPublish ''Work _ e at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. will be given.
',W rkR.S.Swinton, 1114 Woodlawn Ave. 'The committee for the event has
-~- been announced by, Emeline Ander-
Prof. R. W. Cowden of the Eng- WILL GO TO PORT HURON ; on, '35, chairman. Wanda Ratteni-
lish 'department, and director of the TI. Hawley Tapping, '16L, generalj bury, '37, will be in charge of the
Hopwood awards,' announced yester - sEcretary of the Alumni Association, prizes, Isabelle McKellar, '35, pub--
day that ;prospective Hopwood °con- Saturday will attend a meeting of licity, Geraldine Reef, '37, decorations,
testants will not' endanger the eligibil- the ninth Alumni district officers in Ruth Clank, '35 posters, and Harriet
ity of manuscripts for the contest by Port Huron. Wajtowicz, '36 tickets.



Adelphi House of Representatives-
will meet tonight to hear a debate
on the subject "Resolved, That Un-
employment Insurance Be Adopted in
the United. States." David Rosen, '35,
will' debate the affirmative and Harry
Schniderman, '38, the negative.
Nominations for officers will also be

thle heterogeneous group of people on
board the ship. The characters are
taken from all walks of life and af-
ford excellent opportunities for hu-
morous situations.
There are the highly sophisticated
members of the social strata, con-
trasted by the charwoman who has
a humanness and sense of comedy

Street Dresses Are
Popular At Dances
Dark shades in street dresses were
predominant at the informal dances
held Saturday night.
Hele,1n Loomisc~'hose bl~ue er-oewith

Introducing - !l
Exclusive in Ann Arbor with jacobsons
Jacobscns lead the field in pre-
senting to their customers a
new, interesting hat line picked
by us because of their origi-
nality and cleverness in design.
Fur felts are being featured in
an assortment of pastels for

} L1 Gc11tV1110 111au IUK %,VIr. 141 Ju 1iJLL L ULn Ior juuiiUcaU1U11 1
brown fur trim for the dance given campus magazines.
by Chi Omega sorority. Dorothy HartEPrfsoCodnsi,"TeadBticDvnelowrebu.p -
lication of a manuscript in a campusI
The tunic style was chosen by Jane' magazine- 'does -not. exclude it t from
Arnold. IPr. and Mrs. H. W. Emer- competition in a< Hopwood contest."
( son, Prof. and Mrs. E. D. Mitchell and Many prospective Hopwood contest-
Mrs Blanche Harley chaperoned the at h t is i o ela.lb
dance. rtytswoentfrte -iurrno-ifesa con-
Dorothy Webb and Betty Mayer I estytobenger te'curent byaconp
wore black crepe skirts with blue ts en pnoe y'onep
tunics at the dance given by Theta orary, campus. literary quarte ply,' in-I
Xi fraternity. Nelson Persons was dicated that they would now enterj
Uharrning in blue velvet with wrist the contest. . ;
ancd neck trims of lame. Dorothy Ed-, The deadline for Contemporary's -
rounds, Evie May Ansley, and Doris' essay contest is 12 noon, Feb. -9> -The I.
Paulson, were also seen. judges, three faculty members: se-
Black and white contrasts were pop- lected from different / departments,
ular at the Silver Grill. Nan Diebel will be announced shortly. :A prize
chose this combination. Gay Abbott of $10 in books is being offered.
was seen in Spanish-tile crepe with
brw u.jr E slnBlack and white was also popular
at the Union. Evelyn Marsden wore Initiates LI eenI
the contrast. Purple crepe was worn
by Virginia Bell.

!r. .Il

t ; ' "i'1L.

Rhodetta Lepisto chose a metallic'
tunic for the dance given by Alpha
Kappa Psi fraternity. Ellen Chapman
wore black ribbed crepe with a white
satin color and green accessories.
Where To Go

Afcticn Pictures:
teiious Mrs. Wong"
and "Personality

Whitney, "Mys-!
with Bela LugosiI
Kid" with PatI

.elevein men were iInitzateU11intoth
local chapter of Tau Epsilon Rho,
international legal fraternity, at a
banquet held Jan. 12 at the League.
Those initiated included Herbert,-
Beckenstein, '3-7L, Herman J. Bloom,1
'35, Louis R. Coffman, '37L, Theodore .
Grushko, '37L, Leonard Lewinson,I
37L, Aaron Lowenstein, '37L, Arnold
H. Monash, '37L, Jerome Perl, '37L,!
Milton Samorodin, '37L, Edward
Sherman, '37L, and Erwin S. Simon,
The affair was attended by three
Detroit alumni, James Cohen, Benja-
min Jaffe, and Albert Silber.I
Frank Rosenbaum, '35L, talked onI
the subject of fraternalism. The af -
fair was arranged by Theodore Solo-
mon, '36L. 1


O'Brien; Wuerth, "The Cat's Paw"
with Harold Lloyd; Majestic, "'The
Lit tie Minister" with Katherine Hep-
burn: Michigan, "Bright Eyes" with
Shirley Temple.
D.-neing: Hut Cellar.

The New Versatile, Felt
WEAR it any way you wish, .. turn
it up in the back ... the front or on
the side. . pinch it and shape it to
suit your particular type.
"GLAMOUR" is all that its name im-
plies .. . it's a hat designed to bring
forth your good points to best ad-
vantage. In tropique red, Majorca
green, Earth brown, deep blue and


"Park Avenue"
Sketched above, in
brilliant yellows and
darker shades.

southern wear. . . also dark
shades for immediate wear..
the price? $6.75

The time for you to start your savings account
is right now. We pay 2'1o on all savings. Come
down and let us show you how your savings
can grow. just a reinder: there is still time








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