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January 15, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-15

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_ i

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CITY EDITOR .......................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
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College Men
1)o Not Read. . .
urday Review of Literature editor-
ially admonishes male college graduates for not
reading more books: "Men who have never seen
the inside of a college crowd the libraries . . . The
American adult men who have been graduated
from colleges --from the best colleges - do not
read books."
This criticism directed at college graduates
in general is certainly true of most Michigan grad-
uates and undergraduates. There is no tradition
of reading at Michigan, either among students or
The Saturday Review blames the English depart-
ments. We blame the students as well. While Eng-
lish faculty men may have their shortcomings as
well as all other groups, under no system, however
utopian, can or should the primary responsibility.
be shifted from the student. The student himself
must know that reading is one of the most impor-
tant components of that nebulous thing called an
The process of becoming well-read is a highly
selective activity, but, fortunately, help is fur-
nished in book reviews and various reading lists.
In the General Library of the University is a list
of the world's 80 best novels. Everyone should find
time to read these. The Alumni reading lists pub-
lished by the Alumni Association are another val-
uable guide to reading in any subject.
The best reading class of the country should be
the college graduates. It is chiefly up to the
undergraduates to make it so.
As Others See It
War Inevitable
WE WILL HAVE WAR! And why? You would
think, seeing the strained and overburdened
financial structure of every nation that no country
could stand war. You would think, seeing the hor-
rors of conflict portrayed so graphically by active
peace societies, that no country would want war.
But, friend, have you ever heard a bugle?
Have you heard and not felt your heart lift
within you as at its silver challenge?
Are you unmoved by the tempo of marching
men, paced by the beat of the drums?
Have you seen the battle-planes, sullen black
against grey cloud, and not had something happen
to your blood, some pulse of excitement at their
ominous swelling roar of blended sound?
Have you ever seen the lean grey prow of a cruiser
slice into the green heart of a wave, lifting herself
with a flying plume of white spray, without being
stirred by her power and beauty?
If you are a woman, yes, for war brings only
fear and heart-ache to women. But if you are a
man, and young, chained to a flat and tasteless
round of duties in a grey World, war promises color,
action, adventure!
What chance have the pale words of the pacifist
against the stir of martial music, the panoplay of
Let a little of the inevitable friction between
countries develop. Immediately each is on the ag-
gressive. Fdreigners are different, strange -and
Ambitious men seize upon the distrust and an-
tagonism of the multitude as a way to power and
foster it. Friction increases, distrust and hostility
deepen, until someone in power makes an unwise
move, and national honor is at stake.
Then comes conflict, sure and swift, and the
pacifists are bowled over like straws in a storm.
For only a meager few of those who advocated
peace at any price during a time of peace will havei
the fortitude of mind to withstand the epithet
"slacker" and the white feather, pinned on quickly
and scornfully by some former friend in the hot,
emotional stress of wartime.
No, to get rid of war you'll have to destroy its
quality of spectacle, its glamor and its adventure.
Otherwise, it has too much lure for the young
and adventurous in a drab and workaday world.
-Oregon Daily Emerald.

This is a sad tale of woe. It seems that
there was a professor at the University of
Maryland who had unmitigated aversion to
puns. This said professor was taken down with
influenza and when he was well on his way to
recovery a well-meaning freshman called upon
him. The fellow inquired about the professor's
health and when he was told the malady was
lifting, the innocent replied, "So you're losing
your grip, huh?" It is said the professor rolled
over and died without a struggle.
* * * *
The following is a list of "don'ts" to be remem-
bered by you people who expect to go to J-Hop
by a dancing instructor at the University of Wash-
Don't dance with a "pump handle" motion.
Don't grip your partner too tight, as it keeps her
from stepping easily.
Don't dance with your feet apart, but step di-
rectly backward or forward.
Don't bump into people -look where you are
*I *, *, *
This entertaining poem(?) is a contribution
of P.D.:
I linger-
My finger;
Class is boring-
Like snoring.
Must teachers
Copy preachers?
l Time
Seems to pass
Too slowly in class.
Saying that Harvard University cannot accept
a gift from the Hitler political machine, the presi-
dent of the university recently refused the offer
of a $1,000 traveling scholarship by Dr. Ernest F. S.
Hanfstaengl, Hitler's lieutenant. Dr. Hanfstaengl
was graduated from Harvard in 1907.
S* * *
The funeral service which stands out strong-
est in the memory of a certain class at the
University of Kansas was one conducted for an
eccentric, but beloved old professor. At the
heighth of his oratory the minister said, "The
shell has broken and the nut is gone."
Just a few blushes remained today for several
University of Minnesota students after answering
winter quarter examinations - such as designat-
ing the Dalai Lama, grand priest of Tibet as a
"former premier of France."
Other choices included:
Theodore Bilbo (Senator from Mississippi) is the
inventor of billboards. Dorothy Thompson, (Wife
of Sinclair Lewis, who was recently expelled from
Germany) and Hugh Johnson are senators from
Ouff TheRecord
John Boettiger, who is rumored engaged to Anna
Roosevelt Dall, was one of the wits around the
White House press room until he left for his new
job in New York.
One day a swaggering stranger rushed in and
fell into talk with Boetttiger. The stranger wanted
it understood that he knew everyone.
"You know Boettiger of the Chicago Tribune?"
asked Boettiger with a straight face.
"Sure, sure. Knew him out in 'Chi,'" said the
"Well, if you see him tell him I'm looking for
him," said Boettiger



,' -


~. U ***~*




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The Red Scare
In The Schools.. .


raised by the Hearst papers and
other reactionary forces has been directed chiefly
at the schools of the country, many of which, it is
said, are "hotbeds of radicalism, harboring pro-
fessors and students whose palms are being
crossed with Moscow gold." In line with the talk
of the times was a recent statement by Rear-Ad-
miral Woodward that "college reds" should be
summarily expelled.
The counter-charge laid down by Professor Slos-
son Sunday that such a censorship would produce
intellectual sterility, although it does not purport
to be a complete argument for the case, is clearly
the point of view common to the faculties of our
universities and others of what is so often spoken
of as the "intellectual" class - commonly with a
note of popular contempt.
If Rear-Admiral Woodward, Hearst, the Chicago
Tribune and others of their beliefs were allowed
to have their way, the schools would be purged of
these supposed menaces to our civilization and a
rigid system set up which would certify unto Amer-
ica forever the existing bunglesome state of affairs.
An appeal to common prejudices by means of
carefully chosen words is all that is necessary to
make a convincing case for little minds, and there
are more little minds than big ones in our world,
The case for tolerance, though thoroughly sound,
is a much more difficult one.
The whole Hearst case, however, is built on a
foundation of the most paradoxical and fallacious
sort. Once censorship of radical thought is begun
in the universities it can very logically be extended
to all liberal thought and even to all thought an-
tagonistic to Mr. Hearst or whatever supreme indi-
vidual or set of individuals is invested with the
position of censor. Once censorship is accepted for
the universities, it can very easily be enlarged to
include the press and every other agency devoted
to the principle of liberty. This is not the fine
"Americanism" that our "patriots" cry for. It is
Fascism and, as such, equally dangerous with the
very Communism against which the reactionaries
began their case.
To what state of mind the American public might
be stirred up by the ambitiious red scare is diffidult
to conjecture by the very ones who are the butt of
so large a portion of it -the college faculty and


'Intellectual Sterility'
To the Editor:
It is hardly conceivable that Professor Slosson
could evince typical liberal confusion concerning
Communism and Fascism. Yet in his recent inter-
view, like the Hearst journalists whom he dis-
credits, the professor lumps Communism and
Fascism together without bothering to point out
the extreme differences between the two systems.
I realize, of course, that Professor Slosson limited
his remarks to the common characteristics, censor-
ship, of both Fascism and the first stages of a so-
ciety leading to Communism. I also realize that
Professor Slosson does not and would not delib-
erately obfuscate issues. I call him to tasli, not so
much for what he said, but for what he failed to
say. For an incomplete analysis can be just as
harmful as inaccurate presentation. And clarifica-
tion between Fascism and Communism is essential
in times like these when Hearst and others pur-
posely distort the essence of Communism by stress-
ing the likeness between the two systems and ignor-
ing their vast differences.
Although both Germany and Russia have dicta-
torships, their aims are worlds apart. One repre-
sents the last, desperate stand of a system doomed
to die because of its inherent contradictions, while
the other seeks to establish a new, classless society.
That both countries should use the same weapons
in battle is of incidental, and not paramount im-

ifications, and private ownership of the means of
production. (No doubt Professor Slosson is aware
of this; but he should have brought it out in his
Secondly, censorship does not necessarily result
in intellectual sterility as Professor Slosson states;
it all depends on what is censored and to what pur-
pose. Does Professor Slosson know that more books
were published last year in Russia than in the
United States and England combined? That peo-
ple are paid to go to school? That Shakespeare is
played more often in Soviet Russia than in Eng-
Let Professor Slosson first describe our own eco-
nomic censorship*which largely limits artistic crea-
tion to the hackneyed work demanded and sup-
ported by the moneyed classes. Open censorship
can be readily detected and fought; but it is this
subtle type of censorship which is more pernicious
because it prevents people from coming to open
grips with it.
With or without Hearst's proposed type of direct
censorship, cultural barrenness of a sort exists
in our universities. The teaching of social sciences
presents a superficial, fragmentary, biased analysis
of socialism and communism. Students take courses
and leave them with the same misconceptions and
preconceived ideas as when they started.
Yes, we have freedom of speech and freedom of
the press - but only as long as those in control
of the social system are not threatened by a move-
ment which dares to challenge their status. As


bor, the J-Hop is an OLD, OLD
STORY; completing their stock of for-
mal dress so that you might be in the
right attire f or that gala occasion
which, by the way, is not terribly far
off, considering that examinations will
start soon and really, tuie does fly.
Now I'm going to let you in
on a little secret. I've been doing a
little snooping around the stores and
found that, although they -are not dis-
playing 'their formal wear in the win.-
dows, they are all set to show you their
complete selection and would be more
than pleased to let you snoop through
their stock before the rush starts, the
same as I did.
It won't be long, now, either,
that you'll be seeing their ads in The
Daily, because, you know, we stop pub-
lishing in just a week and a half.., so
if you're wise,you'll take this sugges-
tion seriously and stop in at your fay-
orite store andi "browse"!


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