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January 09, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-09

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turned over to the University to carry on w;lh the
University's present work along these-lines.
While it may be unfair to expect the University
tc carry on enlarged activities on its present much-
icduced budget, the recognition and strengthen-
ing of the University as the research center of the
state is in the long run a movement of great
importance toward making it of greater service to
all who benefit from its activities.
The an Without
A Doctorate ..
T HE THINGS we find in our news-
papers from day to day serve to
convince us that news follows a pattern of repeti-
tion, in which the actors change but the action
is always much the same. Only upon rare occa-
sion does a completely unique happening clamor
for the reader's attention.
Such a unique event in the annals of higher
education is the announcement that a Mr. Alan
Chester Valentine has been chosen president of
the University of Rochester. The awful truth is
that Mr. Valentine has never obtained a doctor's
In Mr. Valentine's 33 years he has compiled a
record of sorts. At Swarthmore he played three
years on the Varsity football team, was president
of the student council and president of his class
and made Phi Beta Kappa. In his spare time he
edited the college paper and year book. From
Swarthmore he went to Oxford as a Rhodes
Scholar, played rugby, tennis and lacrosse, gained
honors in scholastics and earned a master's degree.
Back at Swarthmore, he taught English literature,
became dean of men and headed a campaign for
funds for the college. Finally he went to Yale
in an executive capacity. But he never became a
doctor of philosophy.
Only one hope remains, namely, that before
Rochester's reputation is too greatly sullied, some
public-spirited institution will step forward and
save Mr. Valentine's academic soul with an hon-
orary doctorate.
As Others See It










p 1I

Here's an appropriate article for you B.M.-
O.C.'s, who cxpect to meet those fair damsels
at the stage door tonight.
"College men are always too fresh with
chorus girls," Lupe Velez, the eye-filling
shake-and-shiver girl of the movies is quoted
as telling a group of college students.
But with this brick-bat, she sends a bunch
of flowers: "College men are good-looking,
usually, and might be all right for theatrical
work, especially since they have so much na-
tural self-assurance.
The net of it is that young men from school
arc probably no fresher with ladies of the
chorus, than ladies of the chorus are with
young men from school.
And besides, you shouldn't be too tough
on these fellows., Miss Velez, when you con-
sider that you glorified girls receive swell sal-
aries for having that very sex appeal which
causes college men to behave in the way about
which you complain.
A large organization is rampant on the campus
of Central College, Fayette, Missouri. It is a club
of blasted romance. When a girl turns cold, fickle,
or importunate, the fellow insists he has been
HANDED THE COB. Each member of the large
and growing association is the proud owner of a
certificate which reads: THIS IS TO PROCLAIM
accompanies each. Anyone wishing to start a
chapter at his school may communicate with the
editor of the Central Collegian for information.
Heywood Broun told the following story at
the dinner of the Associated Harvard Clubs in
Minneapolis. It was a very cold icy morning
and a little crippled newsboy on his crutch was
hobbling across the main street and a trolley
car was coming along. The little cripple slipped
cn the track in front of the car, and then the
captain of the gale team rushed forward at the
risk of his life and saved the newsboy. 'It's a
very curious thing," Mr. Broun said, "but a
condition similar to that pictured at New
Haven occurred at Cambridge during my un-
dergraduate days. A trolley was coming, the
track was slippery and a woman was crossing
the track; she had a baby in her arms, she
slipped and was lying there on the rails. It
was not the captain of the Harvard team, but
the substitute end on the second eleven that
appeared there on the right moment. Did he
rush forward and snatch the woman and her
baby from danger? Not at all. He tackled the
trolley car and threw it back for a loss."
* ** *
A professor at the University of Georgia has for-
bidden his students to wear smoked glasses. He
found that they were using these goggles as
screens behind which they could sleep through
his class. Why doesn't he provide them with rose
colored glasses through which his lectures might
seem interesting?

Final Subscription
Are NowDue...!
Please either mailI 'the
amount of your sub-
scription to the Michi-
gan Daily or call at the
Daily Office in the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg.
at 420 Maynard Street

A Most Sensible Suggestion
JOSEPH B. KEENAN, assistant attorney-general,
made as practical and as sensible a suggestion
as has been advanced in many a day when he
urged at the National Crime Conference that the
names of all persons sponsoring paroles and those
asking clemency for convicts henceforth be made a
part of the public record.
The assistant attorney-general has hit at one of
the principal causes of abuse in the operation of
the American parole system, secrecy. We think
also that he might have gone further and struck
a second blow by demanding that all parole com-
missioners give their proceedings enough publicity
to make the general public cognizant of what is
going on, and afford interested individuals and
officials opportunity to appear in any particular
case and make their recommendations pro or con.
Too many felons who are sent to prison openly
to atone for flagrant crimes are subsequently re-
leased quietly, almost surreptitiously, without noti-
fication even to police, prosecutor and trial judge.
Consequently too many felons that ought to re-
main behind bars as a matter of social safety are
turned loose to prey again on a public which has
not even been warned of its danger. No state knows
this better than Michigan does.
Mandatory publicity whenever an application or
recommendation for parole release is made, or
whenever a hearing is set, would bring everything
into the open where all could see and know what
was happening.
Nor need any really deserving candidate for con-
sideration for early release from confinement be
As Mayor Hague of Jersey City says, there is no
good reason why a person who is willing to stand
up for somebody in trouble should be unwilling to
have his name made public.
If a man is convinced of the rightness of a cause,
he certainly should be unafraid to have the world
know what he is doing. If he is not convinced, then,
in a matter as important as the parole of a con-
vict, he ought riot to act. His recommendations
are not worthy of consideration by any intelligent
and consientious parole commissioner.
We are not unaware of a contention prevalent in
some quarters that paroled convicts have a better
chance to make good if they can go back into the
world unknown, without being "hounded by the
police" and without the handicap of prison stigma.
But we are convinced that this plea has far less
substance than some of those who utilize it would
like to have people believe, and we are quite certain
it is grossly overworked.
At the most, such an argument for secrecy be-
comes inconsequential when placed in comparison
with the need for public protection that only thor-
ough-going parole publicity will provide.
The interests of society far outweigh the interests
of those who have offended against it. It is partly
because we have forgotten or ignored this in one
manner or another that America is having so much
trouble with its crime problem.
-The Detroit Free Press.
1934: The Year Of Hot Water
FOR the last three years or so, only freshmen
have ever bothered to turn the faucets marked
"Hot" in Cathedral washrooms. More erudite
upperclassmen knew, of course, that hot water wa
one of those phenomena of civilization which never
seemed to have touched Pitt's tall building.
But 1934, before it turned that vicious corner
which relegated it to the history books, stayed long
enough to see a bit of local history in the making.
On the last day of the old year, a young chap,
J. Lucius Hassenplug, Pharmacy, '38, in the Cathe-
dral on some rather vague business, made the com-
mnn n ndrn ictko arf trninu the n'rnn- hnll of a

T he Michigan Daily


Off The Record

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
rTHEPROVERBIAL Roosevelt exuberance ex-
tends to Henry Latrobe Roosevelt, the assistant
secretary of the Navy.
He can spend a strenuous day in the office, drop
in on a cocktail gathering, play a game of bridge
before dinner, attend a dance afterward and show
up at 2 a.m. on the deck of a river boat, boyishly
eager for dawn and a little sport in the duck blinds
down the Potomac.
George Holden Tinkham has come to Con-
gress every year since 1915 from the 10th
Massachusetts district. He spends so little time
worrying over elections that he is the wonder
of his colleagues.
This year he arrived home from a long trip
just the day before election. He went into the
ballot booth on the big day and looked over
the list of names.
"And there I saw that man, Tinkham, on it
again," he says. "I said to myself, 'By golly!
I wonder if I ought to vote for that fellow.'"
A choice of comfort for her guests or the life of
a sparrow faced Mrs. William Doak, wife of the
former secretary of labor.
Mrs. Doak was giving a party. It was raining.
Just before the guests were due she found a spar-
row stuck in the rain spout over the door. For Mrs.
Doak there was only one thing to do. She took a
can-opener and pried the little fellow loose. And
the broken spout spattered all the guests.
There is one prominent thorn in the social
life of ambassadors and cabinet members. No
matter how entertaining the party, they must
leave early. They are ranking guests and no
cne can leave before them. So they have to be
thoughtful and disappear while it still is the
shank of the evening.
Warren Delano Robbins has found speech-mak-
ing is one of the time-consuming responsibilities in
being minister to Canada.



LOST: Black ladies purse, containing
about $40. Finder please call 2-1214
or call at Michigan Daily office. Re-
ward. Box A-17, Mich. Daily.
Less than eiiht hours after the above
ai first appeared the purse was re-
turned to the owner. Thus, through
timely use of The DAILY CLASSIFIED
COLUMNS, she realized a profit of
10,000% over the 40c cost of the adc.
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