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January 09, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-09

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Patanelli Takes
Center Post As
Gee Is Benched
Slump Of Tall Pivot Man
In Conference Opener
Brings Change
Team Drills Hard
Long Scrimmage Follows
Failure To Hold Lead
In Monday's Game
But one thing about the Mich-
igan-Ohio State basketball game s
Monday night was reflected at yes-
terday's court practice, and that was
that the Wolverines appeared at a
great disadvantage, and no one in the
largest crowd of the year was not
aware of that.
Whether the team was in a slump
after winning seven of eight games
before the Conference opener or
whether the team's showing was tof
be expected few - would attempt to
say, but Coach Franklin Cappon gavef
definite indication that a shakeup
was imminent.
Shifted Gee






Disappointin g Defeat

These Three Top List In 1934 Tennis Ran king

Two Upsets Put
Iowa At Top Of
Big Ten Heap
Purdue And Northwestern
Lose As Hawkeyes Win
From Chicago
Chicago at Purdue
Michigan at Minnesota
Iowa at Northwestern
Wisconsin at Indiana





-- Y

I WHEN THE shouting was all over
Monday night after the anti-
climactic overtime period in which
Michigan lost its opening Big Ten
basketball game the fans suddenly
realised that Michigan had per-
formed very poorly and the poorest
of the lot had been John Gee.
They failed to realise that the
most highly handicapped player on
the floor was that selfsame John


-Associated Press Photo

Cappon's first move was to shift
John Gee, the elongated sophomore
ceter who had led the Wolverines in
the early games, to the second team,
replacing him with Matt 1Iatanelli,
who finished the Buckeye game at
the pivot position.
Despite Gee's brilliant play in the
early games, his failure to display
any degree of polish or of the spark
which he had shown in leading his
team to a victory over Michigan State
led to his replacement.
Cappon used Captain Plummer and
Rudness at the guards on the first
team in an extended scrimmage, with
Dick Joslin and John Jablonski at
the forwards.
Most discouraging to the Wolverine
coach was the offensive and defensive
slump into which the team lapsed af-
ter establishing a 10-point lead in the
first eight minutes, without allowing
the Buckeyes a goal from the field.
Buckeyes Forge Ahead
The Buckeyes shoved ahead in the
second period to an eight-point lead
before a barrage of Michigan shots
tied the score at the end of regula-
tion time.
The erratic play which character-
ized the Ohio State game was what
Cappon had early marked as a chief
fault of his squad, and indications are
that the original program to elimin-
ate the lapses in all departments will
be followed.
The original line-up of the first
weeks will be changed, however, and
experiments with personnel as well as
in practice appears as certain.
Birds Will Return
Soon; Cochrane Is
On HisWay South
DETROIT, Jan. 8.-- (P) - When
Mickey goes, can spring be far be-
Followers of the Detroit Tigers
looked on with satisfaction today as
Mickey Cochrane, manager of the
1934 American league champions,
started southward with his family
for Lakeland, Fla., where the Bengals
will go into training for the regular
Cochrane was to be accompanied by
his family and by Neal Conway, the
Tigers' groundkeeper. Conway will su-
pervise the task of putting the spring
playing grounds in condition.
Three of the Detroit players are to
get a jump on the rest of the team
as far as training is concerned when
Marvin Owen, Tommy Bridges and
Alvin (General) Crowder go to Hot
Springs, Ark., for a preliminary
course. Cochrane believes that the
training of Owen in Arkansas last
year had a great deal to do with his
efficient work and hopes that Bridges
and Crowder will react in the same
manner this, season.
Clarence 4Red) Phillips, the young
right hander, who was with. the Tig-
ers for a brief time last year, was re-
leased to Beaumont, Tex., on option
Friday. Phillips came to Detroit with
a fine record at Beaumont but showed
in big league competition that he
needs a bit more experience.
Joe Louis To Meet
Hans Birkie Friday
DETROIT, Jan. 8- (P) --Hans
Birkie, German heavyweight, and not
Lee Ramage, the San Diego Irish-
man whom he knocked out at Chica-
go recently, will be the next oppon-
ent of Joe Louis, Detroit clouter, hisj
manager, John Roxborough, an-7
nounced yesterday.
Louis is scheduled to take on Birk-;

Gee, six feet eight inches of unco-
The University of Iowa, to the sur- ordinated youth, whom his team-
prise of almost everybody, found it- mates have dubbed "Leviticus."
self on top of the Big Ten basketball Height makes basketball players,
heap following two stunning upsets but when that height cannot be
in Monday night's Conference bat-I controlled and used properly it be-
tles. comes a positive handicap. Most boys
Purdue and Northwestern, picked to are awkward in their early high
battle it out for the title, were de- school days because they are grow-
feated by Illinois and Wisconsin ing so fast that their coordination
teams that, although strong, were not canot develop rapidly enough to
believed able to halt such formidable keep up. Leviticus, it seems to us,
opponents. grew so much more than ordinary
Wisconsin showed astonishing de- boys that his coordination hasn't
fensive strength in whipping North- caught up yet, and that isn't strange
weste st6nt 9. Thildcats Nh when cne realises that he is only 19
western, 16 to 9. The Wildcats had years old.
scored over 30 points in beating some
of the strongest teams in the Middle Coach Ray Fisher, freshman cage
West in its pre-Conference games. mentor, also points out that Gee
Illinois' late rally and then a suc- might have been better prepared for
cessful stalling game enabled it to college basketball had he concen-
whip Purdue, 37-36, at Champaign. trated on that sport in high school
instead of dabbling in everything
The 39 to 29 Iowa victory over the sfromtennis to football.
comparatively weak Chicago Mar- So while most of the Ohio State
oons came as no surprise, but Iowa s wee m ns apdb the ir
is expected to encounter just about ack f height Ldicu peas handi-
its strongest opposition of the sea- capped by too much height and lack
son Saturday against the smarting of coordination, and in that they
Northwestern five. were even. a
Indiana, winner of its only Big Ten But Gee has to overcome a more
game, meets the powerful Wisconsin insidious handicap before he will be
five Saturday irr a game which will of much value to Coach Franklin
share the spotlight with the Iowa- Cappon. That is his own self-con-
Northwestern battle, and judging sciousness. Most people who have
from what the Badgers have done physical characteristics that dis-
so far, will be fortunate to escape with tinguish them from the ordinaryI
its slate clean. __-- - --- - - - -
Tolan Recovers Slowly.

Wilmer Allison wasn't needed by the United States Davis Cup team in its futile effort to wrest the Davis
Cup from England this summer, but at the end of the ycar the United States Lawn Tennis Association ranked
him as the No. 1 singles player of the country. Sidney Wood, conceded by most tennis experts to be poten-
tially the best singles player in the United States, showed flashes of championship form at times, and at other
times disappointed badly. Frank X. Shields, No. 1 man'last year, carried the brunt of the American campaign for
the Davis Cup with Wood. Shields began a movie carer a few weeks ago.
Jewell Says Goalie Is Just Depression Is
Lucky Who Stops Short Shots Over For Big
What chance has a goalie of stop- tricky forward may hesitate long T e n Athletics
ping aashotsfrom close in? Very enough to shoot overa prostrate goal
little, answers Johnny Jewell, co- tender into an empty net, or shoot
captain of the hockey team and guar- earlier than is anticipated. It is all a Major Griffith, Conference
dian of the Wolverine net for three matter of guess work for the goalie, Commissioner Reports
years. It's one of the hardest shots and the shooter is the only one who

run of mortals are self-conscious
about those characteristics, and Gee
is no exception.
He realised Monday night that
most of the 4,000 people in the
stands were counting upon his enor-
mous height to give Michigan the
advantage over the shorter Buckeye
players. Any 19-year old kid making
his debut in Conference competition
could be excused for tightening up
under the circumstances. And after
a few minutes of play he must have
realised himself that he wasn't
"hot" as he had been against Mich-
igan State, and promptly lost any
poise he had developed in seven pre-
season games.
It may be true that Gee is not
yet ready for Conference competi-
tion. He has greater handicaps than
most to overcome, but he certainly
can't be acused of not trying.
Intramural Puck Season
Will Open This Evening
In the first intramural ice hockey
game of the season, Lambda Chi
Alpha, runner-up for the champion-
shin last year, will meet the '38's at
10 p.m. tonight in the Coliseum.
Four leagues have been organized
by the Intramural department, two
of five clubs and two of four clubs.
Games will be played each Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Snightuntil March 14, when the play-
off s will begin. The final for the
championship will be played as a part
of the Intramural Open House pro-
gram, as was done last year.
Each team will be allowed a per-
sonnel of 11 men, according to in-
tramural officials. All games will begin
at 10 p.m.
Chi Psi is the defending champion.
BALTIMORE, Md., Jan. 8.-(P)-
"Rip" Miller, former head football
coach and current assistant at Navy,
was mentioned most prominently to-
day as successor to Dick Harlow at
Western Maryland.
Miller appeared to have the inside
track as Western Maryland embarked
upon a search for a new coach.
206 N. Main - Downtown
(Next to Postoffice)

in the game to stop.
The goalie is always at a disadvan-
tage when the skater with the puck
swoops in for a short shot, says Jew-
ell, and can be considered lucky when
he makes the save. About all the goalie,
can do is watch the shooter's eyes.
It's A Guess
When the man with the puck looks
to see the goalie's position inĀ« the
net and then looks down again at
the puck, it is time to come out acid
meet the shot. Even then, however, a
Swimmers To
~Open Against
Indiana Friday
Little Opposition Expected
From Invaders ; Mann
Drills Team Hard
With the first dual meet of the sea-
son scheduled for Friday night
against the University of Indiana.
Coach Matt Mann yesterday set his
Varsity swimmers earnestly at work
for the first time since practice began
early in November.
While the Hoosiers are not ex-f
pected to furnish much opposition1
for the Big Ten and National Col-
legiate champions, they will give the1
Wolverines a much needed workoutI
against strange competition and1
Coach Mann promises- the fans somet
eery good times.
Renner Heads Sprinters I
Co-Captain Bob Renner leads an
imposing array of sprinters and free-
style relay men into action for the
first time since the spring of last
year. Three lettermen, Ogden Dal-
rymple, Bob Lawrence, and Dick Blake1
will support Renner in the dashes,
together with sophomore Bob Mower-1
son and Chuck Drew, a reserve lastY
In the 220 and 440-yard free-l
style events Coach Mann finds him-
self blessed with two stars in TexC
Robertson and Frank Barnard. Rob-
ertson made the All-American inter-
collegiate team in both events, and~
Barnard, a sophomore, is a former
high school "star of national note.
Both boys are out to swim againstI
the watch Friday night.
Lawrence, originally a free-style
man, swam the breast-stroke for theI
first time last year when Coach Mann
was hard pressed for exponents of thet
frog method of swimming and per-
formed with remarkable success. Sup-
porting him Friday in the 220-yard
event will be Bill Crittenden and Fredr
Vandervelde, both sophomores.
Drysdale Is Ineligible
Due to the ineligibility during the
first semester of Co-Captain Taylor.
Drysdale, sophomore Fred Cody willI
take over the main burden of the
150-yard race, and will be assisted by1
Mowerson and Bill Boice, a letter-f

knows what he is going to do. Attendance Gains
Naming the best shot he has ever
had to face was simple. Johnny Sherf (By Associated Press)
tops all the sharpshooters the veteran !So far as Big Ten football is con-'
goal minder has come up against
Jewell, of course, has opposed Sherf cerned, the depression is over, says
only in practice, but the ace left Major John L. Griffith, Western Con-
winger is considered to be ;the trick- ference athletics commissioner.
iest of them all. Possessing a hard And that news, he says, should
shot. Sherf wastes no time in get- make for a happy New Year in foot-
ting the puck away, is accurate and ball capitals of the Middle West.
Tricky, and skates in on the goalie; "I don't have all the figures yet,"
with a weaving sort of motion. I dnthv h iue e,
I says Major Griffith, "but I asked the
Enerson Reid, forward two years i directors when they were here for
ago for Michigan, comes second and, their meetings recently and from
somewhat facetiously, Jewell names their estimates, although the statis-
all the McMaster forwards third. Reid tics on some of the games have not
was a member of that estimable Wol- yet been compiled, we estimated that
verine line: Reid, Crossman, and the crowds and gates would be about
Sherf. The McMaster forwards get 15 per cent better than in 1933, which
the call for their uncanny knack of in turn was nine per cent bver 1932."
picking the corners at difficult angles. The pickup in business, Major
They got four goals against a dis-
gusted Jewell in the last pre-vacation Griffith says, was felt outside the
game. Big Ten in the Middle West. He cites
am sLc.rNebraska, in the heart of the drought
:ixm~sLac Shapshotes stricken area, which drew capacity
Jewellmcould think of no outstand- crowds for the Pittsburgh and Iowa
ing sharpshooters in the Big Ten. games.
Minnesota, Conference champions,
have no star shots, but depend upon Iowa Set Record
scrambling around the goal and ma- "Similarly," he says, "Iowa had
neuvering the goalie out of the net. the largest crowd in the history of
There is, however, one good shooter the state when more than 53,000
whom Jewell can stop on a close in watched the Iowa-Minnesota game.
shot. and he is Gib James, stellar Michigan and Minnesota played to
freshman forward, who collected two a capacity crowd of 63,000 at Minne-
goals against Wayne University last apolis and one of the most interest-
Saturday, but got no more when Jewell ing features of the season, revealing
moved into the net. "I've got him public interest in the sport, was the
jinxed," said Jewell laughing. "I don't fact that during a terrific downpour
believe e hihas scored a goal against morenthan 3,000 seats were sold be-
nite yet this season." tween 12 o'clock and game time at
_ _the Illinois-Army game.'
More Reports Fly Aside from the boxoffice records,
Major Griffith believes the 1934-sea-
Regarding Coaches soe was noteworthy in several other
. ~respects -- particularly in the num-
ber of fine players developed.
BRUNSWICK, Me., Jan. 8. - ('P) - "I don't remember a time," he says,
A report that Eddie Casey, former "when we had so many big squads
Harvard coach, would succeed Charlie with so many big, fine athletes on
Bowser as Bowdoin College athletic there. Teams averaging 190 to 200
mentor today brought a statement pounds were the usual thing."
here that there was "'no vacancy'' in (Atidtedh as a h
Bowdoin's athletic department. Mal- A thir etresdoh g sasnwaseth
colm Morrell, athletic director, de- development of a strong offensive in
clared that "no coach has been inter- the Big Ten and he lays this to the
viewed or considered by an official at addition of five "offensive" coaches
the college." in the Big Ten.
e gNewcomers Add Zip
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 8. -U(AP) - Paul "They include Francis Schmidt of
Moss, former. All-American end at Ohio State, who, over a period of 20
Purdue, has applied for the head years, has maintained an average of
coaching position at Kirksville (Mo.) 26 points per game," says the commis-
State Teachers College to succeed sioner; "'Bo' McMillin of Indiana,
Don Faurot, newly appointed coach at another colorful offensive coach;
Missouri University, it was learned Clark Shaughnessy of Chicago, who
today. is another great offensive coach; Ber-
Moss was assistant coach at the nie Bierman of Minnesota who had
Maplewood High School and played the outstanding eleven of the year,
with the St. Louis Gunners of the and Ossie Solem of Iowa, who is
National League last season. ranked among the 10 greatest coaches
in the game."
Tilden And Lott To At the same time Major Griffith
pays tribute to Bob Zuppke, Harry
Renew Net Rivalry Kipke and Noble Kizer, veteran Big
Ten mentors.
"You don't hear any squawking
NEW YORK, Jan. 8.--(/P)- Pro- from any of these men wanting to
fessional tennis opens its 1935 season change the rules to give them an of-

Riegel, (c) Illinois ... .8 6 22
Cottom, (f) Purdue . ...7 5 19
Rosenthal, (f) Iowa . .6 6 18
Froschauer (f) Illinois .6 3 .15
Laybourne (f) O. State 6 3 15
Blackmer (c) Iowa . . . .5 5 15
Grim (g) Iowa ........5 3 13
Wilson (f) Ohio State .6 0 12
Bobby (g) Iowa ......5 1 11
Shaver, (g) Purdue .. . .2 7 111

~rom Leg Injury
SYDNEY, Australia, Jan. 8.- (P) -
Eddie Tolan, winner of the 100 and
200-meter sprints in the 1922 Olym-
pics, is slowly recovering from a
muscle strain received Dec. 25 in a
race at Melbourne.
If the injury responds to treatment
in time, the speedy United States
Negro plans an attack on the world's
record of 9.4 seconds for 100 yards
on Jan. 22. In the Spring he hopes to
meet Robertson and MacFarlane, Aus-
tralia's professional sprint champions.

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