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December 20, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-20

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Strikes, Assassinations, Political Strife Dominate 1934


Depression Fighter

4-Great Britain will
payment. Saar
proved by League

defer war debt
plebiscite ap-;

Depression Fighter

5-Republicans deadlocked on new
party leader.:
6-Twenty-four new war vessels ap-
proved by Navy secretary.
7-NRA turns against price-fixing.
Steel strike threat spreads. Tom-
my Carroll, Dillinger lieutenant, ;
8-Predict lowest wheat yield in 40
years. Hitler visits Mussolini.,
9-Olin Dutra wins National Open
Golf championship.
11-Senate defeats proposal for im-
mediate bonus plan.
12-Britain offered debt payment
proposals. Tariff negotiations
bill signed by President.
13-France will not pay war debt
installment. Congress approves .
silver bill.
14-Tugwell appointment confirmed.
15-Filandonly nation topawr

Soldiers, strikers c:ash in ;v.adrid.
5-Nation's revenues for past. fiscal
year pass billion dollar mark.
6-150 dead in Spanish revolt.
7-President says CCC to continue.
8-New Jersey indicts Hauptmann.
9-King Alexander I of Jugoslavia,
Foreign Minister Barthou assas-
sinated. Cardinals win series.
10-Mrs. Berry V. Stoll kidnaped.
13-1,200 Hungarian miners declare
starvation strike in coal mines.
16--Mrs. Stoll released after ransom
payment. Hauptmann loses ex-
tradition fight.
13- Major powers oppose Japan's
scrapping naval treaty.
22--"Pretty Boy" Floyd slain by Fed-
eral agents.
23-Piccards reach ten mile altitude
in stratosphere hop.
24-New streamlined train sets speed
30-Police and hunger strikers battle
on Albany bridge.
31-President to restore government
pay cuts. Japan demands parity.

held in Chicago. Col. Roosevelt
calls for G.O.P. reorganization.
3-66 executed in Russian assassina-
tion reprisals. Corn hits five year
6--Jugoslavia expels 27,000 Hungar-
10-League secures Balkans accord.
President demands national drive
on crime.
11-Nine more executed by Soviet. 33
dead, many missing and injured
in Lansing hotel fire.
12--Permanent crime agency pro-
13-Six year old kidnaping of Grace
Budd solved by discovery of body.
New York house painter held.
Ceaseless war on crime decreed by
Washington. Eight hundred per
cent profit by wartime profiteers
revealed. International police
moves into Saar territory.
15-State department draws new neu-
trality policy.
16-Joseph Burns, suspected of $427,-
000 New York armed car robbery,


ldebt.VVV 4 a-<1Aix ]. cu
16- est coast strike settled. November arrsted in
18-Congressadjourns. . . "a2-President asKs re-election of Gov- refuses arbitrat
Prsident Roosevelt chose to con 21-Catholic prelates plan movie BenitoMussoli, head of the o Lehman, New York. dispute.
tnue the demehratic method in his2 Clic-p state" of Italy, consolidated further e 6-Democrats and New Deal sweep 17--France to incr
attf-nipt to lift the United States out clen-p.i pesitior. by instituting what is 6-Dmoras ndNewDellwep.
ftemiretof the Unl epreson, 22-Churches of Christ vote boycott kns s the "y rpstst at in all of nation except Michigan. with Italy.
of the mire of the world depression, of objectionable films. w as the corporate state, in Fn ee18-16 taken from
although he found it necessary to re-. istctJapaiab which Italians in all walks of life are F hstc.sJ
tain his half-way control over bus- 23-Federal reward posted for Dill- organized in parallel economic cartels ton naval trea
iness and agriculture and other phases inger. (f capital, labor, and the various pro- 1 C ns police chief re:
of the nation's life through govern- 28-Scottsboro negroes lose another fessions. Mussolini was insistent in 1waterpower rights,0 piceme f
mental agencies like the National Re- appeal- his belief that the whole world would cited.
covery Administration, Agricultural 29-President proclaims embargo on ~wurn to Fascism as 'the way out. 12-FRA plans workshops to absorb
Adjustment Administration, and the arms to Cuba. ________________
Federal Emergency Relief Adminis- 30-Hitler Nazi "purge" starts. 10 million idle. U.S. Supreme Maste
Fra eretertecy onstaetlAmis-JulCourt calls for hearing on Moon-
tration. He reiterated constantly hids July 3-President outlines old age secur- ey's case. b~
faith In the American system, and 2 tler "purge" continues. Seek ity proram 13-HOLC closes doors. McDonald Before
quieted the fears of business leaders to oust Von Papen. 6-Report drought affects 24 states, and Chamberlain block war debts
who saw in his program a leaning 3-Police battle union pickets in San 26 million persons. reconsideration.At c
toward Fascism, Communism, or other Francisco. 9-President says New Deal here to 15-Many dead, missing, 20,000 home-uArayaso
'un-American" politico-economic pro- 5-Troops ordered to San Francisco. stay. Hitler grants 10,000 politi-. less in first of Philippine t;y- tci
grams. 6-Longshoremen seek g e n e r a 1 cal prisoners amnesty. phoons. (Continued f
___________________ strike. h ns(Cniudf
8-San Francisco teamsters vote 11-Minneapolis under control. 17-Seven Bolivian forts taken by Sherf, who had bt
April i sympathy walk-out. 14-President orders drought relief. Paraguay in Chaco. box, was released in
P sympahy wal-out. Hey Lon calls n legilature 20-House committee hears Butler'slgrcnnc ih
1-Easter. Turkish cabinet will per- 10-General Johnson urges commis- Huey Long calls in legislature. 2 Fascistscare e hliger connect with
"dicato- Fscis scre.the red line at 15:
mit Insull extradition. Byrd sion control of NRA. Hitler ex- 18-Huey Long assumes dictator- -Japan passes largest defense bud- 16:44, Sherf adde
reaches southernmost observa- plains Nazi "purge." ship" of Louisiana. I get in history. batting in a loo
tion point. 13-Hitler claims only 77 died in su- 21-Machine gunners hold up ar- 23-Roosevelt pushes cheaper power scramble around th
4-Congress orders utilities rate in- pression. mored Brooklyn truck for $427,- program. Russia will aid France, Line
vestigation. Income tax pay- 15-Jews support movie crusade. 000. Chamber is told.
ments rise in 1933. 16-San Francisco paralyzed by 23-Homer Van Meter, Dillinger aide, Cha nd iso. JMichig.
7-Billion ollarMhomebuildingnpo-rstrike.24- Insull and associates acquitted. Jeec......G.
7-Billion dollar home building pro- strike.-.-.shot to death in police trap. Italy backs Hungary on Jugoslav David .. . ......-. RI
gram planned by administration. 17-"Vigilantes" raid San Francisco 27-Chicago teachers get 7 months charges.
12-Senate orders munitions investi- Communists as strike spreads. 27-One Federal agent slain, another Heyliger .....:.. C .
gation. Insull leaves Turkey for 19-San Francisco general strike back pay. wounded, in battle with "Baby Ber... C
U. S. -called off. 28-Upton Sinclair wins California Face" Nelson. Berryman....,...L
15-First year of CCC, employing 20-Minneaoplis, Seattle strikes rage. Democratic nomination. 28--Nelson's body found. Louisiana Sherfg..........
600,000, cost $225,000,000. 21-Drought crop loss estimated in 30-General textile strike called. students strike in protest of chern.
18-File four airmail suits against hundreds of millions. September Long's student press censorship. eMaster spares-
Postmaster-general Farley. Phy- 22-Dillinger killed in Chicago by 3-Hoover asails Roosevelt policies. Fairbanks gets $10,000 costs bill ton, Cruickshank,
sician, nurse arrested for treating Federal agents. More than 250 in Ashley divorce. J C
Dillinger. dead from heat wave. 5--Two killed, 20 wounded in south- 29-Mystery of three girls found dead . onnor.
19-Treasury starts drive on boot- 23-Six months repeal nets govern- ern textile strike; inquiry board in Pennsylvania woods is solved. Referee - Percy
leggers. ment quarter billion. appointed by President.. Prince George and Princess Mar- Penalties: David
21-Cotton bill signed by -President. 24-1200 Socialists rounded up in 6-Ten dead in textile strike. ina wed. man (tripping); Br
Governor Langer, N.D., arraigned Austrian anti-terrorist drive. 8-Morro Castle disaster. 30--Morro Castle acting captain and Second period -
on Federal conspiracy charge. 25-Chancellor Dolfuss assassinated. 15--Labor leaders demand Johnson's chief aide arrested on negligence (Heyliger) :35. App
23-Two killed, three wounded, as 26-Martial law in Minneapolis. resignation. Russia joins League charge. Stanford, Alabama to (Pitt) 10:36. Willia
Dillinger escapes in Wisconsin. 27-More than 500 die in Austrian of Nations Council. meet in Rose Bowl game.
25--June Robles kidnaped. civil strife. 20-Haupmann indicted in Lindbergh December alties -David (tr
30-Two billion stabilization fund set 28-Austrian troops suppress Nazi re- case. 1-Assassin kills Soviet political lum (charging). Ca
up. volt. 22-Textile strike ends. leader. Third period -
May 29-Schuschnigg succeeds Dolfuss. 25-General Johnson resigns. Amer- 3-Four L.S.U. students suspended (Sherf) 5:40. Carl
1-Ten per cent income super-tax 30-President's daughter granted di- ican yacht "Rainbow" wins cup in censorship case. Supreme court Heyliger 15:02. She
rejected by House. vorce. races. backs R.O.T.C. for land grant col- MacCollum (trippi
5-Cavalcade wins Kentucky Derby.! 31-Hang Nazis accused of Dolfuss October leges. Germany and France reach ping). Sherf (charg
8-Insull goes to jail. President ( slaying. 2-Seven killed as plane plunges Saar accorc. ing). Carlton (trip
proposes nationalization of silver. August into English Channel. 4--Ulm and companions lost at sea (fighting-major). D
9-Roosevelt insists foreign nations 1-Huey Long, New Orleans mayor, 4--Government opens Insull trial. on Pacific flight. Nelson's widowing-major).
pay debts. start Louisiana war.
10-William F. Gettle kidnaped. 2-Roosevelt returns from Hawaii-
11-Insull released on $250,000 bond. an trip.
12-Senate passes Securities bill. ------- - - --__ 1 DUCT fDrc

ion in Abyssinian
ease navy in race
sinking freighter
rogates Washing-
.ty. English Saar
signs. Communist
arned forces
x Falls
Tom Page 1)
een in the penalty
time to see Hey-
a long shot from
:02, and later, at
d the final goal,
se puck from a
e net.
Os. McMaster
.. .......LaBarge
D..... R. Connor
.......... .. Apps
W .... Williamson
W . ... ..Moore
-- Courtis, McEa-
-Gathercole, Carl-
Pitt, Braden, Pew,
oring: Sherf 12:30.
(tripping). Berry-
aden (tripping).
- Scoring: Sherf
s 7:14. Williamson
mson 11:06. Hey-
herf) 19:59. Pen-
ipping). MacCol-
rlton (tripping).
Scoring: Courtis
ton (Apps) 7:10.
rf 16:44. Penalties:
ng). Sherf (trip-
ging). Pitt (charg-
ping). R. Connor
MacCollum (fight-

Thirteen injured in San Francis-
co strike.
14-President started housing pro-
gram. Gettle, June Robles found.
15-Three confess Gettle kidnaping.
Carter Glass resigns from Sen-
ate banking committee.f
18-President asks munitions con-
trol; seeks embargo on arms to
20-General Johnson criticizes Dar-
row report on NRA.
23-Strikes rage in Toledo and Min-
24-Two killed, four wounded, when
National guardsmen fire on To-
ledo strikers.
26-World's Fair again opens.
28-President outlaws arms sale to
haco disputants. Dionne quin-
tuplets born.
1-Textile strike called off.


The Cciicrr of
activity during
vacations - - -
Ashley Street between Liberty
and washington
Enjoy Your Beer in Atmosphere


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3.50 ~ $1.20 carton 34
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Kaywoodie 2 pkgs. for 25c
$2.98 Williams, Colgates, Evan
Mennens, Woodbury's Cigarette
. .Evans ASets for Men :ase and Lighter:






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