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December 20, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-20

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Junior Cla ss
Danee To Be

Rose Bowl Queen To Be Chosen From This Group

Given Feb. 8

To Give Annual
Coneert Today
Group Singing Of Yuletide
Sonlgs Will Be Directed
By Achilles Taliafero

I Formal For Win ter


Comittee Positions Fo
J-Hop Are Announe
By Litchfield
J-Hop Chairman Edward H. Litch
field yesterday announced that th
annual junior class dance will be hel
Feb. 8 at the Intramural Building.
Litchfleld also announced the ap
pointment of Foster R. Campbell, Jr
as vice-chairman and named the fol
lowing juaniors to committees: Wil
hiam R. Bagby and Richard H. Gerk
ensmeyer, publicity; Raymond C
IBunge, fliaor; William R. Dixon, Ir
ving F. Levitt and George S. HarrD
tickets; Charles H. Frick and Har
old W. Nixon, booths; C. F. Mar
schner, decorations; Robert spee:
Dorothy Roth, and Helen Zeck invita
tions and programs.
Bands for the FHop have not y
been chosen, but thosetunder consid
eration are Wayne King, Isham Jone
Glen Gray's Casa Loma, Jan Garbo:
George Olsen, Fred Waring's Penn
sylvanians, Ozzie Nelson, and Eddi
Plans for decorations more elab
orate than those of last year, are we.
under way, according to Decoration'
Chairman Marschner.
eeCnd anee
in Serhes To
Be Held Toda)
The second dance in the Faculty.
Alumni series will be held at 9 p.m
today in the ballroom of the Union
The Michigan Union orchestra wil
furnish the music.
The series of five dances is ar.
ranged by Mrs. W. V. Marshall. Othe:
members of the Faculty Women
Club who are assisting her are Mrs
James M. Cork, Mrs PPaulo C. Wag
Charles L. Brown, Mrs. Donal H
Haines, and Mrs. L. F. Rittershofer
A number of dinners will be heli
preceding the dance. One of thes
will be given by Dr. and Mrs. Carletoi
B. Pierce, to honor Lieut. and Mrs
Merton G. Walhington, who came t(
Ann Arbor last fall. Other guest
attending are Prof. and Mrs. Walte:
A. Reichart and Lieut. and Mrs. Rich.
ard R. Coursey. Dr. and Mrs. Georg
R. Moore are entertaining for Mr
and Mrs. Fred Benz and Mr. and
Mrs. Rayn'ond Spokes.
Another group who will dine to-.
gether is Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Wag-
ner, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ray Baker, Mr
and Mrs. A. F. Hutzel, Mr. and Mrs
F. A. Sergeant, Prof. and Mrs. Ralphb
Hammett, Prof. and Mrs. Willard Ol-
son, and Prof. and Mrs. W. V. Mar-
A Christmas Plum


Th i3.ne h or ' wil ureseni a
first fsrmal con cert cC the season at
8:15 n~.m. today in the Lydia Men-
dclssohn Theatre. Achilles Talliferro .
will direct the singing.
9 A similar program was given by Uhe
chorus last year during the Christ-
mflfl scason. and is becming a tradi-
tionol affair in Ann A'rbor. Included
in the program will be carols from
France, Germany, Austria, and the
Netherlands. There will 1be works of ...*
',ell-known ccxmpnscrs such as Bach,
Rachmaninoff, and Praetorius.
The first r'roup of son~gs w Lu begin
with "Lo, Ilow a Rose" by Praetor-
ius, and "'While Shpeherds Watched
Their Flocks,"' also by Praetorius. The
Stanley Chorus will continue the first
a e agroup with "~Chxexubic Hymn" by Bort-
y, *'\Now A]! Good Folk Re-
icice. a traditlonal1 Netherlandic I
card, and an old German carol,
~ ~/ Good Christian Men Rejoice."
rnaci 7 'ice wil comence the
second groun of songs with "Bring I
a Tcreh Jeanette Isabella." This num-
~~ - ~ er is an old noel wvhich originated
coIege students wdl be chosen as in Fsanice. They wviii continue with
ni New Ye x s day. L ri to right, top anoi har French carol, "Miracle of
lcr; center row: Lynn Smith, Lucile Saini Nicholas." This group of songs
-h ie1 Cow.an, shirley Chamberlain w'ill be concluded with "To the Chil- --Associated Press Photo.
dren,"' by Rachmaninoff, and "Shep- Simplicity is -The theme of this
hex d's Christmas Song," an Austrian j r7wo rp evnn gon wih
Naio al eeetryRuth Pfohl will commence the third rmin frwnhorse-hair 1a.
gioup with '"Heart Souls." She will in- Itcomes from Paris.
Of Y WCA Foreign elude in her rendition, a French song,
. .' Le Ron Petit Rol de Yvetat" by
Group Vsits ere Gr'andjony, and Christmas carols New Two-Pur pose
".1mr here now to contact for eign "odNews from Heaven," and Dress s Practical
students and to interest them in our "Jesu. Joy of Man's Desiring" by For Modern Wear
X'.W.C.A. movements in their coun- Bach, "The New Moon at Christmas,'"
tries," Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cotton an- TIarih, and "Glory to God in the
-swer ed when asked the purpose of her flighest," Pergolisi will end the What the modern woman wants in
tripto A A sac 90rsn- heStanley Chrus will be accom- the way of clothes is something with
Acting tinn hercpactay as errson1 paid by Madaline Hadeock. The a dashing note, which is, neverthe-
ntudandso trannheretary Y..CA. sorei concert is invitational. Honorary pat- less, practical.
studentsi o f th ain ld .. h
a cE:e f h tne Chou are:

Acacia fraternity is honoring its
local alumni association tonight with
a Chrismsdnne and stag prty.
are Mayo Rbert A Campbell,
School of Music and one of Acacia's
founders, Junius E. Beal. regent of
the University, Edward A. Stalker,
Robert C. Norris, and Lewis G. Christ-
man, vice-president of the First Na-
tional Bank.
Dr. Clarence T. Johnson, Herbert
P. Wagner, Lud Emde, Marlan B.
Small, Lawrence Leinbach, Dr. Rus-
sel W. Bunting, F. Stegath, Prof. Rod-
bert G. Rodkey and T. Hawley Tap-
ping, alumni secretary of the Univer-
sity and editor of the Alumnus, will
also be present.
Alpha Xi Delta
Initiation was held at 5 p.m. yes-
terday for Dorothy Graft', '35, Amber
Johnson, '36, and Julia Ann Ellis, '36.
A banquet followed the ceremony.
Red tapers and centerpieces of ever-
green and holly were used for table
The whole chapter was entertained
with a Christmas party after dinner.
Phi Eta Sigma Initiates
Group OSophomores
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary
fraternity, announces the initiation
of a group of sophomores who made
the grades required for membership
in the society during the second se-
Imester of their freshman year.
Those honored were Donald Madi-
gan, John Doelle, Winthrop Hall,
Robert H. Baldwin, William Olson,
Roger Dolese, Norman Sharfman,
Robert A. Lindsey, Earl P. Loven-
heim, and William S. Struze.
Motion Pictures: Majestic, "One
Night of Love" with Grace Moore
and "Cheating Cheaters" with Fay
'Wray; Michigan, "The White Par-
ade" with Loretta Young; Whitney,

Spitalny's Band
Is Chosen For
Annual Dane
Tickets Are On Sale Now
For Interfraternity Ball
To Be Held At Union
Maurice Epitalny and his band have
been selected to play fox' the annual
Interfraternity Ball, which will be
held Friday, Jan. 18, in the Union
Ballroom, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Philip A.
Singleton, '35E, president of the In-
terfraternity Council.
Spitalny, who is the brother of the
famous Phil Epitainy. has been play-
ing a sustained engagement at the
Trianon Ballroom in Cleveland, and
played for the annual Homecoming
Eall at Ohio Slate University. He
also played recently at the Military
Ball at Carnegie Tech.
Tickets fox' the dance, which are
priced at $2, are now on sale, accord-
mng to Singleton, and may be ob-
tained from any committeeman or
also at the Council offices, Room 306)
in the Union. The t ickes will be sold
to f'raternities in blocks instead of the
individual methiod used last year.
The dance is open only to fratern -
it men and will be limied to 300
couples. Dancing w~ill be from 9 to 1
unless late permission can be ob-
The decoration: for Uxe Ball will
evolve around a huge shield hung
fin the center of the Ballroom. Around
this will be hung the shields of all
fraternities iin the Council.
Members of the committee in
chat go and who xviii have tickets are
Paul Phillips, '36, George Williams,
'36, Richard Gallagher, '36, Irving
Glasser, '36, Carl Ferner, '36, John
Mann, '37, Joseph ilishaw, '37, Derby
Ahlington, '37, and Roe Watson, '37.
The Lutheran Student Club wil
enter tain at a caroling party at 7
p.m. tonight. The group will leave
to go caroling from the Trinity Luth-
ran Church on hWilliams St. A
0 iestoI Stadenti'' Gin Shop
621 East Liberty
Oiiers run the choice of our new
(i1ristmas GIFTs from India,
Cna, an herint. Included
wood wor, print, an 'l'aj

Owi of these Pauadcna Junior
reen ot the Toiunament of lRoses o
x'ew: Emily Bettanier, Catherine Bul
Srpolts, Dcrothy Bruce; hotom rw:

A re Presented
At Dormiitories

Christmas Spirit Prevails
With DinerPlas And
Dormitories are celebrating Christ-
mnas by holding parties and giving

Tor plUmper legs


& (
Our Belle-Sharmeer
Stocking, Classic, is
the nicest gift imagi-
nable for the plump-
er ladies on your list.
You seeit's made to
their measure ..,. in
width and length as well as foot size.
There are four individual propor-
tions ... exclusive in Belle-Sharmeer
for small, average, tall and plump
wmen. A perfect gift! Ringless, of
course. ... and exclusive here.

I gifts to needy families and chiidren I tAULJ ±'i X'~U~ P Da lieLod r.Afe . Tik e w-upseafisae"n voekie"wt in
Seening ntertaHnsets bym the th conrk. asfretin scont wih White, Mrs. H-arry Backer, and Miss bein designed in various wvays to suit yard and "George White's Scan
.resdents. conferences and camps and city insti- Nora crane Hunt. Prof. Earl V. Moore, the occasion. One, is of a dark red with Rudy Vallee; Wuerth, "Fog
AdelisCheeve tutions so that they may see what the University musical director, and Pal- crpe with skirt fashioned to give a Frisco" with Bette Davis and
sAdeli a Cheever rioyetr women in this country are doing. Sc_ mci' Christian, University organist' long slinky appearance. A little jacket Belong To Me" with Lee Tracy.
r AeaCheedrmtyene-ondly, as these frinstudent who are acting as advisers for the chorus. b. .Dancing: Hut Cellar.
- tamned at its annual Christmas party f n o e igunta -nthbruttoning at the front and ingenious- ___- __-__
h ous eterdy. Tablerneoraionsh own countries become interested, for- Finals Are Debated ly trimmed with sequins at neck and _______________
were rerdandle adnl arrange-s I ign branches with their individual., ufmybwrnvethgwnt
e tre cndesan nve ar _organizations wlbesabshd nAlpha Nii Series tiansfoim it from a striking formal to LO V E
tias and holly were used for deco- Along with nor work as a contact aneulyIi ftrono inr
rations throughout the house. Dur- and 'go-betwveen,' Mrs. Cotton an- IAginthngtieoth prp 1 ds.Aohrcombination ispro- wt
ingdiner he uess wre ereade nonce tht aothr pan as eensition "Resolved, That the Direct vided by a bright blue crepe formal, IZ
.by a group of the girls under the di- mnstituted to promote these interests. Relief Agencies of the Federal Gov- sml eind vrwfc n a H LPAfn alr
-rection of Frances Dell, '35. This include.' an exchange of secre- cirment Should Be Renewed at the slip re esic, dcaught tity t theLI--A ietalr
Teguests were Prof. and Mrs. E taries from the foreign branch to the End of the Present Budget Appro- ,vast y a tsedco.Whelae TH G WN atno
R.Snderland, Prof. E. C. Goddard, American branch. The leaders realize priation," John Bigelowv, '36, Roman oveit bla vaele grenord etl- medHE W -S thor
Miss Kathryn Rosewarne, Dean and Ithat the movement assumes different Wiatroski, '36, and John Patterson, ve ocloth ovrblack ree, or all black moe Dih
Vtrs. Edward Kraus, Dr. and Mrs. aspects in other countries and are '36, won the final debate of the Alpha j cmiain rrenel o sil-a-aneaD
harls Wahbure, rof.and rs.vitally interested in adopting changes Nu pledge series last night. They de- o i rtimdi odo i--aba
~ouis Karpinski, Mrs. Beryl Bacher, for the better.fae heta aeupo ila
rnd Miss Ruth Jennings of Detroit.' W nan rgnztnisstb Orx' '38, Lowell Krieg, '38, and Paul Very new, too, are floor iength slips TH E PAJAMA-Two-pie
The general chairman was Kath- hished in a foreign country, the gen- Harvey, '36. fainrcrewchheben-T
een Dell, '36. Edith Davis, '35, was oral aims of the American group are The negative argument was based rads htdfertcmb -
in charge of decorations. us'dally incorporated. The students Ion the supposition that the huge debt tions may be worn over them. The slip,
Frila mrnngat5:0 herei-are being developed so that they will Iof the national government should not ci course, is not to be worn as a for-f The V.5 ~
Fria morning at 5:3 th ei understand the general idea of Amer- justify further outlay. It was argued inal. but it affo'rds ample opportunity -
radnt iofa theous ll have eir ic an organization; foreign secretaries also that the PWA should be aban- for variety in Jacket Or' tuni 8IN
followed by the exchange of gifts are also maintained to develop inter- doned inasmuch as half the total Dinner dresses, as well as formals,_______________
arun teChisma re i tet within their particulax' country. budget increase of the New Deal went are designed with the twvo purpose __________
aerto o nd the Chitante nuthe Thus. the final objective is te esta- to the PWA.. motive of view. Without the jacket
recratio roo andthe nnul I shment or organizations, each na- In addition to the financial argu - they are smart with little cap sleeves -
Christmas breakfast. - io ulanning the type best suited to morts, the winning team presented and twin slits in the back running
Helen Newberry its need, so that they may under- Ithat the argument that relief is dole Ifrom shoulder to waist. Single slits
As a part of the Chi'istmas party stand and help solve the social. cul~- and as such undermines initiative down the middle of the back and but-
held at Helen Newberry Residence 'tural, and religious problems of the and incentive, toned at the neck are also used. If
last night the traditional play "St. women of each country. - ~ .___the gown is in black, a white, reveres I
cieorge and the Dragon," was pro- Mrs. Cotton concluded, "We do -collar of metallic cloth provides an
sented. Taking part in this were realize that this movement involves) ChrIimas Trees Now effective trim. When one desires the I'
Mary Parsons, '37, as Father Christ- more than maintaining boarding Come In Gaudy Colors dress fox' more informal occasions, a
mas; Mary Graham, '38, St. George; houses and gymnasiums; and through I -jacket is worn with it. This may be
Helen Jane Barr. '38, the Dragon; those methods. we are attempting to Crststrsarweinamst adinogtaledinwtharw
Mary Elizabeth Porter, '38, the Turk; promote broader and lasting relations nyCristas tresare aring alo st of madeinong taiored liesb, vt ow in
and other characters were portrayed with the ultimate purpose of estab- ay coor tis yeraccordnts. sev yof buttonsr- owy thyebco'i
byBt aat 3,adShirley Red- lishing foxreign branches. 'don't think their native color is - ____I
d 38g, '38. bright enough, they have them1 "
The Morris dancers and choristers nxeedy family. painted for you, needles and all.
included Ruth Lipis, '37; Peggy Lou Following the presentation of the IA few trees have been prepared in SA FST
'White, '38, 'Phyllis Devay, '38, Doro- toys, Mildred Batian, '36, gave a silver every yoar, but for the first
thy White, '38, Betty Woodworth, '37, pian solo and Betty Gipe, '36, a time they have gone really gaudy. VTX S S
Mary Ellen McCord, '38, Mary Morn-: violin solo. At midnight carols were Ann Arbor .only offers repaintedSK TNG ET
son, '38,, Carla Weimar, '37, Carol sung by 24 girls wearing brighc scarves Igreens and silvers, but this isn't even
Mahone, '38, Jeane Gibbs, '37, Ger- around their heads and carrying a start according to the various vend-r
aldine Lehman, '37, Marjorie Fuller, lighted candles. Refreshments wvere .ors of the city. In Detroit you can AL L HATS
'37, Katherine Choate, '36, Ruth served before an open fire in the Iget them red, as well, and even in
Clark, '37, and Ruth Allderige, '38.- living room. mottled colors. Rdcd
Joyce MacDonald, '35, was in Maureen Kavanagh, '36, was in A special sprayer IY'as been used, .
charge of the play and Betty Quar- charge of the party and the carollers throwipg a very fine mist that covers
ton, '37, planned the costumes. Doro- wvere under the direction of Bessie the needles, and does not cause the
thy MoLaren, '36, social chairman, Maun, '35, and Jean Hoover, '35. branches to stick together. Almost I
Mosher Hall Pi Beta Phi sorority entertained the deepening ef the natural green McKINSEY
Mosher Hall held a Christmas din- the junior members of Delta Gamma has proved the most popular here. H TS O
ncr yesterday, after which Santa sorority with a dinner yesterday. --H T S OP
Claus gave toys to the girls. Later 'Janice Rice, '35, was in charge of the planes of the China National Avis-,
these gifts were given to children at arrangements. The sophomores from~ don Corporation carried 3,050 pas- 227 South State
the University Hospital. Food, cloth- Pi Beta Phi were entertained at the sengers and 152,500 pounds of mail in
ing, and toys wore also given to a Delta Gamma house. the past year .

d satin gormeni . $2.95
Crepe de Chene, beantifully trim-
fine faces, very long-Tea Rose-
ew-B lue--Ma ize-Crushedi Rose
tiful gift .$2.95 and $3.95
~ce Satin Pajamcs--Iace trimmed
Rose . . . . . . ..$5.95
~ickels Arcade


A Gift You'll Buy
For Yoursel - -
The Sunday Nignt Frock wiih

a festive flare.

Non c hot on t

tunic--light, and slim skirt-

dark, slashed.

The soif sash

The foot size has a number
the LEG SIZE has a NAME

Brev.... For smalls
Modite . for mediums
Duchess... for tails
Classic.. for plumps



Belle-S ha rmner
Jesigned for *hw mndivda
// ac4f


Ideal Christmas GIFTS

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has heavy tassels of silk cord.
Materi is Moire iffta tunic
with Crap) MVaroc:ain skirt.


$2.95 up
$1.00 up

Sketched for stock
Many more equally
smart models on
display at-


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