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December 11, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-11

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First General
League Meeting
'Will BeToday
Maxine Maynard.And RuthI
Root Will Talk On The
Various New Systems
The first general meeting of all
League committee members, and all
women on campus interested in ac-3
tivities, will by held at 4:30 p.m. todayj
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room
of the League.
Maxine Maynard, '35, president of
the League, will give an explanation
of the new Merit System, with a view,
toward the method of future appoint-
ments. The chief point stressed will
be the fact that leadership andi ability}

Original Costume Seen


inference Series To Broaden Ye vet Dresses
Understanding With Associates Are Popular
PledY For

satin. Joyce MacDonald wore a Two hundred Washtenaw County
green crepe afternoon dress with gold mothers will receive more than $2,000
accessories. Katherine Choate chose in time for Christmas shopping,
black velvet.



JL I.Lrl


All freshmen women belonging
to Wyvern activity groups are
asked to meet their group lead-
ers at 4:30 today in the Con-
course, just outside the Hussey!
room, to attend the general con-
will in no case be sacrificed for mere
knowledge of the position, in the
choice of new officers.
Ruth Root, '35, president of W.A.A.,
will discuss the athletic side of wom-
en's activities..
Since appointments of League
Council members, which include notj
only the officers of the League but
the chairmen of all committees, will
be made earlier this year than be-
fore, it is imperative that every
woman interested attend. Installation
is planned for April 1 of next semes-
ter, and old officers going out at
that time will act as advisers for thet
rest of the year to new appointees.
First Student Music
Recitals Are Held
In Women's League
An enthusiastic audience attended'
the first student musicale of the year
held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday night in;
the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room ofj
the League. Marietta Martinek, '35-
SM, was chairman of the affair. t
The program consisted of two piano1
solos by Phyllis Warnick, '35SM,
"Intermezzo, Op. 117, No. 2" and
"Rhapsodie Op. 79, No. 1" both by
Brahms. Hazel Paalman, Grad. SM,#
contralto, accompanied by JeanY
Hoover, '36SM, sang "Verdi Prati"
from the opera "Alcina" by Handel,'
"There Cried A Bird" by Sinding, and
Aria of "Polissena" from the operat


By JANE SCHNEIDER an integral part of China increases
The China College Conference yearly, yet the Chinese colleagues; Velvet was predominant at the for-
series this year should be of special still look to the United States for mal dances given by fraternities and
interest to students here for the part cooperation in carrying on these in- sororities Saturday night.
graduates of the University are play- stitutions. Mary O'Brien chose black tulle for
ing in this undertaking. Two of the Give Financial Aid the formal dance given by Kappa
most important colleges for women in Besides financial aid they desire the Alpha Theta sorority. Jean Laitner
China, Ginling at Nanking, and Hua- presence and assistance of the finest
Nan at Fuchow, are headed by Dr. of our young Christian manhood and wore garnet red velvet. Joyce Black
Y-Fank Wu and Dr. Lucy Wong re- womanhood in building a new and was seen in an attractive frock of
spectively, both graduates of this Uni- better educational order in China. In dark blue silk, trimmed with dark
versity. view of this ideal, the China College red silk. Louise Burke wore blue vel-
Djang Siao-Sung, now a candidate Conference series of 1934-35 will be vet with rhinestone trim. Velvet was
for a Ph.D. here will be one of the held in various centers of the United also worn by Ann Timmons. Betty
guest speakers in the Conference States from which centers the invita- Little chose the new ice-blue pebble
series. Miss Siao-Sung will represent tion to the Associated Boards of the satin. Mary Stirling was seen in
the typical educated Chinese woman. China Colleges has been extended by white crepe. Mary McIvor wore flow-
For some time the National Gov- an organization representing the ered green and white satin.
crnment of China has been making community. There will be large public At the formal dance given by Alpha
a study of all the universities and meetings and a number of gatherings Kappa Lambda fraternity, Shirley
colleges in China, apart from the gov- devoted to a consideration of some Verner was seen in purple velvet.
ernment institutions, to determine special phase of the educational prob- Light blue was chosen by Mary Lou
which of them in this time of eco- lems in China. Hooker. Catherine Stitt, Margaret
nomic stress are most worthy of public Twelve Will Speak Austin, Betty Hewitt, Margaret
endorsement and support. It has re- A group of twelve distinguished vis- Smith, Mary Andrew, Beth Turnbulll,
cently decided to assist twelve Chris- iting speakers chosen from the men Eleanor Francisco and Dorothy
tian institutions which are also un- and women who are vitally interested Bromley also attended the party.
dertaking a movement toward in- in the Christian' Colleges, besides Jean Hayward was seen at the Hel-
creasing Chinese support. prominent speakers in the centers'en Newberry tea dance in gunmetal
These Christian universities, opened visited, will discuss the work of the
by missionaries several years ago, colleges, the place these hold in the
have achieved standards parallel to educational picture of China, their
similar colleges in this country. The I relationship to the present programs
process by which these colleges are of the government in public service,
becoming more and more completely agriculture, and public health.
The objective of the Conference
series is to widen the circle of under-
elen Newberr tadi for the China Colleges and Ch ose th(
their Associated Boards. As part of
Ent ertains A t their program they will touch upon
the earlier educational situation lead-
ing up to the sending out of the AtG
An Inform al Tea Educational Commission of 1922. Fol-
lowing this, subsequent developments
in China which have brought about
Glenn McGeoch, instructor in the the closer knitting of the Christian
School of Music, was a guest at the colleges and their increasing devotionyr
supper held Sunday night at Helen to educational unity in a national Choosing "Her"C
Newberry Residence. Jean Hayward, plan will be discussed.

L ; I
L frr ;

A black crepe jacket frock with net Oiental Students' Gift Sho
sleeves and rhinestone trim was worn
by Lois Arnold at the formal dance Of1ers you th Lchoie our ew
given by Delta Alpha Epsilon fratern- I Christmas GIFTS from India,
ity. Helen Gray, Lucy Marshall, Bea- China, and the orient. Included
[are fine linens, ivory, brass, and
trice Obergfell, Virginia Mathews and wood work, prints, and Tat
Betty Slack were also seen. Mahals,

e Smart

-Associated Press Photo
An unusual outfit of metallic
cloth was worn at the White House
Costume Party by Representative
Virginia E. Jenckes of Indiana. It
was an originaltype which she called
a "gold and silver standard outfit"
tand her emblem was the dollar sign.
Syncopation Proves
Disastrous To Cast
01 'Give Us Rhythm'
Over-emphasis on rhythm, the un-
derlying theme of the 26th annual
Michigan Union Opera, "Give Us
Rhythm," opening tonight in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, proved to be
the downfall of Melton Berger, '37,
one of the dancers in the rhumba-
timed operation scene of the show.
With Bob Steinle's band playing
for the rehearsal for the first time
Sunday night, members of the rhythm
chorus, who had been syncopating
their movements to the beat of a
mere tom-tom, went quite wild, even
spellbinding their fellow cast mem-
bers by their fervor.
Berger, who represents a nurse in
the scene, became so enthralled with


Weakness When
Chrktmas Gifts-

'35, and Elsa Van Slyke, '36, presided
at the tea table.
An unusual centerpiece of fir
boughs in the center of six tall red
tapers, with small Christmas trees
were placed on either side. Red,
Christmas tapers in candlesticks of
green holly wreaths made up the,
( other decorations in the dining room.
The residents and guests met in the
parlor afterwards, and a large elec-
trically illuminated Christmas wreath
was placed at the entrance to the
room. At this time, Mr. McGeoch
discussed and interpreted the compo-
sitions which the Boston Symphony
Orchestra will play Tuesday night.
Victrola records were used in his
The Cosmopolitan Club is havingE
a dance Friday, December 15, from
9 to 12 p.m. An orchestra has been
procured to furnish music for dancing.
Games have been provided for those!
students who do not wish to dance.
Everyone has been asked to bring a
ten-cent gift.


Positions Are Open
For Soph Cabaret
All sophomore women interested
in working on the hostess, food or
ticket committee of the Sophomore
Cabaret, to be held Friday and
Saturday at the League, should
call Maryanna Chockley, general
chairman, at the Delta, Gamma




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-- -- -W
- -

"Radimisto" by Handel the scene that on approaching the,
Elizabeth Mann, Grad. SM, violin- bed, he dealt it a well-aimed kick,
cellist, accompanied by Helen Har- As a result he was taken to the Health
rod, 35SM, played the first movement Service, but it is expected that his
from the concerto by Lalo. The next toe will be sufficiently recovered forl
number was a piano selection by Su- the opening performance.
zanne Malve, 35SM, entitled "Papil-;
lons" by Schumann. She was fol- H Hold
lowed by Mark Bills, '35SM, vocalist,Jordan H OldS
who sang, "May the Maiden" by Car- At r Musicale
penter, "King Charles" by White, and A enc
"When I Think Upon the Maidens"
by Head. He was accompanied by The residents of Jordan Hall held
Achilles Taliaferro, '35SM. another in their series of Sunday
The next feature was a quartet in afternoon musicales last Sunday.
G Minor for piano and strings by Those who entertained were Eliza-
Mozart. Selections entitled "Allegro beth Mann, Grad., and a quartette,
moderato" and "Andante" were play- "Four Men of Note," which includeda
ed. The quartet consisted of Thor Herbert Goldsworthy, '36E, firstj
Johnson, Grad. SM, violist, Doris tenor; Maxwell Collins, '35, second
Hamill, '35, violinist, Miss Mann and tenor; Stewart Cram, '35, first bass;
Miss Harrod. and William Montgomery, '36, second
Katherine Leopold, '35SM, pianist, i bass. Richard Johnson, '38SM, ac-
concluded the program with "Son- companied the quartette.
etta del Tetrach" by Liszt, and the The quartette rendered "Stout-
second and third movements of "Son- ;hearted Men" from "New Moon" by
ata Rustica" by Tansman. Sigmund Romberg; "Le Joli Tam-
President Charles A. Sink of the' bour," French folk song; "Ole King
School of Music and Mrs. Sink were Cole" by Cecil Forsythe; and a group
among those attending. Mrs. Sink of Michigan songs. Stewart Cram
was dressed attractively in black and sang two solos: "Deep River," a negro
a white lace collar. Miss Ethel Mc- I spiritual, and "Light," by Neidlinger.
Cormick, social director of the League, Miss Mann also rendered two cello
apre in a dbrero velvt Lsolos from Bach's Suite No. 3 for
appeared in a brown velvet infor- cello alone.
mal, trimmed with cream satin.a .
Miss Nora Crane Hunt of the School
of Music chose maroon crepe, while Seyfried Jewelers
Miss Martinek wore black. Others Dealers in Watches,
seen at the musicale were Maxine Clocks and Jewelry
Maynard, '35, president of the H
League, and Valentine B. Windt, di- I HIGH GRADE REPAIRING
rector of Play Production. 304 South Main St.

ere To Go
Motion Pictures: Majestic, "The
Gay Divorcee" with Fred Astaire;
Michigan, "College Rhythm" with
SJoe Penner; Whitney, "I'll Fix It"I
with Jack Holt; Wuerth, "Belle of the
Nineties" with Mae West.
Choral Union Concert: Boston
Symphony Orchestra, 8:15 p.m., Hill
Dancing: Hut Cellar.

We have received notices
from some manufacturers of a
raise in price on new portable
typewriters, effective Decem-
ber 15th. Buy now and save
about Five Dollars.

! '

314 South State St.

Since 19

1 makes of new
.es and reconditioned


Phone 6615

P T ^ _
o .

Some young femmes can't resist Lingerie ... .
Some have a regular passion for glittering jewelry
and others just have a weakness for lovely
handkerchiefs and smart gloves.
A visit to Goodyear's College Shop will steer-
you-right in selection of those so-hard-to-find and
just-right Gifts for "Her."
PAJAMAS and ROBES -the loveliest styles of corduroy,
satin crepes, and robes of flannel in most delectable
shades - the smartest we've ever seen. $6.95 to $15:00
A BLOUSE of metal threaded crepes or plain satin for
evening wear - tailored styles of crepes, velveteens and
corduroy for her street costume and sports wear will make
grand gifts. $1.95 to $6.50
SKIRT to wear with the blouses - give one of velvet, wool
or tweed and be sure she'll be pleased. $2.95 to $5.95
A SWEATER for the sports-minded young lady. Hand-
made ones with angora trimming also fancy stitched knits
in crew neck or shirtwaist styles. Here are single sweaters
and. Twin Sets at $2.50 to $5.95
LINGERIE that's the last word in loveliness - Evening
slips and petticoats of white satin at $2.50 to $3.25
DRESS SLIPS, panties and brassieres of rayon trimmed
with lovely laces . . . Tearose shade. 75c 'to $1.50 each
OTHER SLIPS of crepe, and satin . . . tailored and lace
trimmed styles in tearose and white, at $2.00 and $3.00
NIGHTIES of warm chalbatross in dainty string designs,
also nighties of rayon, lace trimmed, at $2.00
PAJAMAS in balbriggan style of Kayser knitted fabric,
also fine rayons. $2.00 to $2.50
BOUDOIR SLIPPERS - mule styles of satin or crepe are
edged with gold or silver kid. Comfy scuffs of corduroy
trimmed with ostrich. $2.00 to $4.00
GOLD STRIPE STOCKING in those new Mexican shades
at $1.00 pair. Kayser hosiery at $1.15 pair - Sheer black
for evening wear, $1.65 pair.
GLOVES for Gifts - and what grand gifts they make!
In kid, suede and fabric - plain pull-on styles and gaunt-
lets with fancy cuffs. S1,00 to $3.95 pr.
WOOL MITTENS and GLOVES - for sports wear are
in gay striped wools at $1.00 and $1.25 pair - Pigskin
gloves at $3.25 to $3.95 pair.
Give her a KERCHIEF to adorn her dark dress- bright-
,colored triangles of crepe or wool - cleverly embroidered
and fringed. $1.00
HANDKERCHIEFS to match her costume. Sports styles
in bright gay colors, and appliqued initials. 25c & 35c each
HANDKERCHIEFS for dress are tiny squares of linen
smothered with fine laces. 50c to 75c each
HANDBAGS are smart gifts - kid or suede styles in the
very newest shapes - black or brown. $2.00 to $5.00
EVENING BAGS of gold or silver sequins, pearl beads or
velvets. $1.25 to $3.50 each
JEWELRY in seeming endless variety to select the gift
from. Gold or chromium rings, earrings, fobs, bracelets
and clips set with sparkling rhinestones. $1.00 to $3.50
JEWELRY, plain gold and silver, in modern design- also
"Catalin" jewelry combining wood with bright metals.
$1.00 to $1.95
COMPACTS by Volupte - single and double styles- some
with combination compartments. They're finished in
bright enamels-black, natural pigskins -hammered
brass or silver. $1.00 to $3.50
CIGARETTE CASES to match compacts at $1.00 to $3.50
BOOTS for stormy weather wear- with fur tops in brown
or black $3.75 - Other styles at $1.65 to $3.25






G en tiemen!


Here Are






for the "One

Less t-an two weeks for
your Ensian Pictures
DIAL 5541

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If she is young or old.
a Gorgeous Blonde, a Viva-
cious Brunette or a Lovely
Redhead, give her one of
these exquisite Negligees,
Lounging Pajamas, or Host-
ess Gowns, in transparent
velvet, satin, pure dye crepe,
or corduroy.
$5.95 to $27.50


I I ( I


K I I I II '- a! II

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