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December 09, 1934 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-09

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'Lowell Thomasj 'Michiga Press Speaks Here T oday
To GiveLecture TsE SCREEN : TPlansToPrint
Here Thursday Several Books *
Oratorical Association To *** Plus "THE GAY "I'LL FIX IT" Greek Ostraca Is Subject
Present Adventurer In A RKO Pit ir h 2Red aiie A Columbia Picture starrins Jac Of Book By Norwegian
Fift OfSeresGin-r Rcers Alice Brady. an~d Ed- Hot. featuring Mona Barrie and Win- irra
ifth Of Seriesw "dE"erettHort.BAlsoaatechni ne Lghtner short featurestarn Librarian
eclor artoon and the newsreel. Art Jarret., A Screen Snapshots, "Tom :<w..
In the wa of musicals "The Gay Thumb,." a cartoon comedy, and a Gra-
Is Author Of Note Divorcee" is the best thing that we ham MacNamee news reel Announcement was made yester-
have seen for quite some time. The "I'll Fix It" is the latest vehicle day by Dr. Frank E. Robbins assis-
dancing of Fred Astaire is done as gig
Radio Commentator Has only Fred Astaire can do it, and he Jack Holt, the screen's big he-man of editor of the Michigan Press, of the
is ably assisted by the talented Ginger action. This timc he is a big shot preparation of several books to bea
Broadcasted Daily Frwohrsi naltegato h
For Rogers. The 'picture has three swell who horns i on all the graft of the published soon by the Michigan Press.=
Four Years song hits. and there is sufficient plot politics of a typical American city. AtAmong the books to be printed is
______to carry the picture along nicely. home, the light of his life is his small "Greek Ostraca in the University of
"The Gay Divorcee" is the type of athletically inclined brother on whomII Michigan Collection" written by Leiv
Lomusicalocomedyothatrmovesoalong he showers much sentimental affec- Amundsen librarian at Oslo, Norway.
mentator and world adventurer, will tion. The young brother cannot do The ostraca are bits of broken pt
deliver the fifth Oratorical Associa- swiftly, without the drag that is us- algebra, and his teacher causes him to te whic were us fo r pot-
tion lecture of the 1934-35 season at ually found in the dance scenes of: be taken off the baseball team, all sorts in ancient Greece because
8:30p~m. Thusday in ill udi-the verae shw. Fed Atair isof which he is captain, until he passe ils rsmanenGreebcse
8:30 p.m., Thursday, in Hill Audi- of course, the outstanding master of' of the great expense of papyri.
torium. the light fantastic. In this picture, he an examination. Big brother does not Other books which will be sent to THE REV. PROF. M. W. LAMPE
His subject will be "Adventures in ' not only dances, but sings. His singing like this; he sets out to get the teach- the printers at an early date in-* *
the Air and Around the World." isn't at all bad, his acting is good, er to pass him; she refuses; he sends elude "Neo-Babylonian Business and
Although Mr. Thomas has been and his reputation as a dancer stands her flowers; she throws them out the Administrative Documents" by Dr. Lam e To Talk
broadcasting the day-by-day adven- out for itself, window; he finally has her fired; then Ellen Moore; "Stamped and In-
tures of the human race, each night Ginger Rogers is the fair young she gets mad and makes statements to scribed Objects for Seleucia on the
ver the national chain for the past thing"in the play, and she makes a the paper which exposes his crook- Tigris" written by Dr. Robert Har- A t Instalation
four years, his career has been a var- fitting partner for Astaire. Even her edness. It all winds up ito a clmax, bold McDowell; and "Roman Glass in
ied one. As a young man he was a work in "Carioca" and "Flying Down ithe form of a political investiga- the University of Michigan Collec- Se
gold miner and cow puncher. Then to Rio" is outdone in her latest ef- a nin which she is supposed to testi- tion," a catalogue of glass found in rvi
he became interested in newspaper fort. The work of this pair is most ..aaHtictureyou an s Egypt by the University Archeology
work and served as reporter and edi- outstanding in their interpretation of a Jack Holt picture, you can imagine Expedition, by D. B. Harden of the .
tor, both on small newspapers and "The Continental," but the dance th suty library at Oxford University Iowa Unversity astorIs
metropolitan publications, arrangement of "Night and Day" is This picture is by no means what Here For
Received Four Degrees nearly as perfect as the former. a movie should be. It is sentimental to F B Inauguration
Heatede ndrcevd eresincotnut, oic ndbenig fIn addition to these two outstand- a point of painfulness, disorganized D1ec 1 T B Of Rev. Lemon
He attended and received degrees.I diint hs w usad in continuity, logic, and blending of ,e. e - __
from four universities, Valparaiso, ing songs, "'Looking For a-Needle in characters. There is a shouting ab-
Denver, Chicago, and Princeton a Haystack" provides Fred Astaire the of psychological insight shown Re ents Ni ht
taking courses in liberal arts, science, chance to do a solo number, in which on the part of the scenario writers, the the Rev. William P. Lemon, recently
and law. Before the World War he he dances over furniture et al, in a director, and the actors. Above all, it appointed pastor of the First Presby-
was associated with the faculties of happy moment of ecstasy. is not entertaining to anyone men- tnioO pera terian Church, will be held at 3:30
IAlice Brady and Edward EverettL f1.flCucwlbehdat30
four universities, the last being tally older than fourteen years. Jack pmt y Several outstanding mem-
Princeton. Holt does not act -he merely recites. the Preobytd.ill
During the war he was attached only they can. The whole production, lines before the camera. Mona Bar- The Thursday night performance of bers of the Presbyterian clergy will
to all of the Allied armies in turn, and especially the dance scenes, are rie's English acent and type acting the 26th annual Michigan Union take part.
and as an observer brought back an played before a background of pleas- are completely out of place here. Opera, "Give Us Rhythm," to be The Charge te ProfM wil be
historical record of the various cam- ing scenery. Miss Rogers outfits are Winnie Lightner is herself, which shown Dec. 11 through 15 at the Lydia delvered y the.D Pof M. Wit-
paigns all the way from the North equally delightful. means that she would have enter- Mendelssohn Theatre, has been des- lard Lampe, Ph.D., who is at present
Seq to the Persian Gulf If you enjoy anything in the way of tained a few people in about 1925 ignated as Regent's night, according the director of the school of religion
musical reviews, don't miss "The Gay d d facet to officials of the production staff. at the University of Iowa, and was
bos chief s biographies. n m yNumbered toseegItimate po tn thingthtgwe thermbk ntforce pep anl tcious This special occasion, introduced formerly connected with student re-
among thee are: "With Lawrence in to the segnmforproduction that we Te cra tin.f llth ro- the first time this year, is to take ligion at Chicago. Dr. Lampe is na-
Arabia," a best seller, "Count Luck-d ces a sad result. However, some the place of governors night which tionally known in the field of stu-
nbr the Sea Devil," "This Side of - -C.A.E. will enjoy it in spite of the fact that was a feature of last year's opera. In dent religion.
Hell," "Lauterbach of the China Sea," it is all out of joint, has no moral, addition to the Regents, most of! Vance To Be Moderator
'Kabluk of the Eskimo," and 'Eu- Incorrect License dramatic, or particular entertainment whom have accepted the invitations, Dr. Joseph A. Vance is to act as
- betvadi i o h ash can. the opera will have as its guest, moderator for the service. He is pa-
ropean Skyways." His latest book -cen tC..C. President Ruthven, ex-officio presi- tar of the First Presbyterian Church
is entitled "Old Gimlet Eye," and is PlatesAre anned---dent of the Regents, who will attend of Detroit, and in addition holds the
.bo3- Bun e n s Gnwith Mrs. Ruthven. office of chairman of the University
S nedneysD.aButler.Members of the faculty and grad- X erienees Of The list of acceptances, according of Michigan Presbyterian corporation.
Known As Wanderer uate students who are obtaining part- to opera officials, includes: Hon. Ed- Assisting him will be Dr. Eward
It has been said that Mr. Thomas time employment from the University irs t Flight mund C. Shields and Mrs. Shields, W. Blakeman, University Counselor of
is a victim of claustrophobia, a dis- must obtain license plates of the State V L TlHon. Richard R. Smith and Mrs. Religious Education, the Rev. R. E.
ease defined by psychologists as a of Michigan immediately, Chief of Smith, Hon. Ralph Stone and Mrs. Sayles, president of the Ann Arbor
dread of small places, a terror of con- Police Louis W. Fohey announced o ' Stone, Hon. Charles F. Hemans and ministerial association, the Rev. W.
finement. His life seems to bear out yesterday. The plates are now on sale A IrplaeR T l d Mrs. Hemans, Hon. Esther March G Evans, acting moderator of the
that theory. at the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- _Cram and Mr. -Cram, Hon. Franklin First Presbyterian Church, and the
His home is in the country, 73 miles merce. (Continued from Page 1) M. Cook and Mrs. Cook, Hon. R. Perry Rev. B. J. Bush, pastor of Westmin-
ornth ofNew York Cty1 in the font- t i f .,.. , a - ._ ..1.. ... .. ;, Shoi'ts and Mr. Shrts Hon. Junius ct i-,,.-d.h h f'f D t rit

r. Medcal IProsecutor Rapp Orders
County Arrest Of Mrs. Cerwinka
Society MI e e t s l Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp yester-
day ordered the issuance of a war-
H e r e Tuesda rant for the arrest of Mrs. Celia Cer-
winka, wife of Michael Cerwinka,
Sharon township faimer who was
The regular monthly meeting of the murdered Nov. 25 by George Hawley,
Washtenaw County Medical Society Jr. She is charged with being an
vill be held at 6:15 p.m., Tuesday accessory before the fact.
dec. 11, in the Union, Dr. John V. Justice Jay H. Payne issued the
Fopeano, secretary-treasurer, an- ,warrant, which charged Mrs. Cer-
nounced yesterday. winka with abetting Hawley in plan-
Dr. L F. Huddelson of Michigan ning the murder. She was arraigned
State College will be the speaker, in justice court late yesterday after-
the subject of his address being en- noon.
titled "Undalant Fever and Brucel- no--.
losis in General." An open forum will
follow the talk.
"Dr. Huddelson has completed aI
great deal of investigation in the na-
ture and treatment of these diseasesW a r
in both man and animals," Dr. Fop-
eano said. "Undalant fever is now de-
manding a great deal of attention
throughout the country and in our So fener
awn community."
The annual election of officers and
the treasurer's report will take place
at this meeting, Dr. Fopeano an-
The ATHENS PRESS For All Makes of
206 N. Main Dow n Water Softeners
(Next to Postofice)






All Sizes
Dial 2=1713
210 South Ashley


the hut

~ p~~.



26th Christmas Concert under Mr. Alexander
Nativity Music from Many Lands. 'Old Music - Young Voices
PEASE AUDITORIUM, Ypsilanti Th., Dec. 13 8 P.M. Exactly
No Reserved Seats Admission 25c

11ialV1 4; , UI lly, S4lClua tuaents wnose parents accompany
hills of the Berkshires. It is filled them to Ann -Arbor and establish
with trophies of his adventures. In their residence here must also obtain,
the living room, the wheel of the ill- Michigan license plates.
fated sailing ship "Typhoon," which' All other students who are tem-
was wrecked in the Caribbean, is the porarily residing in this state for the
Chandelier. There are also drums, purpose of obtaining higher educa-
swords, cushions, embroideries, and tion are granted full reciprocity, Fo-
scarves from Asia and Africa. hey stated.
Tickets for the lecture are on sale Starting tomorrow, a check-up will
at Wahr's Bookstore, be made of all out-of-state licenses,
-- ------- with the cooperation of the office
of the Dean of Students.

crossed beneath us like a fying beete.
There was a cloud mass to the E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, and Hon. Paul
north, above Whitmore Lake, and the H. V'oelker and Mrs. Voelker.
pilot headed for it gleefully. Clouds
are just fogs, only more so. Once in George L. Abernethy Is
this one, it was impossible to see Elected Vanguard Head
anything -just to the tip of the EetdVnur ed
wings, and then grayness. Alone it George. L. Abernethy, Grad., was,
would be complete solitude - just elected, president of the Michigan
yourself moving along at a 100 mile Vanguard Club for the remainder of
per hour clip above an earth which the year at a meeting held Friday
you do not see. night.
The descent was like nothing so Other officers chosen were: Dor-
much as a "Flying Turn" down at othy Goldsmith, secretary, and Fran-
Coney Island. The plane circled the cis T. Worrell, '36E, treasurer. Adolph
field once, making the turns at about Shapiro, '36, James D. Reefer, '36,
a 45 degree angle. Then it straight- Helen Horowitz, '37, and Harold Lief,
ened out for the run-way drive. '38, were elected as members of the
There was hardly a bump on landing. executive board.

ster uurcn of ue r .
Was Ordained In 1915
Since the founding of the First
Presbyterian Church here in 1826,
eleven years before the University
was established here, it has been
served by 21 ministers, of whom nine



were regularly installed

pastors. It

was the first Protestant Church in
Michigan west of Detroit.
Dr. Lemon, who was ordained in
1915, holds a master's degree from
Princeton. He served churches as a
student in Wales and New Jersey,
and has been pastor of Calvary
Church at Newark, N.J., Andrew
Church at Minneapolis, and the First
Church at the University of Iowa in
Iowa City.

Twenty Years Ago
From the Daily files of
December 9, 1914
Rumors that Coach Fielding H.
Yost was considering offers from the
University of Pittsburgh to coach its
football team, were put to rest when
the Pittsburgh institution announced
Glenn S. Warner had signed a con-
tract as coach.
Women of the departments of en-
gineering and architecture yesterday
perfected a permanent organization
of the T-Square society following the
granting of their petition to the Uni-
versity authorities for recognition as
a campus society.

Ideal Christmas

Prints of
Some of
Your Best

Gifts -

Pseudo Psilly" Psymphony



PORTRAYING campus shots in char-
acteristic poses.
PRESENTING a unique floor show
(ultra-modern nursery rhymes)
PROVIDING good food at reasonable
prices (Mother Hubbard's Cup-
PROMISING a perfect evening - - - -
drop in after the Opera.

Order Now for Early Delivery
ENLARGEMENTS each year gain greater
favor as inexpensive yet appropriate
Christmas remembrances for both relatives
and friends. They possess that subtle personal
touch so desirable in any holiday gift.
Among your own negatives are some that
would yield attractive enlarged prints. Bring
them in now-before the rush starts. We have
samples of several styles from which you may
make your choice, including an especially suit-
able wide-margined, plate-sunk border type.
Our efficient equipment and methods assure
you of excellent results and moderate prices.
723 North University 108 East Liberty



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Decenber 14 and 15


Adinission 75 c

1304 So. University


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