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December 09, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-09

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_otre Dae And Michiga State

Win Intersectional Games

Fighting Irish
Down Southern
California, 14-0


Frank Layden Runs Wild
To Make Both Scores
At Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8. - (P) -The
Layden brothers provided the vital
spark today as Notre Dame defeated
Southern California 14 to 0 before
50,000 spectators.
While brother Elmer sat on the
bench as coach, the younger Frank
ran rampant in the first half to score
both the Irish counters against the
fighting Trojans and play a great
defensive game as well.
In manner remindful of that day
ten years ago when Elmer dashed
about the Rose Bowl intercepting
Stanford's passes, Frank was all over
the huge Coliseum, but the most im-
portant location he picked out was a
spot 21 yards from the Trojan goal
in the first period when the score
was 0 to 0. He was there when a
long pass from Bill Shakespeare came,
and after he caught it, there was no
trouble about sprinting across for the
Layden Scores Second Time
This was enough to win the ball
game, but in the second period Frank
plunged over from the two-yard line
after Wayne Milner had made a sen-
sational catch of a pass on the re-
bound. This time Andy Pilney was
the pitcher.
The home team was never able to
keep up with the visitors passing
attack. Twelve times the Irish tossed
the ball and four were completed for
a total of 112 yards. In 11 overhead
efforts the Trojans were able to con-
nect with only three for a puny total
of 24 yards.
The Irish with a late spurt also
took the lead in rushing, 114 yards
to 109, but the losers had an 8 to 7
edge in first downs.
Trojans Muff Scoring Chance
Southern California had one great
chance to score, but the sturdy for-
ward wall of the boys from South
Bend stopped the drive just an inch
from th goal line on fourth down and
Notre Dame took the ball and kicked
out. The Trojans were down on the
Notre Dame 20-yard line, as a result
of a recovered fumble when this push

Michigan Got the Big Ten Track
Meet." Star Dust felt very good yes-
terday over the news in the morning
papers that Michigan would play host
to the Western Conference Outdoor
Track and Field Meet on May 24 and
25, 1935.
The first published request that
University authorities seek the meet
for Ann Arbor in 1935 appeared in
.this column May 22, 1934 with the
dramatic opening statement: "The
1934 Big Ten track meet is history,
but right now, before interest lags,
we wish to announce our campaign
to have the 1935 outdoor meet in Ann
Arbor." - No wonder Star Dust was
pleased at yesterday's story from the
Big Ten meeting in Chicago!
Again this fall we published a

Michigan Wins
From Ypsilanti
In Close Ga me
(Continued from Page 1)
free throw but Joslin, Plummer and
Gee counted in rapid succession to
give Michigan the lead, 6 to 1. Harold
Ory sank a shot from close in but
Plummer immediately offset it by
scoring after taking a nice pass from
A free throw by Joslin and a field
goal by Plummer gave Michigan an
11-to-3 lead with half the first period
over. At this point Dirkse took per-
sonal charge of the game for Ypsianti,
scoring five baskets and a free throw
in ten minutes. His 11 points plus
a free throw by Ory and a basket by
Haidt gave the Teachers a tie at
half time.
He came back to get another bas-
ket and free throw which added to
three points Hanneman got when
fouled while shooting, gave the in-
vaders a six point lead. Jennings
got a basket from the side and, with
12 minutes remaining Coach Cappon
put Rudness, Jablonski and Joslin
rack into the game.

tea dancer
doesn't owi
tomobile o
sates, has
t'ns toward
a lawyer
runs in the
and ha
mumps on
He prefi
neckties, a

The Lowdown Revealed About
Cage Capt. Alfred H. Plummer

Spent l'st summer reading "Ant-ny
AR VEY, Adv'se" and shoveling asphalt, which
outside of small sums garnered for
rip i~iXv

Sextet Drops
Close Came To
London Team
Sherf Stars As Michigan
Pucgksters Are Defeated
By 3-1 Score

.Ce l x , '
n an au-
r roller
s pira -
ds being
s had!
1 side.
ers blue

mowing lawns etc., was the first
money he ever earned. Liked "An-
He will use any kind of toothpaste
Hnt ha pnS to hp near nrefers tan-

he was born in St. Paul. Now he comes
from Wabash, Indiana, where the tall
corn and basketball pl'rs grow. Above
all things he detests slightly too short
1 Phi Gam pin
1 Michigamua pint
1 Sphinx pinl
are listed in a collection which he,
claims to keep himself.
Vital statistics: Sept. 14, '13. 6 ft.!
plus. 170 lbs. Anything over 72 (hi
as you like) for a golf score. Senior.:
Broken ankle soph y'r. 1, a sister.
Philosophy - Friendliness gets youk
in trouble. At Ohio State f'tb'l game,'
he went to speak to the team, being
just a touch ineb-r-i, under the wea-
ther, and he said hello, and court
coach Cappon said hello, I'll see you
Monday night. Result - 10 extra laps

column about the desirability of Jablonski made the score2
having the meet here from the but Hanneman's two-poin
standpoint of the athletes them- creased Ypsi's lead. Joslin ca
selves. I on a free throw and Jablonski'
tied the score at 25-all.
All of which sounds just like so The crowd booed vociferous
much boasting, but I'm approaching the referee called a foul on(
the point of my story. Rukamp sank the free thr
Though we announced grandilo- I Michigan needed Joslin's spe
quently "our campaign" it really basket to win.
wasn't ours originally. We only adopt- -
ed the foundling which someone else MICHIGAN
dumped on our doorstep. Joslin, f .............3 3
The truth will out, so we might as Jablonski, f .........2 0
well tell you that it was Merle Oliver, Meyers, f ............0 0
Associated Press crrespondent in Ford, f ...............1 1
Ann Arbor, and two have-to-go-un- Solomon, f ..........0 0
named members of the German de- Gee, c..............1 1
partment faculty who originated the Tomagno, c...........0 0
idea and constituted about 100 per Plummer, g ..........3 0
cent of the alumni backers so prom- Rudness, g ...........0 0
inently mentioned in newspaper Evans, g ...........0 0
stories (The stories were written, of Jennings, g ..... ....1 0
course, by Oliver.)

22' to 23
ter in-
ashed in
s basket
ly when

Ll~d"L ~iS l Lt} iC !!.pp , Ce p, '.±t.L dtLL
going to other forms of the terpsi- (Continued from Page 1)
chorean art, and hasn't yet tried the meet the shots with uncanny success.
Continental, although he used to One might say that Michigan made
help do dishes sometimes at home. its bid for last night's game in the
Being considered too light he did first period and failed. At any rate
not continue his quarterbacking foot- the Wolverines lost their pep in the
ball activities here. Wishes he had. later periods and made for them-
Also used to pole-vault. selves few scoring chances.
Has acquired several trophies for The second period found Lon-1
winning golf tournies in his early don A.C. carrying the fight into Mich-
hi-school days. Also swims. Not only igan territory constanty, with the
captains 1934-35 cage team, but did result: two goals, both of which were
likewise for high school quint. Says scored by Rowley, right wing. Rowley
it is a little more difficult to play scored first at 3:24 by catching a
when your ankles are sprained, but I strange corner of the net from a seem-
quite possible. He did it last seas'n. ingly impossible angle. His second
Would like to go to J-Hop, but is goal came while Vic Heyliger was in
uncertain, due to there is a basketball i the penalty box for tripping, and was
game next week. However, applica- scored at 13:54 after a scramble in
tions may still be turned in. front of the goal which brought Jew-
Recommends geography 113 (of ell out of the net.
Asia) for losing sleep, did not attend Mills scored the final point for Lon-
the Grid dance because it took too don A. C. at 8:35 in the third period,
long to get into full dress, and says beating Jewell on a shot which caught
that "Lost In A Fog" is appropriately the left hand side of the net. About
his pet dance number. C two minutes later, at 10:53, Johnny
Sherf gave the crowd its first chance
to cheer when he scored his already
Ann Arbor Squash mentioned goal.
Vic Heyliger was of little use to
Club Is Beaten, 3-2 Michigan after he was hit just above
_ the left eye with the puck early in the
The Ann Arbor Squash club lost first period. His eye was nearly swol-
a closely fought match, here, yester- len shut and he could not handle the
day to the University Club of Detroit puck nor skate with any degree of
3-2. Th s was the Ann Arbor aggre_ speed, let alone execute the sweep
gation's second loss in as many games, i check for which he has previously
and the third straight win for the De- been outstanding.
troit team. LINEUPS
Earl Smith, Ann Arbor, defeated j Michigan Pos. London
Charles Stymington, state champion, Jewell ......... G ........ Bennett
3-2. In the next match B. Worcester David .........RD ...... Foskett
of the University Club was victorious MacCollum .....LD .... . Hergott
over Earl Riskey, 3-1. Hal Smith of Heyliger ....... C ....... Marshall
the University Club beat Ernie Vick, Berryman ...... RW........... Rath
3-2, and Bill Snyder of Ann Arbor Sherf .......... LW .... B. Hodgins
lest to Galibarth, 3-2. Michigan spares - Courtis, McEa-
Since the match was clinched for I chern.
the University Club, Doug Roby for- London spares - Buchanan, Row-
feited the last match to Randolph ley. Mills, Hammond, Hanlon, Sweit-
Webster of the Ann Arbor club. zer.

Spartans Make
Three Scores
In Last Period
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 8. - (,)
-Texas A. & M. fought Michigan
State on equal terms for three quar-
ters today but faltered in the last
period and allowed the Spartans to
score three touchdowns to take a 26
to 13 decision.
The Michigan State attack was led
by Warmbein and Reynolds, backs,
and Klewicki at end.
Reynolds thrilled the crowd with
a sparkling 70-yard punt return in
fourth quarter to score a touchdown
and put the Spartans into the lead.
He grabbed the ball on his 30-yard-
line, raced for the sidelines, slipped
through a swarm of tacklers and
broke into the open. He was trailed
to the goal line by several Aggies.
The Aggies outplayed the Spartans
on the basis of first downs, scor-
ing ten to the Michigan team's 6. The
A ggies' net gain from scrimmage was
97 yards, while the Spartans piled
up 128. The Aggies completed 10 out
of 25 basses for 77 yards, while the
Spartans tried 9 and completed 3 for
26 yards. The Aggies lost 13 yards
from scrimmage and the Spartans 21.
A. & M. was penalized for 45 and
Michigan State for 25 yards.
Score by periods:
Michigan State .......0 6 0 20-26
Texas A. & M........0 0 6 7---13
Referee, Viner (Missouri); Umpire,
Alderson, (Texas); Field Judge, For-
tier (Army); Head Linesman, Win-
ters (Ohio State).


xee but around the track, after which he was
ow and winded which had nothing to do with I
ctacular his condition over the week-end.


, Japanese Baseball
4 Challenge Accepte1
0 - - - -
3 MIAMI, Fla.. Dec. 8. -- (A) -Jap-f
0 an's challenge to' the United States
3 to play a series of amateur baseball
0 demonstration games as part of the
6 1936 Olympics at Berlin was accepted
0 today by the Amateur Athletic Union.
0 The A. A. U. Executive Committee
2 endorsed action of the Amateur Base-
_ ball Congress in accepting the chal-
27 lenge. Acceptance of an invitationI
from Japan for a series of goodwill
0 amateur baseball games in the Orient
2 in 1935 also was approved.
2 1Th committee approved plans of
3 Lester Mann, national director of the
1 Amateur Baseball Congress, to select
in a national tournament an amateur
6 nine to represent the United States
14 on the Oriental tour and in the Berlin
26 contests.



Mr. Oliver, a conservative
newspaperman who raises thor-
oughbred scotties as a pastime,
suggested that. May 22 column
for Star Dust as the opening gun
in his campaign. Feeling that he
couldn't describe himself as "in-
terested alumni" in future stories
he tool; Qornelieus Beukenma, De-
troit Free Press correspondent,
along with him when going to

22 5
Wendt, f ............0 0
Ory, f ...............1 0
Bernard, f ...........0 0
Haidt,c............1 1
Rukamp, c..........0 1
Hanneman, g........2 2
Dirkse, g...........6 2
20 6

Burr, P


lay the idea before Prof. Ralph
Earlier in the game, almost at the Aigler, chairman of the Board in
start, another recovered fumble gave Control of Athletics.
the home team the ball in the visitors'
territory and a smart drive for a few Later one of the German professors
Da e 13 where t wans stoppe Notre also laid the matter before Aigler,
Day 13r eregwasstppeded.but to Oliver and Beukema must go
try for field goal failed, the distinction of being the whole
group of "interested alumni." I sin-
8-LETTEI, MAN cerely feel that they deserve bouquets
Larry David, defenseman on the and ribboned wreaths for holding the
hockey team anid a member of Mich- meet here only means more work for
igan's Big Ten Golf champions was them next spring. (Covering a big
an eight-letter man in his high school track meet is no child's play.)
days at Hibbing High School, Hibbing, So you see, throughout the whole
Minn. matter Star Dust has been only a
David won three letters in golf, I catspaw for a more consummate,
three in hockey, and two in football. schemer. We are proud to have been
able to help in such a worthy cause.


-- -- - --


he looked
like a
to YOU!
every day, he did - just so
an! Picture, if you will, what
ave looked like at the end of
ke today's meticulous dress-
r one suit many times, with
cleaning and pressing by-

i i
Thing To Give
Ba d minon
Everything For The Sport Enthusiast
Indoor or Out.

If You're Flunking
Bring Your Problems
to Experts

Shirts in flannels~ and
oxfords, button down
collar. $2 and $2.50
Cashmere and Scotch
Tweed Scarfs. All im-
ported. Authentic
Scotch plaids and
checks. $1.95 to $3.50
A hat is the more wel-
come because unex-
pected. Our selection is
excellent. Dark blue-
grays and deep browns
are first choice. $.1: to
36 50.

WE'RE past masters in the art of
seeing that your gifts reflect
quality, vtalue, and care of selec-
tion. And our prices will leave
you enough for that holiday party.
Our B d for t e Perfect Gift:
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holds two or three suits and all
accessories in perfect condition.
The weight is about half the aver-
age Gladstone. Be sure and see it.
Fifteen Dollars
Formal wear accessoriescome in
handy during the holidays. We
have a beautifully styled dress
shirt at three dollars
N I&*4.

Imported, finest quality
pure wool Argyle plaid
hose.' Not cheap, as
prices go, but incompa-
rable to other hose.
$2. to $3.



silk pajamas. Belt
piping trimmed
contrasting colors.

royal blue, maroon,
;reen and canary. $6.
Comfort is everyman's
middle name. Try a fine
flannel robe. Plain or
patterned with contrast
trims. An exceptionally
good value at $6.50.

Changed his suit
he could keep clew
a BUM he musrt h
each day. But, lik
ers, you can wear
just a frequentc


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