8, 1934
Sigma Delta Chi Will Be Host For
Annual Gridiron Dance At Union
Presentation Of
Traditional Oil
Can Is Featured
'Loquacious Lubricator'
To Be Honored; Herbie
Kay Will Play
The 24-inch brass Oil Can, for more
than a decade the badge "of "Mich-
igan's Most Loquacious Lubricator,"
will be presented to a University ad-
ministrator or faculty man at the
Annual Sigma Delta Chi Gridiron'
Dance to be held from 9 to midnight
tonight in the ballroom of the Union.
The trophy, which has been held
by ten prominent men since it was
first awarded, will be presented by
Prof. John L. Brumm of the Journal-
ism department, to whom it was last
awarded in April, 1932. The presen-
tation ceremony at approximately
11 p.m. will replace the traditional
grand march.
Heybie Kay and his 13-piece dance
orchestra, featuring Memo Loa as
vocal soloist, will furnish the music
for the dancers. .Kay and his band
played last night for a party at In-
diana University.
Caricatures Featurea
Decorations will be limited to caric-
atures of the previous holders of the
can, which will be placed in various
points throughout the ballroom. Pro-
fessor Brumm will unveil a carica-
ture of the newest "lubricator" at the
Chairman And
Guest To Lead
Dance Tonight
L eeture SerieS
Is Announced
B French Club
M. Connes To Be Initial
Speaker; Annual Play Is
Scheduled For April
Among the speakers on this year's
program of lectures to be given by
tern. Another is white enamel with the vanity style. One is white metal
the new brown granite effect enamel. with a chromium plating, of shaded
There is a design of silver stripes on black and white. There is an enam-
S N IX & NA X both sides. in eled top withha chased back. Another
Another combination comes in style is in navy blue enamel with a
black and French grey enamel on both red border on front and back and a .
Only 14 more shopping days until front and back, with a silver square bright polished lining.
Christmas -and with the days be-, for the signet on the former. This The novelty leather cases for men
coming fewer and fewer, our gift list case can also be had in ostrich brown aie good-looking and very popular.
nci ases as we think of more and and black enamel. One model in steerhide leather has
mo e people for whom we'd like to There are also models with match a genuine hand-tooled design, and is
buy gifts. Our main problem is to cases fitted into the top similar to leather lined.
select something that is both smart --_--_--_- -
and practical and a gift that supplies
both these requirements is a cigarette =_Phone 2-1912
case. -Io
the Cercle Francais, is M. Georges Many varieties are offered in cases
Connes, of the University of Dijon, for women. The combination cigarette
who will speak on "Beranger et ses and compact cases are an especially
Chansons" on Dec. 10. The next wise choice because they are really
speaker, who will talk on "'Gyp" on two presents in one. One model of
Jan. 16, 'is Charles E. Koella, of the I this type that holds 14 cigarettes is
romance languages department. 1a. yellow-gold plate with a brushed
"Un Album de Toepfer: Les Aven- gold finish. It has a fancy design
tures de M. Vieus-Bois," an illustrated top with a black enameled basket
lecture, will be given by M. Marc weave center.
Denkinger, Feb. 20. Next on the list Another is white metal with a nile
is "Andre Gide" by James O'Neill green, and black enameled door. The
of the French department. The last back of the case is green enamel with
two lectures, "Saint-Amant, Poete silver stripes. The vanity section is
Grotesque" and "Deux Heros Pop- cleverly fitted into the top of the
ularies: Don Quichotte, Cyrano de case with an invisible hinge. A third
Bergerac," also to be given by mem- model is yellow-gold plate that is
bers of the French department. War- white enameled on both sides. There
ner Patterson and Michael Pargment isa white cloisonne enamel center
Margaret D. Phalan, '35, will be the guest of W. Stoddard White, '35,
at the annual Gridiron Dance to be held tonight in the Union Ballroom.
White is president of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic
fraternity, which sponsors the dance, and staff correspondent for the
Detroit News. Miss Phalan, a member of Theta Pi Alpha sorerity, is
publicity director of the League and a member of the editorial staff of
The Daily.
Satire To Strike
Annual Michi
Satire is to be the keynote of the
time of the presentation. 26th annual Michigan Union Opera,
The list of patrons and patronessesGive Us Rhythm," to be shown Dec.
including members of the faculty ans 11 through 15 in Lydia Mendelssohn
incldin meber ofthefacltyandTheatre, according to Russell Mc-
administration, as well as their wives, Crackendirector of the production.
is headed by President and Mrs. Alex- In each scene of the show from
ander G. Ruthven. n the raising of the curtain until the
Others who will serve in this ca- finalrblack-out some effect is em-
pacity are Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. ployed to carry out the underlying
Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Prof. theme of the revue, a theme which is
and Mrs. Wesley H. Maurer, Prof. described by McCracken as "poking
and Mrs. Waldo M. Abbot, Prof. and fun at the very form of the musical
Mrs. Edson R. Sunderland, Prof. play.",
Louis A. Strauss, Prof. and Mrs. Rob- With this theme coordinating the
ert Angell. section of the show, further devices
Alumni Expected i are employed to satirize the indi-
Prof. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Dr. vidual phases and stock scenes from
and Mrs. C. A. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. musical shows of Broadway and Hol-
Donal Hamilton Haines, Mr. and Mrs. lywood. These effects have been ac-
T. Hawley Tapping, Miss Ethel B, coniplished in different ways.
McCormick, Walter B. Rea, and Prof. One of the most effective scenes
and Mrs. Brumm.
Many alumni members of Sigma
Delta Chi, professional journalistic Cabaret Plan
society, are expected to be present at
the formal dance. To Feature
Members of the committee include
W. Stoddard White, '35, chairman of!
the dance and president of the chap- OfHil lDance
ter, Robert S. Ruwitch, '35, in ,charge x
of invitations, E. Jerome Pettit, '35,{
patrons and decorations, and Thomas I Novel Songs And Dances
H. Kleene, '36, music and publicity. A ,e Ar i-w'ed . Table
will be heard, respectively, on March I with a colored floral design, while
30 and April 3 the back is plain.
Keynote For The annual play staged by the club There are several styles in just the
will be presented April 30 at the Lydia plain cases for women that are pri-
Mendelssohn Theatre. marily for dress wear. One that is
Unn ion r Associate membership tickets may very smart is white metal on both
be procured by any one interested sides with a brushed gold satin fin-
from the secretary of the romance ish. It is cedar lined and is deco-
of the show, one in which the rhythm languages department, Room 112 rated with a rhinestone and filigree
chorus gives a symbolic interpreta- Romance Languages Building, or at plaque in one corner. The same case
tion of a major operation, is a com the door for 50 cents. Holders of these can also be had in silver, black,
mentary on "Men in White," a mov- tickets are entitled to admission to or red. Another style is an envelope
ing picture which depended to a all lectures. A small additional charge 1 case in gold plating. The lid is black3
great extent upon operation scenes will be made for the play. The lee- enamel, while the back, sides, and
for dramatic effect, McCracken ex- tures are held at 4:15 in Room 103 lining are ivory color.
plained R. L. A very dressy case comes in ster-
Of keen local interest is a scene _________-- ln! ivr ihaBtlrfns.ot
satirizing a phase of fraternity life, S. . ling silver with a Butler finish.It
rushing. Exaggeration of an acknowl-r n iifobdays sides, gold lined and bezeled. Another
edged condition has given this scenesies, goldadezwitd anterI
its effect, according to McCracken. Is Pred om ant t a n is in yellow gold plate with a white-
In addition a mild burlesque on thenr
old glee club of the 1890's has been Second League Tea sign is imprinted upon a gold diagonal
revived._stripe on the front while the back is
An entirely different method has A capacity attendance, representing There bar sevrl c
been employed in achieving the satir- nearly every sorority and zone on There are several cases for both
ical effect in the detective chorus campus, marked the success of the men and women inwith the automatic lighters. These
and in the daisy finale. In the former scond monthly open tea, given by the
it is revealed through the medium of League for women students. In pro- are larger and can usually hold a full I
the lyrics.'In the daisy scene no ef- grmpackage of cigrettes. One comes in
thelyrcs.In hedaiy seneno f-gram, decorations, and gowns worn, nickel'silver plate with a de sign on theE
fort is made to in any way burlesque the holiday spirit pervaded. front i two-tone red white and black
the dancing of chorus girls. The satir- A style show of Christmas gift sug- enamel. Blacktw enamel and silver
ical effect is here gained throughE
the us fsns admr f egLions was presented by a local stripes on the back, complete the pat
euse of songs, and more effec~store. Campus models, displaying ripes __ak complete the pat
tively, through the picture of mas- robes, negligees, and lounging pa-
culine dancers so closely emulating jamas included Jean Seeley, '36, Marie
the actions of real chorines. Metzger, '35, Helga Salmark, '35, Sally
Another very satirical effect is Pierce, '35, Harriet Heath, '37, Betty
achieved through the fact of the tre- Inee, 37,and e, Flet y
mendous. importance given to the '3 eebe, 37, and Jane Fletch,
part of a goldfish in the plot of the
play. A tap dance an duet from the
__ _ -Sophomore Cabaret were also given.
Miss Heath and Miss Beebe presented
anter Houses the dance, and Ruth Ann JerneganI
Chap er~o ses 37, and Mary Reed, '37, the songs.
Open nMary Pray, '35, program announcer,
Schose dark green wool for the affair.
Helen Rowe, '36, appeared in beige
1 1s ed D nc swool skirt with a top of wool lace.
Yellow and green check in a sport I
iodel was selected by Marv Pot-
ARE you wracking your brains promptly filled for any number.
about what to give him? If so They are not only teenic but highly
just stop wondering and pay a visit edible . . . try them as snow
to Burr - Patterson & balls and you'll have a real fight
Auld's up on Church . . . and it won't be a game of
Street. There you'll dodge!
find the very smartest
in impersonal gifts AND while we're on the subject
for men . . . there are of Christmas parties .. have
two that we strongly you thought about what you're
recommend . . . one a wearing to the for-OE
very extra - special mals? At the Eliza-
lamp and tray ar- beth Dillon Shop we
rangement in copper saw one in pale blue
t andChrome and the studded with rhine-
oter a watch chain. . . practically stones, another in
any kind, color, or description. . the new Cocktail
but hear that the newest chain for Blue taffeta, and a
formal wear is gold. stunning embroid-
eredwhite crepe shot
A GIFT that is more personal yet with gold . . . and
still in very good taste is a there's a special
Yardley set from Calkins-Fletch- price of $12.75 so
er's. There's one with the Yardley why not give your-
Soap Bowl, Invisible Talc and self a Christmas
Shaving Lotion ... and a larger set present? Drop in be-
that includes the new after-shav- tween classes .
ing oil. But the "piece de resist- the shop is just
ance" is a travelling kit done in around the corner from the
leather with a zip fastener. It con- campus on East Williams.
tains an assortment of "gentle- * * *
manly cosmetics" so complete that 1F there's anything you need by
even the most .difficult male would way of suggestions of gifts and
Sbe glad to own it. where to get them just ring us up
at the above number and we'd be
T THE Caramel Crisp Shop we glad to at least give you a lead.
found a new idea for Christmas This shopping season is bound to
party decorations . . . .they're pop- be a hectic ode because we must
corn balls, either plain of Caramel all shop here before we go home
Crisp . . . and the plain ones can . . we manage to cover the town
be colored to fit any scheme you pretty thoroughly so we'd be glad
have planned. Just give notice of to pass on any ideas we may glean
a day or two and your order will be from our "Gadding".
/ %' ,
. . ,
£ Aiw. - A X L A I a . ;;;c' 4) il JLX
In response to many requests, a ' ' '
limited number of invitations to the Must Be Reserved
ball has been placed on sale at $2
per couple at the main desk in the Bob Steinle and his Union Or-
Uion lobby. However, it is expected chestra will furnish the music for the
that this supply of tickets will be Hillel Cabaret Dance to be held from
completely exhausted before tonight, 9 to 12 p.m. tonight in the League
Ruwitch -stated last night. ballroom.y
A floor show headed by Miss Fran- I I u '37.
cesKay ofDetroit, who will dance Chapter houses will entertain with ter', 37.
Problem Of Races the carioca, will be a feature of the both open and closed dances to- Sue Calcutt, '35, a member of the
'"affair. Miss Kay was formerly a night.LegeCuclwoeas rtry
ToBeporfsidee eormer at the Everglades Club in William Bellamy, '35, is in charge frock, trimmed in red, with a red
Detroit. Other entertainers who will of the open radio dance to be given velveteen hat. Also in ray and red
The Hindustan Club will hold the provide the floor show are: Douglas by Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity. was Barbara Gene Owens, '35. Mary
second in a series of lectures at 8:30 Gregory and Billy Collins, students Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Keene and Dr. Morrison, 35, appeared in a green
p.m. tonight in Lane Hall. at the Roy Hoyer Dancing Acad- and Mrs. Charles McIntyre will chap- ds
This lecture will be based on the emy; Miss Betty Seitner of Flint, also erone. ',.
problems of races. Such questions as -a student at the Hoyer Academy; Phi Rho Sigma fraternity is hold- DormlitOry wolnen
what a race is, the superiority of and Eddie Kapzenmeyer of Ann Ar- ing a closed informal dance. The
races in mental ability, difference of bor who will sing several popular dance is being planned by Jack Bunt- Entertain Guests
temperament existing between races, songs. ing, '36M and Gilbert Reid, '36M.
the nature of race prejudice and rea- A novel feature of the dance this Dr. and Mrs. Jack Sheldon and Dr. Josephine Gibson, '37, was in charge
sons for it will be discussed. year is-the fact that it will be in ,and Mrs. John Huber will act as of the faculty diner held at Betsy
cabaret style. Tables will be arranged chaperones. Barbour Thursday. The guests pres-
around the ballroom to provide a Bill Marshall and his orchestra will ent were: Mrs. Alexander Ruthven;
IWJf~here -to GQ full view of the floor and to make furnish the music for the . pledge Prof. and Mrs. Calvin Davis, Dr. and
possible adequate dancing space. formal to be given by Kappa Alpha Mrs. William Clark Trow, Dr. and
According to Irving F. Levitt, stu- Theta sorority. Mary Garrettson, '36, Mrs. Roy Sellars, Mr. and Mrs. George
dent director of Hillel activities, all is in charge of the dance, which will Altenburg, Dr. and Mrs. Dean W.
Metica PKctu es: Whitney, "I'll Fix reservations for tables must be se- be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Meyers, Mrs. Otto W. Haisley, Dr. T.
It" with Jack Holt; Wuerth, "Hide- cured by 4 p.m. today. Tables for Sinclair, Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Straith Luther Purdom, Prof. and Mrs. Hor-
Out" with Robert Montgomery and from one to ten will be set aside for and Mrs. Franklin Moore. ace T. King, Dr. and Mrs. James K.
"Death on the Diamond"; Majestic, those calling atthe Hillel Founda- Delta Alpha Epsilon fraternity will Pollock, and Mrs. Fredrick Ray.
"The Gay Divorcee" with, Fred As- tion or phoning 3779 or 3936 before ntertain with a closed informal i Ivory candles.and pink snap-drag-
taire; Michigan, "The Pursuit of Hap- that time. 'rickets may be purchased dance. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray and ons served as table decorations for
piness" with Joan Bennett. at the Foundation or upon entry at Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hills will j the affair.
Plays: Play Production and the the dance tonight. .chaperone the party, which Clark W. Martha Cook entertained at a din-!
School of Music. "Iolanthe," at 3:15 A complete list of patrons for the Fulton, '35, has arranged. nor Thursday night for Mrs. Apple-1
p.m. and 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendel- dance include Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Marley and ton, who before her marriage was;
ssohn Theatre. B. Metzger of Detroit, Judge and Mrs. Lieut. and Mrs. Richard R. Coursey Mary Elizabeth Moore, secretary of
Dancing: Gridiron Dance at Union Joseph Sanders of Detroit, Mr. and I will chaperone the closed formal the building. She was presented with
Ballroom, Hillel Cabaret Dance at I Mrs. Harry Yudkoff of Detroit, Prof. dance to be given by Alpha Kappa gifts from the residents.
League, Chubbs, Granger's, Hut Cel- and Mrs. Philip Bursley, Dr. and Mrs. 'Lambda fraternity. David Winkworth,BA
lar, Preketes. Edward W. Blakeman, Prof. and Mrs. 1'36, is in charge of the arrange- BETA KAPPA RHO
1. L. Sharfman, Prof. and Mrs. Wil- ments. Beta Kappa Rho will hold a Christ-
CHAIRMAN OF CONTEST liam Worrell. Prof. and Mrs. Reuben Helen Newberry residence is enter- mas party at 8:30 tonight' in the
Miss Geneva Smithe, secretary of L. Kahn, Prof, and Mrs. Raphael taiiling with a tea dance. Mrs. J. G. Alumni Room of the League. All
the University Museums, who is re- Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. Ozias Zwerdling, Harp and Mrs. Henry Douglas will women not living in dormitories or
cruit chairman of the Michigan Aud- Mr. and Mrs. Montague Modder, Mr. ?pour. Isabell Currie, '35, and Dorothy organized league houses are invited
ubon Society, will head its rural school and Mrs. Hirsch Hootkins and Mr.jMcLaren, '36, are arranging the to attend. There will be games and
bird feeding and identification con- and S. G. Bothman. party. Christmas carols as entertainment.
test, it was announced ysterday. I-----e g-,
That wise man in your home is probably wondering
what to give you for Christmas. Why not tell him--
discreetly of course-that you would be thrilled with
a wonderful new Magic Chef gas range. There is a
complete Christmas display on our floors now. Beau-
tiful models in various colors and sizes. Among other
things they have burners that actually light automat-
ically. And broilers that produce the juiciest steaks
you've ever tasted. And ovens with Red Wheel regu-
1110 1 1
_ - _Y--
- __
r I --
I (' r
1f' I Id' I ! .3
i L
l'. .
Several residents of Martha Cook
dormitory attended the presentation
of "Romeo and Juliet" in Detroit
Wednesday night.
I REA LI em' I"0
Boston Symphony Orchestra
1 e,
- your Old Stove ri -