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December 08, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-08

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- r
KI 4Tg1. OVS1V.,T X4KA ,ra^lauw1m4StMW ..m...
Publiz ed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
oWnd the Big Ten News Service.
actited ollUiate rss
-a1934 PiWUJfz1 I935
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $.0
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National:Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR .........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Gioehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Par-
ker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton
B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Rich-
ard Hershey, Ralph W. Third, Fred W. Neal, Robert
Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, 'Marshall Shulman, Donald
Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard
Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins,
Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein,
Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly
Solomon, Laura Winograd, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts,
Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation
an-l National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified
Advertising and Publications, George Atherton.
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William
Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park,
F. Allen Upson, Willis Toinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom
Clarke, Gordon Cohn Me eli Jordan, Stanley Joffe,
Richard E. Chaddock.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
1Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper, Marjorie
Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
Research In
Student Affairs.
HE ORGANIZATION of our univer-
sities recognizes research as a high-'
ly-important corollary to teaching. University-
trained men supposedly differ from others in that
they have learned the importance of getting the
facts as a basis for opinion and action.
But the scientific approach is one of those fine
things to which everyone agrees and about which
few bother to think. For that reason, perhaps, less
is really known about the facts behind higher edu-
cation as an institution and about students as
such than about many other vital matters.
Of course, every student feels qualified to pass
judgment on all phases of college affairs and
student life. Members of faculty and administra-
tion are frequently willing to-offer suggestions for
improvement. But on what do they base their con-
Very few can point to an objective survey or test

of any kind; almost without exception our ideas
about college and college-life arise out of personal
experiences, are more or less confirmed by ex-,
change of opinion and are developed into exceed-
ingly rigid stereotypes.
Apparently it has occurred to few persons that
there is a crying need for discerning research in
the field of student affairs - carried on by- stu-
dents for the benefit of students. Stated like that,
the proposal sounds dryer than the customary 2
o'clock lecture. It shouldn't be, for students should
be more interested in their own group than in any
Professor Angell's class in the sociology of stu-
dent life has for several years been doing work of
exactly the sort so badly needed. A year or so
ago a survey of members of the course showed
some interesting things about the result of the de-
pression on student attitudes. Of other facts ob-
tained by students in this class, trained to make
sociological studies, we are not aware. It may be
that they Eck a good publicity agent.
In an interview Thursday, Professor Remer
suggested that student interest in academic affairs
might best be stimulated and employed in the
forming of student groups designed to study such
matters of controversy as the concentration sys-
tem and working one's way through school.
Occasional campus polls on issues of student in-
terest, for all the faults that may be attributed
to them, deserve admirably to crystallize sentiment
and give an objective measure of what students are
feeling and thinking.
Once the student body had a more concrete and
factual idea of how the other half lives, then

Still Goes On.
Louis Post-Dispatch in uncovering
an attempt by T. J. Pendergast, nationally-known
political boss of Missouri, to get the Federal
government to stop prosecution of John Lazia, one
of Pendergast's chief ileutenants, for an evasion of
the income tax laws. is a notable example of the
ccnstructive work of the American press.
The Post-Dispatch uncovered a letter written
last May by Pendergast to James J. Farley which
1began "My Dear Jim" and embodied a personal
appeal to the postmaster-general to bring pres-
sure to bear upon the proper officials to have the
charges against Lazia dismissed. Pendergast ad-
mits writing the letter, but Farley, with his usual
suaveness, denies that he ever received it.
The fact that a now dead gunman was being
prosecuted for an income tax evasion is of no im-
rortance, but when the political power behind these
factions is so great that an appeal is made
directly to a member of the President's cabinet,
who succeeded in temporarily halting investiga-
tion, and who might have done so permanently had
not Lazia been killed, is a flagrant disregard of
any sort of democratic principles of government.
Such actions as these have been going on for
years in our system of government. The public
press, through its own investigations and criticisms
has frequently been able to prevent any greater
usurpation of power. Without such a check, it is
easy to imagine the extent to which such cor-
rupting acts might go.
Campus Opinion'

Darn ......ac Damn ......le
Heck ..... .. %c Hell ........lc
Golly ...... 2c Gosh darn . . le
God or strong variations ............5c
This is the list and the rates posted at a dormi-
tory on the campus at the University of Kansas
by a group of co-eds who decided to reform and
correct their speech. It is reported that after the
first week they have $6.69 in the fund, mostly
from the so-called variations. They are planning
to have a party wrth the proceeds at the end of
the year.
Here's a strange Ail-American sent in by
W.R.A.G. and compiled in original positions.
Name College Position
Jchnson, Minnesota.. Left End
Barrett, University of Detroit .... Left Tackle
Riley, Northwestern........ ...Left Guard
St evenson, Indiana .................. Center
Burns, University of Detroit . Right Guard
Scott, Yale...................Right Tackle
Lengfellow, Northwestern ....... Right End
McCauley, Rice ... ...........Quarterback
Shakespeare, Notre Dame ......Left Halfback.
Wallace, Rice ..,...........Right Halfback
G ayson, Stanford . . Fullback
Delivering a sharp blow to the adage "Gentle-
men Prefer Blondes," only 25 per cent of the men
who applied to the student date bureau at the Uni-
versity of Toronto stated that they would like to
date a blonde.
A student at Villa Nova College answered
cne of these ads, "How to Make Money Quick"
and sent in one dollar. Some time later he
r;ceived a curt reply, "do as I do, brother."
1, i





I BurrPc


Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be briefthe editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Enter Huey Long's Press Agent
To the Editor:
Mole than two weeks ago the anti-Long pub-
licists in Louisiana laid the foundation for the
release of "news" which would have the appear-
ance of being genuine whereby Senator Long would
be quoted as wrathfully criticizing the editor and
members of the staff of the "Reveille," the stu-
dent publication of L.S.U. - also of "censoring"
that publication, and threatening to expell or
punish members of the student body.
The story was released on November 21 and
was carried in some newspapers in New York and
elsewhere the following day. The story read in

A Washington


1' 11


"U.S. Senator Long wrathfully censored
'The Reveille,' student publication of Louisiana
State University, today, for printing an open
letter criticizing his attempt to use Abe Mievelt-
star halfback, 'in a burlesque on representative
government' . .. by order of the Kingfish the
presses were stopped . . . He snorted, 'This is
my university and I'll throw anybody out who
utters a word against me ... there'll be a new
editor of that paper tomorrow if they print
anything against Huey Long. I'll expell a thou-
sand students if necessary, if anything is done-
against me. I've built this university. That's
my school. I don't want any criticism of any- ,
thing I do'."
The above is untrue, regardless of student affi-
davits, as Senator Long never made the remarks
attributed to him. Yet, this story with various ver-
sions has appeared in the daily press from Nov.
22 to as late as today (Dec. 5), the anti-Long publi-
cists being able to string out the same story over a
period of almost two weeks to give it wide circula-
The same propaganda is carried by the Asso-
ciated Press from Baton Rouge, and by other serv-
ices, under date of Dec. 4, the "affidavit" by stu-
dents McGuire and Cutrer, giving it the present
timely news privilege.
The principal motive for such a publicity gesture
is to alienate Senator Long with college editors, and
students throughout the nation, who recently have
shown a decided interest in his activities.
The college publications are the nearest thing
to a free press, his political enemies argue, and
in order to make it appear that he was "censoring"
a college paper, and "threatening" students, this
latest attempt to destroy him was carried out.
The following letter has been received by the
writer from the editor of the news service which
first carried, on Nov. 22, the above alleged state-
ment by Senator Long. and on which Mr. Pegler
bases a part of his story of Nov. 26, and on which is
based the story appearing yesterday and today.
"As I told you over the telephone today, I
was deeply distressed over the erroneous story
carried from. New Orleans concerning the al-
leged censorship at the State University. We
corrected the false report and carried a story
explaining that the situation has been en-
tirely cleared up.
I was especially sorry over this mistake be-
cause of our desire to be absolutely fair and
impartial in all our stories concerning Senator
Long. Our correspondents have been repeat-
edly advised of this and I am sure we will not
have any more mistakes of this kind."
Dated, New York City, Nov. 23, 1934.
The complaints from students charging Senator
Long with interference politically with the admin-
istration of the university there are engineered by
Senator Long's political opponents, as is all of the
present anti-Long publicity in connection with the
L.S.U. controversy. It is published in the daily
press in Baton Rouge or New Orleans, and becomes
legitimate "news" for the wire services. Similar at-
tacks are encouraged to be participated in by other
student, college and journalism organizations

SECRETARY WALLACE seems to be intent on
reaching down to the grass roots for farmer
opinion on major AAA policy questions. This is the
very antithesis of bureaucracy, for all the shouts of
regimentation and Washington bureaucratic over-
lordship so frequently heard.
If Mr. Wallace carries through with his tech-
nique, he will have established a sort of national
town meeting method of canvassing farmer ideas
and desires. It implies a democratic attitude that
not only would destroy and trend within AAA
itself toward bureaucratic autocracy; but might
even safeguard against bureaucracy among the
national farm organizations themselves. Spokes-
men for such organizations might be much more
cautious about saying what the farmers want if
they knew a virtual farm-to-farm poll would be
taken to check up on their assertions.
WALLACE always has leaned toward the town
meeting idea by all acounts. In the question-
naire method developed by AAA to seek among
farmers themselves the basis for administration
farm policy for the next two years as to the corn-
hog program, he seems to have found a way to get
down close to that. It is a way undisturbed by all
the complexities of the representative political
As an illustration, the sudden AAA move to ques-
tionnaire some thousands of citrus farmers, to go
behind the farm organization spokesmen and to the
county control associations. is illuminating. Simul-
taneously a similar poll about the much discussed
Bankhead cotton control bill is in progress. And
there are intimations that the corn-hogpolicy poll
will be repeated before definite decisions are
taken. That is not because of disappointment over
the way the original questionnaire vote turned out;
but because the response was not widespread
enough to suit Wallace's notion of democracy.
The thing that lured the secretary of agri-
culture into support of the original Bankhead
bill after opposing this first effort to apply
force instead of persuasion and inducement to the
crop curtailment plan, was the showing of massed
cotton farmer sentiment for it.
What is to be done now about continuing, mod-
ifying or abandoning the Bankhead bill is in pro-
cess of determination by the same method.
FARMER-CONTROL associations in each county
were set up without any particular relation to
the increasing use being made of them by AAA
to sound out farmer sentiment. They serve as an
element of the administrative mechanism for
working out the farm act's varied and complicatedI
It seems possible that this Wallace techniqueI
may be leading within the farm community gen-
erally to something like that "community ruggedj
individualism" to which President Roosevelt re-
ferred in his TVA talks.

R v";1g1USActivitilesI

The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
December 9, 1934
5 o'clock
Service of Music
American Music Camp Trio
Fredrick Lewis, Director
7:30 o'clock
Liberal Student's Union
"Problems of Middle Class
--by, Harold Dcrr of the Political
Science Department.

Hillel Foundation
Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
December 9, 1934
11:15 A.M.-Sermon at the Women's
League Chapel by Dr. Bernard
-a lesson in self-respect.
2:30 P.M-Meeting of class in Jewish
Ethics led by Hirsh Hoodkins.
3:30 P.M.-Meeting at the Founda-
tion of Jewish fraternity and
sorority presidents.
8:00 P.M--Meeting of Aarikah
Hillel Cabaret Dance
At the Women's League 9 to 12

Zion Lutheran
Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
December 9, 1934
9:00 A.M.-Bible School. lesson topic,
"The Christian as Teacher".
10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon on,
"Regaining the Image of
Text, 2, Peter 1, 3-11.
5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and
6:45 .P.M.-Debte ,"Should the
United States Lead the World in
7:30 P.M.-Holy Communion service.
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
Rev. C. A, Brauer, Pastor
December 9. 1934
9:30 A.M.-Sunday School
9:30 A.M.-The Service in German,
L0:45 A.M.-The Morning Worship-
Sermon by the pastor.
"Jesus the Prophet"


-l------.---- I

of journalism which cannot possibly survive. I have
steadfastly for more than a year now called ,at-
tention of editors to this method. While I appre-
ciate my friend Stanley Walker's reference to me
in his new book, "City Editor," I am not trying to
show the press that Senator Long is the victim of
a malicious campaign, but I am trying honestly
to show editors that the press itself is negligent
in its duty, and often abusive in its incorrectness
and method of presenting news about Senator
ATCrr " TI- no ti i -Oitr Vyi+ t".o a

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
December 9. 1934
9:45- College Age Class for young
men and women in the balcony of
the Church Auditorium. Dr. Roy
W. Burroughs is the teacher.
10:45-Morning Worship Service:






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