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December 02, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-02

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i Li Y 1 i f V Y i v w v «.n :..-. .. ...... _

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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CITY EDITOR ...........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Par-
ker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton
B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Rich-
ard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W. Neal, Robert
Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Donald
Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard
Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins,
Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Defendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein,
Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois
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P . Allen Upson Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Ton
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*OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margarett
1Kohlig Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
* Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper, Marjorie
Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
In Universities .. .
students, enjoying an extended
Thanksgiving holiday, will not go back to classes
until Tuesday. Traditionally, the Monday after the
big game with Cornell is a holiday if Penn wins.
This year university authorities announced before
the game that the vacation would be extended,
win or lose.
The ruling read in part: "During the trying
period from the opening of college this year until
the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday the
university has enjoyed the whole-hearted support
of the undergraduate body in all activities. . . In
appreciation of the splendid spirit thus displayed
it has been decided to extend the Thanksgiving
vacation to include Monday, Dec. 3. In making
*.this decision the university . . . merely recognizes
the helpfulness and cooperation which has been
For any college administration, all of which are
commonly conceived to be per se as tyrannical and
oppressive as their members can make them, this
is indeed a noble and generous act. Few of them
dare to risk the effect on student morale of such
an unbending from established practice.
Beyond such considerations, however, the nature
of the reward is rather curious when given a little
more critical thought. Undoubtedly, Penn students
agreed to a man that no more fitting reward could
have been presented them in recognition of their
"loyal support." Mighty few college undergradu-
ates would be apt to disagree with them in their
belief that an extended holiday is the greatest
possible favor within the gift of a university
It must be true, then, that in all our educational
institutions, without known exception, the prime
desire of most students is to get out of going to
class and to get out of studying on every possible
occasion. That's a fine attitude to nurture in an
educational institution, but a lot of people are not

moved to do anything about it because they don't
think anything can be done about it anyway.
Certainly, very little, if anything, is being done
about it.
You might argue that students arrive in the uni-
versity fresh from a grammar school and high
school tyranny that fits them for nothing better
than institutional treatment, and you'd be partially
right. It's a cinch that at the present rate they'll
be just as needful of institutionalization when they
go out. Somewhere you've got to help students
make the transition from childhood to adulthood.
The high schools may not fit vnn men nand

Check And
DoubleACheck . .
AMERICA has been brought up on a
philosophy of government known
to the student of political science as the theory
of checks and balances. When the United States
first came into being, the people of the new re-
public were obsessed by one idea, that being to stay
as far away as possible from any complete grant
of power to one individual or group of individuals.
As a result of this fear, we have our three de-
patments in the Federal government, the execu-
tive, the legislative, and the judicial. All this
happened in the 18th century. This is 1934, and
we are pretty well tied down by ideals of
political philosophy that are 150 years old.
This governmental system of a separation of
powers may have had some justification in our
national government where the rights of indivi-
dual states had to be protected. Its intrusion upon
the government of the states, however, has never
meant anything but grief.
One of the rankest developments of a political
theory is the bi-cameral legislature used by most
of the states. Learned men in the field of govern-
ment have realized for many years that such an
organization is nothing but a duplication of
governmental service, and that a two-chambered
legislature tends to tie up constructive action. Such
duplication of effort, as with all duplications in
government, increases costs immensely.
Iowa, realizing that the two bodies of her statp
legislature last year cost more than $350,000,
has given serious consideration to the uni-cameral
legislature. Nebraska has already taken the pro-
gressive step toward eliminating one house of her
law-making body.
It will only be a matter of time until states
realize that aged political theories may sound fine,
but decreased costs and increased efficiency de-
serve more thought than they have been getting in
the past.
As Others See It
Football Stars In Eclipse
N THE LONG ROSTER of Notre Dame's great
football players, the name of Frank Carideo
is ,writen high, but as a coach he has made a
sorry showing at the University of Missouri. His
three-year reign at 'Columbia has been drab
and dolorous, and the present waning season, it is
predicted, will be his last. So, too, with Casey
of Harvard, a flaming thunderbolt on the grid-
iron, whose resignation as coach is reported after
an autumn of uhbroken disaster that has reduced
the Crimson to a deep funeral black.
Other reversals have been recorded of coaches
who have, in the past, directed dazzling teams but
have drunk only the bitter waters in 1934. Howard
Jones, at Southern California, on whom it seemed
the mantle of Rockne had fallen, has anguished
through abject afternoons, and the swelling wave
of Michigan's invincibility which Kipke rode to
glory is now a dim memory.
Just what it takes to make a successful football
coach is too elusive and intangible to be wrapped
up in a definition and neatly and legibly labeled.
The careers of Carideo and Casey would indicate
that a star player is not necessarily a star pre-
ceptor, but how is the drop from excellence to
mediocrity of Jones and Kipke to be explained?
In baseball, it is widely held that the team
makes the manager. The same dogma may possibly
apply to football, namely, the material makes the
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Ivy Lee And Campus Publicists

This is an authentic story coming from the
Cornell campus. Two co-eds of that intitution
were arguing over the eligibility of the prospec-
tive date of one of them.
"I think Bill is swell," said one of them.
"The only thing you can possibly question is
his morals, but of course you can't expect him
to have everything."* *
Harvard students are offering their services
as part time nursemaids and cooks to the busy
housewives of Cambridge and Boston to help earn
their college expenses. Is this the reason why Har-
vard men are so popular with the women?
* * * *
"Dear Bud," writes J.K.M., "here's one of
life's little ironies: Man spends half his time
putting a woman on a pedestal and the other
half tempting her off."
* i
Leaving students alone in an examination room
with a book of answers left temptingly near on
the desk, a professor at Bryn Mawr was enabled
to observe personality 'differences of cribbers
through a one way vision screen.
He says: if you bite your fingernails, and tear
your hair you're probably honest. If you pound
the table, swear or walk up and down the room,
it is doubtful.
He also claims that Atudents who looked at the
answers had been punished physically in their
youth, but the others were those whose parents
had selected punishments designed to make them
feel "small" and socially disapproved.
They are talking about the co-ed at the
University of Louisiana who wanted to know
what kind of powder was used in the May-
flower compact ... and about the sweet young
thing who thought a buttress is a female
A new post has been started at Johns Hopkins
University by professors who are somehow af-
fected by rows of serenely sleeping undergraduates.
An official "waker-upper" now patrols through the
aisles of the lecture rooms, prodding drowsy stu-
dents in the ribs.
Here's a squib coming from a junior, at the
University of Alabama: A co-ed takes every-
thing a man says with a grain of salt-in
order to store it away and dream about them
** * *
A professor at the University of California dis-
cussing Lucretius' conception of matter and void,
found the following note on the blackboard:
"Can matter be considered a dirty void?"
And the dear professor, ignorant of this par-
ticular brand of collegiate humor, very earnestly
devoted the hour to explaining this difficult prob-

The Best of This
EDISON- his Life- his Work- his Genius
by Wm. A. Simonds .................... $3.50
Victoria-the Widow and her Qon, by Bolithe . 5.00
Cromwell, by Hilaire Belloc ............... 4.00
Richard Wagner, by Ernest Newman ......5.00
My Cousin F. Marion Crawford, by Elliott.. 2.50
John R. Mott, World Citizen
by Basil Matthews ..................... 3.00
A Book of Great Autobiography, Christopher
Morley, Joseph Conrad, Helen Keller,
and others ........................... 3.00
Chester A. Arthur, by George F. Howe ......4.00

Year's Biography
Anne of England, by M. R. Hopkinson....
Lafayette by Michael de la Bedoyere......
Raleigh and His World, by Irwin Anthony
James F. Blaine, by Muzzy> .............
Cardinal Mercier, by Gade...............
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, by Forster
Earth Conquerors, by Leslie Mitchell..... .
Old Guilet Eye (Smedley Butler),
by Lowell Thomas .....................
More or Less about Myself-Margot Oxford
Experiments in Autobiography,
by H . G . W ells ................ ........


Everything that is New and Worthwhile in Books




How Would You Like to Spend
The Cocktail Hour at the Waldorf -
-and the evening at the Paradise .
New York's Finest Night Club!
It soiuds like a Christmas present but it
isxa't. It is merely shades of old Ben Franklin




k . "4.



You have heard of government cutting
its budget in half? Well, that's the idea.
According to a survey conducted among
University men, it was discovered that they
send two suits to be cleaned and pressed once
every three weeks - an annual bill of $20.00.
They also send these two suits to be pressed
once every week and a half - an annual bill
of twenty dollars.
By using Goldman's RE-TEXTURING
process a suit only needs to be cleaned half
as many times a year, and the same process
makes a press last twice as long. Thus occa-
sioning an annual saving of twenty dollars.
May we suggest that you institute this econ-
omy in your budget, and consequently in.
crease your pleasure allowance.

rTHE DEATH last week of Ivy Lee, richest pub-
licist in the country, representative of the
Rockefellers and other leading men, was of interest
to everyone connected even indirectly with pub-
licity work. Ivy Lee is largely responsible for "hu-
manizing" supposedly impossible subjects and forI
developing publicity to the extent that every or-
ganization with four or more members now has
a "director of publicity."
It was his unquestioned boast that he never
asked a newspaper editor to print anything and
that he gave out information helpful to his
clients and no more. We wish that more campus
publicists realized the soundness of this principles.
At least 10 times a day we interview people who
not only ask, but demand that The Daily Maroon
print several columns about the doings of the
United Association for the Dissemination of Prop-
aganda on the Siam Situation, to use a ridiculous
example. And to add insult to injury these people
insist on an editorial commending their group.
Of course there is no question that The Daily
Maroon gathers a good bit of its information
from publicists. Obviously any group whose ac-
tivities would be of interest to our readers receives
consideration. But we prefer to judge for ourselves
the news value of any particular press release.
Much of the difficulty arises because the embry-
onic press agents have had no newspaper experi-
ence. If they had they would know what a paper
wants and would understand the correct form of
presentation. They would spend the time they
usually devote to convincing us of the desirability
of printing their material, to giving us live news
written in an interesting fashion.
No press agent existed who didn't think his
stories were of the utmost importance to the read-
ing public, but no good press agent ever tried to
stuff utterly worthless material down the throats
of newspaper men without at least making it ap-
pear interesting.
So, campus publicists, study the reasons for Ivy
Lee's success, remember that we will help you all
we can if you bring us news, and don't feel hurt
if we do not give you the whole front page of The

Off The Record,
MOMENTARILY, the officers in the Navy De-
partment's press room were stunned by the
recent visit of a 12-year-old school boy.
He walked in and asked for all the information
they had on the "munitions racket."
Alice Roosevelt Longworth has set tongues
wagging again by offering her Washington
home for sale. Gossip says the move is pre-
liminary to a campaign for a Congressional
seat from her new home in Cincinnati.
THE SIMPLE, austere outline of the Washing-
ton Monument is encased with steel scaffold-
ing while the shaft is being cleaned.
The story is told that a small-time ward-heeler
arrived here to demand patronage. Party subor-
dinates solemnly told him they had run out of
jobs, but he could have the Washington Monu-
The next day the ward-heeler ran into a
friend from home. Round-eyed he told the story,
"And danged if they ain't got the thing crated
Three arbiters of fashion in the capital have
given up the scarlet-tinted fingernail polish
without which they never appeared before.
FEW SENATORIAL LOCKS get as frequent air-
ings as those of Sen. J. Hamilton Lewis of
Illinois. A recent stroll with a friend down Con-
necticut avenue illustrates the point.
A street car passed and Lewis raised his hat iI
the car's direction.
"Why did you do that?" asked the friend.
In the ministerial voice for which he is famous,
Lewis explained: "There might have been some
one on there who knows me."
The White House secret service is faced with
a problem for which there is no precedent.
Mrs. Roosevelt has issued party invitations for
a masquerade party early in December.
And the secret service men want to know
how they are to tell who gets into the White
House and who doesn't.

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