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December 02, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-02

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Carrothers To
Address Negro
Education Body
PIincipals Of Institutions
For Colored Students
Will Meet In Atlanta
Prof. George E. Carrothers, director
of the Bureau of Co-operation with
Educational Institutions, will address
a meeting Wednesday in Atlanta of
principals and presidents of south-
ern, educational institutions for ne-
groe%. The purpose of the meeting
is~to form an accrediting association
for the negro schools of the South.,
"The institutions for colored per-
sons in the South always have had
trouble placing their graduates and
transferring students in other schools
which are members of some accredit-
ing association," Professor Carroth-
ers stated. "It is for this reason that
they are attempting to form an ac-
crediting association of their own,
which if they are successful will mean
that the University, and other mem-
bers of the North Central and other
accrediting associations, will accept
their credits."
President Thomas E. Jones of Fiske
University, Nashville, Tenn., is the
presiding officer of the meeting. Wed-
nesday evening Professor Carrothers
will address the meeting on "The
Problems of Educational Standards
in Colleges and Secondary Schools."
hispectors Fail To
Approve_5 Schools
Of the 60 high schools in the State
visited since June 1, 55 have been
continued on the approved list, Prof.
George E. Carrothers, director of the
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutions, announced yes-
"Of the remaining five," Professor
Carrothers said, "four were dropped
because of inefficiency and the other
withdrew voluntarily."
Professor Carrothers said that there
are about 400 high schools in the
State on the University list. Some
of them, because of exceptional effi-
ciency, are inspected only once every
two or three years.
A report of the schools visited is
submitted by the director of the bu-
reau to the University Committee,
on Accredited Schools, which takes
final action on the directors recom-

CampusP aper Suspeds Puablication

R.O.T.C. Radio
Station Contacts
Distant Lands


New Zealand, Australia, "WHOM THE GODS
Philippines And iHawa ii A columbiaicture under the direc-
tion of Walter Lang and starring Wal-
Are Heard terConnolly, Robert Young.and Doris
Kenyon. Sportlight "Rowing Rhythm,"
Goorgie Price in a musical short, and
The R.O.T.C. radio station, W8AXZ, thenwhey k n
I The Whitney breaks dawn this
has again contacted several far off week-end and gives us a splendid
stations with various members of the portrayal of character by Walter Con-
signal corps of the unit working the ;olly in "Whom the Gods Destroy." It
is a fine performance in spots, but
set, Chief Operator Charles Kelley, then again, it is equally weak in
'36E, in charge of the apparatus, said others.
yesterday. Walter Connolly is John Forrester,
Among the distant places recently a famous Broadway playwright, who
reached are several stations in Newmm
Zealand, including the one from by disguising himself as a woman. He
whom a report card was received a manages to hide his identity, however,
month ago, stations in Australia, one and the world puts him down as a
of which also has once before been dead hero. He comes back as an old
contacted this year, Hawaii. the Phil- man, to find his son starting out in
ippine Islands, and England. A large the play-writing field, his first pres-
number of comparatively close, sets lentation a decided failure. How he,
nmer aof comphartivey cose sets helps his son to succeed, and comes
have also been heard according to back to his wife, is the picture.
Lieut. Merton G. Wallington, assist- Walter Connolly is especially ef-
ant professor of military science and fective in the later part of the picture
tactics, and head of the signal corps as he guides his son (who has no
detachment. idea who the old man is) to success.
This work is largely carried on by In place of a tiring double bill, the
individuals, frequently through the management has added a variety of
whole night and early morning. It short subjects, the best of which is
is at this time that signals are best Georgie Price in a musical short.
received and sent, Lieut. Wallington -C.A.E.,
said. Many of the distant posts listed
above were brought in during one
night by one of the more skilled op-
erators of the unit. A considerable
proficiency, and a familiarity with
the set of the R.O.T.C. station are
essential to this sort of wwork,
Seyfried Jewelers
Dealers in Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry
304 South Main St.



A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production
starring Greta Garbo with Herbert
Marshall, George Brent, Warner Oland,
Jean Hersholt, and Katherine Alex-
ander, from the novel by Somerset
Maugham. Hal Roach's comedy "Done
in Oil" and newsreel.I
It is a new Garbo, changed much
for the better, that gives us "The
Painted Veil." The famous Swedish
actress that has become a well-
known figure on the American screen
in 19 pictures before this one, is far
more impressive in her latest effort
than she has been for some time.

and its adaption to the screen is
equally fine, It is a simiple story of an
l Austrian girl who marries a British
doUctor, practicing aimong the unf or-
tulnates of the Orient. She is tornl
between the true love of her hus-
band, and the infatuation that arises
from the attentions of a member of
the British embassy.
The important acting in the pic-
ture is restricted to three people. Miss
Garbo as Katherine: Herbert Mar-
shall as Doctor Walter Fane, her hus-
band; and George Brent as "the
other man." Miss Garbo naturally
tends to monopolize the picture. As
we have already said, her acting is
simple, direct, and most effective.
Herbert Marshall is an adequate con-
tinuation of the long line of famous
leading men that have graced the
Garbo pictures of the past. His role of
the young British medical scientist
is well carried out.
Even more restricted, however, is
the work of George Brent, a young
Irishman who has been doing rather
well for himself in recent pictures.
As the member of the British diplo-
matic service, and the other man, he
gets little chance to do anything,
but what he does is well executed.
The picture is much more than we
had expected. Miss Garbo has done
justice to a fine story. --C.A.E.


We are inclined to like Miss Gar-
bo's performance because of one im-
pressive detail. For the picture at
least, she forgets that she is the Great
Garbo, and settles down to give a
splendid performance. She goes about
portraying the role of the unsoph-
isticated daughter of an Austrian
scientists who rises to heights of emo-
tion as the wife of an English doc-
tor stranded in the hinterland of
China, in the way of the experienced
actress, but without that "know it
all" that has hindered her work in
the past.
Somerset Maugham has written a
masterful story in "The Painted Veil"

-nssociaed Press Photo
Publication of "The Reveille," campus newspaper at Louisiana State
University, was suspended when the student staff resigned and 26 stu-
dents were ousted from school as the upshot of Senator Huey L. Long's
censorship of student criticism. Above is shown the sign tacked on the
paper's door. Leading the fight for "freedom of the press" in an organ-
ization of protesting journalism students were Sam Montague (left),
president of the group, and Stanley .Shlosman (right), secretary, who
were among students suspended.


-- _._ _ i



University Club To
Hold'F'ootball Bust'
The Ann Arbor University of Mich-
igan Club will hold their first annual
high school "Football Bust" at 6:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Union.
Football squads of Ann Arbor High
School, St. Thomas School, and Uni-
versity High School will be guests of
honor. Athletic Director Fielding H.
Yost, and Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
will be featured speakers.
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department will be toastmas-
ter, and entertainment will be fur.
nished by the quartette of the Varsity
Glee Club. Tickets are priced at $1
and may be obtained at the Union

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Located three miles,South on State Street,
offer you the opportunity of enjoying the
most thrilling sport at a very economical
rate. For information, call 9270.




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dry cleaning business you will do best to choose
the cleaner whose work guarantees you com-
plete satisfaction. A bargain price is only a
bargain when the service it buys is satisfactory.


The total operating income of the
University for 1933-34 was $4,262,811
plus the sum of about $2,700,000 as
operating income for the University


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