==bl=cation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
uLLivers4ty. 'copy received at the omcUU
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
VOL. XLV No. 55l
]Final Reports in the Community
Fubd Campaign are due at noon on
Tuesday, Nov. 27. It is urgently re-
quested that the few cards of staff
members of the University which are
still outstanding be in the hands of
the University Central Committee not
later than Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.
R. G. Rodkey, Chairman
101 Tappan Hall
ice or th Ai~st~antuto the Pr~eien
Events Today
Physics Colloquium: Prof. Geo. A.
Martin Insull Appears
In Court After Brother
CHICAGO, Nov. 26 -(I)- Martin
J. Insull, pleased by the acquittal of
his brother Samuel in Federal Court1
Saturday, went to court himself to-k
day to see State criminal charges,
against him postponed until Dec. 3.i
That date had previously been
agreed upon by Prosecutors John
O'Hora and Earle C. Hurley who,
along with defense attorneys, expect-
ed Samuel's trial to run longer than
it did.
Martin, who was president of the
biggest of the Insull concerns, the t
Middle West Utilities Co., is charged '
with embezzling $364,720 from its tillt
to tide over some personal brokerage
accounts in 1932.E
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday
beginning at 5 p.m. on Wednesday,
Nov. 28, and ending on Friday morn-
ing, Nov. 30, at 8 a.m.
W. B. Rea,
Assistan't to the Dean of Students
Graduate School Students:
Students enrolled in the Graduate
School will not be permitted to drop
courses after Wednesday, Nov. 28.
A course is not officially dropped until
it is reported in the office of the Grad-
uate School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Students who have changed their
elections since submitting election
cards should call this week at the of-
fice of the Graduate School. This
involves the dropping and adding of
courses, the substitution of one course
for another, as well as the change of
G. Carl Huber, Dean
U.US. Abolishes Limit
On Liquor Importation
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 -(RP)-Un-
limited importation of alcoholic bev-
erages from Jan. 1 to Feb. 28 by hold-E
ers was authorized today by the Agri-
culture and Treasury departments
and the Federal Alcohol Control Ad-
The ruling is a continuance of the
Governmental policy of stimulating
importations of liquor for the dual
purpose of combatting the bootleg-
ger and raising revenue.
Deputies To Duel After
Interview With Hitler
PARIS, Nov. 26 -()-A duel was
reported imminent today as the result
of a French deputy's interview with
Reichsfuehrer Hitler.
Deputy Jean Goy, who interviewed
,Hitler, sent seconds to Deputy Henry
Franklin Bouillon after an alterca-
tion in the corridors of the chamber
of deputies over Goy's published in-
terview with Hitler, which tended to
show that Der Reichsfuehrer's inten-
tions were peaceful.
Police Report Seeing
Accused Stoll Kidnaper
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 26 -(m)-
Police 'announced early today they
had a report Thomas H. Robinson,
Jr., accused as the kidnaper of Mrs.
Berry V. Stoll of Louisville for $50,000
ransom, was seen late Saturday in
Franklin, Tenn., 13 miles from here.
They said every effort was being
made to capture the former university
student, who was reported hitchhik-
ing toward Nashville.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments & Occupa'tional Information:
The Bureau has received notice of
the following United States Civil
Service Examinations:
Social Economists, Children's Bu-
reau, Dept. of Labor, $2,600 to $4,600.
Investigators & Supervisors, En-
forcement Division, Alcohol Tax Unit,
Bureau of Internal Revenue, $3,500 to
Announcements are on file at the
office, 201 Mason Hall.
1935 May Festival: The 42nd An-
nual May Festival will take place on
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, May 15, 16, 17, and 18,
Mentor Reports: The second Men-
tor Reports will be delayed, like the
first reports, by one week. The sec-
ond reports will be collected during
the week Dec. 3-Dec. 8, and distrib-
uted in the week following. This ap-
plies to engineering freshmen.
A. D. Moore, Head Mentor
University Broadcasting:
9:15 to 9:30 a.m., class in elemen-
tary singing led by Dr. Joseph D.
Maddy: 2 to 2:30 p.m., Michigan, My
Michigan series: topic, "Taking Salt
From This Fresh-Water State," by
Dr. Walter L. Badger, professor of
chemical engineering.
Students, School of Education:
Courses dropped after Wednesday,
Nov. 28, will be recorded with the
grade of E, except under extraordin-
ary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless it
has been reported in the office of the
Registrar, Room 4, University Hall.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Wednesday, Nov. 28,
will be recorded with a grade of E.
Alpha Nu will not meet this week
this week on account of the Thanks-
giving holiday. The debate scheduled
for this week will be held next week.
Mixed Badminton:
There will be a tournament for stu-
dents and club players on Thanksgiv-
ing morning at Barbour Gymnasium
at 9 o'clock sharp.
There will be no Wednesday eve-
ning practice on Nov. 28.
A medical recheck for 1934-35 is
essential. All players are asked to
bring one bird for tournament play.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 31: Make-up quizzes
will be given at 4 o'clock Tuesday,
Nov. 27, in Room 1020 A.H.
7 - - ~~ ~ -~ ~
Lindsay will speak on "The Index of
Refraction of X-rays" at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 1041, East Physics Bldg.
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Romance Languages Journal Club
meeting at 4:10 in Room 108 R.L.
Professor Talamon will speak on "Une
Source inattendue de Rostand," and
Dr. Merlino will discuss "Some Re-
cent Library Acquisitions.". Graduate
students and others are cordially in-
T1sychology Journal Club meets at
8:15 p.m., Room 3126 Nat. Sc. Bldg.
Dr. Thuma will review The Physical
Dimensions of Consciousness, by Bor-
ing. All interested are invited to at-
Botany Journal Club meets at 7:30
p.m., Room 1139 N.S. Recent litera-
ture, chiefly concerning the Bryo-
phyta, will be reviewed by Drs. Steere
and Miner, Miss Pray, and Messrs.
Hermann and Lampton. Refresh-
Engineering Council meets in the
M. E. computing room at 7:30 p.m.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this Or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel of the Women's League Build-
ing. Students, alumni, and faculty
members of the University are cor-
dially invited to attend.
System Committee: Important
meeting at 5 p.m. in the Undergrad-
uate offices of the League.
Sea Scouts, Eagle Scouts: E. W.
Blakeman, Counselor to Students, is
scheduled to speak about Scouting
and Michigan. 4)fficers are 4to be
elected. Newcomers and old mem-
bers are cordially invited to meet in
Room 304, Michigan Union, at 7:45
Assembly Banquet: There will be
an important meeting of all assistant
chairmen of the Assembly, at 4:15
at the League.
Vanguard Club meets at the Union
at 8 p.m. Prof. C. F. Remer, of the
Economis Department will discuss
aspects of the New Deal. All inter-
ested are invited.
Tuesday Afternoon Play Reading
Section of the Faculty Women's Club
meets at 2:15 p.m., Alumnae Room
of the Michigan League.
Coming Events
A.S.M.E. Student Branch: There
will be a meeting of the A.S.M.E.
Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7:30, Room
1025 of the New Physics building.
Prof. H. S. Firestone, of the Depart-
ment of Physics Research, will give
s o m e laboratory demonstrations.
Members are urgently requested to
Interpretive Arts Society: Prof.
John W. Scholl will read from some
of his own poetry at the meeting of
this Society on Wednesday eening,
Nov. 28, at 8 o'clock, Room 302, Mason
Hall. The public is cordially invited
to hear this program.
Varsity Glee Club: Notice to all
members of regular club, and Waiting
List Club. Meeting at 7 sharp on
Wednesday night, Nov. 28, in the Club
Rooms. Rehearsal for concert given
at 8 p.m. Be prompt.
Freshman Glee Club: Rehearsal
Wednesday at 5 o'clock sharp in the
Music Rooms of the Union.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room of the Mich-
igan League Building. Prof. John L.
Brumm, chairman of the Department
of Journalism, will speak informally
on "The Responsibility of Good
Polonia Circle will not meet today
as scheduled. The next regular meet-
ing will be on Thursday, Dec. 6.
Forsees Rise
Housing Works
Hebrard Also Predicts An
Increased Importance OfI
City Planning
Prof. Jean Hebrard of the College
of Architecture in an interview re-
cently expressed the opinion that:
government housing projects, that is,
the building of dwellings with govern-
ment co-operation, will, in the nearl
future, be carried out in this country
on a much broader scale than has
been done even in Europe.
Professor Hebrard was associated,,
as practicing architect, with twoI
housing projects that were realized'
in France, one for the city of Paris,
the other for the Department de la
Seine. -
Emergency Measures
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or,
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephonerate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines peri nsertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month ....................8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........3c
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 lines ERO.D., college year.......'c
100 lines used as desired .........9c
300 lines used as desired.......8c
1,000 lines used as desired.......7c
2,000 lines used as desired.......6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point
Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6328. 1x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
Sigma Delta Chi offers an excellent
opportunity to engage five pieces of
Bob Steinle's Michigan Union Band
for Saturday night, Dec. 8. They are
at liberty because the Gridiron
Dance has taken the ballroom.
Here's your chance to secure a
superior band at no more than
you pay for an ordinary one. Call
Steinle at the Union, Phone 4151.
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox
WANTED: Student to do small house-
hold tasks in exchange for room.
Phone 3598.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 7x
WANTED: Upright typewriter, Un-
derwood preferred. Must be reason-
able. Box 21, Mich. Daily.
field for extra flavor and tender-
ness. This quality not found on
market. Order direct from breeder,
25c live, 25c dressed. Delivered. Mrs.
Hoppe, Chelsea, Mich. Phone 262-
F 21.
In speaking of the present trend
towards government housing in the
United States, Professor Hebrard
said, "The various measures taken - ssociated Press Photo_
by the NRA in regard to slum clear- The unenviable task of maintain-
ance and low cost housing, as well ing order in the Saar basin, powder
as the National Housing Act recently keg of Europe with 'the Saar plebi-
passed by Congress, may be inter-
preted as emergency measures to re- seite approaching, belongs to Geof-
lieve unemployment. The huge frey G. Knox (above) of England,
housing development undertaken by chairman of the League of Nation's
the Tennessee Valley Authority, how- commission governing the territory.
Rules Saar Basin
ever, will be used as an experiment#
to demonstrate new possibilities in
the solution of the housing problem.
"In the preparation of a program
of low rent housing the facts related
to the actual housing situation must
be clearly stated. It is the work of
the sociologist and the economist to1
ascertain these facts. Such a survey
is being actively pushed in almost
every state under the leadership of
the National Planning Board. The
first results of the real property in-
ventory, made in 64 cities, have just
been published showing the extreme'
gravity of the housing situation in
those cities."
Will Become Widespread
Under the system of government!
housing which Professor Hellrard
feels is destined to become more
widespread, the government does not
itself build the homes but merely
lends money to independent build-
ing corporations at a low rate of in-,
terest under the stipulation that the
company will not surpass a maximum
rent previously set by the government.
Thus the only investment which the
government makes is the difference
between the low rate of interest and
the higher rate which it might ob-
tain on its money, he said.
Stressing the complementary na-
ture of housing and planning, Profes-
sor Hebrard said, "There is a close
relationship between housing and city
planning. In England and in France
city planning was made compulsory
by government legislation for every
urban district with a population of
over 20,000 in England and of over
10,000 in France.
Few Master Plans
"Very few cities in American have,
at the present time, a master city plan
which could be used in a housing
problem. An excellent opportunity
is thus offered to the architect and
landscape architect specializing in
this field."
New courses in city planning, he
pointed out, are given at Harvard,
Columbia, Cornell and Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and the sub-
ject is now under consideration at
Screen Reflections
The long list of stars of which this
picture boasts, including Jack Benny,
Nancy Carroll, Gene Raymond, the
Boswell Sisters, Jimmy Grier and his
orchestra, and Frank Parker, not toj
mention Mitzi Green, does not make
it a good show. It is, instead, an or-
dinary, trite, only mildly entertain-
ing musical picture, the like of which
everyone has seen before at some time
or another. .
A palatial ocean liner is the setting
for what takes place in the picture.
There are several musical numbers,
some good and some only passable.
Among the best of these is "If I Had
a Million Dollars," and "Rock and
Roll," (sung by the Boswells in typical
Boswellian manner). There is a touch
of plot, too, in the form of a mys-
tery involving gamblers and thieves.
It is not clever, nor is it interesting.
Jack Benny gets off a few good cracks,
but if you have ever listened to him
on the radio, you have probably heard
them before. Oh, yes, there are two
murders committed ire the course of
the plot. But nobody cares; and few
care much about the rest of "Trans-
atlantic Merry-Go-Round."
Paul Tompkins is holding forth at
the organ in one of his typical offer-
ings, and there is a short picture star-
ring Hal LeRoy which would be much
better received by the cutting room
thali by any intelligent audience.
The annual convention of the Na-
tional Association of Teachers of
Speech which will be held in New
Orleans on Dec. 27, 28, and 29, will
be attended by several members of
the University speech department, ac-
cording to Prof. Gail E. Densmore.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
T wenty Years Ago
From the Daily files of
November 27, 1914
Prompted by the increased' cost of
living, the Board of Regents voted
substantial increases in the salaries of
faculty instructors and professors<
throughout the University to take ef--1
feet the beginning of the school year,f
* * *
Howard Seward, '14, and Arthur'
Kohler, '14, of last year's Varsity track1
team, have been chosen on the All- y
American college track team selected
by "Sparrow" Robertson, New York
coach, for the year 1914.;
Enabled to continue publication
through financial aid from Bryant
Walker, '79L, the zoology depart-l
ment's publication, "Occasional Pa-
pers of the Museum of Zoology," will
again make its appearance this year.
Final arrangements for entertain-'
ing the 2,000 boys who will attend the
12th annual state boys' conference,
which begins here today, have been
completed. President H. B. Hutchins'
will give the address of welcome.
** *
Freshmen engineers were added to
the list of classes favoring the re-
establishment of the J-Hop when they
voted to authorize the president to
sign a petition to the senate council 1
in behalf of the dance.
Two Disabled
Yaehts Found
With 15 Safe
NEW YORK, Nov. 26-(R)-- Two
disabled yachts, missing on the At-
lantic with 15 persons aboard, were
found early today.
The schooner White Cloud, its
steering gear disabled on a scientific
and treasure-hunting expedition to
the Spanish main, was located 300
miles northeast of Puerto Rico by the
S. S. Rangitata. The steamer, which
wirelessed coast guards that it was
standing by, gave no details. Eleven
men are on the White Cloud.
Creeping shoreward with only a
staytail, the ketch Fayaway was found
by the coast guard cutter Mascountin
35 miles off Chesapeake-light vessel,
near Norfolk, Va. A family of four
was aboard.
Five navy and two coast guard
airplanes drilled back and forth off
the New Jersey coast Sunday looking
for the ketch which had been dis-
abled when last heard from, three
days before.
Toe, tap, acrobatics.
Taught daily. Terrace
Garden Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
Open evenings.
Split Apparent
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. - (P) -- A
split between two groups of American
Federation of Labor building trades
unions neared permanency today as a
result of the latest row within Federa-
tion ranks.
Delegates from 12 of the 19 unions
affiliated with the building trades de-
partment failed to appear at the de-
partment's "legal" convention, which
opened here today.
M. J. McDonough, heretofore pres-
ident of the department, said the 12
unions would have a convention of
their own tomorrow. He said there was
a possibility that they would set their
up own organization -within the
American Federation of Labor.
Both William Green, president of
the A.F. of L., and McDonough pub-
licly expressed a desire for harmony,
but feeling between the two groups
ran high>
National Student League will meet
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Room 304
at the Union. All interested are in-
Faculty Women's Club will be en-
tertained with a piano recital to be
given by Professor Joseph Brink-
man of the Faculty of the School
of Music in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 3:00
o'clock. Attention of the members
is called to the fact that the recital
will begin promptly at 3 o'clock, and
that more than one guest per mem-
ber may be invited if desired.
week Days
15c till 6
25c after 6
Mat. & Night
9 ?o
NOW M IChIGA N Matinees 30c
PLAYING M E C H GAEN Evenings 40c
e a
>' ' ,{pt~
ts te -0 C\
0 . s
(O - - in Addition
c5W "SYNCOPATED Paramount Paul
CITY" News Tompkins
Ss ..
Requests Court To
Quash Murder
15 c to 6- 25c after 6
SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 26 -(IP)-
A sudden motion to dismiss wife mur-
der charges pending against David
Lamson was entered in Superior
Court today by the former Stanford
University Press executive's attorneys
and will be argued Friday.
The motion cited that the State
Supreme Court, in reversing the first
Lamson conviction Oct. 13, had said
that Lamson was sentenced to die on
"insufficient evidence."
Reasonable and Experienced
French, Spanish, Latin, Math,
Physics, & Engineering Subjects
John Popplestone, A.M. (Harvard)
Richard Burgis, B.S. (Yale)
Between 9 and 5:30
Matinees 30c
Evenings 40c
S hows Starting at
A340, 7:00, 9:00
Daily 1:30--11 P.M.
Colleen Moore
II_ --t
We thank you for your patronage throughout the
year and sincerely hope that you will let us con-
tinue to give you the same exceptional service for
which we have been famous during the last 52
"Among the
K >\ ,-'-,