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November 27, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-27

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The Weather
Unsettled, possible showers
west portion Tuesday; Wed-
nesday rain, possibly snow.


4 it igart 41



No Turning Of The Tide ..-
Facing Toward 1935 Season...



France Drops
Fight In Saarj
Valley Vote

Alumni Memorial Hill Is Center
Of Many And Varied Functions

Pierre Laval And
Hitler Reported

At An,

Nazis Are Conceded
Second Plebiscite
January Ballot To Decide
Whether Disputed Area
Stays Under League
--France, it was stated tonight in
informed quarters, has virtually with-
drawn from the Saar plebiscite fight,
making a large Nazi victory probable
in January.
Foreign Minister Pierre Laval and
Chancellor Adolf Hitler, according to
confirmed report, have reached an
understanding under which France
agrees not to press the anti-Nazi cause
and to talk no more about sending
the French Army into the Saar.
Laval, it was said, has indicated
both to Berlin authorities and to anti-
Nazis in the Saar that he is unwilling
to continue the battle in favor of a
status quo, which would leave the
Saar under League of Nations juris-
Barthou's Fight Recalled
The fight for this was waged by
his predecessor, the late Louis Bar-
thou, who. was the mouthpiece for
anti-Nazis at Geneva in their effort
to obtain, if possible, a district or two
for France and prevent Hitler from
obtaining an overwhelming majority
in the plebiscite.
Laval, more interested in settling
the financial problems now being dis-
cussed at Rome, was not expected to
give his active support to a request
of the anti-Nazis that the League
grant the right to hold a second pleb-
iscite "after Hitler is gone" should the
Saar vote in January to continue in,
definitely under the League.
Saarites, the anti-Nazis say, wish to
rejoin the Fatherland some day, but
many who would vote "No" on League
control now would vote "yes" if they
knew that they Would get another
chance to vote later.
The anti-Nazis also seek a clear
definition of what a continuation of
League government would mean.
Foes Hope for Reverse
Socialists, Communists and dissi-
dent Catholics privately admit a
change in the French attitude, but
express the hope that Saarites going
to Germany for the Christmas holi-
days will return so impressed with the
Hitler regime that they will vote
against joining the Reich.
Max Braun, leader of the German
..berty Front in the Saar, said today
in his newspaper: "Of course, the
second plebiscite will be held."
Braun has protested from the first
against any plebiscite being held. He
is the leader of the Socialist fac-
tion among the Germans in the Saar.
'lolanthe' To
Be Given By
Speech Group
Gilbert And Sullivan Opera
Will Be Presented Here
On Dec. 5, 6, 7, and 8
"Iolanthe," one of the famous Gil-
bert and Sullivan operettas, will be
presented by the combined music and
drama course of the speech depart-
ment Dec. 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
This is the second Gilbert and Sul-
livan production to be offered by the
music-drama group since its initial
show, presented last spring, was "The
Because of the everlasting appeal
of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera, it
was decided to again present one of
their works, according to Valentine B.
Windt, director of the production.
"The Gilbert and Sullivan opera,"
he said, "seems never to age. It is the
sort of thing that one goes to many

times and has an appeal that is unique
in the history of musicals."
The works of Gilbert and Sullivan,
in Mr. Windt's opinion, prove conclu-
sively that the English language can
lend itself well to opera. Their oper-
ettas, he said, brought into exist-
ence a new kind of music-drama
which gave rise- to a new school, as
typified by Victor Herbert, Rudolf
Friml, Oscar Hammerstein, Sigmund
Romberg, and others.
Mr. Windt explained that the com-
in- nr)sfntatinn of "Tnlanthe" is not

This is the second in a series of ar-
ticles explaining the organization and
functions of the Aunni Association.
To most students Alumni Memo-
rial Hall may be just a building where
final examinations in French I are
held, but to the association whose
name it bears it means much more.
Plans for Memorial Hall were laid
as far back as the Civil War, but it
was not until 1910 that the building
was officiallydedicated after many
changes in the original plans.
Today, in addition to the division
of fine arts of the literary college, it
houses the general offices of the
Alumni Association, the Alumni Cat-
alog office, the editorial offices of the
Michigan Alumnus, the University
Club, and the Alumni Travel Bureau.
Whether it's a trip to Novaya Zem-
lya, the address of a salt salesman
who graduated in '00, or the name of
the man to see if your son is flunking
out of college, the alumni office is the
place to go.

The destinies of both the general
and the Alumnus offices are watched
over by T. Hawley Tapping, '26L, gen-
eral secretary and editor.
The office activitiesrare varied: one
day Secretary Frederick S. Randall
may be out on campus "shooting"
films to keep far away alumni in
touch with their University, or the
entire personnel may be trying to find
a jobnor a room for some entering
student. President Emory J. Hyde,
and General Secretary Tapping fre-
quently make long trips on short no-
tice to attend meetings of University
of Michigan clubs, football smokers,
or pep meetings.
In addition to the routine activities
of the Alumni Association, Memorial
Hall has permanent and frequent
temporary art exhibits sponsored by
the division of fine arts. The base-'
ment corridors and the ground floor
contain reproductions of famous
works in the field of sculpture, castsj
of ancient medals and coins, andi
original Roman tablet inscriptions.

D ebate Team
Meets Wayne
Here Toni oht
U. Of M. Squad To Uphold
The Affirmative Side Of
Educational Question
Michigan's undefeated Varsity de-
bate team will hold its first intercol-
legiate contest on the campus this
year at 8 p.m. today in Room 4003
Angell Hall against Wayne University
The Michigan affirmative squad,
composed of Collins Brooks, '37, Rob-
ert Molloy, '37L, and Jack Weissman,
'37L, will be opposed by the Wayne
negative. Members of the latter are
Morris Weiss, Oliver Carson, and Jo-
seph Kurzman.
The proposition to be debated is
"Resolved, That the Federal Govern-
ment Should Adopt the Policy of
Equalizing Educational Opportunity
Throughout the Nation by Means of
Annual Grants to the Several States
for Public Elementary and Secondary
The same subject will be used in
all the debates to be held this semes-
ter, and was the proposition last week
between the Michigan negative team
and the Wayne University affirmative
in which the former was awarded
the decision.
Prof. K. G. Hance of Albion College
will be the judge of today's meet,
and Robert Hill, '37, will be chairman.
James H. McBurney, varsity debate
coach, announced yesterday.
The debate today will be open to
the public, Mr. McBurney said, and
students are invited to attend.
The next contest will be held Dec.
4 in Ann Arbor with the University
of Detroit team, over which the Mich-
igan team was victorious earlier in the
Detroit-Michigan Club
TO Hold Football Bust
A football bust and dinner will be
held at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the
Hotel Statler by the University of
Michigan Club of Detroit.
Warren E. Bow will be toastmaster
and, in addition to members of the
Varsity team and the University
coaching staff, Governor-elect Frank
D. Fitzgerald and Ralph Cannon of
the Chicago Daily News will speak.
Tickets for the dinner are priced
at $2 and may be obtained at the
Hotel Statler, Detroit. Erwin F. Cov-
eney, '15E, is chairman of the com-

They Trip A Light
Fantastic; Graceful
As An Ice- Wagon
Hips! hips! and more hips! And
that is not all that the rhythm chorus
of the Union Opera, "Give Us
Rhythm," are asked to bring into
play in their rehearsals of the famous'
"now you do; now you don't dance."
It's all very simple - at least so
Ssays Bob Slack who is perspiring
through the process of getting the
boys to do the things they have so
often admired in the antics of cavort-
ing chorines.
To the dozen students who are
trying to put rhythm (camouflage for
the word "sex") into their dance -
who are endeavoring to make their
muscular contortions into supple ges-
tures, the process requires much
painstaking effort.
In the chorus half of the dancers!
are to represent the baser side of aI
night club entertainer's character
and half are to portray her naturalI
sweet simplicity. May the best group
I' Duce Denies
Extradition Of
Two Assassins
TURIN, Italy, Nov. 26. -(4") -
Italian authorities were watching to-
night for possible repercussions of
Premier Mussolini's second rebuff of
Jugoslav attempts to place King Alex-
ander's assassination under the in-
ternational Kleig lights.
Il Duce's black shirt court of ap-
peals here refused today to grant
France's request for extradition of
Dr. Ante Pavelich and Egon Kvater-
nik, alleged mind of the Marseilles
The Italian dictator's first blast was
set off two days ago when Italy de-!
manded the League of Nations give!
her ally, Hungary, an immediate op-
portunity to answer Jugoslavia's accu-
sation concerning regicide.
The court of appeals banked its de-
cision upon the Franco-Italian treatyF
of 1870 which does not allow extra-
dition of political prisoners. The re-
sults had been considered a foregone
conclusion, but were obtained after
much thinking over documents said to
show that France's appeal to this
same treaty had cheated Mussolini
of extradition of his arch political
enemies in some 42 cases.
KALAMAZOO, Nov. 26 -(P)-Mrs.
Elizabeth Pratt, who would have been
103 years old. Friday, .died at her,
home here Sunday night.I

Slain Woman
Companion Of
'Dead Children~
Bus Drivers Claim They
All Rode On Line Last
Police Still Puzzled
Over Their Identity
Body of Unidentified Man
Found With Woman; Is
Apparent Murderer
CARLISLE, Pa., Nov. 26 -()- A'
woman found shot to death near
Duncansville was identified today byc
Paul White, a bus driver, as the erst-
while companion of three little girls
found huddled in death on a moun-
tainside near here.
White went to the Duncanville
morgue after identifying the children
as having been among his passengers
on a trip from New York to Harris-
burg last Wednesday, and, after view-
ing the woman's body, said:
"That's the woman who rode with
the children on the bus."
Duncansville is about 100 miles
from here.
The children's bodies were found
under a blanket Saturday, while that
of the woman was discovered in a
railroad shack on the same day. With
her was the body of an unidentified
man. Police said that he apparently
had shot the woman through the head
with a rifle and then had taken his
own life.
Bodies Not Scarred
Meanwhile at Chicago, Lucius M.
Hammonds, an elevated railroad em-
ployee, said that published descrip-
tions of the girls led him to believe
that they were his daughters, taken
away by his wife in 1929.
However, undertakers at the Car-
lisle morgue said that the bodies
of the three children did not have
scars described by Hammonds.
Other fresh clews, State Police
here said, strengthened the theory
that the five deaths resulted from a
"family tragedy."
These clews included:
A woman told Philadelphia police
that she recognized the dead girls
through pictures as the "same ones
I saw in the restaurant" in North
Philadelphia on Sunday night, Nov.
18. A man and a woman accompan-.
ied them, she said, and one of the
girls told her that they were from
Boston Police Report
Boston police said that Earl Sylves-
ter, another bus driver, reported car-
rying a woman and three girls to New1
York on Wednesday. He said that the
woman was about 30 and wore a black,
coat and that one of the childrenE
was a blond and wore a white dress1
with red dots. This corresponded
with the dress which one of the deadE
children wore, police pointed out.
J. Price, Pittsburgh bus station
steward, reported that a woman and
three children continued the journey
described by White, from Harrisburg1
to Cresson, a mountain resort nine1
miles west of Duncansville.
Use Respirator
To Save Life Of
Injured Nurse
Gertrude Shuler was, placed in a

respirator yesterday in an effort to
save her life, University Hospital doc-
tors announced.
Miss Shuler, Hospital nurse who
was injured in an automobile crash
Friday near Dexter, has been in a
very critical condition since that time.
It is hoped by doctors that the res-
pirator will ease the strain on her
lagging heart, which as a result of the
accident, was pushed against her right
side. Breathing was also difficult on
account of her ruptured right lung,,
reports state.
Outside of giving her "every care
possible," doctors can do nothing for
Miss Shuler. The replacement of her
heart to its normal position on -the
left side must be very gradual, it was
stated at the hospital.
It was definitely established yester-
day that Dr. William F. Delp, interne,
was suffering from a dislocation of
his right leg at the hip, rather than a
fracture as was at first feared.
Miss Virginia Collins and Miss
Thelma Boltinghouse, nurses who
were also injured in the smash-up,
were reported as much improved.

Varsity Will
Be Feted At
Union Today'
Wilfrid Smith, Prominent
Chicago Sports Writer,
To Give Address
Union Sponsoring
'34 Football Smoker
Yost, Kipke, ,And Austin
Are Also To Speak At
Annual Function
Michigan football supporters will
gather at 8 p.m. today in the ballroom
of the Union to honor the members'
of the Varsity football squad at the
Annual Michigan Union Football
Wilfrid Smith, who is a sports
writer for the Chicago Daily Tribune,
will be the principal speaker. Walter
R. Okeson, chairman of the National
Intercollegiate Football Rules Com-
mittee, who was originally scheduled
to speak, has been forced to withdraw!
because of illness.
Other speakers will include Athletic
Director Fielding H. Yost, Head Coach'
Harry Kipke, Captain Tom Austin,
and various other members of the
squad and coaching staff.I
May Announce Captain
Officials stated last night that the
name of the new captain and man-
ager for next year will also probably
be announced at the smoker. The
speakers will be introduced by Allen
D. McCombs, '35, president of the
Union, who will serve as the toast-
The 110-piece Varsity Band will
march to the smoker to furnish music
and cheerleaders will be present to
lead supporters of the team in cheer-
Committeemen have invited the en-
tire squad and coaching staff to be
present for the annual celebration,
which is being arranged by Union
staff members under the direction of
Robert Johnson, '36, and Morton Al-
shuler, '36, of the student reception
Cider and doughnuts will be served
as refreshments upon the conclusion I
of the program.
Tickets may still be obtained from
Union student committeemen and at
the main desk in the lobby of the
Union. They are priced at 25 cents
Pro League Official
Smith is recognized as one of the
foremost sportswriters in the Middle
West, particularly on the subject of
football. He has been a member of the
staff of the Tribune for a number
of years, and is also an official of the
National Professional Football League.
Inasmuch as he has followed the
athletic contests of Western Confer-
ence universities for several seasons,
he is considered to be particularly well
informed on Big Ten athletics. It is
expected that he will comment on the
recently-completed race for the Con-
ference football championship.
In commenting on the smoker last
night, McCombs said that "although
the team has experienced a compara-
tively unsuccessful season, they de-
serve the support of the students in
bolstering their spirits for the coming
campaign next fall. These men have
all given their best and merit our
Describes Tunnel
To Civil Engineers

An illustrated lecture concerning
the construction of the Holland Tun-
nel under the Hudson River in New
York City was given last night by
Harold A. Roehrig, '35E, at a meeting
of the student branch of the Amer-
ican Society of Civil Engineers, held
in the West Engineering Building.

-Associated Press Photo
4 *~ *
Censored, Staff'
Resigns From
Student Paper
'Reveille,' Louisiana State
University Publication,
Balks At Dictation
BATON ROUGE, La., Nov. 26. -(W)
- Resignation of members of the
staff of the "Reveille," Louisiana State
University student paper, was an-
nounced tonight after asserted insist-
ence of the University that the cam-
pus publication should print nothing
derogatory to Sen. Huey P. Long.
Jesse H. Cutrer of Kentwood, La.,
editor and business manager of the
"Reveille," announced his resignation
and that of staff members of the pub-
lication as the paper was going to
He said the student journalists were
unwilling to submit to what he termed
proposed "censorship" by a faculty
He said the resignation followed a
conference with Dr. James M. Smith,
University president, and faculty
members regarding this "censorship"
issue, which has been a torrid campus
topic since Senator Long was angered
two weeks ago by a criticism published
in the "Reveille" of his making Abe
Mickal, L.S.U. football star, a "state
Last week Cutrer reported that
Dean James S. Broussard, then acting
president of the University, had prom-
ised after a protest that the "cen-
sorship" would be discontinued.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 -(A) -
Currency inflationists were advised
today by one of their leaders to tread
cautiously in the next Congress, and
to seek no early showdown.
'Ensian To Hold Last
Campus Sale At $3.50
The last campus sale of the
Michiganensian for the reduced
price of $3.50 will be held today, it
was announced by Robert Henoch,.
'35, business manager.
Although the original deadline
for the reduced price was former-
ly set at Dec. 14, this date has been
extended to Dec. 21. Tomorrow's
campus sale will be the last, how-
ever, before the deadline.
The payment may be made in
three installments, according to
Henoch, and only one dollar is
necessary tomorrow.
Persons who have made a one-
dollar payment on previous campus
sales are now expected to complete
the balance this week, Henoch

Cause Of Resignation

Air Fl ght
Of Piccard
Dangers Of Stratosphere
Flight Lie In Descent,
Says Scientist
Wife Acted As Co-
Pilot And Navigator
Nature Of Cosmic Ray Was
Problem That Motivated
Ten-Mile Flight
The possibility that data gathered
on the cosmic ray during his recent
10 mile flight into the stratosphere
will prove of great value to scientists
was stated by Dr. Jean Piccard last
night in a lecture sponsored by the
Student Christian Association in Hill
Mrs. Piccard, the pilot of the bal-
loon, gave part of the lecture, the
topic of which was "The Story Of
Our Flight." Motion pictures made
by the Paramount, Metropolitan, and
Pathe News as well as some taken by
the Piccards themselves supplemented
the lecture.
Dr. Piccard, who was the first to
speak, told of the minute preparations
made for the flight. The two weeks
prior to the take-off were spent in
planning to the last detail how the
balloon was to be inflated, and how
many instruments were to be installed
in the gondola.
Danger In Descent
According to Dr. Piccard, practical-
ly all the danger of flights into the
stratosphere lies in the descent of the
balloon. Very often in the descent
the valve, or appendix, sticks and it
is impossible to let air into the bag of
the balloon, he said. This defect was
remedied by the Piccards by install-
ing an extraordinary large valve as
well as providing for a cord which
when pulled would tear partially open
one section of the balloon.
Mrs. Piccard devoted her part of
the -lecture ltargely to explaining the
many slides and motion pictures. The
pictures dealt mostly with the take-
off and landing. The different stages
of the inflation and a few shots of
the balloon above the cloud area were
A few slides portrayed the inside of
the gondola, and Mrs. Piccard pointed
out and explained the different in-
struments installed in it.
Estimates Impossible
Mrs. Piccard stated that the early
landing was made because the pair
were unable to estimate either the
location or the speed at which the
balloon was traveling. Speeds from
two to two hundred miles per hour
are possible in the stratosphere, and
at a rate of 200 miles per hour the
Piccards would soon have been over
the Atlantic Ocean, it was explained.
At one time the thermometer on
the outside of the gondola registered
minus 67 degrees. The Piccards, with
their gondola painted half white and
half black, were perfectly comfortable,
the thermometer inside the hermetic-
ally sealed compartment registering
66 degrees.
Dr. Piccard, in closing the lecture,
stated that the main purpose of the
flight was to gather data on the cos-
mic ray. They hoped to learn from
what direction the rays came and how
numerous such rays were, he stated.
Judges Make

Statement On
The three members of the Univer-
sity faculty who have consented to
tact as judges of the entries in the
short story contest being conducted by
"Contemporary," forthcoming campus
literary magazine, have issued state-
ments that should prove of value to
those intending to write for the con-
"Students, I find, concentrate too
much on realism," said Dr. Arno L,
Bader of the English department,
"and ignore the possibilities in the
field of fantasy."
Prof. C. E. Dahlstrom of the Col-
lege of Engineering defined the short
story as "a work of art: a prose
rhythm developing a situation more
or less in detail in one or two move-
ments, or in the large in several move-
Professor Roy W. Cowden of the
English department stated that stu-
dents should write their own stories

Unitarian Humanistic Service
Adapted To Skeptical Student
This is the fourth in atseries of five the crgnpus to determine what stu-
articles dealing with the religiousdnsepce ftecuc.A
social, and educational activities of the church. As
various religious groups on the campus. an outgrowth of this contest the Lib-
The last article will appear in an early eral Students' Union became an out-
Relating the newer developments and-out discussion group, meeting at
in religion to the skeptical student 7:30 p.m. and following up the round-
who is seeking to be as scientific with table conversation with a social hour
his philosophy of life as with his at 9 p.m. A wide variety of topics
classroom interests is one of the chief are covered and many interests are
tasks of the Unitarian Church. 'represented. The first socialist paper
i on the campus came from the impet-
This trend has been manifested in us of leaders of this group.
the recent changes in the form and, Because of the experimental nature
time of services. The service now iss
based o h ocpso uaim of the church services various types
Saedon the concepts of humanism, f approach to religion have been
which, according to a recent state-of tried, such as the jury panel and the
ment issued by the church, "is a address by a layman. For the past
scientific effort in religion to relate addressby + a layma +f the as

Group Of Michigan Students
Is Given War Attitude Exam

Do you believe that war is a ghastly
mess? Or do you, perhaps, think of
war as a glorious enterprise?
Whatever you do think about this
business of war, by the answering of
twenty simple questions devised by a
member of the.University of Chicago
faculty, you may prove to yourself
whether you are strongly pacifistic,
just indifferent, or perhaps adhere to
the traditional conceptions of the
need of war under certain circum-

'Clusky of the School of Education,
are strongly opposed to war in any
form. Only one of this group of twelve
disagreed with the rating.
An equal group was moderately op-
posed to war according to the test,
but four out of this group insisted that
despite the test, they are strongly
opposed to war.
One out of the class of twenty-six
was declared neutral to the issue; and
one, though he disagreed with the
validity of th test, was .found mod-
erately favorable to the institution of

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