'thne Weather
Rain turning to snow flurries
today; tomorrow unsettled and
somewhat warmer.
Sir igait
Tears Fell On U.C.L.A. ...
Challenge To a Favored
Group ...
Program For
Financial Aid
Bo a r d Of Directors Of
Alumni Association Puts
Plan Into Effect
System Originally
Launched In 19271
Local Lonely Hearts' Bureau
Organized; Co-eds At Premium
Program Will Be Made
Permanent Feature O f
Alumni Activities
A Ten-Year Program for financial
aid to the University was inaugurated
by the board of directors of the Alum-
ni Association at a recent meeting.
This plan makes permanent the
Ten-Year Program of the alumni
launched in 1927 by the late Elmer J.
Ottaway, then president of the asso-
Although the present program was
launched by Mr. Ottaway on the eve
of the depression, and though its
planned activities were curtailed by
resulting economic conditions, it suc-
ceeded beyond expectation, and many
of the projects adopted by various
University Clubs at that time have
gone through to completion.
Took Many Forms
These projects took many forms,
some were gifts to the University in
the form of money, others endowed
lectureships, scholarships, and fel-
lowships, still others gave collections
of materials to various campus li-
braries, museums, and laboratories .
Under the new plan voted by the
directors this program will be made a
permanent feature of alumni activ-
ity, and every ten years, starting in
1937 after the completion of the pres-
ent, a new program will be launched.
Celebration Planned
After the completion of the ten year
period there will be a Jubilee celebra-
tion on campus, the first one to be
held in 1937. This Jubilee and all
succeeding ones will fall on a decen-
nial anniveisary of the founding of
the University.
Participation by alumni in this pro-
gram of aid to the University will be
through University of Michigan Clubs,
alumni classes, Alumnae Chapters,
and individuals.
Under the present plan each of
these organizations or individuals will
select a definite objective for each
ten-year period with aid of University
and alumni officials.
The program will be under the di-
rection of Emory J. Hyde, president
of the Alumni Association, until the
expiration of. his present term of of-
fice. At that time a permanent Di-
rector of the Michigan Alumni Ten-
Year Program will be appointed.
Restrictions On
Export Of Gold
Are Repealed
Gents, co-eds, are you lonely, date-
less? So asks the newly founded
campus agency which styles itself,
"Cupid's Official Helper," and which'
goes on to prescribe a remedy for the
afore-mentioned sad state of affairs.
For the small sum of 25 cents per
date the Campus Date Bureau guar-
antees to correct the lonely, dateless
conditions though officials of the or-
ganization state emphatically that
satisfaction is not guaranteed. How-
ever, the preference of clients are
taken into consideration and every
effort is made, according to the
manager, to meet all requirements.
"Cupid's Official Helper" is in real-
ity a trinity made up of three under-
classmen, all of them new on campus,
who see this as their great contribu-
tion to University life. They con-
ceived the idea after reading about
similar institutions in operation on
other campuses, notably at North-
western and Wisconsin, and after
observing the great need for such an
organization here.
The scheme is so newly put into
operation that it is impossible as yet
to predict its degree of success. The
preliminary ads were run in The Daily
only last Thursday, and they elicited
no immediate response, though an
irate landlady reports approximately
25 telephone calls Saturday night
while the owners and operators of
the business were all out, perhaps
carrying on a little practical investi-
gation concerning the dating situa-
Unfortunately, all the calls were
from the "gents" addressed in the
advertisement so that the young bus-
iness men are considering taking a
woman into partnershipin order
to interest the weaker, and appar-
ently shyer, sex.
The plan is to keep on file a minute
personal description of each client,
and 9. list of the social activities in
which he wishes to participate, to-
gether with his preference as to the
appearance and personality of his
date. Needless to say, these files, when
and if they come into existence, will
be absolutely private.
According to its originators, this
will prove a sure-fire method of bring-
ing kindred souls together. All that
is needed now is a little co-operation
from the feminine element
Ne ro Says He
Shot Lyons In
Student Waylaid, Robbed
A f t e r Protesting, Say
Police Officers
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12.- (P) -
Police Captain A, S. Bradley an-
nounced late today that Russ Griffin,
19-year-old Negro, confessed he shot
and killed Lawrence Leonard Lyons,
30, son of New York missionaries,
claiming he did so in self defense.
The body of Lyons was found early
today in Little Harlem, Negro section
of Los Angeles.
Captain Bradley related that Grif-
fin, alias George Johnson, told him
he was walking home from a beer
parlor armed with two pistols when he
met Lyons and an argument started.
Griffin recounted how Lyons wrested
one of the guns from him and shot
at him, the officer said.
The negro youth assertedly de-
scribed drawing his remaining gun
and shooting Lyons in the forehead.
Lyons, a graduate of Yale and Co-'
lumbia, was the son of Dr. and Mrs.
Willard Lyons, of New York, who re-
cently made a survey of missions in
the Far East for the Rockefeller Foun-'
dation. He had been studying at the
medical school of the University of
Police reported Lyons had been
playing bridge earlier. in the evening,
and apparently was held up as he was
driving alone in his car, and was
forced by the two gunmen to drive
to the Little Harlem district. There,
instead of surrendering his wallet, he
attempted to fight his captors, and
the fatal shooting followed.
Michigamua Takes
T. HawleyTapping
T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, general
secretary of the Alumni Association,
was initiated into Michigamua, sen-
ior honorary society, Sunday night.
Mr. Tapping was prominent in
campus activities while in the law
school. He was a member of the
Acacia fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi,
Griffins, Toastmasters, Craftsmen,
Owls, Archons, Treasurer of the Ath-
letic Association, a member of the
staff of The Michigan Daily, a mem-
ber of the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications, Board in Control
of Athletics, Sports Editor of The
Michigan Alumnus, Athletic Editor
of the 1916 Michiganensian and pub-
licity manager of the Athletic Asso-
Arizona State
Troops Move
On River Site,
'This Is Our Last Stand,'
Gov. Moeur Tells Troops
In PublicMessage
PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 12. - (P) -
Commanded to "repel an invasion" of
Arizona's rights. National Guardsmen
today were mobilized and ordered by
Gov. B. B. Moeur to proceed imme-
diately to the site of the Parker dam
to prevent any construction work on
the Arizona side of the Colorado
The mobilization was ordered when
Gov. Moeur failed to hear from Wash-
ington that work on the Federal proj-
ect had been held up pending settle-
ment of Arizona's claims.
A zone on the Arizona side of the
dam site, where a pile bridge is being
constructed preparatory to actual
work on the dam, was placed under'
martial law Saturday by Governor
Ickes Deprecates Move
In Washington, Harold Ickes, sec-
retary of the interior, said that he.
could "see no reason for the Arizona
governor's calling out troops."
Half the power to be originated at
the dam had been allotted tentatively
to Arizona, Ickes said. A large aque-
duct is to carry water across the Cali-
fornia desert to Los Angeles.
"Arizona is to be congratulated that
its financial condition is such that
she can afford to call out the National
Guard," the secretary told news-
papermen. "However, I believe there
was no necessity, because it is a mat-
ter which ultimately will have to be
settled in the courts."
Appearing at the National Guard
Armory where the troops were pre-
paring for an Armistice Day parade,
Gov. Moeur issued the mobilization
orders, then reviewed the guardsmen.
'This Is Our Last Stand'
The soldiers, including machine'
gunners, wore their regimental in-
signia of a gila monster and the mot-
to: "Cuidado" -"Beware" in Span-
This is our last stand," said Gov.
Moeur in addressing the troops.
Overalled workers yesterday hauled
a pile-driving derrick back to the
California side of the river. They
explained that "we don't want any-
one from Arizona monkeying around
the derrick, which cost about $20,000."
When the troops arrive, Major F.
I. Pomeroy, of Mesa, will be placed
in command with the title, "Com-
mander of the Colorado River De-
tachment, Arizona National Guard."
Slosson And
Shepard Talk
Against War
Committee Against War
Sponsors Open-Air Rally
In Front Of Library
Economic System
Bad, Speaker Says
Modern Warfare Migh t
L e a d To Civilization's
Fall, Slosson Declares
A miscellaneous group of more than
200 students heard Prof. Preston W.
Slosson, of the history department,
and Prof. John F. Shepard, of the
psychology department, address an
open air anti-war meeting yesterday
in front of the library.
The meeting, sponsored by the
United Front Committee Against War,
was begun shortly after 10 a.m., when
classes had been dismissed for ob-
servance of Armistice Day, and came
to a close just before the 'Varsity
band marched down the diagonal to
join the R.O.T.C. for the parade to
Hill Auditorium.
After Michael Evanoff, '35L, the
chairman of the meeting, had weath-
ered some spasmodic heckling to give
his ideas on "the double-edged sword
of war and fascism," Professor Slos-
son explained to a sober audience his
opinion of the last war and of the i
ways to prevent another.
Warfare Called A Nuisance
Though he called the United States
participation in the World War "just
and necessary," and named Wood-
row Wilson "one of the greatest
statesemen of all times," Professor
Slosson declared that modern warfare.
has become "an intolerable nuisance" I
that might lead to a collapse of civili-
zation far worse than the fall of:
Asserting that war is a result of the
failure of foreign policy, he prescribed
as preventatives universally sup-
ported arbitration machinery, such
as the World Court, the League of
Nations, and international treaties.
Professor Shepard attributed war
to the widespread policy of striving to
sell to foreign countries without buy-
ing from them, a practice, he said,
of every nation except Russia.
Blames Economic System
He blamed this "paradox" on the
institution of individual action, and!
declared that the only way war can
be abolished is by getting rid of the
present individualist economic sys-
Professor Shepard was followed by.
Eugene R. Kuhne, '35, who also de-
clared that the fault lies with the
present economic system and that as
long as the fundamental evils of the
profit system remain there will be
no peace.
The open air meeting grew out of
the anti-war rally held Sunday night
in Natural Science Auditorium, at
which the motion calling for the
meeting was passed. The committee
secured the two speakers and printed
announcements of the gathering the
same night.
Vicknell Addresses Rally
The rally was addressed by Dr. N.
J. Vicknell, Detroit war veteran, and
Max Salzman, both connected with
the American, League Against War
and Fascism. Evanoff was the chair-
man of this meeting also.1
Vicknell said he had come to Ann
Arbor chiefly to repay "those forty-
five students who went to Detroit last
May Day and were brutally beaten
by the fascist police."
He deplored the rapidity with which
the next war crisis was approaching
and pleaded for a realization of the
true horror of war.
Salzman charged that the New Deal
is simply an introduction to fascism
in the United States, that Hitler is a
puppet of the munitions makers, and
that only the fear of a proletarian
revolution is temporarily deterring,
the war-makers.
Indian Cemetery Is
Found By Hinsdale
The discovery of nearly an acre of
old Indian burial ground near North-
ville was announced yesterday by Dr.
W. B. Hinsdale, professor-emeritus
of the theory and practice of medi-
cine and associate in charge of the
Great Lakes division of the Anthro-
pology Museum.
The ancient cemetery was un-
earthed by L. V. Yerkes on whose
property, at the corner of Haggerty
T-iarhwav and Nine Mile Rnd the
Gain Realized
On University
S im i l a r Investments Of
Last Year Show Slightly
Higher Gains
Loss Due To Real
Estate Investment
91.19 Per Cent Of All
Interest Due On Bond
I Portfolio Paid
University trust funds realized an
income of 4.10 per cent on the $5,717,-
907 invested during the fiscal year
1933-34, according to figures released
yesterday from the office of the presi-
The sum represents a slight de-
crease of 0.23 per cent from the return
on similar investments made during
The decreased earnings of real es-
tate holdings were cited as being
largely responsible for the decline in
income in a report compiled by Julius
E. Schmidt, investment officer of the
University. These real. estate hold-,
ings are practically all in Michigan.
Investments Explained
The report shows investments di-
vided as follows: bonds, $3,132,116.91
or 54.78 per cent; mortgages, $1,399,-
547.85 or 24.48 per cent; real estate,
$704,595.31 or 12.32 per cent; stocks,
$191,549.49 or 3.35 per cent; balance,
5.07 per cent, consisting of land con-
tracts, notes, trust certificates, and
$242,359.61 cash. '
In addition to these investments,
student notes representing loans to'
needy students, amounted to $302,-
598.01 on June 30, 1934.
Bond holdings are diversified as
follows: government and municipal,'
29.83 per cent; railroad, 18.53 perz
cent; public utility, 36.09 per cent;
industrials, 0.96 per cent; Canadian
government and municipal, 6.40 pert
cent; foreign, 0.02 per cent; real es-1
tate, 8.16 per cent.-
Much Of Interest Paid .
A total of 91.19 per cent of all in-e
terest due on the entire bond port-
folio was paid during the year.-
Practically all of the University in-t
vestments represent endowment orf
trust funds given by individuals forg
stated purposes, it was explained.
Therefore, almost none of the ex-
pendable income and none at all oft
the principal can be used for general
University operating expense. The
report states that trust funds aim to
give a reasonable income, with per-1
petuation of the principal.
Medical Society To
Hear Dr. R. IsaacsI
Dr. Raphael Isaacs, assistant direc-
tor of the Simpson Memorial Insti-
tute for Medical Research, will speakt
tonight at the regular monthly meet-
ing of the Washtenaw County Medi-
cal Society at the Union.
Dr. Isaacs' subject will be "Recent1
Advances in the Diagnosis and Treat-
ment of Some Diseases of the Bloode
Forming Organs." Dr. Isaacs has been
directly connected with the develop-
ment of the newer methods of treat-
ing blood diseases which have been
discovered by technicians of the in-E
stitute from time to time.
Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the Col-
lege of Engineering will leave today
for New York where he will attend
meetings of the Advisory Board of
the American Bureau of Shipping, of
which he is a member, and also the
meetings of the Society of Naval Ar-l
chitects and Marine Engineers. t
He expects to return by the end
of the week. .
Ohio State Will Not
."ear"Varsity Rand;
Detroit Lions Will
Those ardent football enthusiasts,
the Varsity bandsmen - 100 boys who
never miss a game - won't see Mich-
igan in action against Ohio State Sat-
urday, but they're not going to let a
week-end pass without playing for a
football crowd.
The band will be the guests Sunday
of the Detroit Lions at the University
of Detroit Stadium when the Detroit
professionals engagehtheSt. Louis
Gunners (thelatter name beingthe
new alias for the team formerly called
the Cincinnati Reds.
Still glowing from a successful
week-end in Minneapolis 10 days ago,
the band is determined not to be
cheated out of a game by the lack
of funds for a trip to Columbus, and
will furnish music for the Detroit
crowd and introduce some new ele-
ments into professional football when
it turns its marching talent to the
spelling of "LIONS" on the U. of D.
In a year singularly devoid of out-
of-town trips by bands of the Big
Ten, Michigan fans have had no op-
portunity to observe two bands on
the Stadium field here since the State
game. But word was received over
the week-end that 125 members of the
huge Northwestern University band'
will make the Ann Arbor trip Nov.
24, their second appearance in the
city in three years.'
Second Year
Class Parties
Both Parties Of Literary1
School Seem Confident i
Of Victory In Election
All parties in the sophomore class
were expending their best efforts last
night in an eleventh-hour drive for
votes. Party leaders in the two old
line parties of the literary college, i
the only college in which new parties
have not signified their intention ofE
entering the field, expressed theirt
confidence that their slates would bei
elected. -
The State Street party in the liter-e
ary collegeearly last week announced
that their slate would be as follows:t
for president, William Oliver, Chi Psi;t
for vice-president, Betty Vinton, In-c
dependent; for secretary, Virginia
Callow, Alpha Chi Omega; and for;
treasurer, Al Dewey, Zeta Psi.1
Candidates Are Announced 1
Tom Ayers, caucus chairman for
the Washtenaw-Coalition party in the
literary college announced the slate of
that party. It has nominated Merrell1
Jordon, Phi Kappa Sigma, for presi-
dent; Mary Andrew, Independent, for1
vice-president; Betty King, Delta
Delta Delta, for secretary; and Ed-
ward Schmidt, Independent, for treas-
Two parties are also lined up in
the engineering college. State Street1
will run a slate consisting of Joe1
Kompton, Independent, for president;
Miller Sherwood, Sigma Phi, for vice-
president; Edward Vandervelde, In-,
dependent, for secretary; David Eis-
endrath, Independent, for treasurer;
and Bob Daily, Psi Upsilon, for aa
position on the Honor Council.
Engineer Slate Giveno
The Consolidated Engineers in the
engineering college last night an- 1
nounced their slate as follows: for
president, Don Hillier, Delta Kappa
Epsilon; for vice-president, Ralph
Smith, Independent; for secretary,
John Ingold, Independent; for treas-
urer, Paul Nims, Independent; and for
the Honor Council, Chuck Holkins,(
Theta Xi.
All party leaders expect to see a
large vote turn out when the polls
open. The hours of voting and the
polling places will be announced in
tomorrow's Daily.
Armiis tice
In Meeting4
Doctor Brashares Is Main
Speaker; Many Others
On Program
Parade Held Before
'Hoping To Bring Utopia
To Earth Many Went To
War,' Says Brashares
With the statement that the world
is now one in its needs, tasks, victor-
ies, and despairs as the keynote, stu-
dent and local patriotic organizations
united yesterday to honor those who
died in the World War.
Ceremonies, held in Hill Auditor-
ium, followed a parade along East
and North University Avenues by the
Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band, Company K
of the National Guard, the Reserve
Officers Training Corps regiment, the
American Legion drum and bugle
corps, and various veteran's groups.
The opening of the program, an
organ solo, was followed by an address
by the Rev. Charles W. Brashares, of
the First Methodist Church. Dr.
Brashares eulogized the war dead as
"men who failed to get their just re-
wards on this earth." He commented
on the love of life which these men
had, even as all other people, but
said "there must be somewhere where
they will receive according to the good
they did on earth."
Armistice Was Millennium
The belief which many had in
answering their country's call was
that they were helping in bringing
Utopia to earth, Dr. Brashares said,
and he told how they answered "with
stout hearts, to do their best amidst
the awful situations.
"And in the fullness of time, at the
eleventh hour of the eleventh day of
the eleventh month, five and eleven
years-ago, came Armistice. Many were
those who could never again hear
earthly trumpets however - those
who had gone west -beyond the set-
ting sun. It is with the thought of
them as the foremost thing that we
celebrate the Armistice."
Dr. Brashares closed his address by
saying that, whether we know it or
not, we have come into a world re-
lationship, and the world is one for
Lynch Gives Invocation
The invocation was given by the
Rev. John S. Lynch, pastor of St.
Thomas church, and the benediction
by Rabbi Bernard Heller. Achilles
Taliaferro played an organ solo,
"Piece Heroique," and Mark Bills
sang Kipling's "Recessional."
The program closed with the play-
ing of "The Star Spangled Banner"
by the Varsity Band, and of Taps by
two buglers of the national guard
company. Among those on the plat-
form were Ann Arbor's few surviving
veterans of the Civil War, veterans of
other United States campaigns, May-
or Robert A. Campbell, Lieut.-Col.
Frederick W. Rogers, members of the
Army and Navy Club, and University
administrative officers.
Dr. Carleton B. Pierce, president of
the Army and Navy Club, presided.
Architects Studying
Inexpensive Homes
Feeling that at present there is a
scarcity of the small low-rental
homes and that the demand for this
type of housing is on the increase,
the College of Architecture is prepar-
ing its students to meet this concrete
situation by concentrating all its de-
sign classes on developing plans for
inexpensive homes.
To make the problem more realis-'
tic, a certain plot of land within Ann
Arbor has been selected as the fic-
tional site for these houses. Various
types are being developed, from small
double homes at a cost of $6,000, to
large housing schemes to take care
of 4,500 people. For the most part,
the type of building suitable to house
married student couples or profes-
sor families is the new primary aim.
Supreme Court A i d s
Mooney's Freedom Plea
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12--(P)- A
key for the lock that holds Tom
Mooney prisoner was fashioned to-
day by the Supreme Court, but wheth-
Permission Not Needed
For Foreign Exchange
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. - (P)-
Restrictions upon transactions in for-
eign exchange, imposed when the
treasury was initiating its attempt to
regulate the value of the dollar
abroad, were removed today by Sec-
retary Morgenthau.
The requirement that treasury per-
mission be obtained for all shipments
of currency and transfers of credit
abroad was eliminated and in its
stead was substituted one that those
dealings in sums exceeding $5,000 in
any week report to the nearest Federal
Reserve Bank so that a tab might be
kept upon movements of capital.
Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, assis-
tant secretary of the treasury, said
that the new order would permit
people to "take their money out of
the country" whenever they desire
to do so.
"Heretofore," he added, "they have
had to ask permission. We have been
accustomed to grant such permission.
Now they do not have to ask this
permission. It will have no economic
The supervision of the dollar's for-
eign value still continues.'
Two Given Treatments
As Result Of Accident
Dr Onderdonk Calls American
Attitude Hindrance To Peace
By JOHN J. FLAHERTY and good-will. Dr. Onderdonk said it
Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk, recently must not be forgotten that the League,
returned from a lecture tour of the when looked at in the broad expanse
East in the interests of world peace, of historical time, was a mere 15
described the state of pacifist move- years old, and that too much should
ments in an interview last night. not be expected from it. He pointed
Dr. Onderdonk's lectures, which out that we hardly expect a human of
were sponsored by the Peace Films the age of 15 seconds to be of much
Caravan, a local organization in op- utility.
position to war, were illustrated by Dr. Onderdonk said one impediment
films, one of them being a sound pic- to peace movements in this countryj
ture of ''The Next War." He delivered was the colossal ignorance of Amer-
these lectures at Princeton. Harvard. icans that works in a vicious circle.
Millions Read 'In His Steps,'
Yet Author Is Uncompensated,
Few would believe it possible to
write a book that was so good that
23,000,000 copies were sold and re-
ceive no compensation for the work.
Yet this is what happened to Dr.
Charles M. Sheldon, who wrote "In
His Steps," and who will speak Nov.
15 in Hill Auditorium under the aus-
pices of the Student Christian Asso-
After reading his book to his Sun-
day evening congregation Dr. Sheldon
tried to sell the manuscript to three
different publishers in Chicago. All
fact that the copyright bureau had is-
sued a certificate to the publisher
for the first book off the press.
The defect was not discovered until
the Advance had sold more than
10,000 copies of the ten cent paper
bound volumes, and the demand was
still increasing. Certain book pub-
lishers then discovered the error in
the copyright and by June, 1897, nine
months after the book was written,
sixteen different companies in the
United States had taken advantage
of the defect and were publishing the