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November 11, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-11

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

tain their six weeks reports in Room
102, Mason Hall, on Monday. The
remaining Freshmen may obtain their
reports according to the following
schedule: -
E-J. Tuesday.3
K-R, Wednesday.
S-Z. Thursday.
Foreign Students Attention: If you
wish to join the trip to the Starr
Commonwealth for Boys, Sunday,

New Head Of Federal
t-serve Is Appointed
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.-- (/P) -
Marriner S. Eccles, Ogden (Utah)
banker whose financial views are
classed as liberal, was appointed to-
day as Governor of the Federal Re-
serve Board.
The forty-four-year-old financier
succeeds Eugene R. Black, who re-
signed three months ago to return
to his old post of governor of the
Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank.
Eccles entered public office for the
first time last January when he was
named assistant secretary of the
Treasury. He had a leading part in
formulating the Administration's,
housing legislation.
Spanish Revolution Was
Bloodiest In History
MADRID, Nov. 10.- (P)-Spain's
ill-starred revolution, now all but a
lurid memory, was the bloodiest and
the most destructive in many decades.
Although chiefly confined to the
Austrias and the Autonomous region
of Catalonia, it was estimated that
the rovement cost ten times as many
lives as all the rest of the Spanish
reVolts in the last 50 years.
The government has refrained from
issuing any official casualty lists, and
censorship has prevented conjecture.
The data carefully compiled by the
Associated Press would seem to make
the following estimates fairly conserv-
Dead 3,500; wounded and injured
10,000; property loss four billion pe-
setas (almost $500,000,000 at current
The Asturian phase of the revolt ac-
counted for about 3,000 of the dead,
about 7,000 of the injured and ap-
proximately one-half of the property
damage. The capital city of Oviedo,
once a delight to the eye, must vir-
tually be rebuilt.
Il uce Asks World To
See Value Of Fascism
ROME, Nov. 10.- (/P) -Premier
Benito Mussolini called upon the
world today to recognize the inter-
national value of his new Fascist cor-
porative state, which he launched with
an historic address.
He said that the world value of his
new system, which is to replace Ital-
ian parliamentary government, must
be affirmed, "because it is only on
this international ground that the
worth of nations and races will be
measured when Europe, despite Italy's
efforts toward peace, shall have ar-
rived at another cross-roads in its

VOL. XLV No. 42
Observance of Armistice Day: In
order that faculty and students may
take part in the observance of Armis-
tice Day, classes throughout the Uni-
versity will be dismissed between the
hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 in.,
Monday, Nov. 12. Hospitals, clinics,
laboratories, libraries, and offices will
remain open.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
be at home to students and their
friends on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
To Members of the University
Staff: The campaign for the raising
of the Ann Arbor Community Fund
for 1935 will soon be started. A nev
plan has been adopted this year
which, it is hoped, will expedite the
raising of money and will cause less
inconvenience to those who are solic-
ited for contributions. In this plar
the University is to be dealt with as
a unit. The soliciting is to be done
by members of the staff and, with the
approval of the Deans, Directors, anc
Superintendents, soliciting will b
done on the campus rather than ir
the homes. The drive will open or
Nov. 12 and will be closed definitel3
on Nov. 22.
A Committee consisting of Profes-
sor R. G. Rodkey, Chairman, Profes
sor Wells Bennett, Dr. R. W. Bunt
ing, Professor R. A. Dodge, Dr. C. W
Edmunds, Professors L. M. Eich, Dr
H. A. Haynes, Professor Raleig
Schorling, and Professor J. E. Trac
will be in charge of the work and thi
Committee has chosen solicitors fror
each unit to wait upon the staf
It is not necessary for me to stres
the seriousness of the need repre
sented by the Community Fund thi
year. The conditions in Ann Arbo
are very distressing. Every citizen
regardless of his opinions as to th
relative importance of the local wel
fare and relief activities, should con
sider it his duty to assist the com
munity to the fullest possible exteni
It is my hope that we may have th
co-operation of the staff in handlin
this social obligation promptly an
Any detailed information needei
may be secured from the solicitors o
the members of the central Corn
6 mittee.
Alexander G. Ruthven,
Honorary Campaign Chairman
University Broadcasting:
1:30-2:00 p.m.-Discussion o
"The Distribution of the Primar
Supplement and Equalization Fund
under the Sias-Thatcher Act," led b
Albert J. Phillips, Research Directo
Michigan Education Association.
Notice: Attention of all concerne
s and particularly of those having of
fices in Haven Hall or the wester:
portion of the Natural Science Build
-ig, to the fact that parking of ca
in the driveway between these tw
buildings is at all times inconvenien
to other users of the drive and som
times results in positive danger t
other drivers and to pedestrians o:
the diagonal and other walks. Yo
are respectfully asked not to par
there and if members of your famil
call for you, especially at noon whe
traffic both on wheels and on foot
heavy, it is especially urged that th
car wait for you in the parking spac
adjacent to the north door of Uni
versity Hall. Waiting in the drivewa
blocks traffic and involves confusior

-inconvenience and danger, just as
much when a person is sitting in a
car as the car is parked empty.
University Senate Committee
On Parking

University Bureau of Appoint- Nov. 18, you must phone or leaveE
ments & Occupational Information your, name in my office not laterI
has received notice of the following than Monday, Nov. 12. The groupj
United States Civil Service Examina- will leave the Michigan Union at one
tions: o'clock and will return at five o'clock.!
Junior Parasitologist, Bureau of The only expense involved is the 50
Animal Industry, $2,000 (open to cents for transportation.
seniors --major in zoology or medi- J. Raleigh Nelson,t
cine). Counsellor to Foreign Students
Junior Financial Statistician, Sec- C
uurities & Exchange Commisson, Phi Kappa Phi: Members from
$2,000. other chapters or those membersl
Steel-plate Engraver, Bureau of taking up residence in Washtenaw'
Engraving & Printing, $19.20 per county are invited to identify them-
day. selves with the local chapter by noti-?
Announcements are on file at the fying the Secretary, 308 Engineering'
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Annex, phone 4121, extension 649.

4. Largo-melody in left hand
5. Allegretto-melody in right hand
6. Lento-canon at the fifth
7. Allegro-three voices, in inven-
tion style.
Passacaglia, from Symphony
in G ................ Leo Sowerby
"Up the Saguenay," Alexander Russell
Symphonic Variations on a theme
of Chambonnieres
(MS).............Parker Bailey
Toccata .... Harry Benjamin Jepson
Architectural Building Exhibition:
The drawings in architecture and
landscape design submitted in the
1034 Lake Forest Fellowship Competi-
tion by students from five middle
western institutions are now hung in
the large exhibition room. Open
daily, 1 to 5, through Wednesday,
Nov. 14. Public is cordially invited.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
cash in advance-lc per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
fw, one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10 Cdiscount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion..
By contract, per line -- 2 lines daily, one
month. ..... ..........c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........3c
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c

STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
611 E. Hoover. 2x
NASH-Custom Tailored clothes.
Measuredby C. Krug, expert tailor.
Office 214 E. Washington. Phone
2-1910 for appointment. 6x
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 430" Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. . 7x


Registration: All students interest- Acdmic Notices
ed in securing positions after grad-;-N
uation in February, June, or August, Economics 171: Examination Mon-X
will meet in Natural Science Auditor- day, Nov. 12, at 1 p.m. in the follow-t
ium, Monday, Nov. 12, at 4:15. This ing room: A-K, room C Haven Hall;:
is for both seniors and graduate stu- L-Z room B Haven Hall.
dents in the various schools and col-
leges of~the University. Anthropology 105: Ancient Civilza-
University Bureau of Appointments tions of Middle America will meet in
and Occupational Information. Room 225 Angell Hall on Tuesday,.
Nov. 13, at 1 p.m.
Pre-Medical Students: The Asso- .
ciation of American Medical Colleges Sociology 51: The Monday, Friday
Committee on Aptitude Tests recom- ten o'clock sections of Messrs. Holmes,
mends that any student applying for Angell and Fuller will not have the
entrance by September, 1935, to a Nmid- semester examination on Mon-
medical school should take the Ap- day, Nov. 12, as planned, but on Fri-
titude Test. This will be given on day, Nov. 16, instead.
December 7, 1934, in Room 25, Angell;
Hall, from 3 to 5 o'clock. For ad- Lecture
mission to practically all medical
schools this test is now a normal re- UniverC Lecture
quirement. All applicants for ad- Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the De-
mission to the iniversity of Michigan partment of Economics, will speak
Medical School are expected to take on the subject, "Professors in Wash-
it. A fee of one dollar is charged to ington" at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Nov.
defray the expenses of the Commit- 20, in the Natural Science Auditor-
tee. Full information and applica- ium. This is the second of a series
tion blanks should be obtained as of University Lectures by members
soon as possible at the Office of the of the University faculties, which
Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. faculty members, students, and the
Registration will extend from Nov. general public are cordially invited
12 through Dec. 3. to attend.
Ira W. Smith, Registrar

Methodist Episcopal Church: 9:45 : 300 lines used as desired........8c
a.m. - Starting today, there will 1,000 lines used as desired........6c
be a new Sunday School Class The above rates are per reading line,
for young men and women of college basecd oneight reading lines per inch.
i y onictype, upper and lower case. Add
age. Dr. Roy W. Burroughs is the 6c per line to above rates for all capital
teacher. All those interested are ' letters. Add 6c per line to above for
teacer. ll tosebold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
asked to meet at the left of the pul- per, line to above rates for bold face
thi capital letters.
pit in the church auditorium at this a The above rates are for 71 point
time. type
10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship
Service. Dr. C. W. Brashares' sub- LAUNDRY
ject is "Peace." This is the sixth in LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
a series of sermons entitled "What Careful work at low price. 4x
We Want."

Stalker Hall for Methodist Stu-
dents and Their Friends of College ligion." His subject will be "Religious from Lamar Stringfield's "Southern
Age. Revivals -the Prophets." Mountain Suite" {Mountain Song -

3:30-5:30 p.m. - The Young Wom-
an's Christian Association is having
its Annual Fellowship Prayer Service
and Tea. There will be special musicI
and readings. Women students, both
foreign and American, are especially


Cripple Creek) will be played by the
Congregational Student Group: On orchestra. Also there will be group
Sunday evening the Congregational singing of several genuine folk songs
Symphony Orchestra, under the di- and ballads from the mountains. This
rection of Thor Johnson, will present program is designed especially to
a program of unusual merit. The feature symphonic music that has
music for the evening's entertain- been influenced by folklore.
ment will consist mostly of symphonic
compositions based on folk songs and First Baptist Church and Roger
ballads from the n ountains of West- Williams Guild, 10:45 a.m. Mr. Sayles
ern North Carolina. Two movements (Continued on Page 6)

4:00 p.m. - The World Friendship
Circle members will meet for an in -c
formal discussion on Labor Prob- t
lems as they appear in various coun- e
tries. Mr. Wesley McCraney will be
chairman. Foreign and American
students are cordially invited to par-
6:00 p.m. -Wesleyan Guild Wor-
ship Service. "Nationalism versus
Internationalism," is the topic chosen
by the guest speaker, Mr. Kermit Eby.
Refreshments and a social hour fol-
Congregational Church: Service of
worship at 10:30. Mr. Heaps will
continue the series on the Old Testa-
ment, speaking on "The Pillar of
Prof. LeRoy Waterman will give
the lecture on "The Evolution of Re-
Social Dancing taught
daily. Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695

e. - ,1

Freshman Luncheon Clubs: For
many reasons it has been found de-
sirable to combine the two Freshman
Luncheon Clubs and have them meet
together on Tuesdays instead of
having one group on Mondays and
the other on Tuesdays.
The first meeting of the combined
groups will be held on Tuesday, Nov.
13, at 12:15 p.m., at which time Pro-
fessor O. J. Campbell will be the
guest and speaker.
J. A. Bursley
Freshmen in the Literary College
whose surnames begin with the let-
ters between A-D, inclusive, may ob-
I nnI

j Twilight Organ Recital:
Parvin Titus, concert organist of
Cincinnati, will be the guest soloist
at the Twilight Organ Recital, Wed-
nesday afternoon, Nov. 14, at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which
the general public, with the exception
of small children, is invited. The fol-
lowing program will be given:
Tuba Theme, T. Frederick H. Candlyn
Seven ChoralsOn Original Themes r
(MS) . . JohnW. Haussermann, Jr.
1. Lento-melody in pedals
2. Allegretto-canon at the octave
3. Allegro-fugue with choral

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* As we pause on this 16th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice,
let us renew once again our undying tribute to those who in their unselfish
co-operation with their country served it so well. Let us honor them by
serv in others as they have served us.

KENT' TAYLOR * From the play bys ':'



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