The Weather
Mostly cloudy, probably snow
flurries in north and extreme
east Sunday; Monday fair.
Sir igan
Armistice Day, 1934 .
Life Is A Gamble...
Rally Against
War Will Be
United Front Committee
Sponsoring Meeting In
Science Auditorium
Dr. A. E. Wickwell
To Address Group
Student Panel Will Lead
Discussion By Audience
After Main Speech
Climaxing a week of upset and
reformulated plans, a meeting intend-
ed to demonstrate and crystallize
student sentiment against war will
be held at 8 p.m. tonight in the Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
The main speaker of the evening,
according to latest plans, will be Dr.
A. E. Wickwell, of Detroit, who will
discuss "War and Fascism." Follow-
ing the address, the audience will par-
ticipate in a general discussion of the
subject, led by a student panel con-
sisting of Kenneth Leisenring, Grad.,
George L. Abernethy, Grad., and
Harold Lief, '38. The chairman of
the meeting will be Michael Evanoff,
The meeting is sponsored by the
United Front Committee Against War,
which includes representatives of The
National Student League, The Mich-
igan Vanguard Club, and The Mich-
igan League Against War and Fas-
Originally the committee planned
to hold a service in collaboration with
the various church groups. The
service was to be followed by a torch-
light parade and the planting of hun-
dreds of crosses on the campus to
symbolize the Michigan students
killed in the World War.
When, according to the committee,
the church factions withdrew the ar-
rangements, the plans were altered,
eliminating the church service from
the program.
Finally it was decidedthat the
planting of crosses and the torchlight
procession were not feasible, and the
present plan for the anti-war rally
tonight was decided upon.
Members of the committee include
Evanoff, Lief, Ascher W. Opler, '37,
Samuel Magduff, '37A, William L.
Fisch, 737, and Leo S. Luskin, '35.
'Fletcher Hurls
Defiant Retort
At Democrats
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. - (P) -
A challenging insistence that the Re-
publican party "is not dead and is
not going to die" was flung at Demo-
crats today in answer to Postmaster-
General Farley's attempt to read that
result in the G.O.P.'s defeat in Tues-
day's election.
Taking notice of reports that a new
party might be formed on the wreck-
age of the G.O.P., Henry P. Fletcher
served a warning on Democrats that
"we will continue to fight."
Furthermore, the Republican chair-
man predicted the New Deal "will
topple" because of its "paternalistic
and socialistic policies and that the
"G.O.P. will carry on."
Apparently somewhat encoutaged
after conferences with other party
leaders in New York about future
plans, Fletcher held, in his first for-
mral statement since the election, that
there was "no other organization" to'
take the field to make "the fight
for sound economic and political
This was interpreted by political
observers here as meaning the Re-
publican high command had deter-
mined to keep its lines together des-
pite reports it might be reorganized
into a new party under a different
Fletcher claimed that despite the
Democratic sweep and Farley's state-
ment that the G.O.P. was "dead" the
Republicans polled 47 per cent of
Tuesday's total vote and that Demo-
crats lost 7,000,000 compared with a
Republican 3,000 drop under 1932.
Police-Firemen Ball
Tickets Put On Sale
Tickets for the seventh annual Fire-
men-Policemen Ball to be held Nov.
27 in the Masonic Temple were of-
Relationship of Education And
Religion Is Explained By Heaps
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of
a series of articles explaining the relig-
ious opportunities available for students
at the University. The series is being
run in . conjunction with a concerted
effort of religious organizations on the
t~nm fn rai thf ct d t dl of
the belief that this spiritual element
hasr something akin to it in the uni-
verse. Religion gives ground, there-
fore, for a reasonable faith without
which thprp N nno s irit of courageous
cam pus to a vi se the sa u ent oa y o pSi. g Ll t.J. U 4 ,i 11U .)1 J Ul '.3. 1 Ugt UU6 j
their activities, adventure for anything. It redeems
By REV. ALLISON RAY HEAPS life from cynicism which poisons the
(Minister, First Congregational Church) , springs of thought. Through prayer
"Education is the continuous re- it organizes the inner life and gives
fashioning of life in accordance with to life itself a rational purpose and
ever new and nobler patterns." This meaning.
is probably as good as any basic defi- If this be true, religion not only
nition. Of religion we may say that "merits attention," but is an indis-
it is the continuous refashioning of pensable necessity. I am not on the de-
life in accordance with ever new and ;fensive for the church. It bears wit-
nobler spiritual patterns. There may. ness all to often of a "tactful scintilla-
be here a distinction without a dif- f tion of pious emotion" from the pul-
ference, which but shows the affinity pit. The fact remains, however, that
Syracuse 10, Mith. State 6.
Ohio State 33, Chicago 0.
Colgate 20, Tulane 6.
Army 27, Harvard 6.
Purdue 13, Iowa 6.
Minnesota 30, Ind.iana 0.
Illinois 14, Northwestern 3.
Pittsburgh 25, Nebraska 3.
Georgia 14, Yale' 7.
Holy Cross 12, Mknhattan 6.
Rice 7, Arkansas'0.
Columbia 39, Brown 0.
Stanford 24, Washington 0.
California 7, South. California 2.
Auburn 18, Georgia Tech 6.
Fordham 27, West Virginia 20.
Temple 34, Car#egie Tech 6.
Pennsylvania 3, Penn State 0.
Princeton 54, Lehigh 0.
Kansas State 29, Missouri 0.
Wisconsin Wins, 10-0,
As Wolverines Fail In
Scoring Opportunities
Stars In Badger Line
Lynn J o r d a n, Badgers'
Sophomore Half, Runs
100 Yards For Tally
Inevitable Showers
Lower Attendance
between education and religion.
The point I would make is that re-
ligion and education both represent
growth. No period of life is comparable
to college days from the standpoint
of development. It is a period of
change, transition, discovery, adjust-
ment, awakeping, summed up in the
one word, growth.
Is that growth going to mean a
more complete personality, the acqui-
sition of a set of dependable values, an
enrichment of in;sight, an achievement
of emotional stability and social con-
sciousness, the setting up of worthy
goals of aspiration, the generation of
moral energy cirected toward the
establishment of a nobler common-
wealth of man?
Education needs religion for such
a growth, because religion insists upon
the presence and glory of a spiritual
element in human life and nourishes
I it is the one and only institution
among men that continuously and un-
equivocally stands for the spiritual
interpretation of life, while worship,
to use the words of Henry Nelson
Weiman, is "the only way of reor-
ganizing that totality of habits0which
make up the complete personality."'
Let the student work out his own
religious salvation guided by ever new
and nobler spiritual patterns. Let
him utilize ever available aid in that
Dr. George A. Gordon for many
years minister of the historic Old
South Church of Boston, himself a
profound scholar and a preacher that
Harvard students delighted to hear,
has left us this little transcript of col-
lege experience (and how familiar the
mood to every serious minded college
young man and woman):
"One day in Appleton Chapel, weary
(Continued on Page 6)
Dinner Monday Council Permit For
Iawesmen Required
Opens Annual ai
u d an All fraternities were warned yester-
Fg day by Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, secre-
Ftary of the Interfraternity Council, to
C prohibit any salesman from showing}
City Divided Into Many his wares at their houses unless these
salesmen have a permit from the
Business Classifications ;Council.
Leaders Named The reason for the warning is that
many salesmen without Interfrater-
.nits Cnnil nermitr hav bp- "in
Armistice Day
Sermlons Will
Be Presented!
Ann Arbor Churches Will
Do Honor To War Dead
In Services Today
Services woven around various
phases of Armistice Day will be pre-
sented in many Ann Arbor churches
At the Presbyterian Church the
Rev. William P. Lemon will present
his' sermon in the form of an imag-
inary dialogue between the Unknown
Soldier and a man' of the present
day. Mr. Lemon will advance questions
which he thinks the Unknown Sol-
dier might ask, and will answer them
in the light of present-day knowl-
edge. The service will begin at 10:45
The Rev. R. Edward Sayles of the
First Baptist Churclwill discuss "The
Ministry of Reconciliation," also at
10:45 a.m. The Roger Williams Guild,,
student organization of the Baptist
Church, will meet at 6 p.m., with Prof.
E. William Doty oo the School of
Music speaking on "The Philosophy of
For his Armistice Day sermon the
Rev. Charles W. Brashares of the
First Methodist Episcopal Church has
chosen the topic "Peace." Student
meetings of that chtrch include a 4
p.m. session of the Wprld Friendship
Circle, and a meeting at .6 p.m. of the
Wesleyan Guild.
"Peace With Honor," a book writ-
ten by A. A. Milne, will furnish the
basis for the Rev. Harold P. Marley's
discussion at the 5 p.m. afternoon
service of the. Unitarian Church. A1
student discussion at 7:30 p.m. will be
led by Prof. Preston James of the
geography department. Professor
James will speak on the topic, "A
Skeptic Looks at War and Peace."
Members of St. Paul's Lutheran
Church will hear their pastor, the
Rev. C. A. Brauer, speak on "Tfie
Power of Faith," at the morning serv-
ice to be held at 10:45 a.m. He will
also conduct the Student Walther
League Bible Class from 6:30 to 7:30
Plans have been completed for a
send-off dinner to be held at 6:15
p.m. tomorow at the Masonic Temple,
which will open the annual Commun-
ity Fund Drive, Charles Hutzel, head
of the campaign, announced yester-
Division leaders, who will carry on
the campaign, were also named yes-
terday. In order to eliminate house-
to-house soliciting, the city has been
divided into business classification
divisions this year. F. E. Benz
is chairman of tht automotive ,naus-
try division, Earl H. Cress of the fin-
ancial division, Prof. William Hoad of
the construction division, J. Karl
Malcolm of the clothing division,
Harold J. Lepard of the furnishings
division, George Sandenburgh of the
officials division, Otto W. Haisley of
the organizations division, and Ed-
ward W. Breay of the public service
There is also a special University
division, which is headed by Prof.
Robert Rodkey of the business ad-
ministration school. This commit-
tee, appointed by President Alexander
G. Rathven, honorary chairman of
the drive, is compsed of Prof. John E.
Tracy of the Law School, Prof. Wells
I. Bennett of the architectural col-
lege, Dr. Russell Bunting of the dental
school, Prof. Raleigh Schorling of
the education school, Prof. Russell
Dodge of the engineering college,
Dr. Harley Haynes, director of Uni-
versity Hospital, Prof. Louis Eich of
the speech department, and Charles
Edmund of the Medical School.
Gorman Again
Elected Head
Of Press Club,
Michael E. Gorman, managing ed-
itor of the Flint Journal, was re-elect-
ed president of the University Press
Club of Michigan at the organiza-
tion's closing meeting in the Union
yesterday morning.
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department, was also re-elect-
ed as secretary-treasurer of the or-
ganization. Frank J. Russell of Iron
Mountain, Phil T. Rich of Midland,I
William H. Berkey of Cassopolis, and
Floyd Miller, Royal Oak, were elected
as vice-presidents;.A'
The convention passed a resolution
eulogizing the late E. J. Ottaway of}
Port Huron, who for many years was
active in the affairs of the club.
Paul F. Voelker, superintendent of
public instruction in Michigan, and
Eugene Elliot of the department of
education were speakers at a sympo-
sium on public education held earlier
in the morning.
*JyV p. UIJA sA Ul'n llt JUUve Veen n-
festing houses with 'gyp' proposi-
tions," and with goods of an inferior
and questionable character.
No salesman is supposed to show
his wares in a fraternity house until
he has first received this license from
the council offices.
Contest For Opera
Poster Ends Nov.16
Posters to be submitted in the Un-
ion Opera poster contest which
started Nov. 7 and which will close'
Nov. 16, must be turned ir, before
3:30 p.m., the day on which the
competition is to close, to Room 345
in the Architectural Building.
The jury which will choose the
prize winners is composed of Prof.
H. A. Fowler, chairman, Prof. W. J.
Gores, Frederick Aldrich and R. T.
Billenger, instructors, and Russell
McCracken, '32, director of the Union
Each student may suDmit from one
to three posters, following the in-
structions which were previously pub-
lished in The Daily and which may
be secured upon inquiry at the Union.
Prizes, including cash and tickets to
the opera, have been offered.
The dlealine for seniors to have!
their pictures taken for the 1935 'En-
sian has been set for Dec. 3, accord-f
ing to an announcement made by
Robert J. Henoch, '35, business mana-
All seniors are urged to attend to
this, because the staff of the 'Ensian
is attempting to get the book out at1
an earlier date than in previous,
Serge Jaroff To
Don Cossacks
Male Chorus
Of 36 To Sing
Here Nov. 19
At Hill
Stuart Chase Recovering, Will
Give Delayed Talk Wednesday
Stuart Chase is recovering from kind of work that is the most fun."{
the severe attack of laryngitis con- Somersworth, N. H., was the birth-
place of Mr. Chase. He studied mathe-
i matics and engineering for two years
be able'lo appear at 8:30 p.m. Wed- at Massachusetts Institute of Tech-j
nesday in Hill Auditorium to lecture nology, and specialized in economics'
on "The Economy of Abundance." and statistics during his two yearst
In his lecture Wednesday, Mr. Chase at Harvard, where he received his!
will draw from all of the books he bachelor's degree in science in 1910.'
has written in an attempt to make He practiced public accounting inc
a broad and vivid picture of existing Boston until 1917, and received the
conditions and problems. Included degree of Certified Public Accountant:
among the books which he has writ- from the State of Massachusetts inj
ten are: "The Tragedy of Waste," 1916 and was sent to Chicago to take(
"Men and Machines," "The Nemesis charge of the investigation of Armour
of American Business," and "A New & Company which was part of thel
Deal." general meat investigation. He was
Heis reputed to be one of the transferred to the Food Administra-
greatest American platform speakers tion in 1918 and placed in local charge
and, according to officials of the Ora- ' of the Control of Packers' Profits
torical Association, he presents a dis- under the wartime regulation of the
tinctively human approach to the Food Administration.
problem of present needs of the peo- After the war, he rejoined the Fed-j
ple and how those needs are to be eral Trade Commission, wrote a book
New Literary
Magazine To1
Appear So on
Succeeding to last year's "Inland
Review," a new literary magazine en-
titled "Contemporary" will appear
on campus about two weeks before
Christmas Vacation.
The announced purposes of the new
publication are to encourage writing
by Michigan students, to provide an
opportunity for publishing the best
and most interesting material' pro-
duced here, to stimulate the expres-
sion of divergent points of view, and
to continue and emphasize the tradi-
tion of student literary activity as
represented by previous literary per-
iodicals and as now embodied in the
Hopwood Awards.
Contributions will be accepted
chiefly from students, but also from
alumni and faculty members. Manu-
scripts may be turned in at the Eng-
lish office in Angell Hall. They will
all be returned, with criticism if the
writer so desires.
The editorial staff of "Contempor-
ary" consist of Leo Kirshbaum, Eng-
lish instructor in the college of engi-
neering, Morris Greenhut, Grad.,
Willard Blaser, '35, Donald Elder, '35,
Otto Bird, 35, Kathleen Murphy,
Grad., Robert Warshow, '37, and Ar-
thur Carr, '35. Mr. Harvey Websterj
of the English department is acting!
as informal adviser.
The business staff includes Nath-
an Katzman, '37, Joseph Andriola,,
'37, and Irving Tenenblatt, '37. 1
The program of the Don Cossack
Russian Male Chorus, which will pre-
sent the third of the season's Choral
Union series concerts, Nov. 19 in Hill
Auditorium, has been designed to give
this group of 36 artists an opportunity
to sing all of the types of songs for
which theyhhave become famous.
Under their youthful conductor,
Serge Jaroff, the chorus will be heard
in folk songs, sacred music, and Cos-
sack war songs. In addition, they
will present several of the traditional
Russian dances with musical accom-
Several of the numbers which they
have selected for their Ann Arbor
appearance are the compositions of
Rimsky-Korsakoff. Other great Rus-
sian composers whose music will be
interpreted include Modeste Mous-
sorgsky and Peter Tchaikovsky. The
chorus will also be heard in a group
of soldier's songs which has been
especially selected and arranged by
Mr. Jaroff as well as his arrangements
years, Henoch stated.
! of several Cossack songs.
Virgil C. McNitt Denies Press
Is Controlled By Big Business
By F. WARNER NEAL stores and their business dwindled
That the American press is "free almost to nothing."
Tham treAmeigcasiness isnfrny1 "The newspaper publisher feels no
from control of big business in any more obligation to a buyer of adver-
way whatsoever," was the opinion tising than does a merchant to a buy-
vigorously asserted by Virgil C. Mc- er of goods," he declared, "and in
Nitt in an interview yesterday. Mr. I practically every newspaper in the
land, the editorial department neither
McNitt is prominently known as a f knows or cares what the advertising
journalist and was in attendance department is doing."
here at the press convention. The journalist said he could recall
Citing a portion of Prof. James K. but one case in which a newspapers
Pollock's address Friday afternoon policy was directly affected by its
which stated that "the German press advertisers. "This was in 1924 in
is the mouth-piece for the German Cleveland," he explained; "when the
government as the American press is 'Press' took a vigorous stand for La-
for big business," Mr. McNitt stated Follette for president. The advertis-
that "while Professor Pollock prob- ers objected when LaFollette was vic-
ably did not mean it literally, that torious and threatened to withdraw
view is erroneous." He said that it their patronage. The policy was
was an opinion "commonly held in dropped and the editor fired. This,
university circles." however, is but an exception to the
"In more than 30 years of expe- rule," he maintained.
rience in the newspaper business, Mr. McNitt, who is associated with
he declared, "I have yet to find a the McNaught syndicate in New York
cvnln *1 rnn~.rnnrf of' the n.q~ vtirn City n~cl nnq A ,-ttxn- rhQVc' in
Chris Everhardus' Play In
Bakfield Is Only Ray Of
Hope In Local Camp
Lynn Jordan, sophomore half who
has been playing bit parts in Wis-
consin's football drama all season,
stepped into a starring role here, yes-
terday when he returned the opening
kick-off exactly 100 yards through the
whole Michigan team for a touch-
down. It was the longest run ever
made in the new Stadium and was
sufficient to give the Badgers a vic-
tory over Michigan, although they al-
so tallied a field goal in the last quar-
ter to make the final score 10 to 0.
Had Many Chances
Though Michigan had numerous
opportunities to tie the score when
they were outplaying the Badgers
in the first half, the Wolverines
couldn't gain when near the oppon-
ent's goal line. Michigan's golden
opportunity to tie the score came on
Ward's kick-off after Jordan's sensa-
tional sprint when John Fish fumbled
and the ball was recovered by Borg-
mann on Wisconsin's 21-yard line.
The Wolverines went to Wisconsin's
three-yard line in five plays but here
lost the ball on downs.
The inevitableSaturday rain start-
ed a half hour before game time, and,
combined with generally overcast
weather all day, kept the attendance
down to a meager 20,000 fans.
"One Ray Of Hope"
One ray of hope in the Michigan
camp as the Wolverines sunk deeper
into the morass of the Conference cel-
lar was the work of Chris Everhardus
while carrying the ball. The soph-
omore brother of Michigan's great
running back last year gained five to
ten yards consistently through the
line and around the ends during the
first half, after replacing Whitey Aug
at left halfback.
Everhardus was the spearhead of
two Michigan thrusts into Wisconsin's
territory in the second quarter. The
first drive was stopped on the Wis-
consin 29 and the second was halted
by the gun ending the half,
Michigan Loses Power
Though Michigan's aggressive play
in the first half kept the ball in Wis-
consin territory the Badgers came
back in the last 30 minutes to hold
the Wolverines even, and, themselves,
engineer several thrusts deep into
Michigan territory. Near the end of
the third quarter a Wisconsin line-
man fell on Sweet's fumble on Mich-
igan's four-yard line but Michigan
immediately got the ball back when
Jankowski fumbled and Savage re-
With Regeczi punting poorly, as he
was all afternoon, the Badgers were
soon back in the shadow of Mich-
igan's goal. One thrust ended with
Pacetti's attempted place kick with
the ball on the 28-yard line. It was
wide, but a few plays later Regeczi,
in punt formation, got a bad pass
from center and after trying to run,
kicked the ball into a group of charg-
ing Badgers, one of whom recovered
on Michigan's eight-yard line.
The Wolverine line held, however,
and Pacetti was again forced to at-
tempt a field goal. Standing on the
19-yard line he sent the ball soaring
squarely between the uprights.
Every Trick Used
Quarterback Ferris Jennings pulled
every Michigan trick out of the bag
during the game, and most of them
worked, but not when the Wisconsin
goal was in sight. "Old 83," the flea-
flicker pass, the statue of liberty, and
the fake kick all were used, as was a
nine man line formation with Sweet
carrying the ball. The latter play
failed miserably.
Regeczi's punts averaged only 31
yards from the line of scrimmage and
most of his passes were far over the