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November 09, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-09

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9, 1934


I -

"pecial Stunts.
To Be Given At
League Toniorht

An Ensemble That Recalls The Gay '90's

Announce New
Committees Of AC
W.A.A. Board
Present Members Resign cupy the
At Wednesday Business Alpha.
Meeting _ rushees a
rations w
Pr "IR non

entertainments including
pledging, and dinners, oc-
houses on campus.
Alpha Delta Pi
Delta Pi sorority entertained
at a dinner last night. Deco-
ere planned by Eunice Park-
nd were in a .Yreen and white

C a m pu s Celebrities
Entertain With Skits
Gr111 Prnogram


President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven will welcome the Ann Arbor
group of the University of Michigan
Club for Women at 3 p.m. today at a
tea in their home. Dr. Ruthven will


The League Grill will offer a novel
program tonight, as part of B.M.O.C.
Night, which is to feature skits byI
prominent campus leaders and stars
of recent productions.
Two floor shows are to be offered,
one at 11 p.m., and one at midnight.,
The two performances will present
completely different features of en-I
tertainment. The League Trio is to
offer vocal spections during the first
program, and there will be piano
numbers by Kay Leopold, '35, tap
dancing by Nan Diebel, '35, and songs
by Stewart Crain, '35. Mr. Cram star-
red in last year's Union Opera, and'
Miss Diebel in the 1935 Junior Girl's
The second program will include a
skit by Mary Morrison, '35, also a
member of J.G.P. cast last year.
Jack Nestle, Grad., will act as mas-
ter of ceremonies. Mr. Nestle was a
member of Play Production last year,
and acted with the Shakespeare Play-
ers in Chicago during the summer.
Al Cowan's orchestra will play for
dancing in the Grill. Following the
new plan, the cover charge is $1.00
a couple, which includes 50 cents in
food. Many fraternities and sorori-
ties are reserving tables. The double
dance-floor plan, which has been
used successfully in the Grill this
season, will be employed tonight.
All the decorations in the Grill
Room were designed and executed by
members of the Theatre and Art
conmiittqe, of the League, under Sue
Calcutt,,'3i , .
House Parties,
Dances To Be
Given Toniorht


Committees were appointed to take '' '1U'al V ii i . - .
barge of new projects and new mem- color scheme. speak at this first season's meeting
'ers were appoined to the W.A.A. Delta Zeta of the organization.
oard during the W.A.A. board meet -. Delta Zeta announces the initiation Linda Eberbach, '37, is in charge of
ng held at 5:30 Wednesday in the t,Qf Jeanette Will, '36, Adele Gardner, the arrangemerts for the tea. Host-
'cunge of Palrnel Field House. Meet- ' -37, and Virginia Solomon, '36. esses will be Mrs. Waldo Abbott, Mrs.
Tngs will continue to be reld at this Jordan Hall -Ralph Loveland, and Mrs. Albert
ime throughout the year. The residents of Jordan Hall Connable. Mrs. Junius Beal and Mrs.
Lavinia Creighton, '33, Jane Bruck- tertained last ght with the second Ralph Aigler will pour.
:r. '36, and Betty Evans, '36. were in the series of exchange dinners with ige wi pour.
selected to investigate the possibilities other dormitories. An exchange of the Ida Malfroid Fellowship of $500
;f installing an outdoor fire-place on approximately thirty girls was made the da announced. The recipient of
Palmer Field. with Betsy Barbour wil beanoushed mTe a redeto
Th cmite aponedt a-Kappa Alpha Theta this fellowship must be a graduatek
Pledges of Kappa Alpha Theta were student or one receiving her A.B. in
semble the data on sport interest con-
sists of Bet' y Bell, '36, Mary Tossey, introduced to their patronesses at a June. The terms require a non-Mich-
'35, and Jane Arnold, '36 The infor- dinner under the direction of Mary igan student a Mich
ffiation will be obtained from physical Garrettson, '36, Wednesday. Patron- while a Michigan student may use the
education cards, and activity blanks. esses are Ml s. Howard Holmes, Mrs. funds to study anywhere she chooses.
A third group will formulate the M. Rees Hutchins, Mrs. J. S. Laur- Two o e $0 wchlasthi are
Pclicies to be followed this year. Sue ence, Mrs. H. L. Wilgus, and Mrs. J. Gilable, oen. which shlud-
Thomas, '36, Clarabel Neubecker, '36, S. Worley. Ginsburg Colten. Memorial Scholar
and Lavinia Creighton, '35, will as- Fall flowers decorated the tables. ship,
:ume this responsibility. University of Michigan Clubs for
Wome areorganized all over the
Billie Griffiths, '35, resigned from . Women are orgaoitdgroupnisralso
the position of committee chairman of 1m loc Yetenty at ga tea ah
she Athletic Federation of Collegeentetai home. Art t KahnRowena
Women. Margaret Cutler, '36, will P a s Banq'uet hm fMs letKhRwn
take over this post. ;I~aisAvenue. It is honoring new members
Mary Stirling, '35, handed in her '1of the club who are those who grad-
resignation as W.A.A. swimming man- For M e m bers uated last June.
ager. She will be replaced by Eliza- The Detroit group gave a large
beth Howard, '36Ed. bridge party recently at the Grosse
Marjorie Western, '35, resigned as More than 120 members of Scab- Point Yacht Club. Thirteen Ann Ar-
publicity chairman of the board. Jo- bard and Blade, National Honorary bor stores gave prizes for the party
sephine McLean, '36, will substitute. Military Society, will attend the for- and $200 was made.
mal initiation banquet and dance


--Associated Press Photo
d This new daytime outfit takes its cue from the gay '90's. Both
the high-waisted satin dress and the wide-brimmed hat trimmed with a
matching plume are coming into prominence in fashion circles.


Pastel Artist Opens Exhibition
Of Paintings At Alumni Hall





Two fraternities have arranged for
house parties this week-end, and sev-
eral other organizations have made
plans to entertain.
The members of Phi Epsilon Pi fra-
ternity 'ar entertaining with a house
party. As part of ,the program planned
a closed formal dance will be held
tonight and a closed informal to-
morroW tiIrht.1Dr."hd 'Mrs: Jerome
Kahn and Dr. and Mrs. F. Goldham-
mer are to be the chaperones. Harold
Pucrrant's orchestera from Detroit
will play both nights. Bernard Ros-
enthal, '36, is in charge.
Kappa Nu has planned a house
party fso. Buddy Friend' and his or-
chestra will furnish the music for the
closed formal to be held tonight and
the closed informal tomorrow. The
chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Harrison, of Chicago; Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Greenebaum, of Sag-
inaw; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green-
berg, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Glasser, of Detroit, and Dr. Ber-
nard Heller.
Alpha Phi Entertaining I
Barbara Coventry, '36, is in charge
of the semi-formal dance to be held
at the Alpha Phi house this evening.
Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
do Abbot and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lit-
zenberg. Whit Lowe's orchestra will
Sigma Chi is entertaining tonight
with an informal open dance at the
house. Paul Phillips, '36, is arrangingI
the party which will be chaperoned by
Mr. and MVrs. Richard Kruse and Mr,
and Mrs. C. L. Rogers.
Jordan Hall Gives Dance
Jordan Hall will hold its first dance
of the year tonight. It is to be a
closed informal with music by Al
Cowan's orchestra. Miss Isabel Dud-!
ley, social director of the Hall, Miss
Cile Miller, junior director, and Miss
Marcella Schneider will chaperone.
The regular social committee under
the guidance of Marian Brooke, '35,1
chairman, is in charge of the affair.
A closed informal dance will also be
given in Mosher Hall tonight. Bill

By MARIAN HOLDEN Chumbhot of Bangkok, Siam. Another
Miss Elizabeth Telling, noted pastel is a painting of the two grand-daugh-
irtist, opened the exhibit of her paint- ters of Prince Damrong, also of Ban-
ngs, which are being shown at Alumni kok.
Viemorial Hall this month, by giving a Priest Is Subject
,allery talk. The talk was followed One of the most interesting and
,y a reception given in honor of Miss colorful of her works is that of the
Telling. high priest of Northern Siam. The
The artist began by explaining why priest is sitting on the floor and is
she had begun her work. She had wearing a yellow robe. Miss Telling
;one on a vacation'to the. countries painted two pictures of him; one the
that she had always wanted to visit. priest wanted to leave as an offering
This trip took her to China, Java, in the high temple.
Siam, and Bali. She began to paint the The Indians, Miss Telling found,
natives merely for her own enjoyment were the most difficult to deal with.
and wanted to bring them back to They would accept the bribes she of-
show her family the kind of people fered them, but then would disappear
she had seen. as soon as they could. She had to
Natives Pose sketch them rapidly and sometimes
In Bali she found the natives very had to add the color after they left.
willing to pose for her. Many of the The exhibit is a most interesting
royal family consented to sit, and one, and is being shown until No-
one of the most interesting models vember 25th.
was Princess Sajoe, the third wife of-
Ida Bogoes.j
Miss Telling supplemented her talk
by describing the homes of the people W here TO G o"
whom she painted and also gave an
account of their family life. She said
that the family groups, especially in
Bali, were very close and they had a Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The
good time together. Richest Girl in the World" with Mi-
In order to get away from the white riam Hopkins; Whitney, "Name the
people and the more civilized atmos. Woman" with Richard Cromwell and
phere of the larger cities, she went "Cheaters" with William Boyd;
up in the mountains where she stayed Wuerth, "Grand Canary" and "Regis-
at a native rest house. Here she used tered Nurse"; Majestic, "Wake Up,
native dancers as models. She saw and Dream" with Russ Columbo and
many of these dancers at the temple "Desirable" with Jean Muir.
festivals, and she coaxed them to pose Exhibitions: Exhibition of pastel
for her by offering them cigarettes. paintings by Elizabeth Telling, from
Paints Dancer 11:30 p'm1 to 4 p.m. daily, Alumni
When she returned to Java, she Memorial Hall.
found that a lot of German artists Dancing: Union ballroom, B.M.O.C.
had come there to paint, and the Night. at League grillroom, Chubbs,
dancers refused to sit for any more Preketes, Hut Cellar.
Europeans. After much persuasion,
she won over one shy little dancer LONDON, Nov. 8. - WP - A labor
who consented to sit for her picture. motion for the abolishment of private
The portraits of children are par- m nufacture and trade in armaments
ticularly outstanding. One painting was defeated in the House of Com-
is of the infant daughter of Prince mons tonight. The vote was 279 to 68.

Alpha Nu Society-Hears which will be held tonight in the
Union. A private dining-room has
Pledge Debate On Hitler been arranged, but dancing will be in
the main ballroom.
The negative team debating on the The banquet is held every semester
question, "Resolved, That Hitler's in honor of the newly initiated mem-
economic and political policies should hers. Donald Lyons, '35A, is in charge
he condoned in the eyes of the world," of the banquet arrangements. The
won the pledge debate which was the new officers, associate and honorary,
feature of the regular Alpha Nu meet- member of the organization will be'
ing held Wednesday night. present at the dinner dance.
Paul Harvey, '36, William Orr, '38, Those men recently initiated are:
and Lowell Kieg, '38E, debated for John Coursey, '36, Wilford G. Bas-
the negative and Herbert Grosch, '38, sett, Grad., Delbert P. Hesler, '35;,
James Vicary, '38, and Richard Her- Wencel Neuman, '36, Robert S. Fox,
shey, '37, upheld the affirmative. The '36E, Wayne W. Crosby, '36, John
decision was made by the renaining T. Simpson, '35E, William H. Eason,
members of the organization. '36E, W. W. Underwood, '36E, Ken-
neth C. Mosier, '36E.
Other members of the society mit-
Mr. and Mrs. Koella iated are Robert Pfohman, '35E,
Entertain For Piccards Charles A. Framburg, '36E; Tunis C.
Ross, '35E, John B.-'Heles, '36, Gerrit
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pic- J. Betelleke, James F. Goodrich, '36E,
card, several guests were entertained Anson G. Raymond, R. J. Auburn,
yesterday at the home of Mr. and '36E, Robert Burns, '36, J. H. Wiles,
Mrs. Charles, Koella. Mr. Koella and '36, and John W. Bellamy, '35E.
Mr. Piccard were boyhood friends in
Mrs. Koella, herself a native of Russell C o w a r d, newly-elected
Norway, spoke before the Rosedale president of the junior class in the
Wdmen's Club Wednesday, describing literary college; is a -member of Theta
Norway in word, song, and picture. Chi fraternity and William Chapman
She wore the costume of the country. is a member of Zeta Psi fraternity.
See. ..
y'The New
at our _
(next "the Parrot")
/ '\.L.

Each freshman orientation group
next year will consist of ten students
and one adviser it was decided at the
last orientation luncheon for group
leaders, held yesterday noon in the
Russian Tea Room of the Michigan
League. At present, the groups con-
sist of twenty freshman women and
two student advisers.
Maxine Maynard, '35, president of
the League, presided at the meeting,
at which time it was also decided that
homogenious groups were preferable
to selection according to activities
and special abilities.
To evaluate the student interest in
the regular weekly orientation 1ec-
Lures, blanks will be sent to fresh-
men asking for their reaction to them.
S i-_-

ft 1


Marshall's orchestra will provide the
music. Maureen Kavanagh, '36, so-
cial chairman of the Hall, is in charge
of the dance. The chaperones for the
party include Mrs. Martha Ray, Mrs.
William Giefel, Miss Kathleen Hamm,
and Miss Katherine Koch. Yellow and
blue will form the color scheme for
the decorations.
Dr. Carl V. Wellerof of the depart-
ment of pathology spoke Wednesday
before the fourteenth annual Public
Health Conference in Lansing. His
topic was "Cancer as a Public Health
300A South State Street 1
Features the Exclusive
4-Thread - 45-Gauge


"0 Ce

(at the
Friday, November 9
Review of the Best Skits
from the UNION OPERA
and the 1935 J. G. P.



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That "Wisconsin"
game . . . your so-
ciety party- and
"CINEMA" sandals
-only $3.95 cer-
tainly a pair of
.these NEW for-
mals will brighten
that evening out-
fit to a 'point of
ecstacy that will
make you. remem-
ber forever t h i s




o . '

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to ---


fk N9 ~


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