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November 04, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-04

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The Weather
Continued cloudy and scat-
tered showers today. Warmer.

Sir igau

moomIb ait

Intelligent Destruction . . .
Law Of The Lawns..



End Meetings
Of Education
Institute Here
Superintendent Of Public
Instruction Gives Aims
Of Modern Education
Voelker's Address
Is Closing Feature
Toledo Educator, Dean
Edmonson Also Address
Saturday Sessions
A noon luncheon yesterday at the
Union, addressed by Dr. Paul F. Voel-
ker, superintendent of public instruc-
tion, closed the meetings of the fifth
annual Parent Education Institute.
Declaring "the new concept of edu-
cation is to teach children to appre-
ciate the American form of govern-
ment," he added that he felt en-
couraged over the educational situa-
tion in Michigan, and he explained
nine goals of education set forth by
the Michigan Educational Planning
He listed the following goals: ap-
preciation of the American form of
government; the development of
character; the teaching of co-opera-
tion; the teaching of the benefits of
seeking the truth; the teaching of the
instrumentalities with which to find
the truth; the finding of the child's
sphere and leading him there; the de-
velopment of leadership among youth;
the enrichment of adult life; and the
teaching of persons to adjust them-
selves to new problems.
Longer Education
"The time will come- when educa-
tion will not end with college, when
it will always continue," Dr. Voelker
asserted. He pointed out that the "so-
called fundamentals, reading, writing,
arithmetic, etc.," are only one of the
goals of education.
Dr. Voelker, in pleading for co-
operation, hoped for the time "when
even Republicans and Democrats
would co-operate in matters of edu-
cation. And they are beginning to
now," he said.
Dr. Voelker cited four levels of sat-
isfaction of life: pleasure, success, joy,
and happiness. "These," he said,
"must be brought out in the lives of
all people, young and old, if educa-
tion is to serve its purpose. It must
come,"'he stated, "if democracy is to
be worth anything."
The final day's'session of the In-
stitute was opened by Dean James B.
Edmonson of the education school,
speaking at 9 a.m. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre on "A Program for
Unemployed Youth."
Outlines Proposals
Stating that 40 per cent of the
boys and girls of high school age in
this country are not attending school,
and describing the rapidly increasing
tendency on the part of employers
to eliminate youths under 21 from
their businesses, Dean Edmonson sub-
mitted a summary sheet to the mem-
bers of the Institute outlining the
proposals he has formulated concern-
ing "What the Community Can Do
For Its Youth."
The summary listed a number of
projects by which communities can
alleviate the unemployment situation
among the young people. It further
suggested ways in which communities
can foster increased educational and
recreational facilities for the boys and
girls who are now being deprived of
these opportunities, and too frequent-
ly being forced into a life of crime
and tramp "jungles."
While state and Federal govern-

mental aid is necessary in the financ-
ing of education, Dean Edmonson
stated, such policies ought to be di-
rected in such a way that the com-
munity as a unit would still consider
itself ultimately responsible for the
care of its own youth problems.
The Youth Council recently form-
ed in Ann Arbor was cited by Dean
Edmonson as an excellent example
of the possibility for community ac-
tion in this respect.
Dougdale Speaks
Following the speech by Dean Ed-
monson, R. E. Dougdale, superintend-
ent of schools, Toledo, gave a talk
on the crisis that has been reached
in the financial status of school
systems throughout the country.
Dougdale spoke in the absence of Dr.
Caroline Hedgers of the Elizabeth
McCormick Memorial Fund, Chica-
go, who could not attend due to ill-
Dougdale pointed out that whereas
schools in Michigan are now fearing
the effects of the 15 mill tax limita-
tio am nAM T ~ a milar m-ha--

Illinois 7, Army 0.
Purdue 26, Chicago 20.
Northwestern 7, Wisconsin 0.
Iowa 0, Indiana 0.
Pittsburgh 19, Notre Dame 0.
k Columbia 14, Cornell 0.
S Fordham 13, Tennessee 12.
Yale 7, Dartmouth 2.
Mich. State 13, Marquette 7.
1 Oklahoma A.&M. 19, Detroit 6.
Iowa State 0, Kansas 0.
Ohio State 76, Western Res. 0.
Princeton 19, Harvard 0.
Navy 26, Washington & Lee 0.
Syracuse 16, Penn State 0.
Alabama 34, Kentucky 14.
Georgia 14, Florida 0.
Santa Clara 20, California 0.
Stanford 27, U.C.L.A. 0.
Oregon 13, Montana 0.
Texas"Christian 34, Baylor 12.
Temple 14, Holy Cross 0.
Penn 41, Lafayette 0.
Southern Methodist 7, Texas 7.
Churches Offer
Students Many
Features Today
New Presbyterian Preacher
Commences His Official
Duties Here
The entrance in church circles of
Dr. W. P. Lemon, delivering his first
Sunday morning service at the Pres-
byterian Church, will be a feature
of the varied programs which are of-
fered students today by Ann Arbor
Dr. Lemon's topic will be "An In-
clusive Religion." He will speak on
"How God Views the World" at the
evening Student Forum meeting
which follows a recreational meet-
ing at the church house. Gertrude
Muxen, faculty member, will be the
featured speaker at the morning's
student classes.
At the First M. E. Church the Rev.
C. W. Brashares takes "Fellowship"
as the fifth in his series on "What
We Want." Wesley McCraney will
lead the afternoon meeting of the
W o r 1 d Friendship Department at
Stalker Hall, and Professor Shirley
W. Allen will be guest speaker at the
Wesleyan Guild service there in the,
evening. His topic will be "Good,
Dr. Bernard Heller's morning topic
at the Hillel Foundation will be "What
Is Education For?" Hirsh Hootkins
of the French department leads a
class in Jewish Ethics in the after-
noon at the Foundation.
Morning service at St. Paul's Luth-
eran by the Rev. C. A. Brauer will
feature "The Open Bible --Luther's
Gift to the Church." The evening1
program presents a student supper
and an illustrated lecture. The Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn's morning topic at
the Zion Lutheran will be "Our Re-a
formation Heritage." A program of
student fellowship, supper, and for-
um will feature the evening.
,The Unitarian Fellowship of Lib-
eral Religion's regular afternoon dis-
cussion will present a view of the
political arena before election-"Jeff-
erson Casts a Ballot." In the eve-
ning Miss Emily V. White of thil
physical education department will
speak on "The Modern Dance."

Union Plans
Open House
For Tuesday
More Than 2,000 Students
Expected To Be Present
At Annual Event
Late Permission Is
Granted To Women
Exhibitions, Dancing, And
Inspection Tours To Be
Featured On Program
With an expected attendance of
more than 2,000 men and women stu-
dents, plans for the annual Union
Open House, to be held from 7:30 to
10:30 p.m. Tuesday, have been com-
Members of the house committee,
under James Cook, '36. are working
on a program which will include a
series of exhibitions and dancing in
the Union ballroom.
Special late permission until 11
p.m. has been granted women stu-
dents by the office of the dean of
Free dancing in the ballroom on the
second floor will begin at 8 p.m. with
music provided by the regular Union
orchestra under the direction of Bob
Will Tour Building
Student committeemen will be pres-
ent to conduct visitors on supervised
tours of the building showing them
the various facilities of the building
including the bakery, kitchens, guest
rooms, and the tower.
Ruth McGinnis, champion women's
pocket billiard player and a repre-
sentative of the National Billiard As-
sociation of America, will present an
exhibition of trick shots in the bil-
liard room at 8 p.m. Previous to the
demonstration, she will give an hour
lesson to a selected group.
The finals of the all-campus ping
pong tournament, which was started
several weeks ago, will be played in
the billiard room.
Students may register for the an-
nual billiard tournament during the
exhibition, it was stated by student
Women To Bowl
A selected team of women bowlers
will roll a demonstration match
against a squad of men. Last year the
women's team, with a handicap, de-
feated the men.
Official returns from county, state,
and national elections, which are held
on Tuesday, will be posted through-
out the evening and announced over
the public address system in the ball-
A group of swimmers and divers
from the championship Varsity swim-
ming team will present an exhibition
in the natatorium at 8 p.m.
It was announced that men stu-
dents who have not already registered
for their student memberships will be
able to do.so during the evening in
the student offices on the first floor.
Pieken Pool tarts
Refunding Wagers

Minnesota Swamps Wolverines
With Last Half Drive, 34 To 0;

Massed Body Of Students
Will Cheer Team Upon
Arrival At 3:30 Today
'Fighting Hundred'
Will Lead Parade1
Campus Leaders Pledge
Support For Display Of
'True Michigan Spirit'
"Let's give the team a hand when
it comes home tomorrow. The boy
went down fighting." This was the
telegram received by Union officials
last night from Joseph E. Horak, '35,
head cheer leader, who accompanied
the Varsity to Minneapolis.
Immediately plans were made for a
pep rally today at the Michigan Cen-
tral station when the squad returns
home. When the train rolls in at 3:30
p.m., it is expected that many more
than the thousand which greeted the
Wolverines after the Chicago game
will be cheering them again in de-
Michigan's "Fighting Hundred" will
also arrive with the- team, and will
lead the parade up State Street. In
addition to Horak, other members of
the cheering staff will be on hand to
direct the rally.
Student leaders who were asked last
night to support the rally all promised
enthusiastic co-operation. Allen D.
McCombs, '35, president of the Union,
said "This is a grand opportunity to
demonstrate the true Michigan spirit;
support in defeat as well as in vic-
Carl Hilty, '35, president of the Un-
dergraduate Council, Dexter E. Good-
ier, '35, president of Druids, and John
C. Healy, '35, president of Michigam-
ua, were other leaders-of campus or-
ganizations who declared themselves
in favor of a pep rally today.
Goodier and Healey announced that
members of their organizations would
be on hand to assist at the rally.
Large Crowd
Expected For
Chase Lecture
'Economy Of Abundance'
Will Be Discussed By
Noted Author
With an even larger crowd expected
than that which heard Ruth Bryan
Owen speak here recently, Stuart
Chase, eminent economist and author,
will deliver the second lecture of the
Oratorical Association series at 8:30
p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
His subject will be "The Economy
of Abundance."
According to Carl G. Brandt, busi-
ness manager of the association, Mr.
Chase has a smooth, swift-moving
style of speaking that includes an
excellent sense of humor. He is re-
puted to be one of the most sought+
after speakers in the United States,+
but has time to spend only two weeks]
of the year on the lecture platform.
Is Widely Read Author
He is the author of many widely,
read books, among which are "The
Tragedy of Waste," "Men and Ma-
chines," "The Nemesis of American
Business," "A New Deal," and "The
Economy of Abundance."
His lecture will include an analysis
of "the problem of adjusting modern
living conditions to our new economic

"The Economy of Abundance" and
the problems involved are vividly in-
troduced by Mr. Chase in these words:
"Suppose that the 13 million people
living in the United States in 1830
had awakened on the moaning of
Jan.,'1, 1831, with 40 times the physi-
cal energy they had gone to bed with
the night before. An active picture
meets the mind's eye; a very active
Economy Would Change
"Assuming no increase in the in-
vention of labor-saving devices -
what might we logically expect in
the way of economic changes in a
culture essentially handicraft? From
an economy of scarcity, with barely
enough to go around, the young Re-;


W elcone

Team Home



-Associated Press Photo
Stan Kostka, Minnesota's sensational sophomore fullback, didn't
get going until the second half yesterday, but then he lived up to his
reputation, ripping through the Wolverine line for long gains almost
at will. Kostka is one of a long line of Minnesota plungers who have
become famous - Joesting, Nagurski, and Manders. Kostka left yes-
terday's game after being viciously tackled by Ferris Jennings, Mich-
igan's 140-pound quarterback and safety man.

October FERA Checks
Will Be Issued Tuesday
Payment of $11,530.40 to 908
FERA students will begin at 8 a.m.
Tuesday, it was announced yester-
day by Harold S. Anderson, cost
accountant of the building and
grounds department.
The offices of the building and
grounds department will be open
to pay students from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday. Students are urged to
come as early as possible to receive
their wages.
No payments will be made after
Thursday, officials stated.
Ann Arbor Officials
Criticized By Lehr
That Ann Arbor officials in charge
of constructing the proposed sewage
disposal plant, which PWA grants
have made possible for the city, have
played politics to hinder its progress
was inferred by Rep. John C. Lehr
of this district when he addressed
more than 200 Democrats last night
in the circuit court room here.
"I offered my services and they re-
fused to take advantage of them," the
congressman s t a t e d. "Elsewhere
throughout this district, such progress
is much further advanced."

Ne w Magazine
Will Make Its
Campus Debut
A new student magazine, "Ad-
vance," will make its debut tomor-
row when the first issue will be offer-
ed for campus sale. The magazine,
selling at 10 cents per copy, is edited
by Jacob C. Seidel, '35, Joseph D. Feld-
man, '37, and Davis R. Hobbs, '35L,
with headquarters at 114 S. Ingalls St.
The purpose and policy of the new
publication is explained in an intro-
ductory editorial, which says, in part,
"Our policy is .simple and firm: to
encourage those writers who believe
that creative imagination and crea-
tive thought are directly linked to
social and economic conditions."
The first issue contains a short
story about "Honey," a CWA worker,
by Feldman; an article entitled "The
Proletarian Novel," by Seidel; a poem
on the theme, "We Are Our Own," by
Donald Rand; an analysis of "Pro-
duction," by Kenneth Ratliff, '37; a
strike spectator's experiences during
a "Toledo Afternoon," by Rose Park-
er; a discussion of "Russian Litera-
ture and Life" by Prof. Clarence L.
Meader of the department of speech
and general linguistics; and mis-
cellaneous verse, fiction, and criti-

Gophers Continue Dash
Toward Championship
With Dynamic Force
Michigan Maintains
Edge In First Half
Wolverine Defense Tires;
Norse Power Streams
Through Late In Game
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 3. - A
jinx of 41 years' standing was broken
here today as the powerful Minnesota
football team defeated Michigan, 34
to 0, before a record homecoming
crowd of 60,000. Never since the two
teams met for the first time in 1892
had the Gophers been able to win over
Michigan at home, but today they col-
lected five touchdowns and four con-
versions to smash tradition to bits and
move one step nearer the National
An inspired Michigan team out-
played the Northmen during the first
half by a wide margin, losing an op-
portunity to score in the opening min-
utes when Regeczi's pass to Ward
from the five-yard line fell incomplete
in the end zone.
Matt Patanelli put the Gophers
in a hole when he blocked Beise's
punt and recovered it on Minnesota's
16 to put Michigan in position to make
their one futile scoring attempt. Ced-
ric Sweet's fierce tackling and John
Regeczi's fine punting kept the Norse-
men in the shadow of their own goal
for 30 minutes, even after Captain Pug
Lund and Stan Kostka came into the
game at the beginning of the second
Come Back In Second Half
But the powerful Gophers found
themselves in the second half, just as
they did against Pittsburgh, and it
would have taken more than the ob-
viously tired Wolverine line to stop
them. One assault Kike's men did
stop on their own 18-yard line, but
after Regeczi's punt pushed Minne-
sota back to its 45, the Gophers, not
to be denied, marched 55 yards on a
line buck, a pass, and an end run,
all by Lund, for their first touch-
Then the Gopher attack, as if sud-
denly inspired, began a barrage of
touchdowns. A 76 yard run by Al-
phonse, which occurred on the second
play after the kickoff, accounted for
the second score and began the rout in
Taking the kickoff behind the goal
line he was nailed by Viergever on
Minnesota's 23-yard line. Kostka
gained a yard. On the next play Al-
phonse started wide around left end,
cut back and outran the entire Mich-
igan team, including Willis Ward, who
gained on the fleeing Gopher. but
couldn't quite catch him.
Lund's Kicks Lead To Score
It was the brilliant placing of
Lund's boots which led directly to
Minnesota's final touchdown in the
third quarter.
After a Minnesota march had been
halted at the Michigan 41-yard line,
Lund got off a beautiful kick which
went out of bounds on the one-yard
line. Regeczi, forced to kick behind
his own goal posts, got off a good.
boot to Lund, who returned the bal
from Michigan's 45 to the 33.
The Gopher attack bogged, and
Lund was forced again to try for
the corners. He did, putting the ball
out on the six-yard line. Regeczi,
again facing the test of getting off a
successful kick behind his own goal
posts, punted straight up in the air,
the ball going out of bounds on the
Wolverine 34-yard line.
Perfect Passing
Seizing the opportunity, Lund got
off a 33-yard pass to Maurice John-
son, Gopher end, who scored without
a hand being laid upon him. It was the

fourth pass of four which were at-
tempted and completed by Minnesota
today, and it was the second of two
which accounted directly for Gopher
With the game apparently on ice,
Lund was taken out of the game
amidst a tremendous ovation from the
crowd. But the Gopher juggernaut
kept on scoring. After Regeczi had
kicked over the Minnesota goal line
for a touchback, Clarkson, on the sec-
ond plav. ran 28 yards to his own

Llod DougasThe local operator of the Pickem
oy ouglas To Speak Pool, Cleveland, which has thus far
On 'Flight To Freedom' failed to pay $2,115 won by 800 stu-
dents here on football game selec-
Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, who will speak tions last Saturday, has started to
at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditor- pay off the money originally invested
ium on "The Flight of Freedom," is by the students.
well known in Ann Araor. For seven Agents operating the pool here took
years he was pastor of the First Con- in a total of approximately $304 and
gregational Church here. are paying off this sum to students
Besides his fame as a minister and who invested anywhere from 25 cents
lecturer, Dr. Douglas is well known to $5 in the pool, as rapidly as possible.
as an author. His book, "The Mag- The operator of the pool has not
nificent Obsession," is still a best sell- been able to contact any of the Cleve-
er three years after publication. land officials of the pool.
Prof. Bromage Advocates Home
Rule Amendment For Counties

Washtenaw Politicians To Feel
Axe In Next Issue Of Gargoyle

This is the third and last in a series
of articles in which prominent faculty
authorities discuss the advisability of
passing the amendments to the State
Constitution which appear on the ballot
Nov. 6. Today's interview is with Prof.
Arthur W. Bromage of the political
science department, and a recognized
authority on county government.
The passage of Amendment No. 4,
better known as the county home rule
amendment, was advocated as highly
desirable by Prof. Arthur W. Brom-
aa in an interview with The Daili

Constitution imposes one type of gov-
ernmental organization upon the
counties of the State, and the purpose
of this amendment as discussed by
Professor Bromage, is to permit those
counties that desire to change their
governmental structure, a means to
accomplish this end.
"The amendment does not propose
to change any county which prefers
to remain under the present system,"
he said, "because all that a county
has to do - is to do nothing. No
changes will be imposed upon any
county against its will. It is for the
benefit of those counties that do want
reorganization, that amendment No. 4

Having disposed of one political
party, the Ship of State, Gargoyle
now tackles the estimable opponents,
Washtenaw, in the November issue
which will appear for campus sale
If the Ship of State was drowned
in the Huron river last month as the
"Garg" showed, a smashing fate is
also predicted for the Washtenaw
group and its various ringleaders, all
of whom appear in the new issue of
the magazine. In addition there will

cording to Eric Hall, '35, managing
editor, is "the most distinctive ever
to be presented in the Gargoyle."
Four prominent members of the
University faculty are seen in carica-
ture and another group of Varsity
football players, following the popular
drawings of last month's issue, are
also portrayed.
Wayne King, the "Waltz King," and
his band are discussed this month
in the "Modern Music" column. The
second "Preposterous Person" will be
revealed Wednesday. as will five mnre

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