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September 25, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-25

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Summer Sport
Classes Have
Wide Following
Summer school sport classes in
spite of the excessive heat attracted
500 women this year. The enrollment
is voluntary. Swimming proved by
far the most popular of the outdoor
sports. Classes were held in the eve-
ning in the Union pool and weekly
picnics were held at Barton pond.
Summer school physical education
classes differed from those of the
regular term in that they were of two
week's duration rather than the nine
weeks length during the winter. This
enabled students to move to more
advanced classes or to take instruc-
tion in a new sport.
Other outdoor sports classes were
held in addition to swimming classes
including most of those offered dur-
ing the regular winter- term, but due
to the unusual heat of this summer,
the watery sport was most widely fol-
Cream, Mild Soap
Are Essential For
SpecialSkin Care
Before you have lived long in Ann
Arbor, you will realize the harshness
of the water on your skin. It will
necessitate particular and continual
caring for, yet if the correct method
is used, will take just a few minutes
of your time daily.
The way you wash your face de-
pends entirely on the type of skin
you have. "Washing" may or may not
have anything to do with soap or
water for there is more to cleansing
the skin than merely getting the dirt
out. The cleansing process should in
addition act as a toning-up process
that will stimulate the functions of
the skin and bring the muscles into
A gQod cleansing cream should be
made of oils that are not readily
absorbed by the skin. It should dis-
solve quickly when applied to the
skin, penetrate the pores, and soften
any accumulation that has hardened
there. Cleansing creams should never
be firm and waxy in appearance, but
thin and easily manipulated.
The normal skin which is neither
too dry nor too oily, can be kept
in the best condition by the alter-
nate use of soap and water and a
good cleansing cream. The cream
should be worked into the pores gent-
ly With the finger tis in an upward
and rotating movement, then removed
with tissues. A little skin tonic then
will remove the last traces of dirt
and oil from the pores.
In cleansing dry and oily skins
you will use creams and soaps in
greater proportion than for the nor-
mal skin. An astringent is required
for oily skin after the use of creams,
and a mild soap and water used
either after the cream or alone. Dry
skins naturally require applications
of cleansing cream every night.
It is essential to finish the cleans-
ing process with cold water. Oily skin
which is inclined to have relaxed
pores, needs this most. The use of
witch hazel, diluted in water to a
strength that will not irritate the
skin is an excellent appliance to ar-
rest the development of enlarged
Herbert White To
Lecture On Orient
Herbert C. White will open the
years' activities of the American As-
sociation of University Women with a
lecture on China Saturday evening
at 8:00 in the League Ballroom. Mr.

White spent eight years in China and
learned to converse with the Chinese
in their own language. He has spoken
in many organizations throughout
the country and has been lauded for
his fine contribution to the Western
knowledge of ancient eastern culture.
Michigan Dames Board
To Plan Year's Activity
The executive board of the Mich-
igan Dames, an organization for the
wives of students, will meet tonight in
tgo League. The purpose of the meet-
ing is a discussion of plans for the
coming year. The first meeting of the
season will be held on Oct. 1st.
The officers for this year are Mrs
Richard Reekie, president; Mrs. Na-
than Fragan, vice president; Mrs
Morris Wilsie, secretary; Mrs. Henry
W. Knerr, corresponding secretary;
and Mrs. M. L. Musser, treasurer.
The marriage of Miss Virginia M
Ludt, '34, to Dr. Howard B. Calder-
wood was announced recently by the
bride's father, Dr. Carl E. Ludt, of
The wedding took place August 20,
in Albion, Indiana. The bride was a
member of Delta Gamma sorority.
Dr. Calderwood is a member of the
Political Science department.
The Second U. S. Congress Against

With decorations, one of the first
worries of every rushing chairman
at this season of the year, the flor-
ists are kept constantly busy think-
ng up new floral combinations.
One of the most striking effects
is accomplished by combining fruit
and flowers. A small market basket
is the ideal container since it lends
itself to the fall colors and to easy
graceful arrangement. The flowers
best used are bronze, straw and
honey-colored flowers, in pom poms,
zinnias, and African marigolds. Bit-
tersweet also mixes in well with the
flowers. Red grapes, which are really
in shades of bronze, draped over the
handle of the basket, and apples se-
cured on the ends of short sticks or
pencils and tucked in among the
flowers brighten the bouquet.
And while we're on fruit decora-
tions, plain crab apples, whose sole
use was for so long confined to jell-
making, if arranged in a red crystal
bowl, with white winter berries to
set them off makes a gay center-
A commoner table decoration, but
one that is just as attractive espe-
cially for teas, is a centerpiece in
shades of purple and yellow. The
stubbiness of asters in shades of lav-
endar and purple, combined with
the drooping grace of buddleia, also
a lavendar flower, combines well with
Outdoor Club Will
Elect New Officers
At the party held last spring by
the Outdoor Club at the Sylvan Es-
tates Country Club a committee was
elected which will govern until the
first meeting of this year, when the
new president will be elected. Those
on the committee are: Elizabeth
Moore, '36, Robert Benz, '36, James
Loughman, '35E, and Richard Gerk-
ensmeyer, '35P.
Tne club is planning a more exten-
sive program than ever before, and
all students are urged to participate
in its activities. A party is being
planned for the near future to be
held at the Sylvan Estates Country
Club, at which swimming, golf, boat-
ing, baseball and dancing will be
among the attractions. Watch for
further announcements.
Clever Scarf, 1i
Combinations Are
PopularThis Fall
There's something about the first
day of classes that always brings
everyone out decked in her best in
order to properly impress professors
and fellow students. On such a day
one can get the high lights of the
present mode by merely lingering
under the clock and by observing fel-
low-customers in any of the campus
restaurants. One may learn all the
details of all the newest styles in
sports wear.
Checks definitely lead the field of
campus clothes. All kinds of checks,
both small and large were in evi-
dence, but all were in the brightest
of bright colors. One of the best-
looking suits we saw consisted of a
brown and rust checked wool dress,
made in double breasted effect with a
high collar which buttoned across
with two large brass buttons while a
unique brass buckle fastened the belt.
The coat was all brown made in semi-
fitted style with large sleeves gathered
at the wrist. The wide collar and
revers were of the checked material.
Most of the checked costumes were
;ellow and brown but there were sev-
n-al of blue checks, one of which was
:elieved by a red belt and tie. A very
unusual one combined a deep blue
kirt with a checked blouse of the
ame shade of blue and a deep wine
hade. The blouse buttoned down the
ront and the collar crossed and but-
oned on the shoulders.

Several corduroy outfits command-
:d attention, one deep brown one
xhich featured an ascot tie being
especially attractive. Three cornered
scarfs appear to be a popular new
iote in one instance forming the
>nly decoration when a brown velvet
scarf was used on a knitted two-piece
dress of an unusual rust shade.
Rudolf Laun Will Act As
Visiting Professor Here
Professor Rudolf Laun has arrived
n Ann Arbor to act as visiting pro-
cessor in the political science depart-
nent. He will conduct seminars and
;ive lectures. Prof. Laun served as
ector of the University of Hamburg
Lnd studied at Sorbonne and the
Jniversty of Vienna. He is interested
n international government and will
give a series of lectures on that sub-
Prof. and Mrs. Laun were enter-
tained by Prof. and Mrs. Everett
S. Brown at dinner last Sunday eve-
ning when other members of the
political science faculty were invited
to meet them. Prof. Brown is acting
as head of the political science de-
partment in the absence of Prof
JeseS.Reeveswho is at present

yellow roses, and the whole effect is
set off best if the bowls and candles
used are yellow.
For the living room, salmon glad-
ioli and the bronze of talisman roses
in a brown vase blends in with the
creams and browns of so many soror-
ity houses.
Floats of all kinds are popular for
their beauty and economy. Open
roses make up the best. Using a low,
flat bowl, about four roses in yellow,
bronze and cream are sufficient to
make a good showing.
Pastels, at this time of year, are
not as likely to make up well. Deep
colors in hardy flowers are best to give
the rich atmosphere that goes with
Graduate Travels
As Correpondent
S. Beach Conger, a recent grad-
uate of the University, who has been
traveling abroad as a special corre-
spondent for World Letters, Inc., will
continue his work in this connection,
in the future being associated with
Rexford W. Barton. He will join Bar-
ton on Oct. 4 when they will start
for the South Sea islands.
Conger, expects to return to Ann
Arbor next June for a short visit with
his mother, Mrs. S. Beach Conger,
but will return to Europe.
World Letters, Inc., sends letters
and other information about foreign
conditions and affairs to schools and
private individuals in an effort to pro-
mote international peace and under-
Rabbi Bernard Heller announces
that there will be services for mourn-
ers who wish to say Kadish. The Min-
ion will take place promptly at 7:30
every morning and last about twenty
Freshman women are to meet
for the first Orientation lecture
at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, according to
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-

Fruit And Flower Decorations
Are Used For Rushing Parties

A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone
Production featuring Dick Pow-
ell, Jean Blondell, Ruby Keeler,
Zasu Pitts. Guy Kibbee, and Hugh
Herbert. Directed by Ray En-
right. Dance numbers created
and directed by Busby Berkely.
Photography by Sid Hickox and
George Barnes.
In looking over the filmusicals that
have been presented in the past, it
occurs to me that none has succeed-
ed in combining the spirit of genuine
burlesque with those of song and
dance as completely as does the pres-
ent offering at the Majestic Theatre.
"George White's Scandals" tried to
do it but failed because its mood was
not consistent throughout. "Dames"
does the trick and consequently is a
good film of its type.
The story is, of course, concerned
with the production of a show and
the usual number of difficulties to be
surmounted in its presentation. A
sub-plot provides the basis for the
burlesque build-up and so often
threatens to become the major plot
that the audience soon concedes it
that position despite the plans of
the director. The second theme is
the story of "The Ezra Ounce Society
for the Elevation of American Mor-
als" in its campaign to rid this coun-
try of wine, vice, women, song, danc-
ing, legs, in fact everything the male
population enjoys, including respect-
fully yours.
The efforts of Zasu Pitts, the
weeping willow of the silver screen,
Ruby Keeler, that excellent comed-
ienne, Joan Blondell, melodious Dick
Powell, rotund Guy Kibbee, and
Homespun Hugh Herbert have all not
been in vain. They lend their tal-
ents toward supplying a pleasant
evening of fun. Nor has the work of
Mr. Berkely gbne to naught. His
human, symmetrical formations are
graceful and fluid, a credit to his
art, and an enjoyable addition to
any musical.
"Dames" has its share of tuneful
tunes, included in which is a novelty
song by Miss Blondell entitled, "The
Girl on the Ironing Board," a take-
off on that much abused acrobatic
gentleman on the flying trapeze.

A Warner Bros. release. Di-
rected by Michael Curtis. Story
from the novel by H. Bruce
Lockhart. Starring KayhFrancis
and Leslie Howard. Photogra-
phy by Ernest Haller.
"British Agent" is the kind of mix-
ture Hollywood usually makes, a
mixture which combines excellent
craftsmanship w i t h a sufficient
amount of historical accuracy, but
which also adds, in the attempt to
appeal to all types of audiences, an
incongruous, illogical and impossible
love affair. It is this last element
which keeps the film from reaching
artistic perfection and is the cause
of its rather weak ending.
Produced by a capitalistic film
company which naturally reflects a
bourgeois culture and a bourgeois out-
look, inherently inimical to commun-
ism, and treating of as delicate a
subject as the Russian Soviet revo-
lution, "British Agent" manages on
the whole to be more fairminded and
less hostile than any other film yet
produced on the coast. It is anti-
Soviet in a petty-wise-cracking way,
but unconsciously feels the power of
tie movement and is forced to ad-
here to the facts.
At moments it fairly shrieks of
bourgeois sentimentality, as for ex-
ample the protagonist's sorrow over
the death of the Czar and his secre-
tary, as contrasted with his apparent
unconcern over the millions that
were being slaughtered on the bat-
tlefields of the World War, a war
on which he was working to prolong.
On the other hand, the force of the
movement for peace at all costs in
which the new Russian revolutionary
government took the sincere initia-
tive is sympathetically portrayed, the
film giving credit where it is due.
The film also exposes the attempts
of the Allies to intervene to save it
for exploitation by imperialist trad-
ers by their financing of counter-
It is my humble opinion that the
Seyfried Jewelers
Dealers in Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry
304 South Main St.

rcvolultionary activIty and indu:rIal IIOT1 COATS STILL GOOD
film was hju 'e " by its illgial r- Although the style dictators seem
mance. My acquaintance with and
understanding of Marxian ideology is to favor three-quarter length suits
as yet quite incomplete. I do know thece days, the shorter suit is still
this, however, that when an individ- good for those who prefer them. The
ua. accepts. a .viarxian.pnnosopnyf

ual accepts a Marxian philosophy a'
drastic change has taken place in his
character and mode of thought. So
drastically complete is this change
from a bourgeois life to that of at
Marxist, that the two have very little
in common. T li e psychological
change is so great that it is incon-
ceivable for a Marxist to fall in love f
with a bourgeois. It is not the same
kind of difference that exists between
a Democrat and a Republican, be-,
tween a Catholic and a Protestant.
It is a far greater one. Two such1
people live in worlds so wide apart
that any embryo of love would be
instantly destroyed at the first ex-
change of ideas. The romance of
"British Agent" would have us be-
lieve such a love to be possible. I
say it cannot and invite even Haver-
lock Ellis to differ with me.
Director Curtis' nandling of the
suspense element is excellent. He has
an instinct for the dramatic and
the colorful which gives 'to the film
an artistic and exciting appeal. The
acting of the principals is well done.
Ernest Haller's photography is beau-
tiful. And the dialogue is especially
well written. -J.C.S.
PONTIAC, Mich., Sept. 24. - The
first parade of lighted sail boats in
the history of Oakland County will
be staged on Sylvan lake near here
the night of Sept. 29, as part of the
first annual Sailor's Ball at the Oak-
land County Boat Club.
Fresh Me-ats
We Cater To Students
Free Delivery Phone 2-2331


A Finely Woven Brushed Wool

coats may be box line in this styl'e
of a very heavy fabric, contrasting the
skirt, or fitted closely and belted.
Color contrasts remain as valuable
in this style as in the longer coats.
A loosely fitted jacket over a straigt
skirt may be hip length in front and
staggered down to the knees behind
in a true cut-away fashion.
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, has
been appointed a director in charge
of regional meetings of the American
Alumni Council.

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