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September 25, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-25

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a rushee to inquire into the financial condition of
a house. The better houses will acquaint rushees
with this data without being asked.
Much has been said about this or that fraternity
being the "best" on the campus because it has a
lot of men in activities, or because it ranks high
in scholarship. There are absolutely no "best"
fraternities on this campus. The best fraternity
for you is the one in which you find conditions
most congenial.
Houses in desperate straits for men will attempt
to railroad or "hot box" a man into their house.
They will attempt to pledge rushees before they
have a chance to see other houses. The freshman
should remember that it is absolutely against the
rules of the Interfraternity Council to pledge a
house in any other manner than that one set down
by the Council.
It has always been a delicate question of eti-
quette with rushees as to whether it is proper to
break dates with houses. It is perfectly proper as
no house is interested in rushing a man that is
not interested in it. If a rushee breaks a date
under such circumstances it really is for the good
of both sides.
Finally, it should be remembered that as hard
put as some fraternities are to stay in existence
they still are not asking any man that will take a
pledge button. Freshmen wanting a certain house
should try in every manner to make an impression
at that house.

Collegiate Observei
An overjoyed senior sends in the following con-
My nerves can hardly stand the shock
I got stuck with an eight o'clock.
And my habits will change
For I surmise
It will be early to bed
And early to rise.
* * * *
The Daly Illini tells us the remarkable story
about the family that named the fourteenth
offspring "Finis." The fifteenth, very appro-
priately was named "Postscript."


Drugs & Prescriptions
College trained men (Michigan
Graduates) in Charge.

Everything the modern woman can wand.
Imported and Domestic Perfumes.
Powders, Polishes, etc.
Lady Cosmetician in Charge.


* * *


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CITY EDITOR .............. ..JOHN HEALEY
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, 'Thomas H. Kleene, David G. MacDonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper,
Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean.
Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff,
Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley,
Allan Dewey, John A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney
Finger; William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sh'er-
win Gaines, Ralph W. Hurd, Walter R. Kreuger, John
N. Merchant, Fred W. Neal, Kenneth Norman, Melvin
C. Oathout, John P. Otte, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall
Shulman, Bernard Weissman, Joseph Yager, C. Brad-
ford Carpenter, Jacob C. Siedel, Bernard Levick, George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano,
Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryana Chockly, Florence Davies,
~'Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Saxon Finch,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Beulah Kanter, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Mary Annabel Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Char-
lotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Carolyn Sherman,
Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Betty Vinton, Laura
Winograd, Jewel Weurfel.
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner.

Two professors at Harvard were embarrassed
recently when a chimpanzee showed by test that he
was as intelligent as two children five years of age.
The children were the beltved offspring of the
* * * *.
A Kappa at the University of Illinois recently
told a group of prospective pledges that most
of the fire in the co-ed's eye is quenched by
the water on her brain.
An English professor at the University of Kan-
sas had the right idea when he reversed the
usual class order and gave the snappy comeback
himself. On answering his own question on why
horses weren't used on the English stage he stated
-seriously -"Back in the old days, the stages
were too unstable."

Intelligent and Interested Service
Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.

Finis To The
Pot Tradition. .

Business ..
with their routine manner of exist-
ence, Michigan students are shocked only at stated
intervals into cheering or booing, holding mass
meetings, and writing letters to the editor. But
even at Michigan the calm seas are occasionally
troubled by the insistence of burning issues.
Some of Michigan's problems have been com-
mon to collegiana everywhere, others entirely lo-
calized. Most of them have been, either in prin-
ciple or form, truly Michigan. Many of them are
perennial favorites that will rear their ugly heads
again before the year is over.
No question of academic or administrative policy
concerned the campus as much last year as did
one of city paternalism-- the beer ban east of Di-
vision Street. East side merchants and students
were joined by prominent citizens and faculty men
in a bitter fight to oust the antiquated bit of city
legislation that has no sanction under new State
laws but sticks all the more firmly. Granted an
opportunity to vote on the issue, Ann Arbor citizens
determined that the misguided student must be
forever guarded from the demon rum.
For a political, economic, and social issue, the
question of war participation gained an abnormal
amount of student interest. But a year of stirring
debate at the Spring Parley, the Anti-War Confer-
ence, and many lesser meetings, as well as in
newspaper columns and midnight bull sessions
changed few prejudices and did little for the
peace of the world.
Campus radicals, confronted by the greatest op-
portunity for conversion of souls that may ever
come their way, decided upon a May Day junket
to Detroit as the means of showing their "solidarity
with labor." Arrived in Detroit, a strange composite
of sincere radicals and college boys out for a
good time, they were met by an augmented police
force with little to claim its attention. Back
home, their outraged dignity won them little
sympathy from even liberal student thinkers. They
remained, as before, more of a laughing stock than
an influence for good.
The Undergraduate Council, by continuing into
its second year, managed to set some sort of record
for longevity among Michigan student governing
groups. Like its predecessor, the Student Council,
it frequently tottered on the brink of ruin, was
the subject of plots to overthrow it, and failed
to interest even its own members. Probably because
the student body was too disgusted and bored to
do anything about it, the Undergraduate Council
has tottered on into another year. To say that this
body has wavered is not to imply that it is any
worse than others that have gone before; perhaps
it is less obnoxious and more anusing.
But not until Mickey Cochrane's Tigers have
won the World's Series and the Wolverines have
tucked away another Big Ten championship will
the open season on these lesser issues really begin.
As Others See It
Men of Spirit
LET US PAUSE a moment, lads and ladies, and
sigh for the days when college boys were men.
There was a time when professors were driven
from their classrooms with books and cuspidors
flying about their ears; when red-hot cannon
balls rolled through the halls and stoves crashed
down the stairs; when state troops had to be
called to quiet pranksters.
Down the years from 1823 comes a heart-
warming story of the inspired men of Hamilton
College who dragged a cannon to the top floor
of a dormitory and fired a load through a pro-
fessor's door. They were bitterly disappointed
because the shot missed the professor and the
only damage done was suffered by the door, the
opposite wall, a chair and the professor's pants,
which were hanging on the chair and which
accompanied the ball out through the wall. But,
regardless of the failure, the story shows that
in those days a man could enjoy the free play
of imagination.
And there was arson! College boys of today
have bonfires in the park, but men of other days
had arson. For several years after '6 the Yale

coal yard was fired annually. Three times in
those years Old North at Princeton blazed merrily.
.The firing of presidents' and, professors' houses
was an evening pastime.

* * *


abruptly and undeniably, by mu-
tually spontaneous consent. The unanimity on the
matter, after so many years of kiddish bickering,
is startling: First, the clothing . stores supplied
themselves with only a very limited number of
pots. Second, the Undergraduate Council has an-
nounced that it believes the tradition is outworn
and therefore the Council will make no efforts to-
ward enforcement. Third, and most important of
all, the freshmen have simply forgotten all about
their pots.
It will be a long while, if ever, before pots are
again worn on the Michigan campus. They have
been relegated into the same waste basket that
bustles, pantaloons, and raccoon coats occupy.
They are out-dated, out-grown. They pass into
the limbo of forgotten things a good deal like
the mournful figure of Sir Walter Scott's imagina-
tion: "unwept, unhonored, and unsung."
The Hunting
HEY ARE PLAYING a game at the
University this week and next. It is
called rushing.
In this game fraternities line up against each
other and in the mad scramble ensuing each house
endeavors to get as many of the rushees as pos-
These rushees are'exceptionally diverse. There
are smart ones and dumb ones, there are rich ones
and poor ones, there are "smoothies" and "spooks."
The object of each fraternity is to pledge the
smart, the rich, and the "smooth."
All in all it is a rather nasty game, with doubt-
ful strategy employed by both sides. A lot of feel-
ings are hurt, some unnecessary slandering com-
mitted. This is true of the fraternity system here
as much as it is at any other college.
It should be understood by rushees that they are
prizes in this game and like all prizes are treated
with the utmost care. Fraternities will in every
way parade the good points of their houtes, leav-

Add this to your list of definitions: An egoist,
says a senior at the University of Wisconsin, is the
fellow who, when kissing his sweetheart, murmurs
that he must be the second happiest person in the
* * **
Here are two fraternity house rules of a promi-
nent house at Ohio State University:
1. No liquor of any kind will be allowed in
the house.
2. Bottles will not be thrown from upper
story windows.
* * -* *
Co-education was once a race for supremacy
between the sexes, but now it's neck and neck,
* * *. *
As a punishment for stealing pencils from the
library at the University of Oregon, students are
deprived of their shoe laces, which are used to tie
pencils to the desk.
* * * *
A freshman here, thinking he knows all
about co-eds sends me the following:
Eanie, meanie, miney, mo;
Don't ever take a co-ed's "no."
If she hollers let her know
There is just one way to get your dough.
* * * *
The students at the University of Kentucky
have already taken steps towards freedom. Recent
plans made it possible for co-eds to visit fraternity
houses until 11:30 unchaperoned.
* * * *
If a co-ed does it, she exercises the feminine
privilege of changing her mind. If a man does
it, he's a cock-eyed liar.
Off The Record
EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of this column is a
University of Michigan graduate who has done news-
paper work in Ohio, Oklah6ma, New York, and Wash-
ington, D.C. She gathers material for. her column,
which will appear on this page from time to time, in
the daily round of the Capitol reporter.
SECRETARY WALLACE grinned when the lady
next, to him at dinner professed concern
because there were 13 people at the table.
He called her attention to the great seal of the
United States, which has 13 stripes, and over the
head of the bald eagle, 13 stars. The motto "E
Pluribus Unum" has 13 letters. The olive branch
which the eagle holds in one talon has 13 leaves,
and the arrows he holds in the other number 13.
On the reverse side is an unfinished pyramid of
13 stones, and the motto over it, "Annuit Coeptis,"
has 13 letters.
The lady, who had worried, marveled.
When Amelia Earhart, the flier, drops into
town she usually eats lunch quietly in a par-
ticular hotel coffee shop where she can hide
at a table which stands behind a large pillar.
BRUCE KREMER, former democratic natiorll
committeeman from Montana, is a man who
likes the dinner table plentifully supplied with
guests. They arrive when they like and stay as
long as they like at the Kremer home.
So his wife was surprised when Kremer wanted
to take a summer home 60 miles from Wash-
"Our friends won't come so often," she argued.
"I know," said Kremer, "but when they come
they'll have to stay longer."
The hotel which takes in most of the retinue
which follows President Roosevelt to Hyde
Park is wishing it had numbered its rooms
instead of naming them.
Room 24, that should be, is designated the
"Little Lord Fauntleroy." And nobody will
stay in it.
One of the reasons the Federal relief stenog-
rapher's job is never dull lies in letters such as one




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