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October 23, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-23

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;y Published every morning except Monday during the
Universityy yearand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service,
- t.1EM 8ER -
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The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to. the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at tle Post.Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flahery, ThOas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Keene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo-
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Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
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Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M Ellis, WilIar>'H.
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0. Seidel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser,
Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman,
Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg,
Betty Goldstein, -Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma-
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grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
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DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-.
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Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds. Grace Snyder. Margarett
Kohlig Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper
Trends In
Tunitions ..
cation, burrowing into archives
both musty and rather recent, has come up with
some facts and figures that are worth considering
even if no moral is to be drawn from them.
Schools throughout the country are doing their
utmost, the bureau found, to aid worthy students,
who, as victims of. the depression, might be forced
to leave college on account of lack of funds. More,
than 14,000 have been enabled to continue their
educations through deferred tuitions. In 111 insti-
tutions, scholarships and loan funds to the amount
of more than $31,500,000 are available this year.
Men's barracks furnished with army cots are
reported as being provided in a number of places to
reduce the cost of living. More than one school in
an agricultural state has continued to accept farm
products in payment of tuition.
In order to determine whether college tuitions
have generally been raised or lowered in the past
five years, the bureau conducted a survey of private
colleges which showed that 125 of them have fees
on an average of $62 lower, while 100 have fees
averaging $49 higher. For the group as a whole,
consequently, the decreases were greater in number
and in average size than the increases.
The recent trend has not been sufficiently strong
to change the general fact that college tuitions are

much higher today than they were 20 years ago.
Private schools which in 1913 were getting a rate
somewhat higher than the publicly-controlled in-
stitutions ask today have multiplied their fees by
two or three times in the last two decades.
The 25 colleges and universities charging the
highest rates, with the exception of three technical
institutes, range from $400 to $500 a year. Women's
colleges maintain the highest fees.
A further look at tuition figures indicates that
in publicly-controlled schools resident students
pay an average of $79 a year and non-residents
$128. These sums, besides providing a startling con-
trast with those of private schools, indicate what
may be a contributing factor to Michigan's pop-
ularity with out-state students.
State men students here, paying $100 a year, are
assessed at a considerably higher rate than aver-
age resident students elsewhere. Out-state men
students enrolling in the University pay a fee of
$124 a year, somewhat lower than the nation's
average. The figure should probably be even more

Book Trust
TO- THE PROVERBIAL college pro-
fessor belongs the doubtful reputa-
tion of having inflicted at least one textbook on
his classes and colleagues, and he is usually sus-
pected as well of plotting to issue a new edition
every school year.
By no other means has the New Deal done more
to show its "brain trust" flavor than in the way
it has gone literary.
President Roosevelt set the example with "Look-
ing Forward" and "On Our Way." Not to be out-
done, Mrs. Roosevelt took time from visits to coal
mines and subsistence homesteads to get off her
chest the message that "It's Up to the Women."
Their daughter, Mrs. Dall, became the proud author
of a work in lighter vein called "Scamper: The
Bunny Who Went to the White House."
These were the signals for other members of
the administration to put their typewriters to work.
Dr. Tugwell, with "The Industrial Discipline and
Governmental Arts" already to his credit, turned
out "Our Economic Society and its Problems." Mr.
Ickes countered with "The New Democracy," and
Miss Perkins came back hard with "People at
Work." The triad of Henry Wallace, however, won
the batting honors of the day. They were: "Amer-
ica Must Choose," "Statesmanship and Religion,"
and "New Frontiers."
The failure of Donald Richberg to do a book
caused his publishers to dig up a novel called "A
Man of Purpose" of which he had relieved him-
self in 1922. The hero of the book being a lawyer
who erred and finished up in jail, Mr. Richberg
complained recently that, publishers being what
they are, the book would certainly be presented as
an autobiography.
But speaking of autobiographies, the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch' had reason to feel'last week that the
one now being scribbled by Hugh Johnson will be,
to, put it mildly, full of sulphur, brimstone, and
sudden death.


SAs Other SeeI


Troy Can Take Defeat
TROY REMEMBERS how to take defeat.
That group of 1,500 students who stood in
the stands on the north side of the coliseum Sat-
urday afternoon and sang "Alma Mater" after a
fighting team had been unable to score against a
three-touchdown lead proved to themselves and to
6.0,000 spectators that Southern California can take
an upset gracefully.
Trojans are beginning to realize that their foot-
ball squad and their coach are not super-human.
S. C. cannot expect to be the biggest team west of
the Rockies forever. S. C. was not alone Saturday
- gridiron crowns all over the nation toppled
under a terrific onslaught from untouted teams
which were I"pointing" for the infallibles. Mighty
Michigan took a trouncing from Michigan State,
California was surprised by St. Mary's, Notre
Dame's come-back was halted by .little Texas.
Tomorrow night, Troy's team boards the special
train for Pittsburgh, one of the strongest in the
East. Twice the Panthers have journeyed to Pasa-
dena on New Year's day only to be smartly crushed
by Southern California teams. Every member of
the student body who is really interested in seeing
his team win that game on an eastern field should
be at the train tomorrow to demonstrate the fact
to a somewhat disheartened team.
Washington State's brilliant victory over S. C.
may not be the only defeat which Troy will have to
take this year. There may be another - there may
be two or three - but the student body and alumni
cannot expect the impossible from the team or from
Coach Jones. It is gratifying to know that after
last Saturday that Trojan rooters are supporting
their team every yard of the way as the old saying
goes -"win, lose or draw."
During the long chain of victories, only finally
broken last year by Stanford, school spirit was
rather listless because Trojans were tired of seeing
their teams tear opposing squads in pieces in re-
peated drives to the goal line. Now with Washing-
ton State behind, football will be intere'sting again.
.-The Southern California Daily Trojan.
Goose-Step Colleges
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY'S refusal to exempt
its students from military drill on the grounds
of religious and .conscientious objection is out of
tune with the traditions of the state and nation.
The new ruling is even more drastic than the
recent action of President George Rightmire of that
institution in dismissing seven students for refusing
to drill.
Among most American colleges, there is more
recognition of the "laws of conscience" as valid
statutes. In the last 10 years, according to the Na-
tional Council for the Prevention of War, 65 insti-
tutions dropped military training and 14 made it
This question has reached the United States Su-
preme Court in a test suit brought by two Univer-
sity of California students to settle whether Fed-
eral land grant colleges have the right under the
1862 Morrill Act to impose compulsory drill. It is
recalled that former Attorney-General Mitchell
ruled that rand grant colleges comply with the act
if they simply offer courses in military training
withoutcompelling drill.
America is at peace, and Americans are anti-
militarists. Why, then, should colleges, supposedly
our centers of enlightenment, ape the Old World
dictatorships and pipe unwilling students to the
drill grounds?
-The Cleveland Press.

M.N.L. sends in this poem entitled:
I am told that little frogs
Are made from tadpoles
That a butterfly was once
A mere cocoon;
That a lonely little anioeba
Can arrange to have a Sheba
Anytime he care to
Split himself in twoon.
Well, before believing
Anything so ga-ga
A fellow really ought
To go and see:
'Though something's queer about it
I have no cause to doubt it
Since a Kappa made
A monkey out of me
Men at Earlham College get a real break. Fresh-
men co-eds are required to go without any makeup
for two months. The men get a chance to see what
the girls really look like at that time.
A student at Hanover College calls his A.O.
Pi friend "Liberty belle" because, he says, she
is a little cracked.
The prize for the reddest face goes to the Cen-
tral Normal College co-ed, who, while dancing with
a young man at a college mixer inquired: "Who
is that homely looking bird standing over there by
the door?"
To her surprise her partner replied: "Why that
is my brother."
"Pardon me," blurted out the co-ed in confu-
sion, I hadn't noticed the resemblance."
, * * 'i *
At the University of Missouri students taking
a history exam were asked to state briefly the
Monroe Doctrine. The prize for conciseness
went to him who answered "Scram Foreign-
Here is the time budget for the students of
Harvard University as recommended by President
Eliot in 1904: Study 10 hours; sleep 8 hours; meals
and social duties 4 hours; and exercise 2 hours.
Although this isn't a poetry corner we are
printing this poem by B.B.L. dedicated to the
c-eds of Michigan:
Your eyes implore me to adore
Your ears want more of my outpour;
Your hair's perfumed just to entrance
When swaying rhythms call romance;
But when we go to take a walk
Must you talk and talk and talk?
A Washington
R. JESSE JONES, who sits lightly on the lid of
Uncle Sam's recovery war chest - the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation - had a unique
message to deliver in these parlous economic
times. When most public officials, Federal, state;
county, and city, are worrying themselves sick over
how to get government debtors to pay their bills,
Mr. Jones is troubled because RFC borrowers are
repaying too fast.
."Take your time, boys; take your time," is the
burden of his plea. "Take five years from the end of
next January if you like. Keep the money in cir-
Specifically, Chairman Jones said:
"We must get away from the idea of trying to
pay back borrowed money in 90 days."

rTO RFC FIELD AGENTS he sent emphatic in-
structions for "leniency" with borrowers and
authority for the five-year repayment idea where
no impairment of security was involved, coupled
with this policy expression:
"We (the RFC directorate) wish to be as helpful
as possible to our borrowers in meeting their obliga-
tions of citizenship as well as to pay their debts
to the corporation."
Now, just why did the RFC high command hit
on a five-year term? Perhaps there is no special
significance about that period, yet it happens to
coincide with ideas about the probable length of
time it may take some industrial elements to get
up to former business peaks that "New Deal" offi-
cials are hearing at first hand- from the big indus-
trialists these days.
For all the shouting about "timidity" of inves-
tors due to business fears of "New Deal" leftward
trends, there are much more practical reasons be-
hind slowness with which certain important indus-
tries are responding to the recovery impetus that
business spokesmen who come to Washington pour
into official ears. The fear of "New Deal" trends
may be there; but it isn't spoken of in these con-
T HE FIGURES on repayment of RFC loans since
July are remarkable. The repayments were
close to $150,000,000 greater than the outflow of
new loans as compared to a $125,000,000 net in the
opposite direction a year ago. If that were an exact
reflection of recovery progress, it would be a thrill-
ing achievement for the "New Deal." It would be
far ahead of schedule.
But Chairman Jones and his RFC colleagues

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