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October 23, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-23

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23, 1934



Varsity Concentrates On Defense Against Illini Aerial1


Gridders Suffer
Minor Injuries
In Tech Battle
Hildebrand Told To 'Take
It Easy'; Austin, Arm
Better, Back In Line-Up
Savage And Patanelli Will
Probably Remain At End
Posts AgainstIllinois
Coming through the Georgia Tech
game with no serious casualties, al-
though several gridders received
minor bruises, the Wolverines began
preparation yesterday for the Illinois
game here Saturday.
The Varsity ran through its plays,
spending the latter part of practice
on defense against the Physical Edu-
cation eleven using Illinois pass for-
mations. Wallie Weber, who scouted
Illinois is instructing the Physical
Willard Hildebrand, who , was
praised highly for his sterling play
against the Yellowjackets, was in
uniform yesterday, but didn't . take
part in practice as he is still suffering
from a leg injury received in the Chi-
cago game. Doctor Lynam has ordered
him to take it easy for a few days.
Captain Tom Austin was back in the
lineup yesterday, after being forced
to leave the game Saturday at the
half with an injured right arm. Aus-
tin doesn't remember how he hurt the
Renner's Condition In Doubt
Doctor Lynam also announced yes-
terday, that in his opinion Bill Ren-
ner's ankle will not be sufficiently
healed to enable him to play against
"Whitey" Aug, who averaged four
yards every time he carried the ball
against Georgia Tech was relegated
to the sidelines to make room for
Willis Ward in the backfield. Kipke is
not certain that he'll keep Ward at a
halfback post, but should he start
there next Saturday, which seems
highly probable as Kipke is desirous of
retaining Savage and Patanelli at the
ends, Michigan will have started all
four of its games with a different
backfield cast.
Ward Theat in Backfield
Ward's presence in the backfield
will make the Miphigan running at-
tack a more dangerous threat than it
has been. It is hard to imagine a better
man than Ward for Michigan's fake
punt play, on which Aug gained 37
yards last Saturday. The play if used
infrequently is sure to get the ball
carrier around the end, and once
Ward gets that far, he's gone.
Coach Kipke stated that the greater
part of practice during this week will
be devoted to defensive work against
Illinois passing plays. Michigan's pass
defense worked well against Georgia
Tech, permitting only two completed
throws out of 17 attempts, but Kipke
.knows that his boys will be up against
a different situation Saturday, for
Beynon, one of the best passers in
the country, will be throwing for the
Kipke was pleased with the im-
proved blocking and tackling of the
Wolverines last Saturday, but said
he isn't thoroughly satisfied yet. He
also asserted that if Michigan's pass-
ing doesn't improve, Joe Ellis and
Russ Oliver will be recruited into the
regular backfield, as passers.
Bolas In Scrimmage
Members of the second team and
other reserves who didn't play against
Georgia Tech scrimmaged with a
freshman eleven. George Bolas, scrim-
maging for the first time since he in-
jured his leg a month ago was in at
quarterback for the second team.
Playing safety, he handled punts skill-
fully, and looked good carrying the
ball, getting off several runs of 15

Russ Oliver threw three touchdown
passes for the reserves, two being per-
fectly-timed long heaves to Rieck and
In the backfield with Bolas andE
Oliver were Remias and, Triplehorn.'
The line was composed of Johnson
and Rieck, ends; Fisher and Wright,
tackles; Bissell and Sears, guards;
and Amrine, center.
WINNIPEG, - Oct. 22. -{gp) - Big
league hockey, a stranger to Winni-
peg although many big league players
hail from this section, has arrived
The advance guards of the New
York Rangers and Montreal Maroons
arrived yesterday and their two-weeks
training sessions start today.

Freshman TrackSquadChallenges Varsity In Meet Today

Will Deliver erdict On Renner Wednesday

All-Campus Fall'
Meet To Be Held
At Ferry Field
Regular Squad Members
To Receive Handicaps
To Stiffen Competition

Bill Renner, Michigan's star passer who has been laid up for a
month with a bone fracture in his leg, may be able to play in the
Illinois game Saturday. Dr. Carl E. Bagley, University of Michigan
hospital bone specialist, said yesterday that it wound not be known
definitely until Wednesday whether Renner would be in condition. An
examination on that date is expected to show the exact condition of
the fracture and to reveal whether he will play in the game with the
Illini or will be withheld from competition until the Minnesota contest.
Coach Kipke has announced that he will not put Renner in the lineup
without assurance that there is no further danger of injury.

Tech last Saturday the team was
not particularly impressive in so doing
The players themselves said after the
game that they should have won by
two more touchdowns. Georgia Tech
was not a great team, they were not
even a good team'on Saturday when
the only real scoring threat they had,
'their passing, was rendered impotent
by the intermittent rain.
It is generally believed now that
Tech was no better than the Cor-
nell team that Michigan beat 40
to 0 in last year's intersectional.
game. They certainly didn't have
aniy of the attributes that gave
Michigan State and Chicago wins
over Michigan on the preceding
Nevertheless, it is true that Mich-
igan was better Saturday than it has
been all season. Specifically, the team
was better in: 1.' Punt handling; 2.
Field generalship; 3. Running plays
through the line; 4. Pass defense; 5.
Defensive play; particularly of the
line, but also of the backfield.
They still show glaring weakness in
the one important division - block-
ing for ball carriers and kickers. On
the two long runs that Michigan
backs made Saturday blocking was
conspicuous only by its absence. Not a
single clean block was made as Jen-
nings swept down the left sidelines
for the touchdown. Nine Wolverines
milled around the center of the field
enough to keep the Tech players from
getting through while Hildebrand ran
alongside the ball carrier looking for
somebody to hit.
AGAIN, SWEET had to "carry
the "mail" alone on his 65-
yard jaunt in the last minute of
play. From the moment he ran
through the hole at left guard
he was alone in a maze of yellow-
jerseyed defense men. How he got
through the quartert of Tech
players just back of the line re-
mains a mystery. He certainly had
no help from his teammates.
Regeczi's punt in the fourth quarter
would never have been blocked and
Tech's two points never scored if the
blocking had not been faulty.
Little Ferris Jennings is personally
responsible for the improvement in
two of the above-mentioned depart-

ments, namely, punt handling
field generalship.


The half-pint quarter is not
mechanically perfect in handling
kicks, but he's improving. The
daring spirit and driving fire with
which he is naturally endowed
was submerged beneath a barrage
of instructions and cautions from
the coaches in the earlier game
so that he often didn't know
whether to take a punt or let it
roll. He was keeping one eye on
the sidelines where Kipke squat-
ted eating grass. He knows now,
however, that Kipke has confi-
dence in him, the fact that he
played the whole 60 minutes Sat-
urday proves it, and he should go
places-especially when his mates
start blocking for him.
D.A.E. To Defend.
Volleyball Title
Delta Alpha Epsilon will begin the
defense of their interpraternity vol-
leyball crown at 7:15 p.m. today when
they meet Zeta Beta Tau in the first
game of the season at the Intramural
At the same time on another court
Phi Kappa Tau will clash with Psi
Upsilon, while at 8:15 Delta Kappa
Epsilon is scheduled to oppose Phi
Lambda Kappa and Alpha Chi Sigma
will battle Pi Lambda Phi.
This evening's game will mark the
opening of the annual play which
will extend this year until Nov. 15.
At the conclusion of the regular sea-
son the nine league champions will
meet in a series of playoffs.
The number of entries this year is

A new type of track meet, which
Coach Ken Doherty calls "The Out-
door All-Campus Fall Handicap
Meet," will be held at 3:30 p.m. at
Ferry Field, and Doherty's, freshmen
thinclads hope to have the time of
their lives humbling Coach Charlie
Hoyt's Varsity.
The frosh hopes are based on the
handicap system under which the
meet will be run off. With Varsity
tracksters, ii most cases, forced to
give out handicaps, which they may
find hard to make up, and with riv-
alry between the freshmen and Var-
sity consequently becoming keen, the
meet should be as colorful as the pro-
verbial flannels. Doherty indicated
Three Frosh at Scratch
In three events, freshmen will con-
pete with the Varsity at scratch. In
the shot put, John Townsend, fresh-
man from Indianapolis, will fight it
out on even terms with Martin Alex-
ander, junior. Howard Bratt, another
freshman, of Lockport, New York, will
high jump with Winston Moore with-
out any advantage, while Ralph Par-
ker will compete from scratch with
Tom Stoller in the broad jump.
Other yearlings whom Doherty be-
lieves will have a better than average
chance of defeating Varsity stars,
considering the handicap allowed, are
as follows:
James Kingsley, Sanford Farrell
and Harold Stein against Dave Hunn
in the pole vault. All are capable of
somewhere around 11 feet, six inches,
and, with a 14-inch handicap, should
force Hunn to vault around 12 feet,
nine inches in order to win. Hunn is
capable of around 13 feet.
Handicaps Make It Close
In the discus, Art Shroeder, Lee
Moore, John Freese and John Town-
send should give Martin Alexander a
tough time, with approximately a 10-
foot advantage conceded them at the
start. Likewise Mason Steven, in the!1
100-yard dash, Tom Searles, in the
440-yard run, and Ed Standard and
William Staehle, in the mile, should
I-Smith and Gooding close races in
give Stoller, Fisher and Birleson, and
their specialties.
However, the meet is open to more
than Varsity and freshmen tracksters
and Doherty and Hoyt will have their
eyes peeled for any new talent thatI
is revealed from the Intramural ranks.
All the customary events except the
220-yard high hurdles and the two-
mile run will be contested. The track
events, beginning at 4:25 p.m., will be
run off in the following order: 220-
yard low hurdles, 100-yard dash, mile
run, 880-yard run, 220-yard dash, and
440-yard run. The field events will
start at 3:30.
Harvard After Thirtieth
Victory Over Dartmouth
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 22 -(P)
- The annual Harvard-Dartmouth,
fray, coming Saturday, brings a
chance to rake up a lot of interesting
records. They first met in 1882 and
Dartmouth didn't win until 1903, The,
Crimson taking 18 straight. Only
three of the 40 games have been tied
and only eight have gone to the In-

to be held Thursday, Oct. 25, at Approximately half a hundred
4:15 p.m. on Ferry Field, will be a
field hockey contest between a mythi- young men report to Head Coach Ray
cal team composed of women stars Fisher every week-day for practice on
of 25 years ago, and the champion the freshman football squad. Assist-
of the co-ed hockey league, in which' ing Coach Fisher are Ray Courtright,
four teams will take part. ' Carl Savage, Ted Petoskey, Whitey

Phi Alpha. nsisi 01 consistofEari .lNKKersou, fUrm te
Next week in the class A tourna- U. of D. High school, Bob Cooper, of
Net weGkminthi easiAl meeta- Detroit, Herman Fishman, of Detroit,
ment, Gamma Phi Beta will meet AtLabae fNwJreGog
Helen Newberry; Alpha Delta PiI Art Leadbeater of New Jersey, George
Delta Zeta; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Babbin of Mt. Clemens, and John
Xi Delta; and Delta Delta Delta, Al- The outstanding end is George
pha Omicron Pi. Thesquier of Grosse Pointe. The tackle
Losers of last week's games will position is well fortified with Lubey,
enter the class B tournament. Phi Lincoln, and Ed Greenwald, the big-
Sigma will meet Chi Omega; Zeta gest man one the squad. George Mar-
Tau Alpha, Theta Phi Alpha; Soror- I zoni is a guard hailing from Flint
sis, Alpha Xi Delta. Northern, state champions. The center
Managers of the teams playing next post is held down by Joe Renaldi and
week are to decide upon the time Ted Frazer.
for play and notify Miss Harriette Yesterday the team scrimmaged
Peaseley. against the Varsity scrubs and per-
The League team defeated Alpha formed well. They are fast learning
Phi in the opening Intramural hockey the fundamentals of football. and the
game of the season. Michigan System.


36, the same number as last season,!
and four teams comprise a league.I NOTHING BUT KNOCKOUTS

MUSKOGEE, Okla., Oct. 22. - (P) CAN'T WIN, CAN'T LOSE
IN FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS - W. W. Carter, Holdenville welter- BLOOMINGTON, Oct. 22. - (/P) -
Like father, like son, is the case weight, won a title in the annual am- Here's an example of consistency. The
with two members of the freshman ateur boxing tournament here by Illinois Wesleyan team has played
football squad at Iowa State, Law- scoring knockouts in all four of his three games this season and all of
rence Nelson, of Red Oak, Ia., and matches, them have ended in ties.

i ;



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