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October 19, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-19

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an American baby is born until he dies, he is for-
ever faced with the idea of making something out
of himself.
Confronted with this ambition, the American
youth clutches at education as a short cut to his
ultimate end. Only a small percentage of our pop-
vlation ever reaches college, and it is a still smaller
xercentage that finishes. Going to college often-
times entails ponsiderable. hardship and sacrifice.
Is it any wonder then, that the student expects
some return for what he has put into his work?
. Well enough, our friends ;ay, but we no longer
have any real scholars, the type of student that
will give up this pecuniary value in education,
for the joy and satisfaction that real scholarship
should bring. We no longer have the scholars of
To that, we can only say "look around you and
you shall see." In every major university of the
country, we have men who are devoting their lives
to study and research for a far smaller sum than
any they could make in private business. The num-
ber, it is true, is small, but relative to the number
that there has been in the past, it is exceedingly
Education in the United States is all right. Per-
haps most students are in it to better their own
conditions. What of it? A betterment of individual
conditions is a betterment of the world as a whole.
We still have real scholars who devote themselves
to study and research.
Why, then, all the fuss- about it. We're getting
along fine.



An Old Michigan Custom

Campus Opinion

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Suggestions For The Future
To the Editor:
In the tumult and the shouting over the question
of whether Ward is to play against Georgia Tech
or not, one useful point seems in danger of being
overlooked. It is a bit late to try to determine by
popular appeal the make-up of the Michigan team
on Saturday, but it would seem to be high time to
ask the Michigan Board in Control of Athletics to
make up its mind on two questions: (1) Are any
more games to be booked with the Southern
Schools? and (2) If so, on what terms?
Conflicts over Negro players on Northern teams
have occurred over and over in intersectional
games. Why not write into all future Michigan
athletic contracts a plain statement of policy -
whatever that policy may be?
Instead of trying to force the playing of Ward on
Saturday dead or alive, would it not be wiser for
liberals to work for a clarification of athletic policy
on racial issues to prevent such misunderstandings
in future?
-Lowell Juilliard Carr.
Objects To 'Biased' Reporting
To the Editor.
Inaccurate, biased reporting of radical activity
is not an infrequent occurrence in The Michigan
Daily. As an example of prejudiced reporting I
refer to the news story concerning the Communist
Party meeting held on Tuesday night.
Permit me to correct the misconception that the
meeting was forbidden by the city officials. At the
last moment the officials relented and allowed the
meeting to be held without interference.
It is undeniable that the following quotation
from the story reflects a bitter bias against the
Communists: "After some minutes of uninterrupted
rallying, and after they had gotten some of their
enthusiasm out of their systems, the Communists
But the prejudiced choice of descriptive words is
no worse than the misplaced emphasis on the
babbling of a harmless drunk. Moreover, the "in-
ebriated gentleman" caused laughter, not among
the audience, but among a few high school boys
who were close enough to hear him.
Yellow newspapers, and that includes Associated
Press stories on Communism, have a policy of
misrepresenting radicalism. Although The Daily
does not pursue misrepresentation as a policy, it
has been the habit to belittle and disparage that
which a particular reporter dislikes, and especially
if the matter pertains to Communism. After all,
impartiality is an abstraction, and individual night
editors are thus dnable to refrain from expressing
their opinions by distorting news stories.
I am told that radicals would be treated more
fairly by The Daily, if they were to drop their ob-
noxious emotionalism. In this way do conservatives
and liberals excuse their prejudiced reporting. But
granted that dispassionate appeal is desirable, I
ask you to make impartiality more than a myth
by keeping closer check all around.

A male student at the University of Minne-
sota found his name a constant source of con-
fusion to the faculty and student body. His
name was Marion.
The limit was reached when he received a
nete from the dean of women inquiring about
his rooming situation, she of course, thinking
he was a female. He countered with this little
"Dear Deanie: I am rooming over in the
men's dorm, and the boys are just darling.
. ** * *
Here's what Ed Wynn has to say: "College bred
is composed of a wad of dough, plenty of crust,
and a bunch of crumbs gathered around for a
good loaf."
What's this about "loaf"? Did the fire chief ever
hear of mid-semesters, three term papers, and six
books assigned in the first three weeks of a term?
We doubt that his noble statement comes from
* * * *
"Dear Bud," writes P.P.K., "as much as I
dislike parodies on the, poem "Trees" allow me
to dedicate this to the co-eds on the Michigan
I think that I shall never see
A co-ed lovely as a tree,
A tree whose lovely limbs are brown and bare,
And has no dandruff in her hair
A tree whose head is never pressedI
Against someone else's manly chest;
A tree who never wants a meal,
And never tries to make you feel
As if you were a lowly heel
Co-eds are made little fools, you see,
But it makes little difference.
In the Harvard freshman handbook the news
comes that you must expect to find Wheaton Col-
lege girls of a hearty, robust type, and with
cheeks like Baldwin apples, for the catalog says,
"Wheaton is one of the most healthful of regions."
I understand from eastern sources that more can
be said than that.
In a chemistry lab at the University of
Missouri the professor was surprised when a
student told him that a certain reaction was a
log's tail. When asked what he meant he said:
"That's bound to occur."
* * * *
At the University of Maryland students were
recently surprised when all professors announced
that there would be no classes for three weeks.
It seems as though three students had come down
with chicken pox. All text books in three buildings
had to be burned in a huge fire.
A D.U. pledge at the University of Wisconsin
recently remarked:
"Many a hiccough is a memory from a
departed spirit."
A sophomore Daily staff member thinks
he's a poet. So her goes!
It's great to be in luff
But one girl is quite enuff
So give me a babe with plenty uff
* * * *
A freshman was called up before the dean
at the University of Pennsylvania because he
was accused of calling one of his professors "a
learned jackass."
The student very meekly said he did not call
him that, Out only mentioned that he was a
"burro of information."
More advice from the frosh! This time it comes
from the Bucknell University paper. "There is only
one way to get a professor out of the room. Tell
him he is overpaid and he'll go through the
swarm of normal minority banners, state ballots
will carry such sounding new party titles as "tax
reduction," "Independent citizens." "plenty-for-
everybody," "national union," "independent vet-
erans," "balanced Federal budget," "industrial re-
covery," "equal rights," "honest elections," "Lin-

coln fair deal. Surely there must be "constitutional
party" candidates up somewhere.
A glance at the origins of some of these strange
fish in the 1934 political bowl, however, discloses
them to be merely the momentary lame-duck re-
fuge of quite a number of old and politically well
understood friends who had no luck in the pri-
maries. Many old line Republican regulars as well
as a few primary-ousted Democrats are trying to
beat the game in the same way the La Follette boys
in Wisconsin are doing, via their -reconstituted
Progressive Party.
And nowhere is the situation more mixed than
in Pennsylvania. That is one of the things Emil
Hurja, "Big Jim" Farley's skilled operator of the
election forecast ouija board at Democratic na-
tional headquarters, counts on heavily in estimat-
ing -- and loudly claiming - the chances of sweep-
ing Pennsylvania in November.
PENNSYLVANIA politics, Republican politics at
least, have been in a muddled state ever since
Gifford Pinchot got a grip. There are two highly
regular G.O.P. senators from the state and both
hail from Pittsburgh. If Dave Reed wins this
year, it might gravely complicate re-election hopes
of "Puddler" Jim Davis when he comes up in two
years. The Philadelphia end of the state would like
a senator of its own choosing.
Out of the mess, now that Pinchot, licked for





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A Washington




SENATOR BORAH sees far, too far perhaps to
give him any present worry about his own
party label, the rise of a "constitutional party"
to bring the nation back from straying in such
"New Deal" paths as are not to his liking. But
would Borah join it if it did arise?
The Idaho lone wolf has been notably loyal to
his Republican label if not to Republican national
platform ideas in times past. He failed to follow
Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 Bull Moose bolt
although a leading spirit in the drive to wrest
the Republican nomination from President Taft in




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