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October 19, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-19

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OCTOBER 19, 1934


Kipke Attempts To Bolster Kicking For Georgia Tech


Refgistration In
Union Tourney
Registration for the all-campus
ping-pong tournament will start to-
day, James Cook, '36, chairman of the
Union house committee, announced
Tuesday, Oct. 23, will be the last
day that anyone may enter the
tournament since the finals must be
completed by Nov. 6.
Because it is an all-campus affair
there will be both a men's .and wom-
en's division. Men may register at
the Student Offices of the Union be-
tween the hours of 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Women are to register at the Under-
graduate Office in the League.
On Oct. 30, as a part of the festivi-
tips at the League Open House, the
semi-finals of both divisions will be
played. A week later, at the Union
Open House, the finals of the elimin-
ation contest will take place.

Read The Classifieds

Daily Sports Writer
Hurt At Grid Practice
Sreminds me of the time I caugt,j/
my hand in the meat grinder," said
Ken Parker, Daily sports writer, in
commenting on the hand injury he
received during football practice yes-
The accident occurred when Art
Settle, another Daily sports writer
threw Parker a pass. Parker, run-
ning full tilt toward the tennis courts,
fell down in attempting to catch the
ball and mutilated his hands in the
"I went immediately to the Field
House training room where Steve
Brousivich and Louie Parker fixed
me up with a nice white bandage
which went well with my black and
white shoes and the color of my face,"
he said.
"However," he added, "I expect to
be in the press box for the Georgia
Tech game, anyway."
Winners of the intramural golf
tournament have been announced.
Kitty Miller, '37, placed first with a
score of 106; Louise Nack, '36, sec-
ond, with 107; Cora Neilsen, '36, third,
with 112; Dorothy Shappell, '36,
fourth, with 113; Betty Talcot, '35,
fifth, with 114; and Jane Brucker,
'35, sixth, with 118. These winners
have been awarded free playing pass-
es for the rest of the season.
* * *
In the hockey competition, Jordan
Hall will meet Pi Beta Phi; Delta
Gamma, Kappa Gamma; Michigan
League, Alpha Phi; Kappa Delta,
Mosher Hall; and Kappa Alpha Theta
will meet the loser of the match be-!
tween Delta Gamma and Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma. The time for the games
has not been scheduled., Athletic
managers of the various houses are
to contact their opponents and de-
cide upon a convenient time. The
managers are to notify Miss Marie
Hartwig of their decision. The games
must be played next week.
* * *
Miss Hilda Burr is organizing a
new riding club for women students.
This club will work in conjunction
with Crop and Saddle and act as ap-
prentice to the advanced club. Girls
will be asked to prove their ability
before being admitted to member-
ship, but the requirements will not
be as strict as those for Crop and

Tomorrow 2 P.M.
Keep Warm

$16.50 and $22.50

Squad DrilledI
In Covering Of
Punt Receivers
Chicago's Capitalization
On Wolverine Weakness
Prompts Emphasis
Michigan was brushing up what
used to be one of her most potent
yard-gaining plays yesterday. Mich-
igan was practicing the punt with two
ends crowding the receivers down the
center of the field and attempting to
drop them in their tracks. Michigan
was also practicing catching punts on
the fly rather than letting them roll.
Last Saturday Chicago capitalized
upon the punt in Michigan's system
and instead of gaining yards Mich-
igan lost. This was not the kicker's
fault. The average yardage on Mich-
igan punts was 41. The fault was that
the receiverswere running the ball
back for an average of 10 yards, while
Michigan's average on running back
punts was practically negligible. .
Practice Covering Punts
Yesterday had John Regeczi, Cedric
Sweet, and Russ Oliver punting from
a dummy scrimmage while the ends
and tackles went down to get the ball
"Don't let them get around you,"
Kipke was shouting at his ends, Pat-
anelli and Mike Savage. "Make 'em
go up the middle of the field." As for
the punters, Sweet suddenly bloomed
into a capable kicker yesterday. He
looked even better than Regeczi.
Johnny was having a tough time con-
stantly slicing his boots, both to the
right and left. Although he did get
off several beautiful spirals, Sweet was
more consistent and kept the ball high
and inside the field.
Jennings Improved
Regeczi and Ferris Jennings looked
good catching punts, Jennings espe-
cially. The 140-pound quarterback was
nabbing the ball on the run and leg-
ging it down the sidelines in fine
style. It now appears that the punt
receiving will be definitely improved
against Georgia Tech. Added experi-
ence should relieve the tension which
handicapped Jennings in Chicago.
Kipke continued to substantiate the
theory that Michigan will open up
with a passing attack against the Yel-
lowjackets. Vincent Aug, Russ Oliver,
and Regeczi were aiming the ball at
Patanelli and Savage with fair suc-
Regeczi seemed the most improved
passer of the trio. The customary
wabble in his tosses was missing and
he was hitting the mark as often as
Aug. Oliver didn't get much of a work-
out in this department.
Bierman Girds
Gophers For
Pitt Contest
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 18. - (,P) -A
band blared and a throng cheered as
Minnesota's football team, each mem-
ber with a rabbit's foot in his pocket,
embarked for the lair of Pittsburgh's
Thirty-six players made up the
Gopher contingent that Coach Bernie
Bierman took east after a few hours
of practice, the last on the home field
before meeting Jock Sutherland's
charges in the standout tilt of the
week two days hence.
Speed and smoothness were de-
manded by Bierman and his aides in
the final drill and few members of
the squad escaped caustic criticism
from the Gopher's head man as he
insisted on virtual perfection in every

Most of the time was spent in kick-
ing, covering and receiving kicks, and
passing offense and defense. Minne-
sota's running game apparently was
satisfactory to the coaching staff as
little attention was given that phase
of work this morning.
Made by

According to Jack Dunn, Varsity'
quarterback of 1920 and for the past
11 years prominent mid-western foot-
ball official, anyone doping the Big
Ten football title practically won by
Minnesota, Illinois or any other team,
or anyone counting Michigan already.
out of the race, most definitely has;
another guess coming.
Dunn, in an interview yesterday,
said that although he rates the Min-
nesota powerhouse as probably the!
strongest club in the conference
Bierman's team will find the road to
an undisputed championship a rough
and rocky one. Illinois, Purdue and
Iowa loom as strong contenders and
also Ohio State despite the fact that
the latter has already lost to Illinois.
Tough Schedule
Minnesota must play Pittsburgh,
Iowa. Michiatan Indiana. Chicago

games with Illinois, Minnesota and
Ohio State mean more than the battle
with the Spartans, Dunn says.
Dunn has worked in three college
games this fall, Detroit-Central State
Teachers, Purdue-Rice and Wiscon-
sin-South Dakota State. Besides these
he has six more scheduled, Western
State Teachers-Iowa State Teachers,
DePaul-Western State, Ypsilanti
Normal - St. Viators, Duquesne - De-
troit, Ferris-Ypsilanti Normal and the
Wisconsin-Illinois game.
Game Opens Up
Speaking of the development in
football recently, Dunn says that the
game has opened up considerably
from the way it was played a. few
years ago. When the national foot-
ball rules committee met last winter
and changed the forward pass laws it
increased offensive power several
hundred per cent, said Dunn.

-Associated Press Photo
Jay Berwanger and Ned Bartlett, flashy Chicago backs, gained
through and around Michigan's ponderous line almost at will last
Saturday. This photo shows Berwanger cutting around the Wolverines'
left end for an appreciable gain. Georgia Tech, with Ray Roberts and
other s"eedy backs, will bring a fast and deceptive attack to Ann Arbor
tomorrow that may bring a repetition of Chicago's ground gaining feats.
Grid Official See s Wide Open
Race For Co nference Crown

Will Georgia Tech's Backs Do This Tomorrow?


1 YWU, *VA.At./AJ.al , 1 1 .S& ia, 1.+ u. , , --
and Wisconsin on successive Satur- The old policy of stressing defense,
days. Illinois takes on Michigan, believing that the team scored on the
Army, Northwestern, Wisconsin and least has the best chance of winning,
Chicago after an open date this week. is changing, said this official, to one
Chicago must be considered following where coaches are stressing the of-
its win over Michigan but games fense and adhere to the principle that
with Ohio State, Minnesota and Illi- the team scoring the most points will
nois in mid-season are apt to elimin- be the winner.
ate Shaughnessy's team, according to Teams can now throw as many
Dunn. passes as they desire in one set of
Purdue has lost its first two games downs without receiving a penalty for
to Rice and Notre Dame. Dunn of- those that drop incomplete and are
ficiated the Rice game at which time also allowed one pass into the end
Duane, Purvis, outstanding Boiler- zone without losing the ball unless
maker back, was out of the game with it comes on fourth down. Bob Zup-
injuries. Dunn believes that with pke, Illinois mentor has taken ad-
Purvis and Carter both-in the back- vantage of the changes to develop
field Purdue will go through the re- one of the trickiest plays of the year.
mainder of their schedule, which in


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With this Fashion Picture!
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Nothing better than tweeds - English
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Cashmere mufflers are easy on the eye
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howl in vain.

the opinion of the experts is one of
the easiest in years, in great form.
Michigan is rated by Dunn as a
good ball club that is starting slowly.
Renner's absence not only weakens
the passing game but hampers the
running game as well stated Dunn.
With Bill in the game for the Wolv-
erines the passing threat will enable
the runners to go better and the team
should come along.
This team cannot be counted out
yet and meeting the Gophers after
they have had two hard games will
help Michigan's chances of knocking
off the favorite. Iowa is also regard-
ed highly by Dunn.
Race Wide Open
In short, he considers the race wide
open with Minnesota, Purdue, Illinois
and possibly Iowa rating as the lead-
ers. Ohio State is a threat as are
Chicago and Michigan. Wisconsin is
the dark horse of the Big Ten.
Offering opinions on Michigan
State and the University of Detroit,
Dunn says that he considers both of
them exceptionally strong this year.
Lutts and Nott stand out for Detroit
and their line looks promising. State
has a wonderful ball club with good
balance. When State handed Mich-
igan its first defeat of the year it was
an inspired team that met the Wolv-
erines. Bachman had his men point-
ed for the game as his later engage-
ments were easier than the one here.
State will again be primed when they
meet Detroit in November.
On the other hand Kipke couldn't
point for State as the conference

T' VV.LVt/ lp t .Jtt/O .5. *AS


Three laterals and a forward are
in this play with Jack Beynon throw-
ing the forward. Dunn believed that
when Illinois clashes with Michigan
in two weeks fans will see a great
aerial game with Beynon and Renner
filling the air with forwards. The
open game that is being played this
year has not only added to the thrills
of the spectator but has also sent
scores up as well.
Asked to name the best team he
has ever seen play, Dunn stated that
he could not limit his choice to one
team but that the Michigan teams of
1922 and 1925 were in his mind, the
two greatest he had ever seen. Dunn
played in 1920 on one that went
through the season with only two de-
feats, losing to Illinois 7-6 and Ohio
State 14-7. The 1922 team possessed
All-Americans Kipke, Blott and
Slaughter, while the 1925 club had
the two Benny's, Friedman and Oost-
erbaan as its main threats.


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