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October 17, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-17

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Leatie Grill
Fridy Night
Al Cowan's Orchestra To
Play At New Series Of
Week-End Dances
The League Grill, renovated and
redecorated, will celebrate the initial
one of a new series of dances wih
a gala opening Friday night. Al Cow-
an's orchestra will play.
Under the new policy a cover charge
of $1.00 per couple will be made, the
ticket entitling the holder to 50 cents
in food. Friday nights the dancing
will last frm 9 p.m. till 1, and on Sat-
urday nights from 9 till 12. The num-
ber of tickets sold is limited to pre-
vent over-crowding. Reservations
will be accepted in advance, accord-
ing to Miss Ethel McCormick, social
director of the League.
The decoration plans include a
complete remodeling of the room, ef-
fecting a double dance-floor. The
orchestra, which will play in the mid-
dle room, will divide the area into
two parts, each floor space encircled
with a ring of tables. Special light-
ing effcts, with candles on the tables,
will carry out the Bohemian atmos-
phere suggested in the wall-screens.
To accommodate after - theatre
crowds, the Russian Tea Room will be,
opened for fountain service.
DUtdoor Club
Plans Sunday
The University Outdoor Club will
hold a supper party next Sunday
Oct. 21, as the first of its years' ac-
tivities, cabinet members of the or-
ganization decided at their initial
meeting yesterday.
Members and guests will meet at
the Women's Field House at 2:30 p.m.
and leave for the Island, where base-
ball and hiking will precede the sup-
per. Those wishing to go must make
reservations with Robert Bentz, 810
Oxford road.
A large party to be held at Sylvan
Estates has been planned for the near
future, at which time officers of the
club will be elected. Members of the
Outdoor Club emphasize that the club
is a-university organization open to
all students and faculty, and hope
that new students will feel welcome
to attend Outdoor Club parties.
Cabinet members, in addition to
Bentz, are James Loughman, '35,
Richard Gerkensmyer, '35, Elizabeth
Moore, '36, Wallace Iliffe, 35, and
Pauline Woodward, '35.
Curtis Lectures On


Turban And Gown

Special Privileges Are Offered
In Series Of Conducted T ours

Memibership Of League To Assist
Stanley Chorus om'en riisjers
Is Announced noi


raising, and hybridizing tropical fish.

Special privileges are being offered! The woman in charge of the depart- ________jThis year more than 300 upper- at 7:30 p.m. tomor
the foreign students in the series of ment took the students into the range TmsLeague. Roland Ful
tours being conducted for them this to see the fish preserved in alcohol ley, '36, and Miss
year to acquaint them with the var- solution. These were sorted into lots, the Stanley Chorus has been an- Michigan from other colleges. For the will instruct the cla:
ious buildings to which they may re- put into jars or urns, numbered, label- nounced.The first regular meeting first time a definite effort is being A charge of $3.0(
sort for sources of information for ed, and card catalogued for the pur- omade by the League, through the series of eight wee
their work. Much of the inside make- pose of research. 7:15 p.m. in the library of the League. ( channels of the Orientation project, riety of steps will be
up of various divisions of the Univer- The range for the study of herpe- The girls who have been selected to assist these women in adapting to Miss McCormi(
sity is being explained and shown to tology contains specimens of hun- are: Rosemary Purcell, Hazel Han- themselves to new surroundings and waltz, fox trot and
them by able conductors. dreds of different types of preserved Ion, Eva Spencer, Geil Duffendack, to interest them in the activities of-__
snakes. Many interesting peculiari-Rita Mary Wellman, Eileen Lay, Mary fered on campus.
Several of the store-rooms visited nties . inpoisonous andsngpecunous Morrison, Gertrude Jean, Jeane Mc- A regular groupas been formed,homore
during the tour of the Museum Mon- Lean, Mary Thompso n, Carol Rork-
day are never open to visitors or stu- ones were pointed out to the stu- well. Anne Farquhar. Carol Feltes as part of the general Orientation Petitions
dents. Mr. M. P. Williams, superin- dents, though there is no way of dis- Maretta Louise Martirek, Roberta scheme, which is composed of those All petitions for
tendent of the Museum, took charge tinguishing one from the other unless . upperclass transfers who joined the Sophomore Cab
of the visit introducing the students one has an exceptional knowledge of Beth C. Moore, Eleanor Johnson, and project voluntarily. Jean Seeley, 36, handed in by 5 p
bet ChMorepElanroJhnonan is in charge of the group, assisted by Unegaut
to heads of different departments herpetology. Louise Johns iUndergraduate
who explained many interesting. de- After a visit to the bird range the Also included in the list are: Doro- Jeane Gibbs, 37. The group attends League.
tails of the subjects under observa- group was invited to feel free to come thy Geldart, Betty Jane Flanburg meethg ere prols aohy
tion. again to study any of the specimens Helen M. Compton, Jean Greenwald,' m ay be drscuems A ein- to
The tour started in the preparation fyrther if they were sincerely inter- Louise Krause, Kay Hildebrand, Mary terested in this group, oranyupper-
room where specimens are worked out ested. L. Reed, Dorothy Deckler, Catherine class transfer desiring help is asked
from the rough, mounted and put up Peck, Jane Ellen Rogers, Marion B. to apply to Miss Seeley. rubley
on exhibition. There were several Dickson, Kay Kiwan, Marjorie Morri- Groups of upperclass transfers are
specimens on hand to show the many lCoSmn o ltal son, Frances Byrne, Helen E. Schmidt, also being organized in each dormi- __
stages in the preparation of animals Alma Wadsworth, Peg Sharpe, Bar- tory, under the direction of Miss
for exhibition. C M bara Agnes Robinson, Grace Gray, Seeley, and it is hoped that all trans- oC
Shells Stored C u 1) 1 0 M ee Dorothy Wikel, Gertrude Sawyer, fers will be contacted in this way.
The mollusk storeroom, or range, .1Helen Shapland, Ruth Ann Jenni- 'The dormitory groups will have
as suchroomsare called, contains Saturday N ghtga n, Edith Zerke, Virginia Blight, chairmen of their own, and will meet s
shells from all over the world. When /wignaSit ar lzbt ig for discussions separately.,
animals are extracted from the shell Eleanor Blodgett and Marjorie Oost-
and put in alcohol, the shell is clean- The Cosmopolitan Club will hold its dyk. silk
ed, numbered, classified, and put in second meeting of the year at 8 p.m. TG
boxes with others of that type. In- Saturday in the auditorium of Laney E
frainaotteselisct-Hall. The temporary committee Dealecot-Enertans(
logued in a special library connected L Mortarboard At Dinner .
with this range for research purposes. ed at the first meeting for the re- Theatres: Wuerth, "Smarty" with
organization of the constitution of the Dean Alice Lloyd entertained the Joan Blondell and "She Was a Lady"
The variations in color of specimens Club will make its report, members of Mortarboard, senior wom- with Helen Twelvetrees; Majestic,
within one group are astounding. Sev- Mr. Charles E. Koella of the French en's honorary society, at dinner at "Belle of the Nineties" with Mae
eral tree shells from the Everglade department, whotspent the summer in her home last night. The dinner also West; Michigan, "Judge Priest" with
regions of Florida were displayed Europe, will speak on the subject "The honored the faculty advisors of the Will Rogers; Whitney, "Girl in Dan- down,
while the conductor gave an explana- European Crisis." In addition, some group who are Miss Lois Campbell, ger" with Ralph Bellamy and "Fugi-
tion of how the animal lived in the Chinese and Bulgarian students will Mrs. John Tracy, and Dean Lloyd. A tive Road" with Eric Von Stroheim. Valu
shell, and told interesting facts about present a program of musical num- short business meeting was held dur- Dancing: Den Cellar, Hut Cellar. noV
their habitat. It was interesting to bers..Refreshments will also be served. ing the evening.
learn that at one time marine shells According to Mr. Koella, sponsor of
were a medium of exchange in the Cosmopolitan Club, the first meet- O
America. ing of the Club, which was held two Orentation Advisers .ALPHA CHIbOMEGAr(i
Workers in the experimental aqua- weeks ago, was very successful. A Will Meet At eague Alpha Chi Omega yesterday cele- 8ni
ium are chiefly interested in feeding, large number of new students have Student advisers on the Orien- found g erolden annversary of its
joined the Club.
All foreign and American students tation project will meet for lunch- troit spoke at a combined meeting
4y- who are interested in the Cosmopol- eon and a round-table discussion of the pledges and the actives on the wedned
- t12 'noon tomorrow in the Rus- founding Of the sorority.
Meet Today At League itan Club are cordially invited to at- sian Tea Room of the League.o ty
Th ulct omte ftetend this meeting. The pledging of Betty Coopere
The Publicity Committee of the tn hsmeig Gross Pointe, is announced.
League will meet at 4:15 p.m. today Grs-NnW is announced.
in the Undergraduate Office of the Activities Records Mus( -
League, according to Margaret
Phalan, '35, chairman of the com- He Checked By Friday
mittee. It is important that all It is of great importance thatUH R V E
members of the committee who all women, who have participated
did not attend the last meeting be in activities on campus within the
there, as organization of individual p years cek their rc
duties has already started. ords with Georgina Karlson in the A.
________FOOTBALL rmnxu
Undergraduate Office- of the
GAMMA PHI BETA League between the hours of 1 p.m.
Gamma Phi Beta announces the and 3 p.m. today. The records will INT VCrTD
pledging of Agatha Hardy, '38, Mid- eclsdoN iaya p.m. ; .,'

-Associated Press Photo
Simplicity is the keynote of this
black velvet dinner gown featuring
a matching black velvet hat. The
rhinestone decoration is repeated in
straps, belt clip, and tiny turban pin.
Der Deutscher Zirkel will hold a
7egular meeting tonight at 8 p.m. at
the League. All members are urged to
ttend to hear Professor Walter
Reichart, who will be the speaker of
the evening. Prof. Reichart will talk
in his experiences during his summer
of travel in Germany.-
Freshman Women To
Hear Brumm Today
Freshman women will meet at
5 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
'ssohn Theatre for the fourth lec-
ture in the Orientation series. Prof.
John L. Brumm of the journalism
department will talk on "Person-

land, Mich.




Studying Technique
The technique of studying was dis-
cussed by Prof. Francis Curtis of the
education department last night at
the second meeting of the How-To-
Study Group; held at the League as
a feature of the orientation program
for freshmen women. About 100 stu-
dents attended the lecture.
Professor Curtis stressed the im-
portance of summarizing and of find-
ing the key sentence of a paragraph.
In order to keep the gist of the mate-
rial in the student's mind, he sug-
gested underlining fundamental ideas
of the assignment. After illustrating
an effective means of summarizing, he
gave the students practice paragraphs
to be summarized and outlined.
The technique of learning will be
discussed by Professor Curtis next
Tuesday night before the group.
Dr. David C. Chandler has accepted
a position in the zoology department
of the University of Arkansas at Fay-
etteville, Ark. Dr. Chandler came
here from Greenville college, Green-
ville, Ill., several years ago and served
as an assistant in the zoology de-
partment up to last June when he re-
ceived his doctor's degree.


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