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October 16, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-16

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Publication in. the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Schoolboy Rowe And Bride Cut Wedding Cake


_. _ - _..._ -__ F


VOL. XLV No. 19
University Broadcasting: "Ore De-
posits and Why They Are Here" a talk
upon the Michigan, My Michigan Se-
ries, by Armand J. Eardley, assistant
professor of geology at 2 p.m. over
Candidates for the Rhodes Scholar-
ships should procure an application
blank from the Secretary of the His-
tory Department, Room 119, Haven
Hall, and see the Chairman of the
Committee, Professor A. L. Cross,
Room 118 Haven Hall, at his office
hours, before the first of November.
Ang:I Hall Observatory: The pub-
lic is invited to view the moon
through the telescope on the fifth
floor of Angell Hall on Tuesday eve-
ning, Oct. 16, beginning at 8 p.m. If
the weather is cloudy, a lantern slide
talk will be given instead. Children
must be accompanied by adults.
Phillips Classical Scholarships:
Three scholarships of $50 each are
available this year for Freshmen stu-
dents in Latin or Greek. The recip-,
ients of these scholarships will be re-
quired to elect four hours of Latin
each semester of their freshman year
and four hours of Greek each semes-
ter of their freshman or sophomore
year. The awards will be made on
the basis of an examination covering
for units of high school Latin, or
four units of high school Latin and
two units of Greek, as each candidate
may prefer. Prospective candidates
are requested to submit their. names
before Oct. 20 to Professor Blake,
2024 A.H., or to Professor Dunlap,
2028 A.H. The examination will be
held in 2016 A.H. on Saturday, Oct.
27, at 10 o'clock..
T'eacher's Certificate Candidates:
All candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate to be granted by the Re-
gents on recommendation of the
Faculty of the School of Education
at any time before Sept. 1, 1935, are
required to fill out application blanks
available in the office of the Record-
er of the School of Education, 1437
University Eelementary School. These
blanks should be secured and filled
out immediately. The attention of
students in the Literary College is
called to the fact that this applica-
tion is in addition to the application
made to the Committee on the Teach-
er's Certificate of'that college.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information has re-
ceived inforiation about the follow-
ing U. S. Cvil Service Examinations:
Asst. Magnetic & Seismological Ob-
server, $2600, Junior Attorney to
Principal Attorney, $2000 to $5600,
Marketing Specialists (meat grading)
$2600 to $3200, Land Bank Examiners,
$2600 and $2900.
Kindly call at the Bureau, 201
Mason Hall, for detailed information.

Hall, 7:30 p.m. An open discussion on
the Georgia Tech game situation
will be held. All members are expect-
ed to attend, and all others interested
in public speaking are invited to
come. There will be tryout speeches
for membership in the society after
the open discussion. Each applicant
is asked to have a three minute speech
Tau Beta Pi regular meeting at the
Union, 6 p.m.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Meeting at
'Michigan Union 8:15 tonight. Plans
for the year will be discussed.
'Ensian Tryouts: There will be work
at the Students Publication Building
this afternoon after 2 p.m.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this Or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel of the Women's League Build-
ing. Students, alumni, and faculty
members of the University are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Vanguard Club: Kendall Wood will
speak on "Is Italian Fascism a Suc-
cess?" at the regular weekly meeting
to be held in the Michigan Union at
8 p.m. All persons who are interested
are invited to attend.
Kappa Phi, Methodist Girls' Club
invites all Methodist women students
or those of Methodist preference to
dinner today at 6 p.m. Phone Stalker
Hall 6881 not later than 3 p.m. for
Wesley Players will meet at Stalk-
er Hall at 8:00 p.m. All old members
are urged to be present and any new
Methodist students and their friends
interested in dramatics are also invit-
ed. Tryouts will be held for the year's
first production, Lindsey Barbee's
"Tea Toper Tavern."'
Sea Scouts, Eagle Scouts: All Sea
Scouts and Eagle Scouts are invited
to attend a meeting in room 304,
Michigan Union, at 8:00 p.m.
Interclass Hockey - Women Stu-
dents: There will be inter-class hock-
ey practice on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at
4:15 p.m. on Palmer Field. To be
eligible for a team a player must have
attended three practices and have had
either a complete medical exam, or
a heart and lung recheck.
Coming Events,
Research Club will meet in room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 17, at 8 p.m. Election
of officers. Professor Nathan B. Ed-
dy will present a paper on "Experi-
mental Studies in the Drug Addiction
Landscape Club meeting, Wednes-
day, Oct. ,17, 7:30 p.m., 403 South
Wing. A short business meeting will
be followed by a discussion on the
subject of "Summer Camps and Their
Relation to Landscape Design."

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
cash in advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words toj
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
fo. one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10%E discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month .... .. .. . ..... .. . ...,.......8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........3c
2 lines daily, college year ........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired ........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Tonic type, upper and lower case. Add
Oc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point


LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
LOST: Black aid white plaid rain-
coat in Waterman Gym. Reward.
Call Don Bronson, 6187.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 7x
STADIUM Riding Academy. Horses
available at all times. Phone 2-2266
for appointment. Opposite north
side of Stadium.
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will trade and extejid
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox
VOCAL STUDIO: Grace Johnson
Konold, former instructor in Uni-
versity School of Music, announces
the opening of her vocal 'studio for
beginners and advanced students.
1908 Austin Ave. Phone 4855. 8x
Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6328. lx
by our own factory facilities.Burr,
*Patterson & Auld Co. Manufactur-
e ing Fraternity Jewelers and Sta-
tioners, 603 Church St.

-Associated Press Photo
Baseball's best known romance of the season reached its storybook ending when Lynwood "Schoolboy"
Rowe, ace pitcher of the Detroit Tigers, and Edna Mary Skinner of El Dorado, Ark., his childhaod sweet-
heart, were married in Detroit. With the newlyweds are Ervin "Pete" Fox (left), Tiger outfielder, and
Mrs. Fox (right), their attendants.
Curtis Advoeates Week-End Camp


STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
611 E. Hoover. 2x
water. Will call for and deliver
Telephone 4863. 3x

Henry S. Curtis, head of the recrea-
tion survey of Washtenaw county
under the department of landscape
design of the University, recently ad-
vocated a University-owned week-end,
camp or residence for students.
Such a plan, Mr. Curtis stated, is
based on the need for more intimate
social relationships than are now
made possible by campus activities,
and the importance of close friend-
ships formed by the student during his
college life.
Friendships, Mr. Curtis points out,
are the most cherished and long-re-
tained memories of university life;
and anything that the University can
do to intensify the friendships of col-
lege life will make the University more1
worthwhile to the student and the
student more worthwhile to the Uni-
To have some sort of a house or
camp-site out in the open and en-
tirely detached from the campus
would be an ideal situation wherein
students could group together on
week-ends, enjoy the close relation-
ships thus engendered, and cement
life-long friendships, Mr. Curtis

stated. Ann Arbor. Some of the most prom-
While the development of friend- ising ones are the following: A site on
ships and training in social living the high bank of the Huron about at
are to be regarded as the chief ad- half mile below. Delhi where level
vantages of a week-end house, Mr. ground, an oak grove, a number of
Curtis stated, there are many other cleared open places, and a deep stretch
advantages and uses for such a week- of river offers many opporturiities
end residence. Opportunities for the 1 for a week-end camp.
first-hand study of nature, classes in An abandoned Jewish camp with
botany and zoology and ornithology, three large buildings on Lake Leh-
dramatic rehearsals, language classes, man; the Sylvan States Golf Course
and alumni and fraternal reunions and Club House, above Crooked Lake;
-all could be enjoyed with a mini- the resort of the Outdoor Outing
mum of expense and preparation if Club of the University; the Univer-
such a week-end residence were estab- sity Fresh Air Camp; Camp Unzer, a
lished by the University. Jewish camp on Long Lake with
Although week-end outings and houses open for week-end reserva-
camping trips have been discouraged tions for Jewish students; the Daven-
in the past on the grounds that they port House in Saline and the Dexter
keep the students from attending Mansion in Dexter, both offering fineI
church, such objections, Mr. Curtis opportunities for reunions and large
believes, are not held as strenuously gatherings.
at the present time. The fact that in Such campsites and residences
all probability not more than ten per would prove one of the most popular
cent of the student body attends diversions for students, "Mr. Curtis
church anyway is reason to affirm believes. Similar conditions have been
that students would not be influenced used for many years by other colleges,
away from the church on Sundays he including Dartmouth, Oberlin, and the
said. University of Colorado, and in eachl
Mr. Curtis points out many week- case their popularity has been proven
end possibilities in the vicinity of over a long period of time, he said.


pound. Shirts, beautiful hand fin- HUDSON SEAL coat, fitch trimming.
ish, 10c extra. Home Hand Laun- # 4 years old, $60; black velvet in-
dry. 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard. formal dress, $7; purple velvet in-
Phone 8894. 5x formal, $6. All size 14. Call 5326.
Tweny YarsAgoWinners Of Landin
From the Daily files of Contest Announced
October 16, 1914
The winners of the spot landing con-
A combined band concert and a I tests held Sunday afternoon at the
deluxe vaudeville show will be staged Ann Arbor airport were announced
next week in order to raise sufficient yesterday by authorities in charge
funds to send Michigan's Varsity band of the contest.
to Harvard for the coming game.
14 4 First" place in the Great Lakes
* ~ * Plane group was won by Glen Brinick,
Directors of the Michigan Union '36, who landed 21 feet from the
at a meeting yesterday provided for mark. First position in the Aeronca
a committee to consider the proposal plane class was awarded to Thomas
of a "College Hour," or a monthly Baldwin, '36E, who missed by the
meeting of the entire student body in mark by only two feet, and Fred Hunt,
Hill Auditorium. '36, won second place in the same
' * * class by landing but four feet from
Secretary Shirley Smith of the Uni-, the specified spot. These were the
versity has been confined to his home, only classes in which University stu-
for the past week with an attack of dents entered.
the grippe. "About 12 students entered the
meet," Mr. Downs, official at the air-
Close to 3000 Michigan students port said, "which shows a growing
have already purchased their rail- interest of the students in this par-
road tickets for the coming football ticular contest."
game with M.A.C. at Lansing. Next Sunday a bomb-dropping and
* r spot landing contest will be held and
Work on the new residence halls for prizes will be awarded.
women is rapidly progessing. The
last nail will be driven in the New- READ THE
berry Hall by next semester.
The Regents' ruling that no smok-

The Human Adventure will be
shown at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Oct. 18 and 19. Showings at 4:15,
7:30, and 9. All seats 25 cents, on
sale now at tle Box Office, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.


Academic Notices
Economics 51 and 52: Make up
final examination will be given on
Thursday, Oct. 18, at three o'clock in
room 207, Economics Building. Stu-
dents planning to take this examina-
tion should see either Mr. Devol or
Mr. Palmer not later than Tuesday.I
Make-up in Heredity (Zoology 32):
A supplementary examination for
those who were absent from the final
last June will be held in Room 2103
N.S. Saturday, Oct 20, at 9 a.m.
Group 64: All members not at that
time in class are invited to meet their
faculty adviser in Room 204 Mason
Hall for a short, pleasant business
meeting from 4:40 to 4:55 p.m., Wed-
University Lecture: Mr. William
Trufant Foster, president of the Pol-
lock Foundation for Economic Re-
search and a member of Consumers'
Advisory Board of the NRA will speak
on "Consumers' Problems," Natural
Science Auditorium, Wednesday, Oct.
17, 4:15 p.m.
Events Today
PhysicskColloquium: Professor G. E.
Uhlenbeck will speak on "The Fermi
Theory of Beta Ray Disintegration"
at 4:15 p.m.; in Room 1941, East
Physics Bldg. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Adelphi House of Representatives,
men's forensic society, will meet in
its room on the fourth floor, Angell

Junior Mathematical Society meet-
ing in room 3212 Angell Hall, 8 o'clock,
Thurdsay evening, Oct. 18.
Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma
Rho Tau: The first regular meeting
will take place Wednesday at 7:30
p.m., Union. It is very important that
all members, new and old, attend this
meeting. Attention is called to the
Tuesday evening circle to be held at
7:45 p.m. in the Reference Room for
those members unable to stay for the
regular Wednesday evening groups.
Alpha Nu 'tryout speeches will be
heard Wednesday evening at 7:30 in
the Alpha Nu room, fourth floor of
Angell Hall. All those interested in
becoming affiliated with the organi-
zation are asked to have a three to
five minute speech prepared. All
freshmen or other students interested
in speech activities are invited to at-
Pi Tau Pi Sigma meeting Wednes-
day at 7:30, Michigan Union. Room
posted. Uniforms required. Officers
of the R.O.T.C. unit will be present.
All members are urged to attend.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
(Men and Women) on Wednesday,
Oct. 17, at twelve o'clock in the Rus-
sian Tea Room of the Michigan
League. Cafeteria service. Bring
tray across hall. Professor James K.
Pollock of the Political Science De-
partment will speak informally on
the Saar Plebiscite.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men have been chosen as members of
the Varsity Glee Club and will report
for practice Thursday, Oct. 18, at 7:30
p.m. sharp in theGlee Club rooms in
the Michigan Union:
R. D. Ramirez, P. D. Robinson, A.
F. Klute, W. Burroughs, B. J. Mc-
Carthy, S. Alimo, B. Samuels, I. Bur-

stein, W. A. Sawyer, F. L. Ford, R. J.
Stagnitto, S. J. Pleskow, S. H. Dem-1
binsky, L. Quinn, J. Bauchat, B. Mc-
Donald, R. Beal, R. Matthews, M.
Collins, L. Luskin, W. H. Bradley, R.
A. Bunce, J. Briner, W. Mayo, S.
Cram, H. Straw, W. Hasty, W. Jones,
M. Bills, J. Strayer, R. Kimball, S.
Nichols, F. Shaffmaster, R. Daver-
man, W. Wagenseil, C. D. Fairbanks,
R. Harris, J. G. Kitchen, W. Mont-I
gomery, L. Sperberg, H. Austin, M.
Isaacs, R. Balmer.
Varsity Glee Club: The followingi
men have been chosen for the "wait-
ing list" club of the Varsity Glee Club
and will report Wednesday, Oct. 17,
at 7:30 p.m. sharp in theaGlee Club
rooms for their first rehearsal.
W. H. Fredericks, S. Kubacki, T. S.
McCulloch, J. M. Richardson, B. Kel-

Additions Are SpLs ose Pants
MPTo Frosh On Busy
PrCleveland Corner
Club Prograiti (By intercollegiate Press)I
CLEVELAND, 0. Oct. 15. -Carl
Voe ker, Henry, EiotBonfils, Adelbert College sophomore,
I e e, H ny lit lost his pants the other night at East
Smith To Address Editors 105th Street and Euclid Avenue, sec=
At Meeting Here ond busiest corner in this city.
He was waiting for a street car
when 30 young men appeared. He
Additions to the program of the little thought they were Adelbert;
University Press Club of Michigan freshmen, for they wore the best of
were announced yesterday by Prof. clothes.
John L. Brumm, permanent secretary They waded into the sophomore.I
There came the sound of tearing cloth.
of the organization, and head of the They retired, and there, blushing to
journalism department.-I the roots of his hair, stood Carl Bon-
The sixteenth annual convention of fils. The fiends had removed his

ing will be permitted on the campus
will be more strictly enforced this
year than ever before.
Dana, Ramsdell To
See TVA Activities

Terrace Garden
Dancing Studioa
Instructions i n al l
forms, Classical, social,
dancing. Ph. 9695
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.





logg, H. M. Offenbach, T. G. Markow, the Press Club will meet here Nov.
A. M. Martin, J. C. Sherman, W. R. 8, 9, and 10, under the auspices of the
Bagby, M. E. Peck, D. H. Swan, J-,'journalism department. The addition
L. Marley, F. Nachimson, G. B. Wells, to the program consists of a detailed
G. Hill, F. Hunt, R. F. Wikle, K. H. announcement of the symposium on
Lustison, A. M. Walker, R. H. Tread- public education to be held Saturday
way, F. R. Walter, S. Kasle, R. B. morning.
Rutherford, I. T. Bailey, T. J. Anke- A 15-minute speech by Paul F. Voel-
tell, L. E. Berry, D. C. Magaw, R. ker, superintendent of public instruc-
Boynton, N. Katzman. tion in Michigan, on "Problems in
Education" will open the meeting.
Freshman Glee Club: Regular re- Supt. Voelker will be followed by the
hearsal Wednesday at 5 p.m., in the assistant superintendent, D. D. Henry,
Glee Club rooms. Election of presi- who will speaks on "Needs in Edu-
dent and secretary at that time. cation." The last speaker will be
Everyone present. Eugene Elliot, director of research for
the department of education. His topic
National Student League will meet will be "The Proposed Financial Pro-
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Room 302 gram." A general discussion of edu-
at 730 pm. Wdnesaycation in Michigan will follow, and
Michigan Union. All interested are the meeting will close with the an-
invited to attend. nual business meeting of the Press
A.S.M.E. will meet at the Union The addition of Harold D. Smith
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 7X30 p.m. Pro- to the program of speakers was also
fessor Keeler will speak. announced by Professor Brumm. Mr.
Smith is the director of the Michigan
HAWAIIAN CODE APPROVED Municipal League, and has spent the
summer making a survey of municipal
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. - (0) - governments in Europe. He will speak
The NRA administrative board today on .the Thursday afternoon sympo-
approved a retail trade code for sium on "Municipal Government
Hawaii to become operative Oct. 29. Abroad."

Bonfils pulled his sweatertdown as 4
far as he could. It was quite elastic.I
He sighted the Eleventh Precinct po-
lice station about 150 yards away.
He made it in 8.7 seconds according to
one witness, which is remarkable
when you consider that he had to
hold the sweater down with both
"You lost your pants, eh?" said the
alert police.
"I did," replied Bonfils, grimly.1
Police trousers wouldn't fit the 118-'
pound sophomore. Eventually a group
of his classmates arrived in a car.
Bonfils walked out with them, head
up, sweater down.

Dean Samuel Trask Dana and Prof.
W. F. Ramsdell of the department of
forestry and conservation will leave
tomorrow for Knoxville, Tenn., to at-
tend the annual meeting of the Am-
erican Forestry Association.
This year's meeting will be held
Oct. 17-20 in co-operation with the
Tennessee Valley Authority, the larg-
est conservation experiment in the
country. It will largely be a field
meeting at which the various activi-
ties of the T.V.A., land usage and
land usage planning, and specifically
reforestation, erosion control, agri-
culture adjustment, and power de-
velopments will be inspected.

We Serve..
Plate Lunch .25c
Regular Dinner 30c
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Gene Stratton
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A Laugh Riot !

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I 1



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