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October 13, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-13

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Potrait Of Kidnaped Louisville Woman

School of Education, Changes of Congregational Church: Unified
Elections: No courses may be elect- service of Worship and Christian Edu-
ed for credit after Saturday, Oct. 13. cation Sunday morning from 10:30
Students enrolled in this School must to 12:00. Mr. Heaps will give the
report all changes of elections at the second sermon in the series on "The
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer- ;Old Testament in the New Times."
sity Hall. This includes any change professor Slosson will give the second
of sections or instructors, lecture of the course on "The Evolu-
Membership in a class does not ticn of Religion," the subject being,'
cease nor begin until all changes have ,Gods Before Jehovah." 6:00, Stu-
been thus officially registered. Ar- centsr
rangement made with the instructors,
only are not official changes. musical program given by the Fel-
lowship Orchestra. Thor Johnson,
Lecture Course Tickets: The over- -_leader
the-ccunter sale of season tickets for Wesleyan Guild worship service for
the University of Michigan Oratorical all Methdist students and their
Association series Is now being con friends Sunday, Oct. 14, 6 p.m. This
ducted at Wahr's State Street store, evening marks the beginning of a
Single admission tickets for the Ruth series of discussions, led by outstand-
Bryan Owen lecture will go on sale
Thursday, Oct.8.1 gion InModern Society." Mr. Ralph
Segalman,' student, will speak on
Choral Union Tickets: The "over "Why I Do Not Believe in Organized
the counter" sale of season Choral ,Religion. Supper -and fellowship
Union tickets will begin Saturday 'hour follows the meeting.
morning, Oct. 13, at 8:30 o'clock at !
the general offices of the University T
School of Music, on Maynard Street. Those interested in the Internation-
At that time all unsold season tickets al Student Forum will meet at Stalker
will be offered at public sale at $5.00, er Hall (Methodist student center)
$7.00, $8.00, and $10.00 each. In addi- for an informal group discussion cen-
tion to admission coupons the ten tering around the similarities to be
Choral Union Concerts, each 'season found in different peoples. Both for-
ticket, contains a $3.00 coupon re- eign and American students and their
deemable when applied towards the friends are urged to be present that
puichase of a season May Festival they may become better acquainted
ticket later in the year. as individuals.
Orders received by mail or left at
the office, up to noon Friday, Oct. 12, Presbyterian Student Appoint-
will be filled in sequence in advance ments: S'ylvan Estates Country Club
before the public sale. Party Saturday afternoon and eve-
ning. Trucks leave the Church House

Wedding Chest
Replica Placed
In New ExhibitI
Reproduction Of Valuable
Piece Now In Museum
Of Archaeology
The Museum of Classical Archae-
ology has recently placed on exhibit*
the replica of the wedding chest orig-
inally discovered in the course of the
University's excavations at Karanis,
According to Dr. Orma F. Butler.
Curator of Archaeological Collections,
the original wedding chest was re-
tained by the Cario Museum becausey
of the great interest shown in it. The
ieplica, prepared by the Cairo Mu-
2eum authorities, reproduces exactly
the shape, coloring and even defects
in the original piece. It i therefore
of great value to the University Mu-
seum, Dr. Butler said, because it is an
exact reproduction of one of the oldest
pieces of furniture that has been pre-
served from classical times.
On one side of the interior will be
found a small tray for the ladies'
toilet articles and trinkets. The rest of
the space was devoted to holding the
bride's clothing. The cover has a high
pointed top which terminates in a
handle. The interior of the cover
is painted in the same manner as the
interior of the chest which is a pat-
tern of red wavy lines on a white
background. The cover has been sus-
pended in such a manner that the
I isitor may view the interior.

A I)VERI 51N.;
Pwcad vei o ee Nwth 9'sile
Ad\ e rsing uepart nient u..Pon :i-. 2210,
'ile clasm ed elons ct-ea i
o; le eli: p r e'u'io Un o . - d .p,' ni t -.n ti .
Cash i per
lcnin) for e e la in uli; r
I O pr r-oing lit' -.'re.o
lur ~rin ;.e
telepon ra t ie km, -5 '2'pe itr ;ady,11 ; l r
3 lincd (i a i nes ple ,r Y,,.'.r ... (c i
1 i , 01 )o ccv il(--r . .,,.7
Iine i user: a 119
0 discou i aid wi n ten cys
rom the date of rs inseon.
y co'erac, per ie - ne a ne
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4 lines ED.. collee year----7
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l e ? i n e s u se d a r d e si or d . . . . < . . . )
1 .00 lwes upsr and lowerctA....o.c
2,e00 linesubove asatesifor------ace
The above rates are for 7n point
toiy tppe.radoercse d
rccdns, heat, light, gas and phone
$20. 923 Greenwood. Phone 2-2362
j ta lttrs
Th bv ae aefr7 on


-Associated Press Pnoto
This is a recent portrait ef Mrs. Alice Stoll, 26-ye?-old wife of
Berry V. Stoll, oil company executive of Louisville, Ky., whG was brutally
seized from her home while suffering from a severe cold. When she
offered her abductor a cheek if he would leave, she was chibbed with an
iron bar, and friends, remembering her poor health, feared for her life.


3;TUDlENi' anil ,liulndry. Prices rea-
so ;.:ile. Free delivery, Phone 3006
PERSONAL mladry service. We take
individual lil lrest in the laundry
"O "i " o"r cilstolne s. Girls'
sila, voori nd if1ielfabrics guar-
aliiccd. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and de liver. Phoiie 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 2x
water' Will call for and deliver.
Telephone 4863. 3x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
pouid. -Shirts, beautiful hand fin-
ish, 10c extia. Home Iand Lai-
dry, 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard.
Phone 8894. 5x
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, . and 7 dol-
lats. Phone Ann Aibor 4306. Chi-
thBo ils.Temporary office, 200
North Mdain. 7x
AT TENTION Unive ity mcn! If in-
terested in partime work call 8419
for an appointment Saturday, Oc-
tober 13, between 9 and 12 a.m.
STADIUM Riding Academy, Horses
available at all times. Phone 2226
for appointment. Opposite north
side of Stadium.
432 S. Division
13 meali s $ 00
per week ...
20 meals . -. $3.85
All home-cooked food.
You will like it.
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will ,trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. 10x
FOR SALE: Full dress suit, cheap.
Size 40 to 42. Call 7436.
Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6328. 1x
Read The Clossifieds

RareBird Exhibit s Arranged
In Museum By Preparator Wood
If one were to walk unexpectedly public inspection the first of next
into the Zoology Museum early next week. It includes birds which the
week, he would be startled to see a great majority of Michigan residents
group of live birds, sitting on their have never before seen. In some cases,
nests, surrounded by their natural the display will be the only one of
habitats. its kind in the State.
Or so he would think. Actually he Chief among these is the dickcis-
would merely be observing the artis- sel bird display. The dickcissel, a
tic, life-like display of several groups western bird rarely found in Michi-
of iare birds arranged by James - gan, was caught by Mr. Wood in the
Wod, Mseuprdaragrd ytJaxissummer in Erie marshes in Monroe
Wood, Museum preparator and taxi- County. The display will include the
Termisplyesfirst nest and first set of eggs ever
-The display to be shown in the to be shown in Michigan. Prior to
Washtenaw Avenue wing of the Uni- the capture of the two birds, there
versity Museums, will be open for
were only four ever recorded as being
i I seen in this state.


wQ ATtep1 Eastern
P's o y Meeting
At a recent meeting of the American
Psychological Association held at Co-
lumbia University, New York City, two
members of the University psychology
department gave reports of their re-
search work.
Dr. N. R. F. Maier spqke on "The
Pattern of Cortical Injury in the Rat
and Its Relation to Man's Action."
Dr. Edward B. Greene explained "The
Analysis of Practice Effects on Stand-
ard Test Scores," showing the
amounts of improvement, ranging
from 10 to 500 per cent, from four
repetitions of mechanical, verbal, and
sensory discrimination tests.
Doctor Greene was elected secretary
and treasurer of the clinical section of
the association, and was also appoint-I
ed to a committee to recommend im-
provements in the use and scaling of
mental tests.


.O.T.C. onograh
The subjects for the monographs,
or historical essays, required of stu-
dents in the advanced corps of the
R.O.T.C. during the senior year have
been announced by Lieut. Col, Fred-
erick C. Rogers, commandant of the
Covering the entire field of military,
history from the American Revolu-I
tion up to comparatively modern
times, the long list of topic assign-
ments has been posted in the military
science department office. A consid-
erable amount of research is required,

The dickcissel bird closely resembles
the sparrow, but has a prominent
yellow splotch on its breast.
The pin-tailed duck display, ar-
ranged by Mr. Wood, will be the first
nesting exhibit of its kind in the
State also. This bird was found, to-
gether with its nest, in little Charity
Island in Saginaw Bay. The bird is
seen anywhere in Michigan but on
rare occasions.
The other exhibit of birds which
are relatively unknown to Michigan
residents is the king fail group. This
too is complete with eggs in nest,
though Mr. Wood was able to get
but one bird. The king rail, about
three time times as large as a robin
and of a dark brown hue, interspaced

The best way to hold a man
is in your arms.




Lieut. Col. Rogers stated, to prepare i with yellow stripes, was also found in
the monographs, which must take the Erie marshes.
two forms. Other bird displays are those of
The first is that of the written dis- the galfinule, coot, least bittern, com-
cussion, or the plain monograph, and mon tern, black tern, and morning
the second is the fifteen minute oral dove.
presentation which must be ready for
delivery before the class. Both are : APPOINT INSTRUCTOR
required, and both demand intensive Dr. Oliver C Applegate, '17, has
individual research in the library been named to replace Dr. J. G.
records, books, and historical docu- Coggan of the School of Dentistry,
ments. who has resigned.


"All the Food You Can Eat"
Next to the Michigan Theatre

-:- MICHIGAN lk -:-
Wayne Clifford SIX Metiro-Goldwyn's r
"America's Own Novelty" New Mystery
Hit! i .
"Musical Vagabonds"

The Gal With The Hour- 2
Glass rigure That Makes
Every Second Count...
In The Picture The Whole
Country Is Talking About!

wi th'
T OG E "r1 A - w

~ 1e,.sy fP9t's ,* s
4A e,, ' 'N,



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