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October 13, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-13

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The Weather

Fair and cool today; tomor-
row partly cloudy and warmer.


Bk ir~gau.


Merit System In Class
Projects ...
Football On The Air...



1 I i

New High
In Loans
565 Students Have Been
Granted $39,155.50 So
Far This Year
Steady Rise During
last 3 Years Noted
Stephens Spikes Rumor
Of "Passing The Buck
Loans amounting to $39,155.50 have
been granted to 565 students by the
University during the period between
Sept. 1 and Oct. 1, figures released
from the business office indicated,
and it is likely that a new high for
student loans granted may be reached
for the year.
The trend of student loans has in-
creased during the last three years
and there is no reason to balieve that
this situation will be upset this year.
During the year 1932-33 loans total-
ing $85,599.90 were granted to 1,325
students and this figure was increased
to 1,791 loans granted, totalling
$99,969.93 during the year 1933-34, an
increase of 466 loans.:
The number of loans outstanding
as of June 30 increased from $271,-
285.43 in 1392-33 to $302,598.01 in
907 Given Loans
Many students receive more than
one loan during .a year but John C.'
Christenson, controller and assistant
secretary of the University, said that
last year approximately 907 different
students were granted loans.
Although the number of loans
granted .for the month of September!-
alone is high, Mr. Christenson refused
to say definitely that the loans would
exceed last year's figures. "We would
have np way of knowing how many
ioatS will be granted because some
years there is a great demand for
loans the first semester and the sec-1
ond semester the figure drops ap-
preciably, while in other years the1
situation is reversed."
A rumor to the effect that the Uni-
versity was "passing the buck to the
FERA" by reducing the number of
student loans and thereby putting a
greater responsibility on the FERA1
quota, was discredited by Boyd C.
Stephens, cashier in the business of-1
Rumor Incorrect -
"The situation is quite the oppo-
site," he said. "Students who here-
tofore have not been able to come to
the University at all are now able by
getting FERA jobs. Many of them 1
haven't the lump sum necessary for
tuition so the University gives them.
a loan for tuition, which they pay
back by working for the FERA. This,
of course, tends to increase the num-
ber of loans granted."
Less than seven-tenths of one per
cent of these loans are classed as
"bad debts" by the cashier's office, a
report shows. The total amount of
loans up to last year was $840,000,
only $5,768 are considered uncollect-
Youth Problem
To Be Studied

y Roundtable
Dean James B. Edmonson of the1
School of Education and G. Robertl
Koopman, principal of the Tappan1
school, will address the second meet-
ing of the Student Roundtable at 4(
p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall on the
general subject of "Drifting Youtha
and- the Problems Involved."
The national and local phases of
this problem will be presented by the,
speakers tomorrow. A discussion will,
follow which will be continuedr
through several meetings following.
The nationwide problem will be
described by Dean Edmonson who is1
a member of President Roosevelt's
committee of 17 which is investigat-
ing the national problem of homeless
-Mr. Koopman who has made a .
study of unemployed and homeless
youth in Ann Arbor will report on
his work at this time. As a result '

Seeks Peace

Find Largest
Student Sect
Is Methodist
Census Shows That 5,345
University Students Are
Church Members
Figures Compiled
By Campus S.C.A.
Religious Count Pr o v e s
1,900 Students Have No
Church Preference
That the University is a melting
pot of religious sects and also that
5,345 students were church membe1s
was proved by the religious censusl

State License
Plates Ruling
Is Changed
Students' Cars With Permit
From University Do Not
Need Michigan Plates
Police Chief Foley
States New Policy
100 Out-Of-State Student
Drivers To Be Exempted
Under Clause
Students driving cars with Univer-
sity permits, having out-of-State li-
cense plates, will no longer have to
purchase Michigan State plates, Louis

Kipke Still Noncommittal
.On Backfield Lineup For




-Associated Press Photo
Premier Beni,,o Mussolini (above),
who has announced repeatedly, since
the slaying of King Alexander of
Jugoslavia and Freneh Foreign Minis-
ter Louis Barthou, that Italy wishes
to avoid all complications of 'an in-
ternational nature with Jugoslavia.
Hold Jugoslav
In Marseilles
European Police Strive To
Capture 'International
Terrorist Ring'
PARIS, Oct. 12 -(P)- A Jugoslav
expatriate tonight stood charged with
{ complicity in the. Marseilles murder
as police throughout France and Eu-
rope strove to round up members of
an alleged' "international terrorist
ring" plotting the' assassination of all
Europe's rulers.
The man, Zvonemer Postpechil,
alias Yuaroslaz Novak, was formally
accused of implication in the killing
of King Alexander of Jugoslavia, and
France's foreign minister, Louis Bar-
thou. He and his fellow suspect, Ivan
Rajtich, confessed the Balkan revolu-
tionary band sent them to Paris on
a secret mission.
A third suspect was arrested today
while trying to cross the Italian front-
ier afoot through an Alpine pass. Still
another was sought in the Fontain-
bleau forest as the continent's great-
est manhunt in years brought the de-
tention of numerous foreigners.
As 11-year-old Peter Karageorge-
vitch sped across Europe into Jugo-
slavia aboard his special train to be-
come king of 16,000,000 southern
Slavs mourning Alexander's death,
police at Annemasse, after grilling
Postechil, announced he, had fled
Jugoslavia under sentence of death
for several slayings.
Baldwin Series
Of Lectures To
Dr. Bell Will Speak On
'Origins Of Religion' At
First Meeting
Dr. Bernard Iddings Bell, canon of
Providence, R. I., and well known
throughout the East as a lecturer,'
preacher, and author, will open the
Baldwin Lecture series at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
Doctor Bell's speech on "Origins of
Religion" tomorrow night will start
the series sponsored by all the reli-
gious groups on the campus. He will
also speak at 4:15 p.m. on .Monday
and Tuesday at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, first on the "Develop-
ment of Judaism" and next on the.
"Emergence of Christianity."
The Baldwin series will be the first
of a group of religious lectures which
will be given in the near future, ac-
cording to Dr. E. W. Blakeman, reli-
gious counsellor of the University.
They will be followed by similar lec-
tures by the Methodists in the Wes-
leyan Guild, the Presbyterians in the
MacMillan series, and the Jews in the
Hillel lectures.
Dr. Bell, lecturer of note in eastern
colleges and universities, was former-
ly president of St. Stephens college
at Avondale-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. He
has also written some outstanding

which is annually compiled by the ---------------
Student Christian Association. W. Fohey, chief of Ann Arbor police,
According to the census there are announced yesterday.
35 different religious denominations The only exceptions to this ruling
represented on the campus this year. are graduate students who are obtain-
Of these the Methodist leads all ing part-time employment from the
others with a total of 1,243 students University, members of the faculty,
indicating that they are either mem- and students whose parents accom-
bers or prefer that religion. The pany them to Ann Arbor and estab-
Presbyterian church is second with lish residence here.
1,073 members and preferences. Such persons will be required to
Most In First Eleven purchase Michigan licenses as soon as
The other religions that have con- they are placed on sale at the Ann
siderable representation are Jewish, Arbor Chamber of Commerce, which[
887, Episcopal. 833, Catholic, 725, date is assumed to be Dec. 1, 1934.
Congregational, 577, Lutheran, 345, Chief Fohey said that on Dec. 10, a
Baptist, 313, Christian Science, 218, careful checkup will be made of out-!
Christian, 106, and Reformed, 100. of-state licenses, with the co-opera-
The first eleven denominations in- tion of the office of the dean of 1
cluded 6,240 of the 6,850 students that students, and individuals found dis-
indicated a preference. regarding this arrangement will be
Last year but 6,262 students in theI promptly prosecuted.
University recorded that they were Have 10-Day Rule
members of a denomination or had a The present State law regarding the
preference for it. This year 6,850 purchasing of license plates by out-of-
students have made known what state persons is that any person who
religion they prefer. sets up a residence in the State of
More men students are members Michigan must, after a period of ten
of churches thanuwomen the census days, apply for Michigan liciense
shows, for the number of men stu- plates.
dents who are members is 3,863 and The question in the past, according
the corresponding number of women to Assistant to the Dean Walter B.
students is but 1,482. Rea, is whether students could be
No Indication From 1,979 classed as residents of the State.
There were 1,979 students this year Mr. Rea said that about five years
who did not indicate ary preference ago the attorney general of the State
for any denomination. Last year at that time handed down a decision,
there were 1,800 students in this in which he stated that students must
group. It is probable that a good per- buy Michigan license plates because
centage of these students that have they resided in the State for a period
not signified preferences actually do of nine months and during that time
belong to some church but neglected used Michigan roads.
to assign a preference or did not wish Although this decision was handed
to do so. down very little was done to enforce
Some of the religious sects have the ruling this year.
as few as two members. A few of However, after receiving a letter
the less familiar denominations are from Orville E. Atwood, director of
Swedenborgian, Moravian, Mennon- the motor vehicle division of the De-
ite, Tree of Life, Liberal, Ethical Cul- partment of State, in which the direc-
ture, and Seventh Day Adventist. tor voiced his views on the case,
Five students said they were agnos- Chief Fohey handed down the de-
tics, or preferred to be, and two wrote cision exempting the majority of out-
they preferred to be atheists. Also of-state students from buying State
one student was Mohammedan and license plates.
two were preferred Confucianism. Chief's Statement
In a portion of hisofficial state-
ment, Chief Fohey stated: "It has
Two Faculty Members always been the policy among the sev-
Chosen For State Offices eral states to grant full reciprocity
to those students who are temporarily
Announcement of the appointment residing in another state for the pur-
of two members of the University fac- pose of obtaining higher education.
ulty to the State Transportation Com- Michigan has recognized this posi-
mittee was made recently by Murray tion taken, and it will be the policy of
D. Van Wagoner, State highway the Ann Arbor police to grant the
commissioner and chairman of the same exemptions to non-resident stu-
State Planning Commission. dents in Michigan, as our Michigan
The facultyinen who were honored students are enjoying in the other
are Prof. John Worley of the trans- I states. I do not feel that a student
portation engineering department and who comes to the State of Michigan
Prof. L. A. Baier of the naval archi- can be construed to be a resident
tecture and marine engineering de- under these conditions."
partment. Professor Worley was ap- It is a known fact that the Uni-
pointed to the railways and high- versity has been agitating for the ex-
way transport division of the com- emption of out-of-state student driv-
mittee and Professor Baier to the ers from buying Michigan licenses be-
waterways department. o pfhaflthaitwq niim fr

Rivalry Of Chicago And
Michigan Dates B a c k
Thirty Years
Maroons Spoiled
Good Team Record
1905 Squad Remembers
2 To 0 Defeat Given By
Stagg's Men
A football rivalry that was, thirty
years ago, the greatest in the Middle
West may assume again tomorrow
some of the fire and intensity of the
For the twenty-second time Mich-
igan will face Chicago on the foot-
ball field. Today, for Michigan, it is
just another game -a tougher one,
perhaps, than it ordinarily is, but
still not a big game. The big games
will come later -with Illinois, Ohio
State, and Minnesota -not with a
team that has failed to score against
the Wolverines in the last five games,,
a team that has not beaten Michigan1
since 1919.
Formerly Big Game
But thirty years ago the Chicago
game was the big one. Year after1
year the Wolverines had to claw
and fight bitterly to wrest the Cham-
pionship of the West from Amos Alon-
zo Stagg's gallant Maroons- and
very often they failed.
Only the tide of Yost's great point-!
a-minute teams could subdue Chi-
cago. For four years, piling up one
of the greatest football recods in the
history of the game, these teams
swept the Maroons aside as they swept
aside every team they met.
In 1905 Michigan continued its ir-
resistible march. Vanderbilt, Nebras-:
ka, Illinois, Ohio State, Wisconsin -.
team after team - and finally Ober-
lin (by a score of 75-0) were de-1
feated. Michigan had gone through 56
consecutive games unbeaten, had piled
up 2,821 points to 40 for its oppo-
nents. But that year Chicago again
refused to lie down, again it spoiled
a great Michigan team. Stagg's team
won, 2-0.
Standing Changes
Soon Michigan left the Conference,1
and when it returned ten years laterI
Chicago was no longer the team to,
be feared. New faces had risen. Chi-,
cago did not mean what it had once
meant to Michigan - it meant in-
stead a breather - a warm-up game.
Off and on for the last fifteen years
Michigan has met the Maroons. Next
year theyhave been dropped from
the schedule. Maybe when Michigan
is looking for a Big Ten opponent
just a little bitaeasier than the rest
they will be scheduled again.
But this year Chicago won't be a
pushover. Michigan has felt what it
has not felt in years, the sting of
defeat, and once again Chicago has
a chance. A wraith-like tradition of'
thirty years ago hovers over Stagg
Field today.
Comedy Club Picks
Ten New Members
Tryouts for membership in the
campus dramatic society were com-
pleted for this semester yesterday,
and the list of those accepted has
been announced, according to Hubert
Skidmore, '35, president of Comedy
Both members for the dramatic
and technical staff have been chosen
end will be in position to take part
in Comedy Club plays this semester.
Tryouts for the first offering of the
'club which will be given the first
week of November, will be held next
week, Skidmore announced. There
has been a tentative selection of the

play, the title of which will be an-
nounced later.
Those chosen by the members of
Comedy Club are Claire Gorman, '36,
Margaret Guest, '37, Phyllis Brumm,
'38, Virginia Goetz, '35, Evelyn Maloy,
'36, Chet Thalman, '37, Richard Stan-
nard, '37, Betty Kelly, '37, and Gean
Gibbs, '37. Gordon Hayes, '37 was ac-
cepted as a technical tryout.
Call 2-1214 For Final
C ,n: oc M U" . CE'ncn

3 Detroit Stations Will
Broadcast Today's Game
The Michigan-Chicago football
game will be broadcast today by
three Detroit radio,stations, WJR,
WWJ, and CKLW. It is also pos-
sible that WGN and one other
Chicago station will be on the air
with aplay-by-play description of
the game.
The broadcasts will start at 3
p.m. (E.S.T.).
$50,000 Paid
In Ransom By
BerryV. Stoll
Oil Man Obtains Promise
Of Wife's Return After
LOUISVILLE, Oct. 12 -(P)- "Re-
quirements" for her ransom met,
pretty Alice Speed Stoll's fate hung
on a kidnaper's word tonight, a few
hours after her husband made a wild
ride over cleared roads in centralI
Presumably, Berry V. Stoll, vice-
president of the Stoll Oil Refining Co.,
made his dash to meet the man who
has held his 26-year-old wife since
Wednesday for a $50,000 ransom or
someone agreed upon by the man.
A few hours afterward he issued
this statement:
"We have carefully followed in-
structions, met all ransom require-
ments, and are awaiting fulfillment
of promises.1
"The parties may act freely without
fear of hindrance.
The wealthy and influential Speed
and Stoll families repeatedly affirmed
by radio and newspapers that they
were eager to make terms and would
do everything necessary to the vic-
tim's return.
There was no intimation in the
short announcement as to whether
the ransom had been handed over,
to the actual kidnaper or to persons
agreed upon by him. If it meant
the money had been paid to those
having Mrs. Stoll in their power, it;
was clear that others besides the manI
who snatched her from her home were
involved in the sensational case.
It was a lone man who got in the
Stoll home in the fashionable but
remote Upper River Road neighbor-
hood Wednesday on the pretense that
he was a telephone repairman. With
a pistol he cowed Ann Woolet, the
maid, who let him in, made her tape
her mistress' hands, then tied and
gagged her.
Mrs. Stoll was in a negligee. She
had been ill. The women were alone;
in the house. When she offered him
a check to let her go, the man hit the
young society matron over the head
with an iron pipe. Bleeding, she
pleaded with him.
"If Berry comes in, I'll kill him,"
the kidnaper said, then hastened
away, allowing his victim to get only*
a blue and white checked coat.
Since Mrs. Woolet saw her rushed
out the door to a small car, the
daughter of one of Kentucky's proud-
est families has not been seen or heard
Flight To Start
T hisMorning
DETROIT, Oct. 12 -(')- Dr. Jean
Piccard and his wife, Jeanette, the
first woman to plan a stratospheric

flight, scanned weather reports to-
night, hopeful that wind conditions
would permit the take-off during the
early morning hours tomorrow.
Their huge balloon - 175 feet high
when inflated - was ready to receive
its 125,000 cubic feet of hydrogen.
Scientific instruments valued at
$25,000, were all installed in the metal
gondola, seven feet in diameter, in
which the flying Piccards expect to
ride from nine and a half to eleven
miles into the sky.

Wolverine Squad Takes
Light Practice Drill At
Stagg Field
Maroons On Edge;
Confidenti Of Wini
Jennings May Get Call At
Quarterback Position
Replacing Oliver
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, Oct. 12.- The Wolver-
ine football squad arrived here this
afternoon and went through a light
workout on Stagg Field, but Coach
Harry Kipke still refused to decide
on the backfield which would start
for Michigan against Chicago tomor-
Meanwhile, Maroon fans refused to
concede an edge to the invading Wol-
verine team, and feeling that Chicago
would be the team to halt the Mich-
igan string of Conference grid vic-
tories ran high here.
The Michigan squad arrived here
this afternoon in good condition. Fer-
ris Jennings, the dynamic quarter-
back who will probably start in place
of Russ Oliver, reported his injured
leg as completely well and ran plays
with the Varsity squad.
Sweet May Start
The other members of the probable
starting backfield for Michigan are
Willis Ward and John Regeczi at the
halves and Cedric Sweet at fullback.
With both teams flashing an open
attack, however, Howard Triplehorn
may. be called from the retirement
whichbhe has experienced for the
past week to assume the burden of the
Michigan running attack.
With Willis Ward a permanent
fixture in the backfield, Matt Pat-
anelli will start at an end and will
shift with Mike Savage as the teams
line up on offense and defense.
Patanelli, whose rushing play has
made him a key man In the Wol-
verine defense, will play on the right
flank on defense, but will shift to the
opposite side on offense.
Between the ends the same line
which started against Michigan State
will take the field, with Jphn Vier-
giver. at left tackle, Willard Hilde-
brand at left guard, Jerry Ford at
center, Bill Borgmann at right guard
and Captain Tom Austin at right
Hildebrand will play at tackle on
defense, shifting with Viergiver.
Bartlett Not To Start
The Maroons placed much of their
hopes on their two backfield stars,
Jay Berwanger and Ned Bartlett as
well as the six-three-two defense
which may puzzle the Wolverines.
Bartlett, a sophomore will not start
the game but Clark Shaughnessy will
send him into the contest at the most
promising moment in the hope of
shaking him loose from the wide for-
mation used by the Maroons.
Defensively, the Maroons will be
led by Capt. El Patterson, whose play
behind the line has stamped him as
an outstanding candidate for all-Con-
ference honors at center.
Kipke Troubled
The Wolverines have drilled ex-
tensively on the Chicago defense, but
it will be their first actual experience
against it, a fact which has caused
no little trouble to Coach Kipke.
Interest in the game is running high
here, and even the casual Chicago
campus is taking the matter seriously.
Pep sessions were held throughout the
day and the pre-game excitement was
capped by a torchlight parade to-
night. Ticket sales are reported a
heavy here, with the possibility of a
sellout, leaving only general -admis-
sion seats in the west stand for to-
Posses In Missouri Are

Hunting 'Pretty BQY'
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 12--(*)-The
Southwest's two most notorious out-
laws - Charles (Pretty- Boy) Floyd
and his companion, Adam Frichetti -
were hunted by posses in Central
and Eastern Missouri tonight after
the elusive killers, reported sighted in
at least three communities, had
dodged police traps throughout the

WASHINGTON, Oct. 12- (iP) -
The Government has virtually aban-
doned its case against the House
Engineering Co., of Buffalo, charged
with violating labor provisions of NRA
by refusing to bargain collectively
with employees.

cause Lney ie u auL 1E was unjus. nor
a student to be required to pay a li-
cense fee here' and then after resid-
ing in his home state for a period
of ten days, have to buy license plates
in that state.
Mr. Rea estimated that approxi-
mately 100 out-of-state student driv-
ers will be exempted under the new

Prof. Case Unearths Remains
Of Mastodon At Birmingham

Harking back to a prehistoric period
more than 20,000 years ago when gi-
gantic mammals roamed this area was
the spectacular discovery of mastodon
bones near Birmingham a few days
ago by Prof. Ermine D. Case, director
of the Museum of Paleontology, which
was announced yesterday.
Lying in the mucky bed of what
used to be an artificial lake, deep
down in the earth, Professor Case ran

One discovery of mastodon bones
never made public, was found only
seven and a half miles from Ann Ar-
bor, he disclosed.
This jaw bone, together with the
skull, now on display in the University
Museums, is expected to add much to
the collection of the paleontology
department here.
Another addition to the Paleontol-
ogy Museum which has not hereto-

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