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February 24, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-24

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4 Army Pilots
Are Killed In
Airmail duties
Republican Congressman
Fish Denounces Policy
As 'Legalized Murder'
Army Continues To
Put Mail Through
Two Forced Landings In
Pennsylvania Mountains
Also Mar Record
(By Associated Press)
Four army flyers have been killed,
one severely injured and five planes
demolished during the past week in
connection with the airmail task
turned over to the nation's fighting
A fifth army aviator also met death
Thursday in a crash not linked with
the airmail service.
Undaunted by the casualties, the
army, which took over its new job
amid vicious storms and fog, was in-
tent today on pushing the mails
'Legalized Murder'
The crashes reverberated on the
floor of the House at Washington,
where Representative Fish (Rep., N.
Y.,) declared Thursday that it was
"legalized murder" to send army men
through the skies with mail without
what he considered necessary train-
The mother of one of the dead
airmen also complained. Mrs. Dorothy
Lowry Reisdorf of Ann Arbor whose
son, Lieut. Durward O. Lowry,
crashed to death in his mail plane
near Deshler, 0., Thursday, said:
"Good as they are, these Selfridge
Field flyers shouldn't have had to
fly at night through winter storms
over unfamiliar courses that it took
montus for commercial pilots to
"I can't help thinking that if this
government house-cleaning campaign
hadn't occurred, this dreadful thing
wouldn't have happened to my son.
"You know, those Selfridge boys
are great flyers," and then, a bit
proudly, "my son was one of them."
Army men said any commercial
flyer would have been killed if faced
with the same conditions as Lowry.
Three Died Week Ago
Last Friday three army pilots, fly-
ing to their airmail posts, were killed.
Lieuts. D. Grenier and Edwin D.4
White died when their ship fell in a
canyon during a Utah snowstorm and
Lieut. James Y. Eastman met death
in Idaho. These accidents occurred1
before the army actually started fly-
ing the mail.
The fifth death came Thursday
when Lieut. Fred I. Patrick, who was
not carrying airmail, crashed near
Denison, Tex. He had expected to
go to Shreveport, La., today to com-
plete organization of the airmail field
Caught In Thick Weather
Caught in weather thick with rain
and fog, Lieut. Harold Deitz crashed
in a field near Marion Station, Md.,
Thursday night on his way from
Newark, N. J., to Richmond, Va., with
mail. He was carried to a hospital
with severe head injuries.
"Take care of the mails," he said to
persons who had rushed to the place
where his plane had been wrecked
against a tree.
Two forced landings also marked
the airmail service Thursday. Lieut.
G. P. l'ollstein, flying mail from
Cleveland to Washington, ran into
sticky fog near Uniontown, Pa. His

ship was smashed against a clump of
trees but he escaped with a cut face.
Another mail pilot, Lieut. James Mc-
Coy, landed at Woodland, Pa., with a
burned out engine. He was not hurt.
Educator Goes
To Cleveland
For Meetings
Prof. Calvin 0. Davis of the School
f Education left this morning for
vleveland where he will attend the
rarious education meetings which
are being held there next week. While
here, he will preside over a large
:ommittee which was formed to work
>ut plans for an extensive celebration
if the three-hundredth anniversary
>f the founding of The secondary
chools in America. This took place
t Boston Latin School in 1635.
Four years ago, the Department of
secondary School Principals appoint--
d Professor Davis chairman of a
ommittee of 18 members to make
rrangements for the celebration. The
ommittee has been active through-
ut the four years and is now ready
o put the finishing touches on the
The committee proposes to approx-
nate in some degree the celebration
f the George Washington Bi-Cen-
ennial held two years ago. It is to

Where Army Air Mail Flier Crashed To Death In Ohio

Juvenile Maladj ustment In Any
Arbor Is Studied By Cornmitt

With the co-operation of Ann Ar-
bor schools, the psychiatric depart-
ment, and the family welfare bureau
the President's Treatment Planning
Committee is making large strides in
adjusting local juvenile 'trouble cases'
to their home and outside environ-
The committee, which is working
out President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven's idea of developing a follow-up
program of certain 'trouble cases' of
the University Fresh Air Camp, has
confined its activities to three very
large families in Ann Arbor, each of
which being composed of six or seven
children. The complete life history of
each child is obtained, his mental,
Death, Prison
Now Reward Of
Most Kidnapers
CHICAGO, Feb. 23- W) - Kid-
napers are playing a losing game.
The "dividends" are falling off. With
a few exceptions, death and prison
terms have been their final rewards.
The law has been moving, catch-
ing the professional "snatcher" as
well as the amateur.
One of the amateurs -Charles W.
Mayo -panicky and fearful of the
law's move against 'the kidnaping
business, joined in death, two other
a b d u c t o r s- Willie Sharkey, who
hanged himself in St. Paul, and Verne
Sankey, who "beat the rap" by sui-
cide in his prison cell in the South
Dakota state penitentiary.
Mayo hanged himself in a police,
station here Thursday. His crime was
frustrated when his intended victim,
E. P. Adler, newspaper publisher of
Davenport, Iowa, gamely fought off
Mayo and John Lacy, in a loop hotel,
Mayo chose to follow in the footsteps
of Sharkey and Sankey. His comn-
panion awaits probable charges of
attempted kidnaping and assault.
Sharkey took "the easy way out"
rather than face trial for the $70,000
snatch of John Factor, the interna-
tional speculator, for which crime his
associates - Roger Touhy, Gustav
Schaefer, and Albert Kator -were
convicted today.
Sankey preferred death to a life
term in prison for the $60,000 abduc-
tion of Charles Boettcher, II, wealthy
Denver broker.
Harvey Bailey, R. G. Shannon and
Shannon's wife went to prison for
life, as did Albert Bates, and Mr. and
Mrs. George (Machine Gun) Kelly
for the $200,000 kidnaping of Charles+
F. Urschel, the Oklahoma City oil
man, abducted from his home on1
July 22, 1933.1

physical and educational condition
Solutions Vary
On the basis of information thus
obtained a plan is worked out for
the youngsters' adjustment. Each
case offers different problems, and
their solutions, of course, vary. Juve-
nile delinquency, poverty complexes,
and the cases of children suffering
because they think that some of their
brothers and sisters are being fa-
vored by the parents are some of the
cases coming before the committee.
The ultimate purpose of the com-
mittee is to carry over this technique
to the solution of juvenile cases in
Detroit. The work in Ann Arbor, due
to limited finances, is more in the
preventative field, and much progress
is reported in taking away the causes
leading to juvenile maladjustments.
Many Doctors On Committee
The members of the committee, in-
cluding many leading figures on the
campus and in Ann Arbor, are as
follows: Dr. Albert M. Barratt, Direc-
tor of the State Psychopathic Hos-
pital; Dr. Theophile Rapheal, local
practitioner; Dr. Warren Forsythe,
director of Health Service; Hon.
J. E. Pray, probate judge; Wallace
Watt, scoutmaster; John Schilling,
Y.M.C.A.; Rev. Edward W. Blakeman,
University councillor of religion;
Father John Lynch; Mildred Valen-
tine, director of family welfare; Ser-
geant Sherman Mortison, of the Po-
lice Department; A. L. Hallway, di-
rector of city recreation; Dr. Arthur
Wood, professor of sociology and di-
rector of curriculum in social work;
Dr. Willard Olson, director of re-
search, in child development; Dr.
Howard Y. McClusky, assistant pro-,
fessor of educational psychology,
mental measurements and statistics;
0. E. Copeman, 'Principal of Tappan
School; Mrs. O. H. Carson, director of
Dunbar Settlement; and Dr. Lowell J.
Carr, assistantprofessor of sociology,
To Convene July 4
JACKSON, Feb. 23.--(A")- Plans
were under way today for a state
convention of the newly - formed
Michigan Farmer-Labor party on
July 4 in a city to be named May 30
in county conventions.
More than 300 followers of the
party theories met here Thursday,
and from a spot near that on which
the Republican party was launched
in 1854, predicted the end of the "so-
called capitalistic system" and the
rise of their own party to power and
An executive committee was named
to select chairmen for the state's 17
legislative districts.

The first death of an army flier since that service took over the carrying of the airmail occurred when Pilot Durwa ssoci Lowryes chod
near Deshler, 0., Feb. 22. Here is a view of Lowry's wrecked plane.

Open Hearing On NRA To Be
Held Next Week In Washington

DETROIT, Feb. 23. - (Special) -
An open hearing on the NRA, to be
held in Washington beginning Feb.
27, at which time criticism and sug-
gestions will be heard concerning
various aspects of the recovery pro-
gram, was announced here today by
Edmund C. Shields, state director
for Michigan.
The meeting of the code authorities
in 500 industries, which was also an-
nounced today, will take up the sug-
gestions which are given out at the
preliminary meeting.
"The open hearing," Shields said,
"will be for the purpose of allowing
the general public to become articu-

late on the subject of the NRA. We
wish to accomplish the greatest good
possible in our recovery program,
and we realize that this can be ac-
complished best by listening not only
to the praises, but also to the crit-
icisms of our work.
"If, in our zeal to speed recovery
we have erred, we wish to pause, now,
and take a full accounting, in order
that all criticism which might be
forthcoming may be constructively
applied. We wish to make certain
that our future operations will do
most to benefit the working men,
the employer, and the consumer alike.
"The purposes of both the public

and the code authorities meetings
will be to bring the industrial and
labor organizations under NRA as
near to perfection and general satis-
faction as possible with justice to all
concerned. Those not able to attend
may submit what they have to say in
"The meeting of practically the
whole of American industry through
representatives and their discussion
withrgovernment, labor, and consum-
ers representatives with a view to
constructive national action in an
emergency was never before possible
because of lack of organization-
seven or eight million separate em-
ployers can no more act intelligently
and in unison than a mob can. But
the heads of 500. organizations can
act under governmental control as
easily as a Congress."

Political Furor
Follows Death
Of Rep. Hooper
LANSING, Feb. 23- (,)-Fast-
moving political developments today
followed in the wake of the death of
the late congressman Joseph L. Hoo-
per, ;Rep., of. Battle Creek.
Hardly had political leaders of
both major parties rendered expres-
sions of sympathy and tribute to
the dead congressmarr than three
m e m b e r s of the legislature an-
nounced their candidacies for the
vacated post. The announcement
said the candidacies would run for
not only the long term but also the
short tenure if Governor Comstock
calls a special election.

ac h year

legislative districts.

Turk and Greece ship us

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