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February 22, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-22

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e An I The English Mwmer

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Music For 'Ganf's All Tbhere'
Is Completed, Says haimim

Mu"ic (luIian

University Tio Riepreset
1. puhlic Ait Assembly
The University will represen
China, Haiti and the Dominican Re-
public at the Model League Assembly
to be held here in April, said Robert
French, Grad., president of the In-
ternational Relations Club. It has
been suggested, inasmuch as such im-
portant world forces as the United
States, Russia, Japan and Germany
cannot be officially represented, that
these countries be allowed to have
observers in the committee meetings.
Discussions at the conference will
not be confined to important events
of the past, but will involve happen-
ings as of the days of the assembly.
Colleges and junior colleges through-
out Michigan, participating in the
Model Assembly, have been notified
of their assignments to particular
countries, and committees are already
at work on campus gathering their
material.The rapid changes and dra-
matic events taking place in modern
Europe make such subjects as dis-
armament, minorities, and tariffs
matters of vital interest to all who
concern themselves with foreign af-
Tis'of Michigan"
Back in the days when our mighty
football team was but a handful of
bearded gentlemen who let their hair
grow to surprising lengths for lack
of headgears, an ingenious student
created one of the first cheers, the
According to the story, on the way
to an out-of-town game, the sound of
the engine gave him an idea for the
rhythm of a cheer. The boy who orig-
inated this cheer, which has come to
be used 'by every village and hamlet,
is Now Prof. Emeritus Thomas True-
blood, of the speech department.
With the Frosh Frolic coming soon
it might be wise for the class of '37
to provide an impressive bodyguard
for the chairman, Richard Schumo, if
there is any possibility that the soph-
omores may revive an old tradition.
In times of real class spirit it was
a favorite sport of the sophomores
to kidnap the man who was to lead
the Grand March on the eve of the
great affair and not return until the
following day. And what is a Frosh
Frolic without a Grand March?
What would one think of a college
without a college president? Why,
that would be like bread without but-
ter, ice cream without cake, etc. Yet
it was not until 1852 that the Uni-
versity of Michigan really had a col-
lege president appointed. Henry
Philip Tappan was the first, and we
have been having them ever since,
as is the fashion.
Newcomers Invited
To Social Function
The second League tea of the se-
mester will be held tomorrow in the
main ballroom of the League. New-
comers to the campus are especially
urged to attend so that they may
get acquainted, Julie Kane, '36, so-
cial chairman of the League, said.
Dr. Helene Schutz, and Miss Jean-
nette Perry will pour and the whole
social committee composed of all the
social chairmen of the various houses
will assist at the tea.-
All women who attend will con-
tribute toward the activity points of
their house, according to Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the

Washington Tea Planned
For Dormitory Womn
Mosher Hall is giving a tea this
afternoon for the residents in honor
of Washington's birthday. The dec-
orations will be in red, white and
blue. The committee in charge of the
tea consists of Janet Allington, '37,
Dorothy Leak, '35, Marjorie Winch,
Kay Bishop, '37, Margurite Michener,
'37, Harriet Fowler, '37, Bernice Reed,
'36, Lucile Lucas, and Rebecca
Elles, '35.
Highland Lake was chosen as the
site of the U. of M. Outdoor Club's
overnight outing. The group attend-I
ing left at 4 p. m. yesterday in trucks
from Lane Hall for the lake district,'
where they spent the night. They will
return late this afternoon.

"No more huddling around a piano,1
pounding out the same olo measure,.
biting our nails trying to get just the
right note, for the music for 'Gang's
All There' is all in," Maxine Maynard,
chairman of the music committee,
said with a sigh of relief when asked
if she were experiencig the usual
delay in collecting the musical scores.
Though the musical comedy is not
to be produced until March 21 for
almost the first time in history, the
music for the entire show is complete,
the lyrics written, and the orchestra-
tions are being made.
A specialized chorus of 30 selected
voices, which will do all the chorus
singing throughout the play, has thus
been able to already start rehearsals
on the scores to be used. Prof. Arthur
Hackett, of the music school, has
been very active in touching up the
d4tion, rh .m1, iu rprtasn, etc..
so that the usl ' weaknese of un-
trained singing groups is b:ing elim-
inated, Mis Maynard pointed out.
The music h s e,-n composed by'
Mary Morrison, '3 fM, Leon Kaye,
'34, Mike Brennan, '36, Ogden Dal-
rymple, '35, Mary Ann Mathewson,
'34SM, and Paul Tompkinson, '34SM.
Jay Pozz, '34, Miss Mathewson, Kaye,
and Dalrymple have written many of
the lyrics.
"The music for "Gang's All There"
must be unified and form a perfect
entity in itself," Miss Maynard said,
"and the entire group has assisted in
the composing and writing of lyricsI
during the meetings set aside for that
"Each composer has helped 'train'
his song so that the interpretation
that he intended is apparent to those
who are singing it," Miss Maynard
remarked. "In this way," she said.
Houses Pled..,_,
Fete Ilus ees;
Dance Planned
Beginning of the fraternities'
spring activities include news of
pledging, dances and rushing ar-
-angcments. The decoration motifs
gfered by the many holidays of the
month are being widely used with
many novel results.
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity an-
nounces the pledging of David Gillis,
37, Detroit.
Beta Kappa Rho
Beta Kappa Rho sorority is giving
a dance for women students not liv-
ing in organized houses from n to
12 p. m. Saturday in the Women's
I Athletic Building. Al Cowan will fur-
nish the music. All students inter-
ested have been asked to call the of-

"we hope to develop real x sion
and individuality in the numbe:."
Miss Moiiison and Marret Hert-
rich, '39SM, the assistan chairmen-
Miss Maynard stated. are largcly re-
sponsible for the eflicn. y ti.t 'he
composers have shown in submidng
and revising their manuscripts.
Prine's Love
BERLIN, Feb. 21.(- A)-For loge
of a commoner -- a most attractive
commoner - a prince of Sweden has
been given the royal boot.
The titled suitor who smarted to-,
day under the displeasure of the King
of Sweden is Prince Sigvard, duke of
Uppland, second son of the crown
prince of Sweden. The girl in the
case is the blond and beautiful Erika
Patzek, an actress of the German
Prince Sigvard, an assistant direc-
tor at a Berlin motien picture studio,
has been disowned because of his re-
fusal to break with the actress, who
is the daughter of a well-to-do Berlin
business man.
The Swedish news agency disclosed
the situation in a brief official state-
ment Tuesday night saying that
"Prince Sigvard arrived at London
recently and there made preparations
to marry a woman of German na-
tionality. The prince took this step
against the expressed will of the king
and the crown prince."
According to the statement, issued
in Stockholm, the prince, who is 27
years old, must surrender his royal
title and his military rank, and be-
come plain "Mr. Bernadotte." Hence-
forth, too, he will be greeted only as
a "guest" by the royal family.
The affair parallels that of Prince
Lennart Bernadotte, son of Prince
William (second son of King Gustav),
who was married in 1932 'to Karin
Nissavcndt, daughter of a Stockholm
industrialist. l.ew disowned. Later

Maxine Maynard, '35, chairman of
thC musi committee fur "Gang's All
There," annuunces that the acores
are all fiished. Miss Mayna'd is
president of Wyvern, junior honorary

Prove Gay Gesture
or Spring Frocks
Lo! and behold! the snow is melt-
ing again and we have another hint
of spring, though probably a false
alarm like all the rest. To be truly
poetic ne mii g h t say that our
thoughts are turning again to spring
clothes, but since we know that we
can't fool all of the people all of the
time we might just as well admit
that we've been thinking of them
ngingly ever since Christmas.
Spring dresses are a great deal
ore intrigung iust at this time of
: ;ar than ae any other parts of the
'ping wardrobe, for w h or e a s a
ing suit may be a bit chilly now
and a straw hat a bit conspicuous,
cne can put on a spring frock under
a heavy coat and feel quite appro-
priately clad and quite excitingly up
to date.
The newest fashions include, of
course, the new prints and in addi-
tion a number of semi-pastel shades,
made in the usual smartly simple
spring mode. The softer shades
which are proving most popular are
aquatone, a sort of aquamarine blue
some shade of which achieves prom-
inence each year, ashes of rose,
which resembles d tpink. and tiger
lily which is the only daring color
em phasized. This shade is some-
thing of an orange and combines
well with brown and black.
Almost all the frocks shown at
this time f - ature soft lingerie touches
or rifle; ol some kind, carrying out
the very feminine note.
Accor'ding to Madame Albertina
Rasch, the model co-ed is a com-
bination of Venus de Milo and Mae


Where To G'o

Play Production: "See Naples and
Die" at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
at 8:30 p. m.
Motion Pictures: Michigan. "White
Woman" with Carole Lombard; Ma-
jestic, "Girl Without a Room" with
Charles Farrell; Whitney, "Dangerous:
Crossroads" with Chic Sale and "The
Woman I Stole" with Jack Holt.
Dancing: League Grill Room, Dixie
Im, Chubb's, Preketes, Joe Parker's.


y -.


College man follows more and more the Cambriage set style of
dress. The trousers shown above have that narrow at the ankle cut,
then widen to the belt. The sw eate'r for informal wear is sleeveless in
cambridge grey, topped by a knit e, and over all is a checked topcoat
for comfort, with raglan sleeves and s raig ht cut.
V V 4 r , -4 1 ', - f
Vi~d Pins coic fcampus
Although the fashion cities, Paris' To be really the clever tog for the
and New York, have been echoing v'oman who is seen in the best
the call of prints, prints, and more places, a street dress must have a
prints, for several spring seasons, the l
camp1us conservatives are only now distinguished line. This spring that
deserting the darker shades. While line will be made of pleats for full-
these same individuals usually ac- ness or trimming, or of a flare at the
cept a new style as soon as it is set, hips to detract from the box shoul-
still they are the designers' knell, if ders of the past mon ths. Th wind
a new mode be not to their taste. . .
SCampus shops have been attempt- blown effect which Schiaparelli is
ing to educate the diagonal leaders sponsoring, is1achicved by opened
about the desirability of wearing lapels on coat frocks, and by a long
prints, in any of several patterns, for streamline cut to the sleeves and
classes and teaing, but until this sea- skirt. The gayness of the spring days
on the answers have been negative.
; is true that the print must be cho- can only be smartl erescd in a
son particularly to complement the pint, .properl chosen, with that
weare1s type in figure and coloring, newness of coicring that the spring
so that the opinion that such ma- fever attaks will demand.
terhil is derogatory to one's slimness-
A striped figure should 'un length- ,
can :leadenied
wise for the short woman and hor. ,- h a &itv bye
sontally shortens the tail person. A
broad check is as a rule a broaden- TeaX rt~iy eda n
ing erYcct and can be gracefully wor ~ a idneWdedyngt is
only by the tail and slender. Whiw " 'n a~swscaeoe
the newest pencil ariuts. those ciu nesh-Ltednc e'ic ~r
es of "iv'd'ty, 'a'e iuib v V Lmors '4,Mo'ir Bck
1ne !a uA/es'b"rg I. EleanoMrs l-

MARILYN Pr esc';z/s
for all the

pring Gjormalities


both King Gustav an), d Prince William
withdrew their objections to the mar-
Prof. Trow GIVCS
Spmeedh On Riissia
"Character Education in Soviet
Russia" was the topic of the speech
given by Prof. E. W. Trow at a spe-
cial meeting last night in Stalker
Hall. Besides films to Illustrate points
in his speech, Professor Trow bad

Then comes c question of cohn',
what is new ai:. what i ; accept able
fr om the old. biavy blue and all
o her shades f o r sm a r t back
g r yo u td s fo r fi b rith isr sht fd e s o
e, chrau eo 'e and at-
reuse or nile gom e. Nle P Ii
is gay ws combia cit ye
or white. And no nmai' wit jo
Fclor of the frock, It can be in t
Sinde with lingerr toucls of a con
rasting colo' or the standby, white.
Play Product ion's msic drama
class will meet as usual today at
2 p. mn. in the Labor'atory Theal "e;
Tryouts for the final selection of
the cast for "The Gonrdoliers,"
both chorus and principal will be
held from I to 6 n. rnexclusive at
the class hour, at .he Laboratoiry
'Theatre, by Valentine B. Windi
and Bertha Bright Knapp.
Those interested in trying out
for principal parts shouldt come
prepared to sing without effort
:one of the songs most suited to
their voice, from the score of "The

on Les 34, Bar-
bar Nlso, 84,Pety inham, '.4,
IisalcStnih :hfcm Petersen,
Gran. '5, Carltte hitan,'35,
:'il 1 la!rird ,m '6 ,6a,
-., as ied, '3 Mary Smnth, '6
Cr n 37, Josephine Cava-
nu '.3?7. F lorence S henek, "'37,
.Znruin, '37,'Loiseprague
> wo Finch, '37, Brbara Otte,
ADorothy Gelda', '37.
Several s cholarships covering full
tulinfor' the slix-wcsume ses-
:an of the Central School of Speech
and rama Universit.y of London,
London, England, are available to
Ameran students inerested in lit-
erary and drama study. Application
bla rnks for these scholarships may
be obtained from the Drama League
of America, Hotel Barbizon-Plaza,
New York City.

I fice of the dean of women for further some postfrs which the Russian Cov-
information. ernment uses to educate the people.
Delta Zeta This program was arranged by Gor-
Twenty guests were entertained by don B. Halstead, Grad.
Delta Zeta sorority at a rushing tea
from 4 to 6 p. I. yesterday. Harriet IDPENT-FACULTY FTEA IELD
C'ow, '35, and Ruth Knapp, '34, were O'pen-houe an1 the usual wleek
in charge. George Washington motifs student-faculty tea was held ystcr-
were used in the decorations, which day afternoon at Harris Hall. Prof.
consisted of an imitation cherry tree Warner F. Patterson of the French
in the center ol' the table, surrounded department was the guest of hionor
by small toy hatchets, at the tea.
- means more in milacdv'
fashion die than any other
season . . . bright frocks are
as much a feature of spring
as the shining sun and bud
ding flowers . . . shed those
wintry dresses and make
yourself a part of the new
gay spirit
--our stock displays a com-
p cte selec tion of prints,
knits, crepes, sheer woolens
in the dress and suit models'
it will pay the discrimi-
noting to visit our shop

I t 6
*/ l F









{ __._ _ !






given by
Thc Thrmiqgic,
CoquignOle, or

Crepes . .. Mousellaine de Soie .. . Laces ..
Nets . . . Prints. . Sheers
Man with Jackets

Men's - Women's - Childr'en's
women's and children's shoes.
Composition soles on men's shoes
with regular rubber heels.

withl inferior wo'k--
manship or materi-
als. Bring your shoes
here and be con-
vinced of superior
workmanship a n d



The wave you will enjoy-
Also the Eugene.

:%?:5: u r mra





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