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May 29, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-29

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The Weather
Partly cloudy today, possible
showers; tomorrow warmer.




C'o-Ordinating Courses Are
needed; Zona Gale As Hopwood



Eight Hurt In
Fierce Riots
In California
Police Employ Tear Gas
And Shotguns Against
Crowd Of Strikers
Machine Guns Are
Ready, Reports Say,
Compromise Proposal Is
Rejected By Union As
19-Day Strike Continues
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 28.
-(R)- Fierce rioting broke out on
the waterfront here and at San Diego
late today, sending eight men to hos-
pitals and resulting in less severe in-
juries to scores of participants, as
shippers and striking longshoremen
were reported to have reached a dead-
lock in negotiations to settle the long-
shoremen's strike.
Tear gas bombs were hurled by
police and shotguns were fired into
the air as officers sought to halt the
fury of a crpwd estimated between
1,000 and 2,000 men, who surged along
the Embarcadero here. Reports said
machine guns had been set up along
the waterfront here but Chief of Po-
lice William J. Quinn refused to say
what weapons had been placed at
the disposal of more than 500 police-
men sent to the embattled district.
Follows Rejection Of Compromise
The disturbance followed receipt of
unconfirmed word that the Interna-
tional Longshoremen's Association
had rejected a compromise proposal
of shipping men before federal medi-
ators in another of the many moves
made toward settlement of the 19-
day-old coastwide walkout, now in-
volving more than 25,000 men.
A mounted officer, attempted to
ride back the men from the sidewalks,
was jerked from his horse and at-
tacked by several men. Immediately
other officers came to his aid and a
wild melee ensued. Other mounted
patrolmen were hauled from their
horses and a call brought more than
500 policemen to the scene in patrol
Officers Bombarded
The milling throng grabbed bricks,
sticks, and other missiles and hurled
them at the officers. Police wielded
their clubs and many of the rioters
Driven back by the increasing num-
ber of patrolmen, the throng quieted1
momentarily as ambulances entered
the district and removed injured men1
to hospitals.
Hurriedly rallying, the rioters again
bore down on the officers, knocking
down the blue-coated men and beat--
ing them severely before other po-
licemen could come to their rescue.,
Three policemen and three rioters,
were taken to the Harper Emergency
Hospital, suffering from scalp lacera-,
tions and tear gas. Four' men were
placed under arrest as the rioting was,
Sugar To Talk
At Youth Day
Meeting Here
Prrnmineiit La w y e r And
Reverend Bollens Will
Discuss War Proleni

Maurice Sugar, Detroit attorney,
and Rev. J. H. Bollens, Detroit Meth-
odist Episcopal minister, will discuss
"Youth in the Last' War and the
Next" at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Lane
Hall Auditorium. The meeting is
called by the Michigan League Against
War and Militarism to celebrate Na-
tional Youth Day, May 30.
Maurice Sugar, who has spoken
here several times before on various
topics, is a lawyer, writer, and lec-
turer and has been active in the anti-
war movement over 20 years. He is a i
member of the International Labor
Defense, and has traveled extensively,
including in his travels a trip to Soviet,
Russia which he made a few years
Reverend Bollens has also spoken
here before. He discussed "War and
Fascism" at a meeting in the Mich-
igan Union several months ago. Rev-
erend Bollens is chairman of the
American League Against War and
Fascism in Detroit.
Kendall Wood, '34, will speak before
an outdoor meeting in front of the
Times Building in Detroit in the after-
noon on the subject, "Student Role
and Danger of War." The meeting will

American Ambassador's Aide

the w
fery f
the s
the a

Attacked By Cuban Terrorists
VANA, May 28.-()- Anti- forced to lie down to protect them-
ican terrorists today followed up selves from the bullets, he said.
attack on the residence of Am- " to get out of
dor effeson affey byway- We want to tell you t e uo
Ldor Jefferson Caffery by way- Havana within two leeks," Matthews'
g the automobile of the first se - chauffeur, Charles Taylor, of Wash-
indshield. ington, D. C., quoted one of the gun-
men as saying today. "This is your
e first 'secretary, H. Freeman lan t trip t y to.on't drive Mat-
hews, was not in the car at thelatritoow.DntdveM-
One of the four gunmen who any mre."
d the chauffeur to the curb re- The official car was forced to the
ed as he struck the windshield curb by the gunmen's machine, which
his pistol: "This is for Mat- carried no license.plates, Taylor said.
, The attack occured as he was driv-
er the attack, Ambassador Caf- ing along fashionable Fifth Ave., not
evealed that the shooting at his far from the Ambassador's residence,
nce last night, resulting in the after taking Matthews to the Embas-
is injury of a soldier guard, was sy from his home in Country Club
econd such attempt, the house Park.
g been fired upon three weeks The gunmen's threats intensified
the police precautions against anti-
the first attack of his house American elements in Havana, who
is exchanged several shots with were described Saturday by police
ssailants, who *ere riding ifi an officials as plotting to kill the Am-
nobile, Caffery asserted. bassador and destroy property of
o neighbors on the street were citizens of the United States.

In E

blic Apathy

Clancey Lays
Injustices To

Scores I
ude Of2
xchange C

ub Talk

Court Must
Place Of Justice

Foundation To
Re-Establish Its
Old Bible Chair
Church Of Christ Founded
Chair Here, Will Renew
Previous Work
It was announced recently by the
Michigan Christian Foundation, of
which Prof. L. A. Hopkins is the pres-
ident, that the Church of Christ (Dis-
ciples) will re-establish its Bible chair'
work in Ann Arbor July 1.
The Church of Christ was the first
religious body to definitely establish
the teaching of the Bible by the side
of state universities according to Pro-
fessor Hopkins. The first of its ef-
forts was the institution of its Bible
Chair here in Ann Arbor. The first
occupant of this chair, who later be-
came internationally famous, was
Professor-emeritus Herbert L. Willett
of the University of Chicago. Follow-
ing him were Prof. George P. Coler
and in later years Prof. 'Thomas M.
Iden, well known on the campus in
his connection with the "Upper
Since Professor Iden's death the
work of the Church of Christ has
been temporarily suspended. Recent-
ly, however, the Michigan Christian
Foundation has been o r g a n i z e d
through which the Church of Christ
will conduct its student work in Mich-
igan in the future.
Certain endowment funds and
other financial resources have been
made available to the'new Founda-
tion, and, under its auspices, H. L.
Pickerill of Indianapolis has been
appointed to the Bible Chair. He
will become its active director begin-
ning July 1., He will not only have
charge of student work in Ann Arbor
in which the Church of Christ is rep-
resented but will co-operate with Dr.
E. W. Blakeman in setting up an
inter-denominational approach upon
the campus. Mr. Pickerill will also
take the leadership of young people's
work in the State for the Church of
Closing hours for women over Me-
morial Day are 1:30 a.m. Wednesday
morning and 11 p.m. Wednesday
night, it was announced by Dean Alice
C. Lloyd yesterday.
Following Memorial Day, the reg-
ular closingdhours will be resumed,
the dean said.

1935 Michiganensian
Appointments Made
Appointments for the staff of the
1935 Michiganensian were an-
nounced last night by William J.
McFate, '35, managing editor.
McFate named Kenneth G. Hil-
dreth, '35A, Cleveland, to the posi-
tion of art editor. Harriet D. Speiss,
'35, Owosso, was selected women's
editor for the coming year.
Departmental heads who were
named by McFate are: Keith C.I
Lance, '36, St. Johns, administra-
tion; Gerard S. Bogart, '36, ath-
letics; Russel T. Walker, '36, Sault
Ste. Marie, activities; and Foster
Campbell, '36, Englewood, N. J.
seniors. Campbell was also appoint-
ed to the editorship of the Stu-
dent directory.
Woman's department man-
agers who were selected, are: Elea-
nor Young, '36, Oak Park, Ill., ath-
letics; Mary Alice Baxter, '36, Phil-
adelphia, sororities; Dorothy L.
Shappell, '36, Highland Park, fea-
tures; and Dorothy Roth, '36,
Washington, D.C., activities.
Anti-War Group
Sends Protest
To Gov. White
The Michigan League Against War
and Militarism yesterday sent a com-
munication to Governor George White
of Ohio, protesting against the meth-
ods of handling the strike in Toledo.
The letter follows:
"The Michigan League Against War
and Militarism, an organization ded-
icated to oppose and fight war and
its manifestations, has been following
the course of events in the present
Toledo strike very closely. We feel that
the presence of the National Guard
at the present time is wholly un-
necessary and provocative to violence.
The action of the guardsmen in fir-
ing upon the workers and attacking
the workers is to be severely con-
demned, especially in view of the wan-
ton and unnecessary taking of life.
"Such actions can only but help
remind one of the repressive and ter-
rorist methods of Nazi Germany. After
a careful consideration of the affair
we feel that it would be to the best
interests of all concerned to have the
troops recalled. We therefore most
strongly urge you to use all your in-
fluence in the immediate withdrawal
of the National Guardsmen from

People Responsible For
Rebuilding Our Judicial
System, Speaker Says
Scoring the indifferent attitude of
the American people as the reason
for the breakdown of the American
system of justice, Judge James H.
Clancey, Detroit, addressed the mem-
bers of the Exchange Club and their
wives at the semi-annual Ladies'
Night banquet held last night in the
"We must make our courts of law,
courts of justice," Judge Clancey
stated, "if we want to make an end
of organized crime in this country.
Our judicial system has broken down,
and it is up to the people of the
United States to set it up again, for
it will not recover of its own accord."
Common law procedure, which was
adopted from that used in England
250 years before the birth of this na-
tion and which has been outlawed
by the people that wrote it, is the
basis of our outmoded judicial system,
Judge Clancey said. Crime is costing
this country one billion dollars a
month, and we do nothing about it, he
"Police pick up and convict a num-
ber of underlings, but the 'big shots'1
get away to keep on with their ne-
farious trade," the judge stated. "Our
courts of justice are the laughing1
stock of the world. Bribery, techni-J
calities, perjury, and intimidation are
the tools of the criminal lawyer, who
is no better than his rat of a client."
Judge Clancey claimed that con-
nivances on the part of persons in
authority is the only possible reason
for the pardoning of persons who
should be behind the bars, and that
connivance and incompetence are to
blame for most, if not all, of the prison
breaks. Reform of the habitual crim-
inal is impossible, Judge Clancey said,
and they should be "ruthlessly exter-
Solution of the difficulty lies, Judge
Clancey stated, in the formation ofI
laws which will reach the members ofa
the underworld. The rest of the people
would behave themselves without laws,
in his opinion.;
Lantern Dance
To Be Held At
Leaoue Toniot
The second annual Freshman Wom-
en's Lantern Dance will be held to-
night at 9 p.m. in the League ball-
Entertainment will be provided by
Nate Fry's orchestra, presenting sev-
eral specialty numbers, and by Mr.
Roy Hoyer, who will provide a floor
show. Among the entertainers will be
Miss Betty Seitner, Douglas Gregory,
'34, Billy Collins, and Max Goldman,
all novelty dancers.
This dance will mark the opening
of the League Garden to men for the
first time this year. The decorations
will feature the lanterns from which
the ball takes it name, together with
numerous baskets and arrangements
of brightsflowers.n
Billie Carr, '37, general chairman,
has been assisted by Jane Edmonson,I
'37, entertainment chairman, Mary
Jane Greenstone, '37, chairman of
music, Saxon Finch, '37, decorations
chairman, Elaine Cobe, '37, chairman
of finance and publicity, and Betty
Kelly, '37, chairman of the floor com-
The following freshman women
served on the several committees: en-
tertainment, Jean Fields, Kate Lan-
drum, Thelma Chasman, Eva Schnei-
derman, and Edith Zerbe; music,
Marjorie Turner, Gretchen Lehman,
and Marion ponaldson; decorations,
Peggy Abbot, Charlotte Hamilton,

Jewel Wuerfel, Jean Hatcher, Ona
Thornton, Mary Neal, and Betty Anne
Beebe; finance and publicity; Vir-
ginia Rapp, Rita Wellman, Evelyn
Bluestein, Mary Louise Willoughby,
and Betty Miller; floor, Francis
O'Dell, Jean Gibbs, and Jane O'Far-

Council Is To
Decide Upon
Future Today
Undergraduate Group To
Make Choice Between
Revision Or Dissolution
Bursley Urges All
Members To Come
Proposed Plan Provides
For Reorganization Of
Meeting at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Union, the new members of the Un-
dergraduate Council will decide on
plans for a revised organization or
will accomplish a complete dissolu-
tion of the old body.
The new representatives will meet
with the retiring members who voted
at their last meeting to take no action
antil the new men, who will be in
school next year, were selected. Gil-
bert E. Bursley, '34, president, has
urged all council men, new and old,
to be present at the meeting.
Under the present constitution,
election to the Council is automatic,
each student holding an important
campus position becoming a member
"ex officio." Previous to this year
there has been a general campus
election to select the representatives.
A proposed plan, which will be de-
bated today, provides for the abolition
of the present membership basis, ex-
changing it for one by which leaders
in active campus organizations would
receive membership. Under this plan
provision would be made so that all
campus groups, considering them-
selves of general interest and activity
to merit it, could make application
for representation in the Council.
This change is planned, according
to Bursley, in the hope of broadening
the activities of the council and en-
couraging student interest.
Prominent Men O
CInampus Are To Be
Lane HFall's Guests
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, head of
the department of Mechanical Engi-
neering, director of student and alum-
ni relations, will be the principal
speaker at a dinner for leaders of
various campus activities to be held
at 6:15 tonight in the Cabinet Room
of Lane Hall, it was announced yes-
terday by Irving F. Levitt, director of
publicity for the Student Christian
The purpose of the banquet, Levitt
said, is to promote closer co-opera-
tion among the various student activ-
ities on the campus, and it will be
instituted as an annual event from
now on.
Those who will attend the dinner
are Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor of religion, William G. Ferris,
'35, managing editor of the Daily,
Allen D. McCombs, '35, president of
the Union, Maxine E. Maynard, '35,
president of the League, Ruth M.
Root, '35Ed., president of the Women's
Athletic Association, Betty Aigler, '35,
president of the Pan-Hellenic'Associa-
tion, Eleanor B. Blum, '35, women's
editor of the Daily, Philip A. Single-
ton, '35, president of the Interfrater-
nity Council, Eric W. Hall, '35, man-
aging editor of the Gargoyle, Russell
F. Anderson, '36, president of the

Student Christian Association, and
Patricia L. Woodward, '35, vice-pres-

John C. Healey Elected
Michigamua President
John C. Healey, '35, was elected
president of Michigamua, senior
honorary society, for the coming
year at a recent meeting of the
Robert J. Renner, '35, was named
vice-president; Robert S. Ward, '35,
secretary; and J. Carl Hilty, '35,
Healey is city editor of the Daily
and a member of Aipha Delta Phi
fraternity. Renner is co-captain
elect of the Varsity swimming
team. Ward is the newly-appoint-
ed credit manager f the Daily and
a member of Theta Delta Chi fra-
ternity. Hilty is the newly-appoint-
ed manager of the Summer Stu-
dent Directory and a member of
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.
Bell Telephone
Complies With
State Demand
Charges Reduced A f t e r
Rate Order By Public
Utilities Commission'
DETROIT, May 28.-()-With-
out making an appeal to a higher
court, the Michigan Bell Telephone
Co., announced here today that it
would comply with the order of the
State Public Utilities Commission is-
sued May 9, reducing rural phone
rates, providing an optional rate ba-
sis for Detroit users, and eliminating
the hand set charge for those who had
paid the rental for 18 months.
The announcement was made by G.
F. Welch, vice-president and general
manager of the company, who said
the action was taken "to avoid fur-
ther costly litigation."
The telephone company will make
a formal protest to the commission
that its revenues are already inade-
quate and then put the rate changes
into effect on the date of the June
bill for service mailed to each cus-
Welch explained that the entire
que5JiQf 4 prpper rltVil~aJe,
to the settlement of the rate case
now pending in the courts.
Compliance with the Commission's
order will mean areduction of 25
cents a month on rural phones. Pa-
trons who have paid 25 cents a month
extra rental on the hand set phones
for 18 months will be relieved of the
charge, although the company's or-
der does not contemplate a' refund
for those who have paid longer than
18 months.
Detroit users on one and two-party
residential lines will have the choice
of taking a flat monthly rate of $6 a
month for single party and $4.50 a
month for two-party lines, or re-
maining on the present metered sys-
Kappa TauAlpha
Elects New Officers
At a meeting held late Saturday
night after the initiation of new mem-
bers, Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary
journalism fraternity, elected its new
officers for the coming school year.
Frank J. Russell, Jr., '35, Marquette,
was elected to the presidency of the
organization. Russell was recently
awarded the bronze medal of the Mc-
Naught Journalism Awards for the
best reportorial work of the year on
the Michigan Journalist, and is a
member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity.

John A. Babington, '35, Sault Ste.
Marie, was elected vice-president, and
Corola R. Gibson, '35, Battle Creek,
was chosen as secretary-treasurer.

Zona Gale
Famous Authoress Is To
Deliver Address Friday
On 'Writing As Design'
Hopwood Winners
Will Be Announced
Was At One Time Stafd
Member On New York
And Wisconsin Papers
Announcement that Zona Gale, dis-
tinguished American novelist, will de-
liver the third annual Hopwood Lec-
ture was made last night by Prof. Roy
W. Cowden of the English depart-
ment, chairman of the committee on
the Hopwood Awards. Miss Gale will
speak on "Writing As Design," at 4
p.m., June 1, in the Union Ballroom.
Professor Cowden stated that names
of Hopwood prize winners in all di-
visions of the contests will be an-
nounced at the time of the lecture,
and not beforehand as in previous
years. Names of the judges will also
be given at that time, he said.
Miss Gale is well known as the au-
thor of numerous popular novels, in
addition to several volumes of short
stories, verse, and plays. Among her
works are "Miss Lulu Bett," "Faint
Perfume," "Pref ace to Life," and
Worked On Newspapers
She is a native American, residing
today in the town of her birth, Port-
age, Wis. She has served on the staffs
of Milwaukee papers and the old New
York World besides being known as
a contributor to various magazines.
The first of the Hopwood Lectures
was delivered in 1932 by Prof. Robert
Morss Lovett of the University of Chi-
cago. Max Eastman was the lecturer
last year. The Hopwood Awards con-
test itself was established in 1930-31
under the terms of the will of Avery
Hopwood, '15, eminent American dra-
matist, by which one-fifth ofhis
estate was set aside for the purpose
of the contest.
Minor And Major Awards
The contest is divided into two
groups, embracing minor and major
awards. The former are open to senior
and graduate students properly qual-
ified, while the minors are open to
all undergraduates. In 1932, the Com-
mittee established a special contest
for freshmen. Approximately $9,500
was granted in prizes to winning con-
testants last year. In the three years
since the establishing of the contest,
the Committee has distributed $35,-
600 in prize money.
Prizes To Be Given
The announcement of award win-
ners and judges, Professor Cowden
said, will be made immediately fol-
lowingMiss Gale's lecture. This will in
turn be followed by a tea which will
be given in the fourth floor lounge of
the Union.
Members of the committee in addi-
tion to ProfessorCowden are Profes-
sors Howard Mumford Jones, Louis A.
Strauss, Erich A. Walter, Bennett
Weaver, all of the English department,
and Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the
philosophy department.
Gloom Prevails
At Opening Of
Armns Parley

~ y
Selena Royle Is Selected To
Replace Violet Kemble-Cooper
Following last night's production of a very subtle and strange part. We
"Meet My Sister," the continental I all regard Miss Cooper as one of the
musical comedy now current in the great actresses in this country, but
Dramatic Season at the Lydia Men- both Miss Cooper and myself mu-
delssohn Theatre, Robert Henderson tually agreed, especially following
announced a change in the cast of her great success in 'The Brontes,'
Keith Winter's "The Shining Hour," that it would be inadvisable for her
which succeeds "Meet My Sister" to- to play this part which did not ideally
morrow night. fit her personality. The role of Ma-
Selena Royle, instead of Violet . riella is both villain and heroine.'
Kemble-Cooper, will play the leading Against her will she attracts men
role of Mariella Linden in "The Shin- and causes deep disturbance in the
ing Hour." Miss Royle has been in Linden family. Such a part requires
Ann )rbor since Friday completing a warm and glowing personality,
the rehearsals for the new show. She which we feel Seleria Royle has ideal-
is regarded in New York as one of ly."
the most beautiful actresses on the "The Shining Hour" is now play-:
stage. The wife of Eugene Larri- ing at the Booth Theatre in New York
more, Miss Royle was co-starred with City under the management of Max

Statistics Show 80 Per Cent Of
Teaching Graduates Have Work

The latest statistics tabulated froml
the questionnaires submitted to Mich- J
igan alumni, who have graduated
during the last four years with teach-
ers' certificates, show that over 80
per cent are now employed, and 44
per cent of these are teaching.
Dr. George E. Myers, chairman
of the advisory committee of the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information, is in charge of
this compilation, and he has as his
main objective the determining of
how Michigan graduates are meeting
the present economic conditions, and
the ascertaining of what measures the
University can best use to aid its pres-
ent and former students in making
the necessary readjustments.

proved that although some graduates
have been unemployed more than 25
months, a majority of the earlier
classes have had less than four
months of idle time. However, in the
last classes of the two years the un-
employment period has been propor-
tionally a great deal longer.
Other results showed that 14 per
cent of the graduates of the 1932
and 1933 classes who are employed
receive less than $500 a year, and 35
per cent of them earn less than $750.
In answer to the question as to
how, leisure time was spent, the men
graduates declared indoor sports were
their chief recreation. Outdoor sports
(hunting, fishing, and the like) were
second in line, followed in order by

GENVEA, May 28.- (A') -A gloomy
atmosphere prevailed today as dele-
gates to the disarmament conference
made plans to open their discussions
The impression was general, after
a rather perfunctory meeting of the
steering committee, that European
nations were sparring for position,
each determined not to be held re-
sponsible for a collapse of the confer-
Hope that Norman Davis, United
States representative, or Maxim Lit-
vinoff, Soviet Commissar of Foreign
Affairs, may have a proposal which
would prevent a complete failure was
expressed in some quarters.
Davis was expected to recommend
stricter supervision of traffic in arms
and munitions be undertaken. Litvi-
noff is looked to for a plan of mu-
tual assistance pacts. Arthur Hender-
son, chairman of the conference,
warned the steering committee that
"the gravity of the situation com-
mands more than ever the unflagging
determination to secure a conven-


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