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May 27, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-27

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staff of the National Organization for
Public Health Nursing in New York
City will give a lecture to, the stu-
dents majoring in Public Health
Nursing and the Board Members and
Staff of the Ann Arbor Public Health
Nursing Association on May 29 at
10 o'clock, room 4082, Natural Sci-
ence Building.

eared in compliance with the regu- Exhibitons
tions of the Regents. Exhibition Architectural Building:
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian Part of the work of the Historic
American Buildings Survey in Michi-
Social Directors, Chaperons, House- gan consisting of drawings and pho-
sads, Undergraduate Women: Since tographs of Greek Revival buildings
ie Judiciary Council ceases to func- in Michigan is now on view in the
on with the beginning of examina- ground floor corridor, open daily 9'
ons, any infraction of the house to 5 through Saturday; Jane 2. The
iles is to be referred to the office of public is cordially invited.
ie Dean of Women.
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women The 5th Annual Exhibitionof
Sculpture of the Division of Fine
Social Directors, Chaperons, House- Arts on display daily at the Michigan
Bads, Undergraduate Women: Per- League until June 20.
ission to leave Ann Arbor between
laminations must be obtained from Events Today
he office of the Dean of Women.. Presbyterian Student Appointments
Jeannette Perry, 7:30 Sunday Morning Breakfast.
Asst. Dean of Women Meet at Church House.
Social Directors, Chaperons, House- 10:45 Morning Worship. "The Ap-
eads, Undergraduaite Women: Regu- peal of the Heart." Rev. Will Case
r house rules will be in force during of Reno; Nevada.d
ie examination period and as long 5:30 Social Hour and Supper-
he eamnstinsrioandrsdeng.Church House. Come early for an
m any students remain in residence, outdoor vesper service. Picture will
Women students, except seniors,betkn
re expected to leave as soon as their be taken
ist examination has been taken. ative3 Lin Mr. Robet re
ny student wishing to remain longer Spring.artyto berld attH
ian he ay flloingher astex- Spring Party to be held at the Hu-
ran the day following her last ex- ron Hills Country Club Tuesday night,
mination is requested to secure per- May 29. Transportation to be pro-
xission at the office of the Dean of vided from the Church House. Must
Jeannette Perry, make reservations.
Asst. Dean of Women
Stalker Hall: Annual Senior Meet-
Social Directors, Chaperons, House- ing at the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. H.
eads, Undergraduate Women: There B. Earhart. Professor Howard Mc-
hall be no over-night guest in any Clusky and Francis Bennett, '34, will
pproved undergraduate house or speak. All students urged to be at
ormitory during the examination the Hall at 5:30 p.m. promptly. A
eriod. picnic supper will be held out there.
Summer Work for Foreign Stu- First Methodist Church: At 10:45,
Summr Wrk fr Freig St- "Freud Analyzes Christ," sermon by
ents: I would like to find work for Dr. Frederick B. Fisher. First Meth-
>om and board for two well qualified odist Episcopal church, State and
reign students for the summer. Wditopstrects.
lease calY my office, phone 2147, Washington streets.
etween 1:30 and 5:00. Harris Hall: At 7:00 p.m. the Rev-
J. Raleigh Nelson, erend Henry Lewis will lead the dis-
Counsellor to Foreign cussion group. Tht general topic will
Students be "What Fields of Activity are Left
to Religion?"
Varsity Band: There will be no re-
earsal Monday. Meet at Morris Hall Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
rental t8:0mparade. FullWensaoth uniform i and Services of worship today are: 8:00
zarehintlforids.F n ma.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
iarching folios. Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
Druids: There will be a meeting at garten; 11:00 a.m. Anniversary Serv-
2 noon today in the Union g ice, commemorating the eighty-sixth
birthday and the forty-sixth anni-
versary of the ordination to the min-
Academic Notices istry of the Reverend Henry Hatlock,
Geology 11 and 31: A moving pic- D.D., rector emeritus of St. An-
ure of the recent eruption of Kraka- drew's Church who will preach the
ao in the East Indies will be shown sermon.
n the N atural Science Auditorium at
:00 and 11:00 Monday morning, May Young Peoples Society, Church of
Christ (Disciples): Subject for Sun-
All interested are cordially invited day evening, "Modern Philosophies."
> attend. Please occupy seats in the Tea at 5:00 o'clock, meeting at 530.
ear of the Auditorium.
Lutheran Student Club: Regular
meeting 5:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran
Lecture Parish Hall. This week's meeting is
Miss Evelyn Davis of the official in honor of the seniors: Senior Ban-

quet. All members are urged to be
Fellowship of Liberal Religion' (Un-
itarian): 10:45. Professor Preston
Slosson speaks on "Nationalism vs.
Members of Beta Kappa Rho are
invited to the annual picnicand busi-
ness meeting today. Please meet in
the lobby of the Michigan League
Building promptly at 4:30 o'clock.
Outing for Graduate Students: The
Graduate Outing Club, will hold a1
supper hike today leaving Angell
Hall at 3:00 p.m. No reservations are
necessary. Bring 25 cents to cover,
expenses All graduate students are
invited to come.
Coming Cvents
Botanical Seminar meets Tuesday,
May 29, at 4:30, room 1139 N. S.
Bldg. Paper by G. W. Fischer-
"Comparative study of Puccinia ru-
bigo-vera and Puccinia tomipara on
wild grasses."
Physics Colloquium: Mr. Howard C.
Hoyt will speak on the "Index of Re-
fraction of X-Rays in Cerussite" at
4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Room 1041, East
Physics Bldg. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend,
Interpretive Arts Society - Mem-
bers: All members of the Interpretive
Arts Society and their guests are in-
vited to a picnic supper and an out-
door recital of scenes from "The Mer-
chant of Venice" to be given by the
class in Oral Interpretation of Dra-
matic Literature (Speech 164) at the
home of Professor and Mrs. Hollis-
ter, Thursday, May 31, beginning at
5 p.m. Those intending to attend
the supper must notify one of the
following'' not later than Tuesday,
May 29: Helen Jenne, 5032; William
Dickert, 5680; Dorothy Saunders,
Bibliophiles of Faculty Women's
Club will meet with Mrs. F. R. Finch,
1619 South University Avenue, Tues-
day, May 29, at 2:30 p.m.
Michigan League Against War and
Militarism will meet at 5 p.m. Mon-
day, Upper Room, Lane Hall. Final
plans for National Youth Day and
summerractivity will be completed.
All students are invited.'
May 30, National Youth Day, dedi-
cated to opposition to war by all anti-
war organizations will be celebrated
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Lane Hall
under the auspices of the Michigan
League Against War and Militarism.
Rev. J. H. Bollens and Maurice Sugar
of Detroit will speak. Everyone is in-
A.I.Ch.E.: Business meeting Mon-
day, 7:30 p.m. in the chapter room.
Election of officers for next year will

Houses Asked
To Give Names
Of Members
interfralernity Council To
Co-Operate With Group
On Handbook
Fraternities were asked yesterdayE
by Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, secretary-!
treasurer of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, to turn in the names of all their
members and officers for the Fresh-
man Handbook by Tuesday. Blanks
for this purpose have been sent to all
Fraternities who have not paid their
annual assessment were also warned
that if their dues are notpaid by the
end of this semester they will not have
a page in the Handbook.'
In interpreting the new rushing as-
sessment for all students contemplat-
ing pledging a fraternity, Schleifer
said that this tax of 50 cents was
passed partially to prevent students
with no intentions of pledging a fra-
ternity from "sponging" meals during
the rushing period.
The annual fraternity assessment
will be reduced, dependent upon the
number of rushees who pay their fees.
Schleifer wished to make clear that
the rule did not prohibit fraternities
from rushing students who have not
paid their dues, but they will be doing
it at their own risk.
Historical Exhibit
Shows Old Houses
Photographs and drawings of old
Ann Arbor and other Michigan homes
and buildings are now on exhibition in
the ground floor corridor of the Archi-
tectural Building. The exhibit is part
of the work of the Historical American
Buildings Survey in Michigan.
Among those shown are the Wilson-
Wahr and Anderson houses of Ann
Arbor, the Judge Dexter mansion at
Dexter, and the Ballard house of Ypsi-
lanti. Also included are houses at
Marshall, the church of S.S. Peter an4
Paul at Detroit and the old arsenal at
The exhibition is free and will be
open daily from 9 to 6 excepting Sun-
MARIETTA, 0., May 26. - (A") -
Rioting broke out in Marietta College
late last night and continued after
midnight, the outgrowth of a cam-
pus election in which the co-eds were
chosen for Student Council offices
for the first time in the college his-
tory. Police reserves detained a half
dozen students.
Windows and doors of the frater-
nity houses were smashed by the riot-

Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at live
o'clock previous to day of insertions.!
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra cliarge.
Cash in Advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of fiv average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Mininim three lines per insertion.
Telephone ate-15c per reading liue for.
one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
;i nsertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Mnium three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
inonth ........... ..c
4 lines E.O., 2 months.. c
2 lines daily, college year.. 7c
4 lines E. s. D., college year ....7c.
i00 lines used as desired ......9c
300 lines used as desired.......8e
r 1.000 lines used as desired ...7c
2,000 lines used as desired ...6c.
'he above rates are per reading line,
based on eight readig lines per inch of
7% point Ionic type, upper zand lower
case, Adel 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add a6cper line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.
FOR RENT: Gas station, rustic store,
and three overnight cabins on Pic-
tured Rocks Trail where hundreds
of cars pass daily. A good proposi-
tion for two college students. Write
Wahkonsa Hotel, Munising, Mich.

suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chii-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 5x
STUDENT graduating would like
someone to share unusual living
quarters in a private home in De-
troit. Address Box 60. Michigan
Daily. 482
STUDENT is driving 1934 Chevrolet
sedan to Los Angeles about June
8. Room for three. Call Keeton at
2-3528, between 6 and 8 p.m.
WANTED: Used clothing. Best prices
paid for men's clothes and shoes.
Phone 3317. I Friedman. 468
STRAYED: Small reddish yellow dog.
Pointed ears, silky tuft on head. Last
seen Saturday afternoon on S. Uni-
versity between Washtenaw and
Forest. Eight years old. Sickly but
beloved family pet. Reward if re-
turned to Lockwood, 2 Hillside
Court. Phone 7801. 485
months old. Husky peppy dogs.
Pedigreed. Sunday only. 1214 Wash-
tenaw. 484
MONDAY and Wednesday, Marcel or
shampoo and finger wave, 50c.
Raggedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561.


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take place.

ers who were scattered by police.

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TOMORROW at 8:15, thru Wednesday Matinee
The Biggest Hit the Festivals Have Ever Known
Olive WALTER Dorothy
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